Local functions not working in VueUse useWebWorkerFn - javascript

I'm trying to filter an array of objects using useWebWorkerFn
The following is my code to do the same
import { useWebWorkerFn } from '#vueuse/core'
import { doLowerCase } from './filtering.js'
async function asyncDataSearch(data,searchWords) {
const { workerFn } = useWebWorkerFn(dataSearch, {
dependencies: [
const filteredData = await workerFn(data, searchWords)
return filteredData
async function dataSearch(data, searchWords) {
return data.filter((e) => {
let isTrueName = true;
if (searchWords.length > 0) {
const myBigStr = doLowerCase(
`${e.fname}${e.lname} ${e.cname}`
isTrueName = _.every(searchWords, (el) => _.includes(myBigStr, el));
return isTrueName;
And the below is the doLowerCase function in filtering.js file.
export function doLowerCase(myText = "") {
if (myText) {
return myText.toLowerCase();
} else {
return "";
Now the problem is the lodash functions works when I add the lodash.min.js cdn url but I don't want to import the whole lodash package, when I try to add dependencies of each function as stated here. It shows an error that it failed to import the scripts. Also in the above code doLowerCase is an function present in another file, the function is not working as it is not accessible, how do I import and use the function as expected. Fore more info visit VueUse


How to use an async function as the second parameter to jest.mock?

I need to use jest.mock together with async, await and import() so that I can use a function from another file inside the mocked module. Otherwise I must copy and paste a few hundreds of slocs or over 1000 slocs, or probably it is not even possible.
An example
This does work well:
jest.mock('./myLin.jsx', () => {
return {
abc: 967,
Everywhere I use abc later it has 967 as its value, which is different than the original one.
This does not work:
jest.mock('./myLin.jsx', async () => {
return {
abc: 967,
abc seems to not be available.
Actual issue
I need async to be able to do this:
jest.mock('~/config', async () => {
const { blockTagDeserializer } = await import(
'../editor/deserialize' // or 'volto-slate/editor/deserialize'
// … here return an object which contains a call to
// blockTagDeserializer declared above; if I can't do this
// I cannot use blockTagDeserializer since it is outside of
// the scope of this function
Actual results
I get errors like:
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'slate' of '((cov_1viq84mfum.s[13]++) , _config.settings)' as it is undefined.
where _config, I think, is the ~/config module object and slate is a property that should be available on _config.settings.
Expected results
No error, blockTagDeserializer works in the mocked module and the unit test is passed.
The unit test code
The code below is a newer not-working code based on this file on GitHub.
import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import WysiwygWidget from './WysiwygWidget';
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import { Provider } from 'react-intl-redux';
const mockStore = configureStore();
global.__SERVER__ = true; // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
global.__CLIENT__ = false; // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
jest.mock('~/config', async () => {
const { blockTagDeserializer } = await import(
'../editor/deserialize' // or 'volto-slate/editor/deserialize'
const createEmptyParagraph = () => {
return {
type: 'p',
children: [{ text: '' }],
return {
settings: {
supportedLanguages: [],
slate: {
elements: {
default: ({ attributes, children }) => (
<p {...attributes}>{children}</p>
strong: ({ children }) => {
return <strong>{children}</strong>;
leafs: {},
defaultBlockType: 'p',
textblockExtensions: [],
extensions: [
(editor) => {
editor.htmlTagsToSlate = {
STRONG: blockTagDeserializer('strong'),
return editor;
defaultValue: () => {
return [createEmptyParagraph()];
window.getSelection = () => ({});
test('renders a WysiwygWidget component', () => {
const store = mockStore({
intl: {
locale: 'en',
messages: {},
const component = renderer.create(
<Provider store={store}>
title="My Widget"
description="My little description."
value={{ data: 'abc <strong>def</strong>' }}
onChange={(id, data) => {
// console.log('changed', data.data);
// setHtml(data.data);
const json = component.toJSON();
What I've tried
The code snippets above show partially what I have tried.
I searched the web for 'jest mock async await import' and did not found something relevant.
The question
If jest.mock is not made to work with async, what else can I do to make my unit test work?
Update 1
In the last snippet of code above, the line
STRONG: blockTagDeserializer('strong'),
uses blockTagDeserializer defined here which uses deserializeChildren, createEmptyParagraph (which is imported from another module), normalizeBlockNodes (which is imported from another module) and jsx (which is imported from another module) functions, which use deserialize which uses isWhitespace which is imported from another module and typeDeserialize which uses jsx and deserializeChildren.
Without using await import(...) syntax how can I fully mock the module so that my unit test works?
If you want to dig into our code, please note that the volto-slate/ prefix in the import statements is for the src/ folder in the repo.
Thank you.
I'd advise not doing any "heavy" stuff (whatever that means) in a callback of jest.mock, – it is designed only for mocking values.
Given your specific example, I'd just put whatever the output of blockTagDeserializer('strong') right inside the config:
jest.mock('~/config', () => {
// ...
extensions: [
(editor) => {
editor.htmlTagsToSlate = {
STRONG: ({ children }) => <strong>{children}</strong>, // or whatever this function actually returns for 'strong'
return editor;
// ...
This doesn't require anything asynchronous to be done.
If you need this setup to be present in a lot of files, extracting it in a setup file seems to be the next best thing.
I found a solution. I have a ref callback that sets the htmlTagsToSlate property of the editor in the actual code of the module, conditioned by global.__JEST__ which is defined as true in Jest command line usage:
import { htmlTagsToSlate } from 'volto-slate/editor/config';
testingEditorRef={(val) => {
ref.current = val;
if (val && global.__JEST__) {
val.htmlTagsToSlate = { ...htmlTagsToSlate };
Now the jest.mock call for ~/config is simple, there is no need to do an import in it.
I also use this function:
const handleEditorRef = (editor, ref) => {
if (typeof ref === 'function') {
} else if (typeof ref === 'object') {
ref.current = editor;
return editor;

