How to convert String into a HTML element in Next JS Applcation? - javascript

I have saved the product description as the HTML elements into a Database like this. But when I am rendering this data into div, this is displaying as String. I want to display all the data like HTML elements in my Next JS application. I tried JSON.parse, but it's not working.
If someone can help me to fix this will be appreciated.
"images": [
"alternativeText": "cinnamon",
"path": "public/uploads/5585.jpg"
"_id": "606c39c884372a0e20c3f9bb",
"name": "Cinnamon",
"code": "5586",
"price": 49,
"category": {
"_id": "6064b37855bd0f26e0df4616",
"name": "Natural Essential Oils",
"createdAt": "2021-03-31T17:38:00.066Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-31T17:38:24.398Z",
"__v": 0
"description": "<p>Cinnamon Bark Vitality™ essential oil has a warm, spicy flavor that complements a variety of classic culinary treats and drinks. Cinnamon Bark Vitality is not only great for elevating dishes, but it can also be taken as a dietary supplement and is an important ingredient in some of Young Living’s most popular products, including Thieves® Vitality™ and Inner Defense™. Cinnamon Bark Vitality’s warm taste and nostalgic notes bring a spicy addition to your favorite dishes. By using Cinnamon Bark Vitality as a dietary supplement, you can help support healthy digestive and immune systems.</p>",
"createdAt": "2021-04-06T10:36:56.440Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-04-06T10:36:56.440Z",
"__v": 0
Check the image attatchement.
Next Js application code
const Product = ({product}) => {
return (
<div className="container-fluid product-page">
<div className="page-body">
<div className="row product">
<div className="col-xl-5 col-lg-5 image-box">
<div className="preview-image">
<div className="image">
src={ImageRootPath + "/" + product.images[0].path}
<div className="col-xl-7 col-lg-7 info-box">
<div className="product-info">
<div className="product-name">
<p>{"Product code: " + product.code}</p>
<div className="product-price">
<h5>Price: <span>{product.price + "$"}</span></h5>
<p>{"Quantity: 5ml"}</p>
<div className="product-des">

As you want to display raw HTML, so this
<div className="product-des">
should be changed to
<div className="product-des" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: product.description }}>
This is covered in the official doc
dangerouslySetInnerHTML is React’s replacement for using innerHTML in the browser DOM [...] you have to type out dangerouslySetInnerHTML and pass an object with a __html key
And you also have to be mindful of the risky to set raw HTML in the case like this
In general, setting HTML from code is risky because it’s easy to inadvertently expose your users to a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack


Javascript - Use array values dynamically in HTML

My end result is supposed to be a list of objects in html. Bootstrap behind this. I'd like for the list to be created dynamically so I don't have to manually create all the divs because I don't know how many there will be. Here's what I have.
I have an array similar to this:
activities =
"activityOwner": "Raymond Carlson",
"activityDesc": "Complete all the steps from Getting Started wizard"
"activityOwner": "Flopsy McDoogal",
"activityDesc": "Called interested in March fundraising Sponsorship"
"activityOwner": "Gary Busy",
"activityDesc": "Get approval for price quote"
This is the first part where I'm not sure what to do. I can assign the element ids individually for my html like this but what I'd like to do is count how many elements are in my array and create these for me. I won't know how many there are to make these manually. I'm sure there needs to be a loop but I couldn't figure it out.
document.getElementById('activityowner0').innerHTML = activities[0].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc0').innerHTML = activities[0].activityDesc;
document.getElementById('activityowner1').innerHTML = activities[1].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc1').innerHTML = activities[1].activityDesc;
document.getElementById('activityowner2').innerHTML = activities[2].activityOwner;
document.getElementById('activitydesc2').innerHTML = activities[2].activityDesc;
And then...once I have that part, I'd like to know how to create my html divs dynamically based on how many elements are in my array. Again, right now I don't know how many there are so I'm having to create a bunch of these and then have extras if I have too many.
<div class="container">
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="qa-message-list" id="wallmessages">
<div class="message-item" id="m0">
<div class="message-inner">
<div class="message-head clearfix">
<div class="user-detail">
<h5 class="handle">
<p id='activityowner0'></p>
<div class="post-meta"></div>
<div class="qa-message-content">
<p id='activitydesc0'></p>
I know this is a big ask so just pointing me in the right direction would be very helpful. I hope my question was clear and I appreciate it.
One way for you to achieve this would be to loop through the objects in your activities array. From there you can use a HTML template to store the base HTML structure which you can clone and update with the values of each object before you append it to the DOM.
In addition, an important thing to note when generating repeated content in a loop: never use id attributes. You will either end up with duplicates, which is invalid as id need to be unique, or you'll end up with ugly code generating incremental/random id at runtime which is unnecessary. Use classes instead.
Here's a working example:
const activities = [{ "activityOwner": "Raymond Carlson", "activityDesc": "Complete all the steps from Getting Started wizard"}, {"activityOwner": "Flopsy McDoogal","activityDesc": "Called interested in March fundraising Sponsorship" }, { "activityOwner": "Gary Busy", "activityDesc": "Get approval for price quote" }]
const html = => {
let item = document.querySelector('#template').innerHTML;
item = item.replace('{owner}', obj.activityOwner);
item = item.replace('{desc}', obj.activityDesc);
return item;
document.querySelector('#list').innerHTML = html.join('');
<div id="list"></div>
<template id="template">
<div class="container">
<div class="row"></div>
<div class="qa-message-list">
<div class="message-item">
<div class="message-inner">
<div class="message-head clearfix">
<div class="user-detail">
<h5 class="handle">
<p class="activityowner">{owner}</p>
<div class="post-meta"></div>
<div class="qa-message-content">
<p class="activitydesc">{desc}</p>

