Ending a p5js game when the score becomes 200 - javascript

I have made a small trex game, but I'm having a bit trouble here. Whenever the score becomes 300, the game ends. I am not sure how I'm supposed to do that. What I have tried is making an if condition and giving it score === and score = 200, the game should end. Thanks.
(Also I wrote this code 7 months ago I am just working on some improvements here)
var trex, trex_running, trex_collided;
var ground, invisibleGround, groundImage;
var PLAY = 1;
var END = 0;
var gameState = PLAY;
var gameOver, restart, gameOverImage, restartImage;
var score = 0;
var cloudsGroup, cloudImage;
var obstaclesGroup, obstacle1, obstacle2, obstacle3, obstacle4, obstacle5, obstacle6;
//var score;
function preload() {
trex_running = loadAnimation("Screen Shot 2021-04-05 at 8.47.52 PM.png");
trex_collided = loadImage("trex_collided.png");
restartImage = loadImage("restart.png");
gameOverImage = loadImage("gameOver.png");
groundImage = loadImage("ground2.png");
cloudImage = loadImage("cloud.png");
obstacle1 = loadImage("obstacle1.png");
obstacle2 = loadImage("obstacle2.png");
obstacle3 = loadImage("obstacle3.png");
obstacle4 = loadImage("obstacle4.png");
obstacle5 = loadImage("obstacle5.png");
obstacle6 = loadImage("obstacle6.png");
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 200);
trex = createSprite(50, 180, 20, 50);
trex.addAnimation("running", trex_running);
trex.scale = 0.1;
ground = createSprite(200, 180, 400, 20);
ground.addImage("ground", groundImage);
ground.x = ground.width / 2;
ground.velocityX = -(4 + 3 * score / 100);
invisibleGround = createSprite(200, 190, 400, 10);
invisibleGround.visible = false;
cloudsGroup = new Group();
obstaclesGroup = new Group();
gameOver = createSprite(300, 100, 10, 10);
gameOver.scale = 0.5;
gameOver.visible = false;
restart = createSprite(300, 140, 10, 10);
restart.scale = 0.5
restart.visible = false;
function draw() {
text("Score: " + score, 500, 50);
if (gameState == PLAY) {
score = score + Math.round(getFrameRate() / 60);
if (keyDown("space")) {
trex.velocityY = -10;
trex.velocityY = trex.velocityY + 0.8
if (ground.x < 0) {
ground.x = ground.width / 2;
if (obstaclesGroup.isTouching(trex)) {
gameState = END;
} else if (gameState === END) {
gameOver.visible = true;
restart.visible = true;
//set velcity of each game object to 0
ground.velocityX = 0;
trex.velocityY = 0;
//change the trex animation
trex.addAnimation("trex_collided", trex_collided);
//set lifetime of the game objects so that they are never destroyed
if (mousePressedOver(restart)) {
text('Mrs K, survive all the obstacles, and save the students!', 10, 30);
function spawnClouds() {
//write code here to spawn the clouds
if (frameCount % 60 === 0) {
var cloud = createSprite(600, 120, 40, 10);
cloud.y = Math.round(random(80, 120));
cloud.scale = 0.5;
cloud.velocityX = -3;
//assign lifetime to the variable
cloud.lifetime = 200;
//adjust the depth
cloud.depth = trex.depth;
trex.depth = trex.depth + 1;
//add each cloud to the group
function spawnObstacles() {
if (frameCount % 60 === 0) {
var obstacle = createSprite(600, 165, 10, 40);
obstacle.velocityX = -(4 + 3 * score / 100);
//generate random obstacles
var rand = Math.round(random(1, 6));
switch (rand) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
//assign scale and lifetime to the obstacle
obstacle.scale = 0.5;
obstacle.lifetime = 300;
//add each obstacle to the group
function reset() {
gameState = PLAY;
gameOver.visible = false;
restart.visible = false;
trex.addAnimation("trex", trex_running);
score = 0;

Have you tried it in your draw function? You could do something like,
if (mousePressedOver(restart) || score >= 200) {


How would I add a level system for the score increasing?

