PlayWright can't take screenshot - page closed - javascript

I'm trying to take a screenshot of a failed testcase using Jest and PlayWright, the handling function is defined in a custom environment as seen below
const PlaywrightEnvironment = require('jest-playwright-preset/lib/PlaywrightEnvironment')
class CustomEnvironment extends PlaywrightEnvironment {
async setup() {
await super.setup()
async teardown() {
await super.teardown()
async handleTestEvent(event, state) {
if ( === 'test_done' && event.test.errors.length > 0) {
const parentName =\W/g, '-')
const specName =\W/g, '-')
path: `screenshots/${parentName}_${specName}.png`,
module.exports = CustomEnvironment;
However, I am closing the pages after each test..
afterEach(async () => {
await page.close();
This leads to the page being closed before the screenshot is captured
Test suite failed to run
page.screenshot: Target page, context or browser has been closedError:
18 | const specName =\W/g, '-')
19 |
> 20 | await{
| ^
21 | path: `screenshots/${parentName}_${specName}.png`,
22 | })
23 | }
Is there a way to either pass the event to the afterEach so that it doesn't close if an error occurred or a way to take the screenshot more synchronously so that afterEach does not get executed before the screenshot is taken, please?

There are deliberate specialized cases you may want to use page.close() in a custom fixture/config but I'm wouldn't say that's the case for you based on what you're trying to do. By default, the browser/context will close automatically after each test, and will therefore also close the page being tested. You can see the default teardown here.
Removing your afterEach method should resolve the issue. :)
Other notable features:
Checkout Playwright-Test to see how custom config/fixtures can help you make consistent test environments, (ie. if you wanted some environments to take screenshots only-on-failure but not others.
Playwright also supports page object models -- a feature that makes your tests much more readable and maintainable. I also have an example here that you can reference for Page Object Models with the new version of Playwright, if this helps.


What's the advantage of fastify-plugin over a normal function call?

This answer to a similar question does a great job at explaining how fastify-plugin works and what it does. After reading the explanation, I still have a question remaining; how is this different from a normal function call instead of using the .register() method?
To clarify with an example, how are the two approaches below different from each other:
const app = fastify();
// Register a fastify-plugin that decorates app
const myPlugin = fp((app: FastifyInstance) => {
app.decorate('example', 10);
// Just decorate the app directly
const decorateApp = (app: FastifyInstance) => {
app.decorate('example', 10);
By writing a decorateApp function you are creating your own "API" to load your application.
That said, the first burden you will face soon is sync or async:
decorateApp is a sync function
decorateAppAsync within an async function
For example, you need to preload something from the database before you can start your application.
const decorateApp = (app) => {
const businessLogic = async (app) => {
const data = await app.mongo.db.collection('data').find({}).toArray()
businessLogic(app) // whoops: it is async
In this example you need to change a lot of code:
the decorateApp function must be async
the mongodb registration must be awaited
the main code that loads the application must be async
Instead, by using the fastify's approach, you need to update only the plugin that loads the database:
const applicationConfigPlugin = fp(
+ async function (fastify) {
- function (fastify, opts, next) {
- app.register(require('#fastify/mongodb'))
- next()
+ await app.register(require('#fastify/mongodb'))
PS: note that fastify-plugin example code misses the next callback since it is a sync function.
The next bad pattern will be high hidden coupling between functions.
Every application needs a config. Usually, the fastify instance is decorated with it.
So, you will have something like:
Now, decorateAppWithSomethingElse will need to know that it is loaded after decorateAppWithConfig.
Instead, by using the fastify-plugin, you can write:
const applicationConfigPlugin = fp(
async function (fastify) {
fastify.decorate('config', 42);
name: 'my-app-config',
const applicationBusinessLogic = fp(
async function (fastify) {
// ...
name: 'my-app-business-logic',
dependencies: ['my-app-config']
// note that the WRONG order of the plugins
Now, you will get a nice error, instead of a Cannot read properties of undefined when the config decorator is missing:
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The dependency 'my-app-config' of plugin 'my-app-business-logic' is not registered
So, basically writing a series of functions that use/decorate the fastify instance is doable but it adds
a new convention to your code that will have to manage the loading of the plugins.
This job is already implemented by fastify and the fastify-plugin adds many validation checks to it.
So, by considering the question's example: there is no difference, but using that approach to a bigger application
will lead to a more complex code:
sync/async loading functions
poor error messages
hidden dependencies instead of explicit ones

Is it possible to create custom commands in Playwright?