Adding some logic in v-for with v-if Vue

I have some json with below results
"module": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Module 1",
"type": "URL",
"size": 1,
"image": "https://localhost/image1.png"
"id": 2,
"title": "Module 2",
"type": "YOUTUBE",
"size": 2,
"image": "https://localhost/image2.png"
Now i want to render it on a page with some loop and conditional, like below
<section class="page-section homescreen mt-4">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modules" v-if="data.size == 1">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
<div class="col-lg-6" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modules" v-if="data.size == 2">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
export default {
data() {
return {
modules: [
"id": 1,
"title": "Module 1",
"type": "URL",
"size": 1,
"image": "https://localhost/image1.png"
"id": 2,
"title": "Module 2",
"type": "YOUTUBE",
"size": 2,
"image": "https://localhost/image2.png"
But instead of success, i got some error saying
5:99 error The 'modules' variable inside 'v-for' directive should be
replaced with a computed property that returns filtered array instead.
You should not mix 'v-for' with 'v-if' vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for
8:99 error The 'modules' variable inside 'v-for' directive should be
replaced with a computed property that returns filtered array instead.
You should not mix 'v-for' with 'v-if' vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for
Actually i want to create the <div class="col-lg-3"> part to be dynamic based on the json, if size:1 mean to have col-lg-3 and if size:2 mean to have col-lg-6
Any explanation and suggestion will be appreciated.
Thank you
eslint-plugin-vue was telling you to do this:
<div class="col-lg-3" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modules.filter(o=>o.size == 1)">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
<div class="col-lg-6" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modules.filter(o=>o.size == 2)">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
In your case, it can be simplified as
<div :class="'col-lg-'+data.size*3" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modules">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
If it's essentially something with css classes, why don't you use v-bind:class or :class with your condition ?
But like said in the error message you'll certainly have to create a sub component and then use props on it
In case you have just two sizes:
You can use Computed Properties to achieve this requirement.
First, create two new computed properties like:
computed: {
modulesSize1: function() {
return this.modules.filter(x => x.size == 1)
modulesSize2: function() {
return this.modules.filter(x => x.size == 2)
Now, you can easily loop through computed properties modulesSize1 && modulesSize2 like:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modulesSize1" >
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
<div class="col-lg-6" v-bind:key="data.index" v-for="data in modulesSize2" >
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
In case you have multiple sizes:
First, create a simple method like:
methods: {
getClass: function(size) {
return `col-lg-${size * 3}`
and then we can update template and use Class Bindings like:
<div :class="getClass(data.size)" :key="data.index" v-for="data in modules">
<img class="img-fluid" :src="`${data.image}`" :alt="`${data.title}`" />
The v-if is essentially baked in to the v-for (if modules is empty nothing will render) so it's recommended not to use them in combination. If you need it for a separate condition, like you do here, then you'll have to move your v-for on to the <img> itself.
You also won't be able to use data.size this way so you'd have to use something like v-if="modules[0].size == 1" etc.
#Palash answer is probably the more efficient way to solve this.
Edit 2
#r0ulito and #xianshenglu also makes a really good point, if it's just a class issue, use v-bind.

How to get angular js expressions to consider css values from the api and apply it to its card

I'm creating pokemon cards that take data from the API. How can I get the CSS of a particular card get applied to its respective card from the API directly just like the information which I've rendered using angular-js.
I'm done retrieving the data like name, description and image.I used angular-js directives to get the data.Similarly, the API consists of CSS styling for each of their respective cards.How can I get the CSS of a particular card get applied to its respective card from the API directly just like the information which I've rendered using angular-js.
"cardColors": {
"bg": "#47C67B",
"imgbg": "#80EDAC",
"tagbg": "#8edbae",
"text": "#ffffff",
"textbg": "#66CF91"
"description": "Bulbasaur is a small quadruped Pokemon that has turquoise skin with darker teal patches ",
"name": "Bulbasaur",
"sprite": "",
"tag": "Grass"
}, {
"cardColors": {
"bg": "#f88321",
"imgbg": "#ffb047",
"tagbg": "#fab275",
"text": "#ffffff",
"textbg": "#f99847"
"description": "Pikachu is a Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of
Pichu. Pikachu's tail is sometimes struck by lightning as it raises it to
check its surroundings.",
"name": "Pikachu",
"sprite": "",
"tag": "Electric"
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('pokemonCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get("pokemondata.json").then(function (response) {
$scope.myData =;
<div class="container" ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="pokemonCtrl">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4" ng-repeat="x in myData">
<img class="cards" ng-src="{{x.sprite}}"><br/>
You should use ngStyle to apply styles from your controller data to your list elements. Something like:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4" ng-repeat="x in myData" ng-style="{'background-color':, color: x.text}">
<p ng-style="{'background-color': x.textbg}">{{x.description}}</p><br/>
<img class="cards" ng-src="{{x.sprite}}"><br/>