I am making a slight Tetris remake and I wanted to add a leveling system for when my score reaches, for example, 100, the speed that the blocks go down will also increase. How would I go about doing this? I have the entirety of the javascript code right here so please let me know what I can do to fix it:
// base helper methods
function get(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
function hide(id) { get(id).style.visibility = 'hidden'; }
function show(id) { get(id).style.visibility = null; }
function html(id, html) { get(id).innerHTML = html; }
function timestamp() { return new Date().getTime(); }
function random(min, max) { return (min + (Math.random() * (max - min))); }
function randomChoice(choices) { return choices[Math.round(random(0, choices.length-1))]; }
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback, element) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
// game constants
var KEY = { ESC: 27, SPACE: 32, LEFT: 37, UP: 38, RIGHT: 39, DOWN: 40 },
DIR = { UP: 0, RIGHT: 1, DOWN: 2, LEFT: 3, MIN: 0, MAX: 3 },
stats = new Stats(),
canvas = get('canvas'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
ucanvas = get('upcoming'),
uctx = ucanvas.getContext('2d'),
speed = { start: 0.6, decrement: 0.005, min: 0.1 }, // how long before piece drops by 1 row (seconds)
nx = 10, // width of tetris court (in blocks)
ny = 20, // height of tetris court (in blocks)
nu = 5; // width/height of upcoming preview (in blocks)
// game variables (initialized during reset)
var dx, dy, // pixel size of a single tetris block
blocks, // 2 dimensional array (nx*ny) representing tetris court - either empty block or occupied by a 'piece'
actions, // queue of user actions (inputs)
playing, // true|false - game is in progress
dt, // time since starting this game
current, // the current piece
next, // the next piece
score, // the current score
vscore, // the currently displayed score (it catches up to score in small chunks - like a spinning slot machine)
rows, // number of completed rows in the current game
step; // how long before current piece drops by 1 row
// tetris pieces
// blocks: each element represents a rotation of the piece (0, 90, 180, 270)
// each element is a 16 bit integer where the 16 bits represent
// a 4x4 set of blocks, e.g. j.blocks[0] = 0x44C0
// 0100 = 0x4 << 3 = 0x4000
// 0100 = 0x4 << 2 = 0x0400
// 1100 = 0xC << 1 = 0x00C0
// 0000 = 0x0 << 0 = 0x0000
// ------
// 0x44C0
var i = { size: 4, blocks: [0x0F00, 0x2222, 0x00F0, 0x4444], color: 'cyan' };
var j = { size: 3, blocks: [0x44C0, 0x8E00, 0x6440, 0x0E20], color: 'blue' };
var l = { size: 3, blocks: [0x4460, 0x0E80, 0xC440, 0x2E00], color: 'orange' };
var o = { size: 2, blocks: [0xCC00, 0xCC00, 0xCC00, 0xCC00], color: 'yellow' };
var s = { size: 3, blocks: [0x06C0, 0x8C40, 0x6C00, 0x4620], color: 'lime' };
var t = { size: 3, blocks: [0x0E40, 0x4C40, 0x4E00, 0x4640], color: 'purple' };
var z = { size: 3, blocks: [0x0C60, 0x4C80, 0xC600, 0x2640], color: 'red' };
var p = { size: 3, blocks: [0x0F00, 0x2222, 0x00F0,], color: 'maroon' };
// do the bit manipulation and iterate through each
// occupied block (x,y) for a given piece
function eachblock(type, x, y, dir, fn) {
var bit, result, row = 0, col = 0, blocks = type.blocks[dir];
for(bit = 0x8000 ; bit > 0 ; bit = bit >> 1) {
if (blocks & bit) {
fn(x + col, y + row);
if (++col === 4) {
col = 0;
// check if a piece can fit into a position in the grid
function occupied(type, x, y, dir) {
var result = false
eachblock(type, x, y, dir, function(x, y) {
if ((x < 0) || (x >= nx) || (y < 0) || (y >= ny) || getBlock(x,y))
result = true;
return result;
function unoccupied(type, x, y, dir) {
return !occupied(type, x, y, dir);
// start with 4 instances of each piece and
// pick randomly until the 'bag is empty'
var pieces = [];
function randomPiece() {
if (pieces.length == 0)