I'm looking for a way to write custom commands in Playwright like it's done in Cypress. Playwright Issues has one page related to it but I have never seen any code example.
I'm working on one test case where I'm trying to improve code reusability. Here's the code:
import { test, chromium } from '#playwright/test';
let context;
let page;
test.beforeEach(async () => {
context = await chromium.launchPersistentContext(
'C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\Default',
headless: false,
executablePath: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe',
page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('http://localhost:3000/');
test.afterEach(async () => {
await page.close();
await context.close();
test('Sample test', async () => {
await'text=Open popup');
await'_react=Button >> nth=0');
await'text=Close popup');
I'm trying to create a function that will call hooks test.beforeEach() and test.afterEach() and the code inside them.
In the Playwright Issue page, it says that I need to move it to a separate Node module and then I would be able to use it but I'm struggling to understand how to do it.
The example you're giving can be solved by implementing a custom fixture.
Fixtures are #playwright/test's solution to customizing/extending the test framework. You can define your own objects (similar to browser, context, page) that you inject into your test, so the test has access to it. But they can also do things before and after each test such as setting up preconditions and tearing them down. You can also override existing fixtures.
For more information including examples have a look here:

Jest can't find module

I am just starting out with Jest, and I am trying to test this code that will change the textContent of an element after 1000ms:
const subtext = document.querySelector('.subtext');
function delayChangeText() {
setTimeout(() => {
subtext.textContent = "Dev";
}, 1000);
subtext.addEventListener('load', delayChangeText);
This is what Jest returns:
FAIL js/app.test.js
● Test suite failed to run
Cannot find module './delayChangeText' from 'js/app.test.js'
> 1 | const delayChangeText = require('./delayChangeText');
| ^
2 |
3 | test('Change the text after 1000 seconds', () => {
4 | expect(delayChangeText().toBe(subtext.textContent = "Dev"));
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:311:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (js/app.test.js:1:1)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 0 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.846 s
I am still pretty new to testing, I'm confident I made a pretty simple goof. Any help is much appreciated. Best regards.
The zeroth rule of testing is:
Code must be written such that it is testable
Not all code can be tested. Sometimes you have to change how your real code is written so that a testing framework can get its hands on the code.
I can see one or two critical problems.
First: I assume you didn't include the full content of your application, but it does not look like your app code exports the delayChangeText function, which means that other modules (such as your test suite) can't import it.
You may need to do something like module.exports = delayChangeText, or export default delayChangeText in your app code.
Second: your function is not a pure function. That is, it depends on stuff that's not passed to it explicitly, namely it expects that subtext is defined within its execution context.
It's not strictly required that all your functions be pure functions, and indeed sometimes it's not possible. But pure functions are usually much easier to test (as well as being easier to design and implement). Here's a pure version of your function:
function delayChangeText(element) {
setTimeout(() => {
element.textContent = "Dev";
}, 1000);
You don't have to convert this to a pure function, but your code will break in the test unless your test suite takes steps to ensure that subtext.textContent doesn't throw -- if subtext is undefined, it will throw.
This is important for another reason: if this module's default export is the delayChangeText function, then it's probably not appropriate for the preceding subtext assignment to even be in the file. Which means that fixing the first problem ("it's not being exported") will naturally result in converting the function to a pure function. If you really want to avoid that, you can: you'll probably have to change how the function is imported in the test suite, to this:
const { delayChangeText } = require('./delayChangeText');
Finally (and you didn't ask about this -- yet): you probably don't want this test to have to actually wait 1000 ms to test this function. Jest has some tools for manipulating the global timer functions, which will allow you to validate the function without having to wait.

What is a good way to make screenshot tests with Playwright?

What is the good way to make a screenshot test with playwright?
If I understand truly, I need to make screenshot, like below:
it('Some test', async () => {
page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });
But how I can to compare it with etalon screenshots?
If I missed something in the docs, lets me know, please
judging by the fact that the Playwright team started developing their own test runner which can compare screenshots:
import { it, expect } from "#playwright/test";
it("compares page screenshot", async ({ page, browserName }) => {
await page.goto("");
const screenshot = await page.screenshot();
expect(screenshot).toMatchSnapshot(`test-${browserName}.png`, { threshold: 0.2 });
they do not plan to add such functionality directly to the Playwright
Playwright's toHaveScreenshot and toMatchSnapshot are great if you want to compare a current screenshot to a screenshot from a previous test run, but if you want to compare two screenshots that you have as Buffers in memory you can use the getComparator method that Playwright uses behind the scenes:
import { getComparator } from 'playwright-core/lib/utils';
await page.goto('my website here');
const beforeImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/before.png`
// some state changes implemented here
const afterImage = await page.screenshot({
path: `./screenshots/after.png`
const comparator = getComparator('image/png');
expect(comparator(beforeImage, afterImage)).toBeNull();
The advantage of using getComparator is that it fuzzy matches, and you can set the threshold of how many pixels are allowed to be different. If you just want to check that the PNGs are exactly identical, a dead simple method to check for equality between the two screenshots is:
expect(, afterImage)).toEqual(0)
Beware though - this simpler method is flakey and sensitive to a single pixel difference in rendering (such as if any animations/transitions are not completed or if there are differences in anti-aliasing).

