React passes wrong parameter along function - javascript

I'm using a for loop to create some svg paths but have some trouble passing a parameter alongside the function. Everything added with the props uses the correct i value, except selectRegion(i). This gets 2 as value, which I think is the final value of i after finishing the loop. How do I pass the correct i value?
componentDidMount() {
var regions = []
for (var i = 0; i < this.state.regionNames.length; i++) {
var region = <Region id={i} border={this.state.regionBorders[i]} color={this.state.regionColors[i]} selectRegion={() => this.selectRegion(i)}/>;
this.setState({regions: regions});
// Select region.
selectRegion(id) {
this.setState({selRegion: id});
Region component
import React, { Component } from 'react'
export default class Region extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
color: props.color,
border: props.border,
opacity: "0.3",
is_selected: false
mouseEnter = (is_enter) => {
if(is_enter) {
this.setState({opacity: "0.5"});
} else if (!this.state.is_selected) {
this.setState({opacity: "0.3"});
mouseClick = () => {
this.setState({is_selected: !this.state.is_selected})
render() {
return (
<path d={this.state.border}
onClick={() => this.mouseClick()}
onMouseEnter={() => this.mouseEnter(true)}
onMouseLeave={() => this.mouseEnter(false)}/>

#Norse was correct I've fixed it by doing the following:
// Generate map regions.
componentDidMount() {
var regions = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.state.regionNames.length; i++) {
var region = <Region id={i} border={this.state.regionBorders[i]} color={this.state.regionColors[i]} selectRegion={() => this.selectRegion(i)}/>;
this.setState({regions: regions});


Trying to delete a key and values from an object, but when I try to delete it breaks some functionality

I am trying to create an add div button and a delete div button. When you select a certain div and click delete, I want to delete only that key from the object. The issue is when I delete and then try to create a new div, it doesn't create the new divs anymore...Not sure what i'm doing wrong or why it only kind of works.
import "./styles.css";
import {
} from "react";
// The parent component
const App = () => {
const [textBoxDivs, setTextBoxDivs] = useState({});
const addNewTextBox = () => {
const numOfTextBoxDivs = Object.keys(textBoxDivs).length;
console.log(numOfTextBoxDivs, "num");
[`div${numOfTextBoxDivs + 1}`]: {
isSelected: false,
innerText: "text"
const selectItem = (e) => {
const nextState = { ...textBoxDivs
Object.keys(nextState).forEach((k) => {
nextState[k].isSelected = false;
nextState[].isSelected = true;
const removeSelectedItem = () => {
const nextState = { ...textBoxDivs
if (Object.keys(textBoxDivs).length > 0) {
Object.keys(textBoxDivs).map((key) => {
if (textBoxDivs[key].isSelected) {
delete nextState[key];
return setTextBoxDivs(nextState);
return null;
return ( <
div >
button onClick = {
() => addNewTextBox()
} >
Click me to create a selectable div <
/button> <
button onClick = {
(e) => removeSelectedItem(e)
} >
Click me to delete a selectable div <
/button> {
Object.keys(textBoxDivs).length > 0 &&
Object.keys(textBoxDivs).map((key, index) => {
return ( <
div style = {
border: textBoxDivs[key].isSelected ?
"2px solid green" :
onClick = {
(e) => selectItem(e)
key = {
id = {
} >
} <
} <
export default App;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
The problem in your code in the function addNewTextBox, specifically in the line
[`div${numOfTextBoxDivs + 1}`]: {
Because it does not necessarily mean that your are adding a new line. In this case, you are assigning a value to (div + number), but sometimes that already exists. For example, of you change that line for a truly unique number, such as date, it works:
const addNewTextBox = () => {
const numOfTextBoxDivs = Object.keys(textBoxDivs).length;
console.log(numOfTextBoxDivs, "num");
[`div${new Date().getTime()}`]: {
isSelected: false,
innerText: "text"
Update selectItem() then it works:
const selectItem = (e) => {
const nextState = { ...textBoxDivs, setTextBoxDivs }; // setTextBoxDivs was missing
Object.keys(nextState).forEach((k) => {
nextState[k].isSelected = false;
nextState[].isSelected = true;