pieces = [i,i,i,i,j,j,j,j,l,l,l,l,o,o,o,o,s,s,s,s,t,t,t,t,z,z,z,z,p,p,p,p];
var type = pieces.splice(random(0, pieces.length-1), 1)[0];
return { type: type, dir: DIR.UP, x: Math.round(random(0, nx - type.size)), y: 0 };
function run() {
showStats(); // initialize FPS counter
addEvents(); // attach keydown and resize events
var last = now = timestamp();
function frame() {
now = timestamp();
update(Math.min(1, (now - last) / 1000.0)); // using requestAnimationFrame have to be able to handle large delta's caused when it 'hibernates' in a background or non-visible tab
last = now;
requestAnimationFrame(frame, canvas);
resize(); // setup all our sizing information
reset(); // reset the per-game variables
frame(); // start the first frame
function showStats() {
stats.domElement.id = 'stats';
function addEvents() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', keydown, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false);
function resize(event) {
canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth; // set canvas logical size equal to its physical size
canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight; // (ditto)
ucanvas.width = ucanvas.clientWidth;
ucanvas.height = ucanvas.clientHeight;
dx = canvas.width / nx; // pixel size of a single tetris block
dy = canvas.height / ny; // (ditto)
function keydown(ev) {
var handled = false;
if (playing) {
switch(ev.keyCode) {
case KEY.LEFT: actions.push(DIR.LEFT); handled = true; break;
case KEY.RIGHT: actions.push(DIR.RIGHT); handled = true; break;
case KEY.UP: actions.push(DIR.UP); handled = true; break;
case KEY.DOWN: actions.push(DIR.DOWN); handled = true; break;
case KEY.ESC: lose(); handled = true; break;
else if (ev.keyCode == KEY.SPACE) {
handled = true;
if (handled)
ev.preventDefault(); // prevent arrow keys from scrolling the page (supported in IE9+ and all other browsers)
function play() { hide('start'); reset(); playing = true; }
function lose() { show('start'); setVisualScore(); playing = false; }
function setVisualScore(n) { vscore = n || score; invalidateScore(); }
function setScore(n) { score = n; setVisualScore(n); }
function addScore(n) { score = score + n; }
function clearScore() { setScore(0); }
function clearRows() { setRows(0); }
function setRows(n) { rows = n; step = Math.max(speed.min, speed.start - (speed.decrement*rows)); invalidateRows(); }
function addRows(n) { setRows(rows + n); }
function getBlock(x,y) { return (blocks && blocks[x] ? blocks[x][y] : null); }
function setBlock(x,y,type) { blocks[x] = blocks[x] || []; blocks[x][y] = type; invalidate(); }
function clearBlocks() { blocks = []; invalidate(); }
function clearActions() { actions = []; }
function setCurrentPiece(piece) { current = piece || randomPiece(); invalidate(); }
function setNextPiece(piece) { next = piece || randomPiece(); invalidateNext(); }
function reset() {
dt = 0;
function update(idt) {
if (playing) {
if (vscore < score)
setVisualScore(vscore + 1);
dt = dt + idt;
if (dt > step) {
dt = dt - step;
function handle(action) {
switch(action) {
case DIR.LEFT: move(DIR.LEFT); break;
case DIR.RIGHT: move(DIR.RIGHT); break;
case DIR.UP: rotate(); break;
case DIR.DOWN: drop(); break;
function move(dir) {
var x = current.x, y = current.y;
switch(dir) {
case DIR.RIGHT: x = x + 1; break;
case DIR.LEFT: x = x - 1; break;
case DIR.DOWN: y = y + 1; break;
if (unoccupied(current.type, x, y, current.dir)) {
current.x = x;
current.y = y;
return true;
else {
return false;
function rotate() {
var newdir = (current.dir == DIR.MAX ? DIR.MIN : current.dir + 1);
if (unoccupied(current.type, current.x, current.y, newdir)) {
current.dir = newdir;
//This is how we make the piece drop down and place:
function drop() {
if (!move(DIR.DOWN)) {
if (occupied(current.type, current.x, current.y, current.dir)) {
function dropPiece() {
eachblock(current.type, current.x, current.y, current.dir, function(x, y) {
setBlock(x, y, current.type);