How to get data value in regular js file from vue component?

I have component MyComponent.vue where I have data value that constantly changes. I want to pass this value to javascript file(js file should know about changes of value everytime)
Why do I do that? Because my regular js file is a service layer for axios methods. I can import this file in many other components. The file contains axios methods and urls are dynamic.
I want those urls depend on data variable. This data variable comes from MyComponent.js
So the main goal is to make dynamic urls of axios that depend on data variable
I tried some code but it doesn't work, because js file(CategoryService.js) know nothing about this.categoryNumber.
export default {
data() {
return {
categoryNumber: 1
import http from "../../../http-common";
let category = "category1";
if (this.categoryNumber === 1) {
category = "category1";
} if (this.categoryNumber === 2) {
category = "category2";
class CategoryService {
get(id) {
return http.get(`/${category}/${id}`);
update(id, data) {
return http.put(`/${category}/${id}`, data);
create(data) {
return http.post(`/${category}`, data);
delete(id) {
return http.delete(`/${category}/${id}`);
getAll() {
return http.get(`/${category}/all`);
export default new CategoryService();
So with a bit of refactoring, you could easily get this working.
First of all, I would put the if/else logic of your class into it.
For convenience and scalability, I would use a Vuex store that will keep track of your categoryNumber and share it accross all your components.
Then I would bind my service to my Vue instance so I can easily access it in all my components as well as the store and I would pass the latter to my class as a parameter.
For the last part, I don't know the logic in the http-common file so the code I will show you is a bit nasty. But depending on wether or not you bound 'http' to axios, you could make use of axios interceptors to call the getCategoryNumber() method in every request.
Here's an idea of the implementation I would go for:
const CategoryService = class CategoryService {
constructor(store) {
this._store = store;
this.category = "category1";
getCategoryNumber() {
if (this._store.state.categoryNumber === 1) {
this.category = "category1";
if (this._store.state.categoryNumber === 2) {
this.category = "category2";
console.log(this.category); // for demo puprose
get(id) {
this.getCategoryNumber(); // We could use axios request interceptor instead of calling that in every route, but that works !
return http.get(`/${this.category}/${id}`);
update(id, data) {
return http.put(`/${this.category}/${id}`, data);
create(data) {
return http.post(`/${this.category}`, data);
delete(id) {
return http.delete(`/${this.category}/${id}`);
getAll() {
return http.get(`/${this.category}/all`);
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
categoryNumber: 1
mutations: {
setCategoryNumber(state, payload) {
state.categoryNumber = payload;
// Bind your service to the Vue prototype so you can easily use it in any component with 'this.$service'
// pass it the store instance as parameter
Vue.prototype.$service = new CategoryService(store);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
store, // dont forget to bind your store to your Vue instance
methods: {
updateCategoryNumber() {
// Put here any logic to update the number
this.categoryNumber = this.categoryNumber === 1 ? 2 : 1;
checkServiceCategoryValue() {
// for demonstration purpose
computed: {
// Look for the store value and update it
categoryNumber: {
get() {
return this.$store.state.categoryNumber;
set(value) {
this.$store.commit("setCategoryNumber", value);
<div id="app">
<h2>number: {{ categoryNumber }}</h2>
<button type="button" #click="updateCategoryNumber()">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuex#2.0.0"></script>
Thanks to #Solar
I just added one more parameter for all urls and put the number of category to it
class CategoryOneService {
get(id, category) {
return http.get(`/${category}/${id}`);
getAll(category) {
return http.get(`/${category}/all`);
let catNum = "";
function getQuestion() {
if (this.categoryNumber === 1) {
catNum = "category1";
if (this.categoryNumber === 2) {
catNum = "category2";
let questionId = this.questionNumber;
CategoryOneService.get(questionId, catNum)
.then(response => {
this.question = response.data.question;
this.answer = response.data.answer;
.catch(error => {

