Represent nested list as an array of strings [closed] - javascript

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I have a list which could look like this:
let list = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [
name: "Level 4A",
children: []
name: "Level 3B",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],
As you can see it consists of elements with 2 properties: name and children. This is simple list but it can be nested many levels down and each element could have a lot of children.
Based on that list i want to create array of arrays of strings e.g.
let levels = [
["Level 1"],
["Level 1", "Level 2"],
["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3A"],
["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3A", "Level 4A"],
["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3B"],
["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3C"],
So as you can see each 'row' of my list has a representation in my levels array.
Could you help me write achieve that?

You can define a function to traverse the tree structure whilst accumulating the path along the way.
function getLevels(list) {
const levels = [];
const searchForLevels = ({ name, children }, path) => {
levels.push([...path, name]);
children.forEach(child => searchForLevels(child, path));
list.forEach(child => searchForLevels(child, []));
return levels;
let list = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [
name: "Level 4A",
children: []
name: "Level 3B",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],

This can be done by traversing the tree and printing the path taken at each step
let list = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [
name: "Level 4A",
children: []
name: "Level 3B",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],
let root = list[0]
function Traverse (root, path){
console.log(path + " " +
root.children.forEach(child => Traverse (child, path + " " +;
Traverse(root, "");

You could do it by writing a recursive function.
Though on SO, usually, people would suggest you try to solve it yourself first. But I myself find that writing recursive functions is not an easy task (in terms of understanding how it works). So I'm happy to give you a hand.
const recursion = ({ name, children }, accumulator = []) => {
if (name) accumulator.push(name);
children.forEach((element) => recursion(element, [...accumulator]));
// have to store accumulator in new reference,
// so it would avoid override accumulators of other recursive calls
let list = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [
name: "Level 4A",
children: [],
name: "Level 3B",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],
const res = [];
const recursion = ({ name, children }, accumulator = []) => {
if (name) accumulator.push(name);
children.forEach((element) => recursion(element, [...accumulator]));
list.forEach((element) => recursion(element));

You could take flatMap with a recursive callback.
getPathes = ({ name, children }) => children.length
? children.flatMap(getPathes).map(a => [name, ...a])
: [[name]],
list = [{ name: "Level 1", children: [{ name: "Level 2", children: [{ name: "Level 3A", children: [{ name: "Level 4A", children: [] }] }, { name: "Level 3B", children: [] }, { name: "Level 3C", children: [] }] }] }],
pathes = list.flatMap(getPathes);
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Filter through multiple levels nested array

I have a list which could look like this:
let list = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [],
name: "Level 3B",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],
As you can see it consists of elements with 2 properties: name and children.
This is simple list but it can be nested many levels down and each element could have a lot of children.
Moreover i have sample array of arrays of strings like this:
const filterRows = [
["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3A"],
["level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3C"]
Each of this 2 arrays of strings represents each 'row' in my list. (Here we don't have ["level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3B"])
My goal is to make something like filter. So based on filterRows i want my list to be:
let filteredList = [
name: "Level 1",
children: [
name: "Level 2",
children: [
name: "Level 3A",
children: [],
name: "Level 3C",
children: [],
As you can see in filteredList we only have rows specified in filterRows (so here we don't have "Level 3B")
Could you help me create function to do that?
As i said list (initial list) could be much more complicated I simplify it. Also filterRows can be different (but always correctly represent some rows in our list). So it cannot be hardcoded.
With matching strings, you could build a tree and rebuild the structure with the wanted items.
filter = level => (r, { name, children }) => {
const next = level[name];
if (next) {
if (Object.keys(next).length) children = children.reduce(filter(next), []);
r.push({ name, children });
return r;
list = [{ name: "Level 1", children: [{ name: "Level 2", children: [{ name: "Level 3A", children: [] }, { name: "Level 3B", children: [] }, { name: "Level 3C", children: [] }] }] }],
filterRows = [["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3A"], ["Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 3C"]],
tree = filterRows.reduce((r, a) => {
a.reduce((o, k) => o[k] ??= {}, r);
return r;
}, {}),
result = list.reduce(filter(tree), []);
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Get object's serial number based on depth in javascript

I have this array of deeply nested objects
id: 1,
name: "task 1",
wbs: 1
children: [
id: 2,
name: "task 1.1",
wbs: 1.1
children: []
id: 1,
name: "task 2",
wbs: 2
children: [
id: 2,
name: "task 2.1",
wbs: 2.1
children: [
id: 2,
name: "task 2.1.1",
wbs: 2.1.1
children: []
id: 1,
name: "task 3",
wbs: 3
children: []
The wbs number should be generated according to the position and depth the object is at. How can I generate this number when I push a new object to the array.
That is, if I push a new object to the children array of task 1, the wbs number should be 1.2. How can I achieve this?
Because arrays keep a reliable insertion order, we can do this rather easily actually! We can even create a simple prototype function to streamline this process if you're doing this often in your project:
let obj = [
{ id: 1, name: "task 1", wbs: "1", children: [ { id: 2, name: "task 1.1", wbs: "1.1", children: [] } ] },
{ id: 1, name: "task 2", wbs: "2", children: [ { id: 2, name: "task 2.1", wbs: "2.1", children: [ { id: 2, name: "task 2.1.1", wbs: "2.1.1", children: [] } ] } ] },
{ id: 1, name: "task 3", wbs: "3", children: [] }
Array.prototype.wbsPush = function() {
const array = this;
if (!array.every(el => el.wbs)) return false;
const previousWbs = array[array.length - 1].wbs;
const newWbs = previousWbs.split('.').reverse().map((e,i) => i ? e : parseInt(e) + 1).reverse().join('.');
array.push({ id: array[array.length - 1].id + 1, name: `task ${newWbs}`, wbs: newWbs, children: [] });
obj.wbsPush(); // -> wbs: 4
obj[0].children.wbsPush(); // -> wbs: 1.2

How to get all specific values from an array of objects with nested arrays of objects?