function removeLines() {
var x, y, complete, n = 0;
for(y = ny ; y > 0 ; --y) {
complete = true;
for(x = 0 ; x < nx ; ++x) {
if (!getBlock(x, y))
complete = false;
if (complete) {
y = y + 1; // recheck same line
if (n > 0) {
addScore(100*Math.pow(2,n-1)); // 1: 100, 2: 200, 3: 400, 4: 800
function removeLine(n) {
var x, y;
for(y = n ; y >= 0 ; --y) {
for(x = 0 ; x < nx ; ++x)
setBlock(x, y, (y == 0) ? null : getBlock(x, y-1));
var invalid = {};
function invalidate() { invalid.court = true; }
function invalidateNext() { invalid.next = true; }
function invalidateScore() { invalid.score = true; }
function invalidateRows() { invalid.rows = true; }
function draw() {
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.translate(0.5, 0.5); // for crisp 1px black lines
function drawCourt() {
if (invalid.court) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
if (playing)
drawPiece(ctx, current.type, current.x, current.y, current.dir);
var x, y, block;
for(y = 0 ; y < ny ; y++) {
for (x = 0 ; x < nx ; x++) {
if (block = getBlock(x,y))
drawBlock(ctx, x, y, block.color);
ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, nx*dx - 1, ny*dy - 1); // court boundary
invalid.court = false;
function drawNext() {
if (invalid.next) {
var padding = (nu - next.type.size) / 2; // half-complete attempt at centering next piece display
uctx.translate(0.5, 0.5);
uctx.clearRect(0, 0, nu*dx, nu*dy);
drawPiece(uctx, next.type, padding, padding, next.dir);
uctx.strokeStyle = 'black';
uctx.strokeRect(0, 0, nu*dx - 1, nu*dy - 1);
invalid.next = false;
function drawScore() {
if (invalid.score) {
html('score', ("00000" + Math.floor(vscore)).slice(-5));
invalid.score = false;
function drawRows() {
if (invalid.rows) {
html('rows', rows);
invalid.rows = false;
function drawPiece(ctx, type, x, y, dir) {
eachblock(type, x, y, dir, function(x, y) {
drawBlock(ctx, x, y, type.color);
function drawBlock(ctx, x, y, color) {
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(x*dx, y*dy, dx, dy);
ctx.strokeRect(x*dx, y*dy, dx, dy)
// FINALLY, lets run the game
You have a function called addScore that seems to be used to update the user's score. You could add a conditional block inside this function that will update the game speed when the new score is above the threshold you choose. Alternatively, if you would prefer to keep addScore purely focused on updating the value of the score, you could add this conditional block wherever you're calling addScore.

Wait for a timer to complete before seeing the result

I want to get the timer first, then see the result. When I open the page, and start the function war() it shows the result, then it shows the cooldown in the set color. I want to get the cooldown first, then the result.
var points = 100;
function war() {
var dealer = document.getElementById("dealer");
var player = document.getElementById("player");
var winner = document.getElementById("winner");
var winner1 = document.getElementById("winner");
var screen = document.getElementById("points");
var dealercard = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
var playercard = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
dealer.innerHTML = dealercard;
player.innerHTML = playercard;
var skaiciuoklis = 5;
var naujaselemnt = document.createElement("p");
naujaselemnt.innerHTML = "Wait... 5 seconds.";
var idwar;
dealer.parentNode.replaceChild(naujaselemnt, dealer);
idwar = setInterval(function() {
if (skaiciuoklis < 0) {
winner1.parentNode.replaceChild(dealer, naujaselemnt);
} else {
winner1.innerHTML = "Wait... " + skaiciuoklis.toString() + " seconds.";
}, 500);
if (dealercard > playercard) {
winner.style.color = "red";
winner.innerHTML = "You lost 20 points";
} else {
winner.style.color = "green";
winner.innerHTML = "You won 10 points!";
if (dealercard == playercard) {
winner.style.color = "blue";
winner.innerHTML = "WAR. You won 20 points!"