Make computed property available globally

I'm using Vue 2 and in one of my components I've defined a simple computed property to filter through an array of objects:
computed: {
filteredPlans: {
get() {
let res = [];
if (this.query.length > 1) {
this.plans.forEach(p => {
if (JSON.stringify(p).includes(this.query)) res.push(p);
return res;
} else return this.plans;
set() {
return this.plans;
I want to using the same logic in 5 other components as well. So, my question is should I just duplicate the code on other compoents or make it available globaly, also how do i do that?
You can try creating a Mixins file and add the computed property in it.
Mixin named test-mixin
export default {
computed: {
filteredPlans: {
get() {
let res = [];
if (this.query.length > 1) {
this.plans.forEach(p => {
if (JSON.stringify(p).includes(this.query)) res.push(p);
return res;
} else return this.plans;
set() {
return this.plans;
This can be reused in any component by importing the mixin file like follows
import testMixin from 'test-mixin';
export default {
mixins: [testMixin]

Javascript - Cannot use import statement outside a module

So I have major problem with importing from one class to another and what I have done is in my "main" class which I call
import { DetailsPage } from '../tests/detailsPageObj';
const utils = require("../utils/utils");
const assert = require('../node_modules/chai').assert;
const userData = require('../globalContent.json');
describe('Details page', function () {
const detailsPage = new DetailsPage();
// The details page is accessible by the specified URL
it(`Is defined by the URL: ${userData.url}`, async function () {
await detailsPage.navigate();
// Details page has a form and it can be filled out with user data
it('Has a form that can receive user data', async function () {
await detailsPage.fillFormWithUserData(); // If you want, make the user data passable to the method
await utils.click(detailsPage.form.buttons.nextStep);
if (detailsPage.hasStockConflict) {
// Details page allows the user to fix conflicts in stocks
it('Enables resolution of stock conflicts', async function () {
// Wait for stock to fully load
await browser.sleep(2000);
await detailsPage.clickAllRemoveButtons();
await detailsPage.clickAllDecreaseButtons();
// Details page allows the user to proceed to the next stage when all conflicts (if any) has been resolved
it('Allows the user to proceed to the next stage of purchasing', async function () {
const nextStepButton = detailsPage.form.buttons.nextStep;
await utils.elementToBeClickable(nextStepButton);
await utils.click(nextStepButton);
and what I am trying tod o is to get DetailsPage from another script which is called:
import { element, by } from 'protractor';
const utils = require("../utils/utils");
const userData = require('../globalContent.json');
export class DetailsPage {
get pageUtils() {
return {
qtyRegex: /^Sorry.*?(\d+)/
private get fields() {
return {
email: element(by.id('email')),
firstName: element(by.id('firstName')),
lastName: element(by.id('lastName')),
postalCode: element(by.id('postalCode')),
addressOne: element(by.id('addressOne')),
addressTwo: element(by.id('addressTwo')),
phone: element(by.id('phone')),
businessCustomerCB: element(by.id('isBusinessCustomer')),
company: element(by.id('company')),
GST: element(by.id('gst')),
private get groups() {
return {
address: element(by.css('div#addressGroup.input-container.showHiddenGroup'));
company: element(by.id('companyGroup')),
private get modals() {
return {
contactModalLink: element(by.id('contactModalLink')),
cross: element(by.className('modal-cross')),