I have an array:
const arr = [
name: "name 1",
dontShow: true,
children: [
name: "name 2",
key4: 4,
dontShow: false,
children: [],
name: "name 3",
dontShow: false,
children: [
name: "name 4",
dontShow: true,
children: [
name: "name 5",
dontShow: false,
children: null,
I need an array of names from every object, except those that have property dontShow: true
So from that example I would expect such array:
["name2", "name3", "name5"]
Basically, I need to get a flat array from tree-like structure, lodash/underscore solutions would be also great, I just didn't find them
You can use a recursive function
const arr = [{ name: "name 1", dontShow: true, children: [{ name:"name 2", key4: 4, dontShow: false, children: [], }, ],},{name: "name 3",dontShow: false,children: [{ name: "name 4", dontShow: true, children: [{ name: "name 5", dontShow: false, children: null,},],}, ],},];
let final = (arr, result = []) => {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
arr.forEach(obj => {
if (!obj.dontShow) {
if (Array.isArray(obj.children)) {
final(obj.children, result)
return result
You could get a flat array of names with a look to dontShow.
getNames = array => array.flatMap(({ name, dontShow, children }) => [
...(dontShow ? [] : [name]),
...getNames(children || [])
array = [{ name: "name 1", dontShow: true, children: [{ name: "name 2", key4: 4, dontShow: false, children: [] }] }, { name: "name 3", dontShow: false, children: [{ name: "name 4", dontShow: true, children: [{ name: "name 5", dontShow: false, children: null, }] }] }],
result = getNames(array);

What's an efficient way to flatten/un-nest a nested object with an unknown level of nesting?

I have a nested object that has an unknown depth of nesting to it. Here is an example.
var a =
title: "parent1",
id: "1",
children: [{
title: "child 1",
id: 2,
parentid: 1
}, {
title: "child 2",
id: 3,
parentid: 1
}, {
title: "parent 2",
id: 4,
children: [{
title: "child 1",
id: 5,
parentid: 4,
children: [{
title: "GRAND CHILD",
id: 6,
parentid: 5
Here is my code that i've tried... it works but only if i know how far down to unnest... it's also probably not the most efficient
function removeNesting(t){
let flatTree = [];
for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++){
let parent = t[i];
for(var ii = 0;ii<parent.children.length;ii++){
//now that all the children are added to the flatTree remove
them from the parent and add the parent
delete parent.children;
Any help would be great! Thanks!
I would love to have these all un-nested at any given level.
You could use (upcoming) Array#flatMap and get objects without children.
const untree = ({ children = [], }) => [data, ...children.flatMap(untree)];
var tree = [{ title: "parent1", id: "1", children: [{ title: "child 1", id: 2, parentid: 1 }, { title: "child 2", id: 3, parentid: 1 }] }, { title: "parent 2", id: 4, children: [{ title: "child 1", id: 5, parentid: 4, children: [{ title: "GRAND CHILD", id: 6, parentid: 5 }] }] }],
result = tree.flatMap(untree);
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convert recursive array of object to nested or recursive object in javascript

I have recursive array of object collection which need to convert to object,
I tried something like below but I want dynamically.
Can anyone give suggestions or share your ideas it will helpful for me
let arr = list;
const jsonObj = {};
const arrayToObject = (array, keyField) =>
array.reduce((obj, item) => {
obj[item[keyField]] = item
return obj
}, {})
arr.forEach((item) => {
jsonObj[item.key] = {};
if(item.children.length > 0) {
jsonObj[item.key] = arrayToObject(item.children, 'key');
list = [
key: "Parent 1",
value: "",
children: [
{ key: 11, value: "Child 1", children: [] },
{ key: 12, value: "Child 2", children: [] }
key: "Parent 2",
value: "",
children: [
key: 20,
value: "",
children: [
{ key: 21, value: "Grand Child 1", children: [] },
{ key: 22, value: "Grand Child 2", children: [] }
key: "Parent 3",
value: "",
children: [
{ key: 31, value: "Child 1", children: [] },
{ key: 32, value: "Child 2", children: [] }
"Parent 1": {
"11": "Child 1",
"12": "Child 2",
"Parent 2": {
"20": {
"21": "Grand Child 1",
"22": "Grand Child 2",
"Parent 3": {
"31": "Child 1",
"32": "Child 2",
You could use reduce to recursively loop the array. If the current object has a non-zero children array, call transform recursively. Else, use the value for key in the accumulator
const list = [{key:"Parent 1",value:"",children:[{key:11,value:"Child 1",children:[]},{key:12,value:"Child 2",children:[]}]},{key:"Parent 2",value:"",children:[{key:20,value:"",children:[{key:21,value:"Grand Child 1",children:[]},{key:22,value:"Grand Child 2",children:[]}]}]},{key:"Parent 3",value:"",children:[{key:31,value:"Child 1",children:[]},{key:32,value:"Child 2",children:[]}]}];
function transform(array) {
return array.reduce((r, { key, value, children }) => {
if (children.length)
r[key] = transform(children)
r[key] = value;
return r;
}, {})
One-liner using arrow function and Object.assgin():
const transform = (array) => array.reduce((r, { key, value, children }) =>
Object.assign(r, { [key]: children.length ? transform(children): value }), {})