if (dealercard < playercard) {
points = points + 10;
screen.innerHTML = points;
if (dealercard == playercard) {
points = points + 20;
screen.innerHTML = points;
if (dealercard > playercard) {
points = points - 20;
screen.innerHTML = points;
if (points <= 0) {
winner.style.color = "red";
winner.innerHTML = "Game Over";
alert("Game Over. REFRESH PAGE TO RETRY!");
points = 100;
You can use ES6 async await and move your timer to a separate function outside. You have a lot of variables and it isn't so clear but it looks like your timer is in the function war(). Javascript is asynchronous and it will move to next code even if you have a timer.
An example like this:
function timer(){
// implement timer
async function war() {
// at the line u want to call the timer
await timer();

is it possible keydown event will affect setInterval?

I made a simple snake game by javascript, I try to add a feature that when the
var trail = [];
var tail = 5;
var normal_speed = 1000 / 10
var speed = 1000 / 10;
var game_status = 0;
var my_game;
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
my_game = setInterval(game, speed);
window.onload = function () {
canv = document.getElementById("gc");
context = canv.getContext("2d");
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyPush);
document.addEventListener("keyup", keyRelease);
function game() {
for (var i = 0; i < trail.length; i++) {
context.fillRect(trail[i].x * grid_size, trail[i].y * grid_size, grid_size - 2, grid_size - 2);
if (trail[i].x == player_x && trail[i].y == player_y) {
if (game_status == 0) {
tail = 5;
} else {
x: player_x,
y: player_y
while (trail.length > tail) {
function keyPush(keyEvent) {
switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
case 16:
speed = normal_speed * 0.5;
my_game = setInterval(game, speed);
function keyRelease(keyEvent) {
switch (keyEvent.keyCode) {
case 16:
speed = normal_speed;
my_game = setInterval(game, speed);
user holds the shift key, the snake will speed up. But right now when I hold shift for a short time it works fine, but if I hold it for a long time the game will pause (snake stop moving). Here is my code, please help me fix it.
Your question is not clear, hence I had some fun, enjoy :-D
onload = function () {
var ZOOM = 10;
var FPS = 24;
var LENGTH = 5;
var started = false;
var orientation = {
N: 1, S: 2, E: 3, W: 4
var frame = {
width: 20,
height: 15,
el: document.getElementById("frame")
var snake = function () {
var body = new Array(LENGTH);
for (let i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
body[i] = { x: i + 1, y: 1 };
return {
orientation: orientation.E,
updated: null,
dead: false,
speed: 5, // steps/s
tail: 0,
head: LENGTH - 1,
body: body
window.start = start;
frame.el.style.width = frame.width * ZOOM + "px";
frame.el.style.height = frame.height * ZOOM + "px";
function start () {
if (!started) {
started = true;
document.addEventListener("click", rotateSnake);
snake.updated = new Date().getTime();
setInterval(loop, 1000 / FPS);
function loop () {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var t = now - snake.updated;
var d = snake.speed * t / 1000;
if (d >= 1) {
snake.updated = now;
function rotateSnake () {
switch (snake.orientation) {
case orientation.N:
snake.orientation = orientation.E; break;
case orientation.E:
snake.orientation = orientation.S; break;
case orientation.S:
snake.orientation = orientation.W; break;
case orientation.W:
snake.orientation = orientation.N; break;