private get formButtons() {
return {
nextStep: element(by.id('submitIdentityFormButton')),
mobile: this.mobileFormButtons
private get mobileFormButtons() {
return {
continue: element(by.id('stock-conflict-continue-button')),
removeOutOfStockItems: element(by.css('button[id="removeOutOfStockItems"]')), // I just assumed that this is a part of the form
private get productFrameMobileButtons() {
return {
stockControll: element.all(by.className('stock-controller mobile')),
remove: element.all(by.className('btn btn-remove btn-outlined mobile')),
private get productFrameDesktopButtons() {
return {
stockControll: element.all(by.className('stock-controller desktop')),
remove: element.all(by.className('btn btn-remove btn-outlined desktop')),
get form() {
return {
fields: this.fields,
groups: this.groups,
buttons: this.formButtons,
modals: this.modals
get productFrame() {
return {
buttons: {
decrease: element.all(by.className("btn left")).first(),
mobile: this.productFrameMobileButtons,
desktop: this.productFrameDesktopButtons
get errors() {
return {
stockConflict: element(by.className('generic-error-heading')),
and what I am trying to do is in detailsPage.js im trying to import detailsPageObj.js but whenever I am trying to do it I do get SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.
What am I doing wrong
I don't know what is your environment like, but I experienced a similar problem where my environment used a full build step for creating the target JS code from my sources (e.g. from TypeScript or from ES6+) to a bundled/plain JS.
But then my test environment did not have any build step. So when I executed the tests, it only understood plain JS, which by default in a node.js environment does not recognize import but only require.
You can use import in your node.js code without a build step, but you need to follow some steps, e.g. rename your file from *.js to *.mjs. More details here.

Jest: How to mock custom module that is exported from an index.js file?

This is the structure of my project (create-react-app):
Contents of /src/api/searchAPI.js:
import client from './client';
async function searchMulti(query, options = {}) {
options.query = query;
return await client.get('/search/multi', options);
export default {
Contents of /src/api/index.js:
import movieAPI from './movieAPI';
import personAPI from './personAPI';
import searchAPI from './searchAPI';
import configurationAPI from './configurationAPI';
export { movieAPI, personAPI, searchAPI, configurationAPI };
QuickSearch component imports searchAPI ands uses it to fetch some data over the web.
Now, I need to test (with react-testing-library) the QuickSearch component.
So, I would like to mock the api module (exported in /src/api/index.js) in order to use a mock function instead of searchAPI.searchMulti( ).
If I put below code in /src/componentns/__tests__/QuickSearch.js, it works just fine:
import { searchAPI } from '../../
jest.mock('../../api', () => {
return {
searchAPI: {
searchMulti: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ results: [] })
it('some test', () => {
searchAPI.searchMulti.mockResolvedValueOnce({ results: [] });
const { queryByTitle, getByPlaceholderText } = renderWithRouter(
<QuickSearch />
const input = getByPlaceholderText(/Search for a movie or person/i);
act(() => {
fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: 'Aladdin' } });
My problem is that I don't want to mock api in every test file that needs it. Instead, I would like to put api in a __mocks__ folder so that other tests can use it you, too.
How can I do that?