Parent scope not triggering child rerender in React

i have a prent comp and a child cmponent. as follows
export class ExpressionMenu extends Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
apiArray: [],
updateStateFromChild = (arrayType, propertyType, value) => {
let { apiArray } = this.state
let currentArray = []
let idx = apiArray.findIndex((q) => === id)
currentArray = apiArray
switch(propertyType) {
case 'updateObject': {
currentArray = value
apiArray: currentArray
render () {
const {
} = this.state
return (
<div >
ExpressionMenu.propTypes = {
styleOverride: PropTypes.object,
eventHandler: PropTypes.func,
export default ExpressionMenu;
export class ApiPanel extends Component {
constructor(props) {
removeApi = (id) => {
let { apiArray } = this.props
apiArray = apiArray.filter((q) => !== id);
this.props.updateStateFromChild('api', 'updateObject', apiArray)
addApi = () => {
let { apiArray } = this.props
const id = uniqid();
let obj = {} = id
this.props.updateStateFromChild('api', 'updateObject', apiArray)
render() {
const { apiArray } = this.props
return (
{, i) =>
<div key={i} >
<span onClick={() => this.removeApi( } className={[classes.deleteRow,'material-icons'].join(' ')}>
<div onClick={this.addApi}>+Add Api</div>
ApiPanel.propTypes = {
apiArray: PropTypes.array,
updateStateFromChild: PropTypes.func
export default ApiPanel
Now when i call addApi(), it updates the parent but doesnt rerenders the child.
But when i call removeApi() , it updates parent as well as rerenders the child component properly.
in the first case when i manually reload the componnt i can see the change.
Dont understand why this is happening
Try to change your addApi function.
addApi = () => {
let { apiArray } = this.props
this.props.updateStateFromChild('api', 'updateObject', [...apiArray, {id : uniqid()} ])
You need to return an enriched copy of your array
Whenever we are updating the stating using arrays, objects. We need to always create a new array [...array], a new object {...obj}. Because if we update value in the array or obj without creating it won't change the reference value hence it assumes the state is not update and won't re-render.

Cant Render React Componet, Error In my understanding or code?

So I have built a graph generator and have all the correct data on the props the problem is when I go to render the build component It logs
Object { "$$typeof": Symbol(react.element), type: createElement(), key: "1", ref: null, props: {…}, _owner: null, _store: {…}, … }
Here is the Code I am sure its something silly I am not understanding about the render.
mport React, { Component } from 'react'
import * as action from '../../actions'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import jsx from 'react-jsx'
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'
import {Modal} from './Modal'
(flux, props) => {
return {
filters: flux.FilterStore,
ready: flux.FilterStore.ready,
presets: flux.DataStore.preSelectList,
graphs: flux.GraphStore.graphList
(dispatch, props) => {
return {
addDataReportGraphDetails: bindActionCreators(action.addDataReportGraphDetails, dispatch)
class RenderGraphPreview extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
running: {},
} = 0;
//Error function for shorthand errors
throwError = (string = "Error", err = null) => {
throw new Error(`${string}:${err}`)
//simple print function to print objects and strings
p = (string, variable) => {
typeof variable === `object` ? variable = JSON.stringify(variable) : variable
showModal = e => { = true
generateGraph = ({ presets, filters, graphDetails }) => {
var reportProps = {
wasRunning: true,
companyName: filters.company_name,
companyVertical: filters.company_vertical,
graphTitle: jsx.client(`<div>${graphDetails.title}</div>`)(reportProps).props.children
if (typeof reportProps.graphTitle == "object") {
reportProps.graphTitle = reportProps.graphTitle.join("")
if (!this.state.running) {
reportProps.wasRunning = false
this.state.running = true
if (graphDetails.graph) {
var Graph = React.createFactory(require(`../graphs/${graphDetails.graph}`).default);
var newGraphProps = {}
var graphPropKeys = Object.keys(graphDetails.props || {}) => {
if (graphDetails.props[graphKey] && graphDetails.props[graphKey].toString().length > 0)
newGraphProps[graphKey] = graphDetails.props[graphKey]
if (graphDetails.timeframe) {
newGraphProps[timeframe] = graphDetails[timeframe]
if (graphDetails.props.attackIndexFilterPreset) {
let preset;
for (let j = 0, jEnd = presets.length; j < jEnd; j++) {
if (presets[j]._id == graphDetails.props.attackIndexFilterPreset) {
return preset = presets[j]
if (preset) {
console.log(`In presents`)
newGraphProps = { ...preset, ...newGraphProps }
// console.log(<Graph key={this.state.count++} isDocument={true} reportKey={graphDetails.key} onImageCreated={this.props.addDataReportGraphDetails} {...filters} {...reportProps} {...newGraphProps}/>)
return (
<Graph key={} isDocument={true} reportKey={graphDetails.key} onImageCreated={this.props.addDataReportGraphDetails} {...filters} {...reportProps} {...newGraphProps}/>
//Verifies we have the correct data to build the graph
startGraphGeneration = async (e,{ props }) => {
let require = this.props.filters && this.props.presets && props
if (!require) {
let graphProps = {
presets: this.props.presets,
filters: this.props.filters,
graphDetails: props,
let g = await this.generateGraph(graphProps)
graph: g
render() {
var x = this.state.graph
return (
<button onClick={(e) => this.startGraphGeneration(e,this.props)}>Preview Graph</button>
{this.state.graph ? <x/> : `Doing Noting`}
export default connect()(RenderGraphPreview)
In your render method you use this.state.graph. You set this variable to the value returned from generateGraph function, which returns rendered node, not a component
. And then you try to render this node as a component(<x/>), which doesn't work. Also in
generateGraph function console.log(g) shows you rendered component. So just return x in you render method instead:
render() {
var x = this.state.graph
return (
<button onClick={(e) => this.startGraphGeneration(e,this.props)}>Preview Graph</button>
{this.state.graph ? x : `Doing Noting`}