function updateSnake (steps) {
var tail, head;
var dead = snake.dead;
var length = snake.body.length;
for (let i = 0; !dead && i < steps; i++) {
tail = snake.body[snake.tail];
head = snake.body[snake.head];
snake.tail = (snake.tail + 1) % length;
snake.head = (snake.head + 1) % length;
tail.x = head.x;
tail.y = head.y;
head = tail;
switch (snake.orientation) {
case orientation.N: head.y -= 1; break;
case orientation.S: head.y += 1; break;
case orientation.E: head.x += 1; break;
case orientation.W: head.x -= 1; break;
if (snake.dead = (
head.y + 1 > frame.height
|| head.x + 1 > frame.width
|| head.y < 0
|| head.x < 0
)) break;
function refreshSnake (now) {
var bg = snake.dead ? "red" : "white";
frame.el.innerHTML = snake.body.map(function (bit) {
return "<div style=\""
+ "width:" + ZOOM + "px;"
+ "height:" + ZOOM + "px;"
+ "top:" + (bit.y * ZOOM) + "px;"
+ "left:" + (bit.x * ZOOM) + "px;"
+ "position:absolute;"
+ "background:" + bg + ";"
+ "\"></div>";
<p>Tap or click in the snippet viewer to turn right ! <button onclick="start(); event.stopPropagation();">Start</button></p>
<div id="frame" style="background:black;position:relative;"></div>
I'd suggest that there is some handling of 'Shift' somewhere else
try event.preventDefault()

Phaser Wont Detect Collision

I am writing a game in phaser.js where you have to avoid moving spaceships. The mouse is replaced with a UFO. I need help trying to figure out why phaser wont detect the collision between the UFO and the spaceship group. Please excuse the messyness as I have tried a lot of potential solutions.
var spaceShip;
var score = 0;
var text;
var gameOver = false;
var veggies;
var cursor;
var gameplayState = {
create: function () {
veggies = game.add.group();
veggies.enableBody = true;
veggies.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE;
function doSpaceship() {
if (ships == true){
if (ships == false){
if (Math.random() > 0.5){
spaceShip = veggies.create(0, 300, 'Ship');
spaceShip.angle = 90;
game.physics.arcade.collide(veggies, cursor, collisionHandler);
var times = game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * Math.random() * 3, doSpaceship, this);
var timess = game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 1, kill, this);
} else {
spaceShip = veggies.create(Math.random() * 640, 480, 'Ship');
game.physics.arcade.collide(veggies, cursor, collisionHandler);
var times = game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * Math.random() * 3, doSpaceship, this);
var timess = game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 1, kill, this);
function kill(){
if(gameOver == false){
cursor = game.add.sprite(0,0,'Ufo');
var ships = true;
text = game.add.text(0,0,"Score: " + score);
text.font = 'Saira Extra Condensed';
function collisionHandler(){
gameOver = true;
update: function(){
cursor.x = game.input.mousePointer.x;
cursor.y = game.input.mousePointer.y;
text.setText("Score: " + score);
You should move the line
game.physics.arcade.collide(veggies, cursor, collisionHandler);
to the update function.

Null Reference after restarting a State

I created a little game with Phaser for presentation purposes. After you've won or lost you can restart the game. This is done with states. When I try to fire a bullet after the game has been restarted, a null reference error occurs and the game freezes. It seems the null reference occurs because the this.game property is not set correctly in the Weapon classes after the state is restarted.
