how to change the code of other modules in nodejs - javascript

For example.I installed a module in the node_modules. if i change that module, updating node_module will update all modules.What is the usual practice

Look into patch-package
In summary, you install the package and add a postinstall script to your package.json file that calls patch-package:
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "patch-package"
Modify the package directly in /node_modules and then call patch-package on the package you just modified:
npx patch-package <package_name>
This will create a local directory called /patches with a diff (or patch) file inside for that package. Commit that folder in with your repo.
Now whenever you run npm install, the postinstall script will also run and apply the /patches that you committed to that package 🙌🏽

First, We call it Package instead of Module, Why? because search results on Google are much more accurate when you use that word
Second, to update a specific package use npm update {package name}
Third, you don't change the code of other packages, you can only either install, update, or delete the package. there's this option to override it but it's only possible if the package owner allows overrides.
I decided to update my answer due to the discussion below.
since I have put in mind that you are a beginner and are not entirely sure how to update code or override package code, or maybe even if it's a good idea to change package code, I have given you an unclear answer.
and since the other answer are telling you to use patch-package
then I'm here to tell you that you can fork that package. and install that package from your fork. here's how you do it


How to install editable dependency via yarn

Is it possible to install a yarn dependency as an editable dependency?
I'm looking for something like python pip's:
pip install -e
For local development of a library. My goal is to see changes in a package I'm developing while simultaneously using it in another package.
You can directly edit the files in node_modules and changes there are reflected immediately, but also overwritten when yarn decides to update the module. Note, that some files need to be built first or might be a bit tricky to edit (minified / transpiled build artefacts). You can also install the module directly from GitHub, if this is easier for your development process.
Apart from that, there is no such thing as "editable" dependencies in npm / yarn.

local change in node modules file

I need to make some changes in one of my node module package. But the problem is that if I am changing any file inside node modules folder then the changes won't be available to the other developers as it won't be checked in. Others will install it via package.json.
Is there any way I can include the file in my application instead of node modules and will it be a good approach?
Kindly suggest if there is any other alternative.
You have three options
Send a PR to the actual npm package, if the change is like a bug fix or enhancement that aligns with the actual packages goal.
Fork the package repo, and make changes and use it in your project as a dependency, in case you are adding changes that does not align with the goals of the actual package
move the package code into your source code, and use it as source code rather than a package from npm
you can make a fork of the project, then inside your package.json add the dependency as
"package-name": "<your username>/<your repo name/probably same as package-name>#<branch>",
also you can install it using yarn/npm
npm install --save username/repo#branch-name-or-commit-or-tag
as show this link
this is all, run yarn o npm install and you'll get your changes, please make a PR to the original author and when this will be accepted you can return

NPM package for NPM scripts

I'm trying to write an npm package that will add a specific npm script to whatever package.json on which it is depended. Nothing in the npm package.json / script docs is bringing me remotely close.
I'm basically trying to do this:
I install an npm package (call it 'cool-thing')
cool-thing, by installing, adds an npm script to my existent package.json
I can call cool-thing on the command line and it will perform whatever action is specified in the package.json
Anyone know how I could do this?
I am assuming you are working on a package cool-parent which depends on package cool-thing because you want to run the executable that cool-thing provides.
Normally, you would manually modify the cool-parent package.json to add a script:
"scripts": {
"cool-thing": "cool-thing"
Now for user convenience, you would like 1) to automate this modification. Not only that, you want to 2) make the modification automatically after the package is installed as a dependency.
There are some drawbacks to part 2, the developer of cool-parent
might not want to add a script,
might already have a script called cool-thing,
might not have a package.json,
I consider making modification outside of the package itself during install time to be an undesirable side effect.
If you still want to do it, you can using a postinstall script in cool-thing. You would need to figure out the location of the package.json of the parent if there is one through working directories and perhaps environment variables that npm provides.

Node.js project with no package.json

Is it ok to have a node.js project with no package.json? The ones I see on the internet all come with package.json
What is the effect of having no package.json?
How is package.json created in the first place? Is it created automatically? I am wondering why I do not have package.json
Fundamentally, package.json is a meta file for your application. It lists all the configuration of your application.
What is the effect of having no package.json?
Nothing as far as you're running all your code locally and have no requirement for deployment whatsoever.
Let's setup a scene for you to understand this better.
Imagine that you wrote a brilliant application using node. Now all the chicks in your surrounding want it to play with. It is so fantastic!
Now you want to give it to them and during the development process you `npm install`ed so many things that your project grows beyond 4TB size.
There is no data storage device available to ship that huge code base.
Then the girl of your dream said I want it and I want it now. So you begin searching for app deployment process for node applications.
That is where you stumble upon a magical thing called package.json.
So what you do is you list all your npm installed modules under dependencies property. Then you delete node_modulesfolder, add package.json and commit the entire damn thing in github. Even the .zip file is of 10MB
Then she gets the code.
Types in npm install && npm start (which will install all the dependencies from the package.json` and start your application)
If you have package.json however, that is where you specify all your dependencies.
Using --save flag of npm install
npm install express --save
How is package.json created in the first place? Is it created automatically?
You can manually create a text file and save it as package.json
A more sophisticated way is to use the command
npm init
I am wondering why I do not have package.json
Me too! :)
You're most probably following a tutorial that doesn't emphasize on initial configuration of the project OR the author of those tutorials presume that the reader has all the fundamentals down to begin with.
It is created automatically if you write npm init.
Then, every package you add using npm install packagename --save will be added to the dependencies list.
You need package.json so that when you want to use your project on another machine you don't have to copy all node_modules, but only your .js files you have written, assets and package.json. You can then run npm install command and it will automatically download and install all the required modules (found in the list of dependencies inside package.json).
You can also manually create or edit it, but it's easier to add --save when installing a module so you don't have to worry about package versions and stuff like that.
Also if you want to create a npm package, an open source project or stuff other people will use, it's either required or the norm to have this package.json file describing your project.
package.json is npm file, if you don't use npm you will not have this file, npm is a great tool if you want to use external libraries in your project but if you don't need it (which is very not likely unless you are doing something very simple), you don't need package.json file too.
To generate package.json file initialize npm in your project using npm init
possible reason thus it exist is you maybe you enter a wrong command like npm i -y, you must initialize the project first, just enter a command npm init -y
Well, if you are running it on your local machine, it's fine. now to answer your last question, package.json is not created automatically.
the npm command npm init -y creates the 'package.json' file. It basically makes sharing your code and installing your codebase easier.

Pointing package.json to a specific React commit installs react-tools (not react)

When I add this line to my package.json:
"react": "git://"
...and then run npm install, I find node_modules/react-tools installed when I expect to see node_modules/react.
What am I doing wrong here?
The code at git:// is not the same code that gets installed when you npm install react. Instead, the code contains a series of build steps that are used to build the npm package. As far as I know, there is not a way to easily use a specific SHA of the React repo as an npm package; you would need to clone the repo, build the project, and copy it somewhere you can require it.