Is there a way to run particular Protractor test depending on the result of the other test?

This kind of question has been asked before but most of this question has pretty complicated background.
The scenario is simple. Let's say we are testing our favorite TODO app.
Test cases are next:
TC00 - 'User should be able to add a TODO item to the TODO list'
TC01 - 'User should be able to rename TODO item'
TC02 - 'User should be able to remove TODO item'
I don't want to run the TC01 and TC02 if TC00 fails (the TODO item is not added so I have nothing to remove or rename)
So I've been researching on this question for the past 3 days and the most common answers fro this question are:
• Your tests should not depend on each other
• Protractor/Jasmine does not have feature to dynamically turn on/off tests ('it' blocks)
There reason why I'm asking this question here is because it looks like a very widespread case and still no clear suggestion to handle this (I mean I could not find any)
My javascript skills are poor but I understand that I need to play around, let's say' passing 'done' or adding the if with the test inside...
it('should add a todo' ()=> {
let item = element(by.cssContainingText('.list-item','test')
In my case there are like 15 tests ('it' blocks) after adding the item to the list. And I want to skip SOME OF THE tests if the 'parent' test failed.
There is a solution out there which allows to skip ALL remaining test if one fails. This does not suit my needs
Man, I spent good couple of weeks researching this, and yes there was NO clear answers, until I realized how protractor works in details. If you understand this too you'll figure out the best option for you.
1) If you try to pass async function to describe you see it'll fail, because it only accepts synchronous function
What it means for you, is that whatever condition you want to pass to it block, it can't be Promise based (Promise == resolves somewhen, but not immediately). What you're trying to do essentially IS a Promise (open page, do something and wait to see if the condition satisfies your criteria)
if (conditionIsTrue) { // can't be Promise
it('name', () => {
Thats first thing to consider...
2) When you run protractor, it picks up spec files specified in config and builds the queue of describe/it AND beforeAll/afterAll blocks. IMPORTANT DETAIL HERE IS THAT IT HAPPENS BEFORE THE BROWSER EVEN STARTED.
Look at this example
let conditionIsTrue; // undefined
it('name', () => {
conditionIsTrue = true;
if (conditionIsTrue) { // still undefined
it('name', () => {
By the time Protractor reaches if() statement, the value of conditionIsTrue is still undefined. And it maybe overwritten inside of it block, when browser starts, later on, but not when it builds the queue. So it skips it.
In other words, protractor knows which describe blocks it'll run before it even opens the browser, and this queue can NOT be modified during execution
1.1 Define a global variable outside of describe
let conditionIsTrue; // undefined
describe("describe", () => {
it('name1', async () => {
conditionIsTrue = await element.isPresent(); // NOW IT'S TRUE if element is present
it('name2', async () => {
if (conditionIsTrue) {
//do whatever you want if the element is present
} else {
console.log("Skipping 'name2' test")
So you won't skip the it block itself, however you can skip anything inside of it
1.2 The same approach can be used for skipping it blocks across different specs, using environment variable. Example:
describe(`Suite: 1`, () => {
it("element is present", async () => {
if (await element.isPresent()) {
process.env.FLAG = true
} else {
process.env.FLAG = false
describe(`Suite: 2`, () => {
it("element is present", async () => {
if (process.env.FLAG) {
// do element specific actions
Another possibility I found out, but never had a chance to check is to use Grunt task runner, which may help you implement the following scenario
Run protractor to execute one spec
Check a desired condition
Export this condition to environment variable
Exit protractor
In your Grunt task implement a conditional logic for executing the rests of conditional specs, by starting protractor again
But honestly, I don't see why you'd want to go this time consuming route, which requires a lot of code... But just as an FYI
There is one way provided by Protractor which might achieve what you want to achieve.
In protractor config file you can have onPrepare function. It is actually a callback function called once protractor is ready and available, and before the specs are executed. If multiple capabilities are being run, this will run once per capability.
Now as i understand you need to do a test or we can say execute a parent function and then based on its output you want to run some tests and do not want to run other tests.
onPrepare function in protractor config file will look like this :
onPrepare: async () => {
await browser.manage().window().maximize();
await browser.driver.get('url')
// continue your parent test steps for adding an item and at the last of function you can assign a global variable say global.itemAdded = true/false based on the result of above test steps. Note that you need to use 'global.' here to make it a global variable which will then be available in all specs
Now in you specs file you can run tests (it()) based on global.itemAdded variable value
if(global.itemAdded === true) {
it('This test should be running' () => {
if(global.itemAdded === false) {
it('This test should not be running' () => {