var PhaserGame = function () {
this.background = null;
this.stars = null;
this.player = null;
this.enemies = null;
this.cursors = null;
this.speed = 300;
this.weapons = [];
this.currentWeapon = 0;
this.weaponName = null;
this.score = 0;
PhaserGame.prototype = {
init: function () {
this.game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true;
preload: function () {
this.game.time.advancedTiming = true;
create: function () {
this.background = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height, 'background');
this.background.autoScroll(-40, 0);
this.stars = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, this.game.width, this.game.height, 'stars');
this.stars.autoScroll(-60, 0);
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.SingleBullet(this.game));
//this.weapons.push(new Weapon.FrontAndBack(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.ThreeWay(this.game));
//this.weapons.push(new Weapon.EightWay(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.ScatterShot(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.Beam(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.SplitShot(this.game));
//this.weapons.push(new Weapon.Pattern(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.Rockets(this.game));
this.weapons.push(new Weapon.ScaleBullet(this.game));
//this.weapons.push(new Weapon.Combo1(this.game));
//this.weapons.push(new Weapon.Combo2(this.game));
this.currentWeapon = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < this.weapons.length; i++)
this.weapons[i].visible = false;
this.player = this.add.existing(new Spaceship(this.game, 100, 200, 'player'));
this.player.events.onKilled.add(this.toGameOver, this);
this.player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.player.animations.add('flame', [0, 1, 2, 3], 10, true);
this.enemies = this.add.group();
//Enable Physics for Enemies
this.enemies.enableBody = true;
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
//create a star inside the group
var enemy = this.enemies.add(new Enemy(this.game, 1000 + (i * 50), 10 + Math.random() * 300, 'enemy'));
enemy.events.onKilled.add(this.raiseCounter, this);
//this.weaponName = this.add.bitmapText(8, 364, 'shmupfont', "ENTER = Next Weapon", 24);
// Cursor keys to fly + space to fire
this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
this.input.keyboard.addKeyCapture([ Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR ]);
var changeKey = this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.ENTER);
changeKey.onDown.add(this.nextWeapon, this);
nextWeapon: function () {
// Tidy-up the current weapon
this.weapons[this.currentWeapon].visible = false;
this.weapons[this.currentWeapon].callAll('reset', null, 0, 0);
this.weapons[this.currentWeapon].setAll('exists', false);
// Activate the new one
if (this.currentWeapon === this.weapons.length)
this.currentWeapon = 0;
this.weapons[this.currentWeapon].visible = true;
//this.weaponName.text = this.weapons[this.currentWeapon].name;
enemyHit: function (bullet, enemy) {
playerHit: function (player, enemy) {
raiseCounter: function () {
toGameOver: function () {
this.game.state.start('GameOver', true, false, this.score);
update: function () {
this.game.debug.text(this.time.fps || '--', 2, 14, "#00ff00");
this.game.debug.text('Health: ' + this.player.health || 'Health: ---', 2, 30, "#00ff00");
this.game.debug.text('Counter: ' + this.score || 'Counter: ---', 2, 44, "#00ff00");
this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.weapons[this.currentWeapon], this.enemies, this.enemyHit, null, this);
this.game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player, this.enemies, this.playerHit, null, this);
this.enemies.setAll('body.velocity.x', -50);
if (this.cursors.left.isDown)
this.player.body.velocity.x = -this.speed;
else if (this.cursors.right.isDown)
this.player.body.velocity.x = this.speed;
if (this.cursors.up.isDown)
this.player.body.velocity.y = -this.speed;
else if (this.cursors.down.isDown)
this.player.body.velocity.y = this.speed;
if (this.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR))
The weapon-classes were taken from Phaser-Coding-Tips 7:
Weapon.SingleBullet = function (game) {
Phaser.Group.call(this, game, game.world, 'Single Bullet', false, true, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.nextFire = 0;
this.bulletSpeed = 600;
this.fireRate = 200;
for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
this.add(new Bullet(game, 'bullet5'), true);
return this;
Weapon.SingleBullet.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype);
Weapon.SingleBullet.prototype.constructor = Weapon.SingleBullet;
Weapon.SingleBullet.prototype.fire = function (source) {
//Here occurs the problem, because this.game is null after restarting the state
if (this.game.time.time < this.nextFire) { return; }
var x = source.x + 50;
var y = source.y + 15;
this.getFirstExists(false).fire(x, y, 0, this.bulletSpeed, 0, 0);
this.nextFire = this.game.time.time + this.fireRate;
The problem occurs consistent in all Weapon classes after restarting the state.
In the beginning of the create-method before weapons is filled, i forgot to empty the array. The funny thing is: I tried emptying the array before and it didn't work. When i logged the length of weapons it suddenly started to work as expected. Maybe the cause was a strange optimization made by the javascript-engine.