Cannot call redux action in my component

I'm learning redux with react-native and I'm trying to use actions in "container-component" pattern.
I want to call a redux action in my component and I'm using mapDispatchToProps in order to do this.
But when the component calls the action, I get the famous red screen with
this.props.myDecrementor is not a function
and when I debug and console.log(this.props) in my component no actions or props are available.
Let me show my code :
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { incrementStepCount, decrementStepCount } from "../actions";
class ChooseHour extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.addStep = this.addStep.bind(this);
this.removeStep = this.removeStep.bind(this);
addStep() {
removeStep() {
render() {
return ( <
View style = {
flex: 1
} >
Button onPress = {
style = {
small transparent iconLeft >
Text > Add Step < /Text> <
/Button> <
InputStep key = {
label = "MyStep" / >
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
order: state.order
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
myDecrementor: () => dispatch(decrementStepCount()),
myIncrementor: () => dispatch(incrementStepCount())
export default connect(
export default class InputStep extends Component {
decrementStepCountinComponent() {
render() {
return ( < Item style = {
inlineLabel > < Label > {
} < /Label> <
Input style = {
placeholder = "Step" / > < Icon name = "times"
type = "FontAwesome"
style = {
color: "red"
onPress = {
() => this.decrementStepCountinComponent()
/> < /
Item > );
Calling actions in container works, but not in the component ...
I've read this post What is mapDispatchToProps? but I really don't understand why it is not working.
Thank you in advance for your help.
You need to pass myDecrement() function to inputstep component from container as props.
In myContainer add
<InputStep myDecrementor = {this.props.myDecrementor}

How to access variable inside React Component? Initialized it outside Component

I'm currently a beginner working on a project in React/Redux. I'm trying to call JSON from an API file, save it as an array of objects, and then pass it into another file to start pulling data out of it. I recently got stuck in one place
Below is my class, which is accessing the JSON data and pulling it out to put into an array. I initialized the array outside of the class, but it's not being written to. I'm not really sure how to 'throw' the array that I need out of my class.
numberendpoint.json (an array of objects)
color: "red",
value: "#f00"
color: "green",
value: "#0f0"
color: "blue",
value: "#00f"
color: "cyan",
value: "#0ff"
color: "magenta",
value: "#f0f"
color: "yellow",
value: "#ff0"
color: "black",
value: "#000"
In index.js
let productJSON = [] //initialize productJSON array here
class Hue extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
elements: [],
productJSON: []
componentWillMount() {
.then(results => {
return results.json();
}).then(data => {
let colorArray = [] //initialize array to receive json data
for (let i =0; i < data.length; i++) {
productJSON = JSON.stringify(productArray) //here is where I try to assign the productJSON array
let elements = => {
return (
<div key={rainbow.results}>
this.setState({elements: elements});
console.log("state", this.state.elements[0]);
render() {
return (
<div className="container2">
How can I access the JSONproduct array? or alternatively, how do I 'pop' it out of this class so I can use it?
Update: used the solution suggested by Rahamin. Now I have this code below, all contained within the the "Hue" class. But I'm still getting errors.
import React from 'react'
const TIMEOUT = 100
let productJSON;
class Hue extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
products: [],
this.getColors = this.getColors.bind(this)
componentDidMount() {
.then(results => {
return results.json();
}).then(data => {
let colorArray = []
for (let i =0; i < data.length; i++) {
console.log("jsonproduct=" + JSON.stringify(productArray))
productJSON = JSON.stringify(productArray)
this.setState({productJSON: productJSON});
render() {
return (
<div className="container2">
export default {
getProducts: (cb, timeout) => setTimeout(() => cb(({ productJSON: value})), timeout || TIMEOUT), // here is where I am getting an error -- "value" is undefined. I'm not sure I was meant to put "value" there or something else...very new to React so its conventions are still foreign to me.
buyProducts: (payload, cb, timeout) => setTimeout(() => cb(), timeout || TIMEOUT)
let productJSON = [] //initialize productJSON array here
class Hue extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
elements: [],
productJSON: []
componentDidMount() {
.then(res => {
render() {
if(this.state.elements.length > 0){ //once the data is fetched
return (
<div className="container2">
{ => {
return (
<div key={rainbow.results}>
else{ // initial render
return null;
I don't really understand why you are trying to put array OUTSIDE of a class but I think you need to understand when each event gets called in React.
componentDidMount is an event that gets called when all the components have mounted in the class. So at this stage, render() function has already run. Which means your productJSON is undefined at this stage. What you really wanna do is that make sure your component changes when the state gets updated to something other than undefined.
Try the following code.
let productJSON = [] //initialize productJSON array here
class Hue extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
elements: [],
componentWillMount() {
.then(results => {
return results.json();
}).then(data => {
let colorArray = [] //initialize array to receive json data
for (let i =0; i < data.length; i++) {
let elements = => {
return (
<div key={rainbow.results}>
this.setState({elements: elements});
console.log("state", this.state.elements[0]);
render() {
return (
<div className="container2">
{this.state.productJSON ? 'state not ready' : this.state.productJSON} //this is the important part. It will render this.state.productJSON only when it is a truthy value.
Given that you do get a valid colorArray from your call, this will work.