How to dynamically add items and attributes to HTML with javascript or jQuery referencing items from a csv or json file

I am trying to make the following bit of code easier to maintain. I am not a web developer so bear with me. I think the following approach is appropriate.
I would like to dynamically add content and attributes to an html file using either javascript or jQuery. The items could reside in a .csv or .json (or something else?) file.
Given content like this
<div class="filtr-container">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 card filtr-item" data-category="cat-1" data-date="2018-02-09">
<div class="card-inner-border box-shadow">
<a href="address-1.html">
<img class="card-img-top rounded-top" src="./images/image-1.jpg" alt="img-2-alt">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Title-1</h5>
<p class="card-text card-desc">
This is a description for title-1 content.
<a href="address-1.html">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary">View</button>
<p class="card-text">
<small class="text-muted">Last updated February 2, 2018</small>
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 card filtr-item" data-category="cat-2, cat-3" data-date="2018-02-14">
<div class="card-inner-border box-shadow">
<a href="address-2.html">
<img class="card-img-top rounded-top" src="./images/image-2.jpg" alt="img-2-alt">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">Title-2</h5>
<p class="card-text card-desc">
Here is a long description for title-2 content.
<a href="address-2.html">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary">View</button>
<p class="card-text">
<small class="text-muted">Last updated February 14, 2018</small>
<!-- MANY MORE CARDS / ITEMS ... -->
</div> <!-- End of filtr-container -->
I think we could abstract the details into something like this (.csv)
1,Title-1,This is a description for title-1 content.,cat-1,address-1.html,image-1.jpg,img-1-alt,2018-02-09
2,Title-2,Here is a long description for title-2 content.,"cat-2, cat-2",address-2.html,image-2.jpg,img-2-alt,2018-02-14
What's a nice approach of attack for using `javascript` or `jQuery` to add this content from the `.csv` or `.json` file?
A few concerns:
The headers of the .csv will not match verbatim (e.g. <p class="card-desc"> aligns with the .csv header of description)
There could be embedded comma-separated items (e.g. item 2 has categories cat-2, cat-3 so it gets quotes " in the .csv -- maybe .json would better (?) or perhaps its a non-issue)
If possible can we reuse the date item for both data-date= and the final piece of text <small class="text-muted"> which converts the date into Last updated month-name-long, dd, yyyy instead of yyyy-mm-dd.
Some attributes are partial references (e.g. the src for an image is just the final part of the path; stated as image-1.jpg in the .csv not ./images/image-jpg).
To hopefully help make this feel less complicated, here's a picture with the highlighted elements that could be "referenced" from the .csv file.
To me this feels like:
Read in the .csv file.
For each item in the .csv file, append objects to $(".filtr-container") with the shell layout...
But I'm lost when it comes to the particulars or if that's an appropriate approach.
You seem to be searching for template parsing. You can find many libraries that will ease this burden. In its simplest form, template parses carry out the steps in the following code. If you don't need the flexibility, power, features, etc. from a template parser library or full framework, you should consider not including the thousands of lines of code if all you want to accomplish is what is shown below.
Since you mentioned both JSON and CSV I've included the code to parse both. I'll leave the AJAX and date formatting magic to you. I don't think I populate the ID either, but this shows that more data than template attributes will work fine.
let template = document.getElementById('card-template').innerHTML;
let container = document.querySelector('.filtr-container');
// Do some ajax magic to get csv file
let csv = `item-id,title,description,categories,address,image,image-alt,update
1,Title-1,This is a description for title-1 content.,cat-1,address-1.html,,img-1-alt,2018-02-09
2,Title-2,Here is a long description for title-2 content.,cat-2 cat-2,address-2.html,,img-2-alt,2018-02-14`;
let csvLines = csv.split("\n");
let csvHeaders = csvLines.shift().split(',');
csvLines.forEach(line => {
let parsed = template;
let props = line.split(',');
props.forEach((prop, idx) => {
parsed = parsed.replace('{{' + csvHeaders[idx] + '}}', props[idx]);
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + parsed;
let json = `[{
"item-id": "1",
"title": "Title-1",
"description": "This is a description for title-1 content.",
"categories": "cat-1",
"address": "address-1.html",
"image": "",
"image-alt": "img-1-alt",
"update": "2018-02-09"
}, {
"item-id": "2",
"title": "Title-2",
"description": "Here is a long description for title-2 content.",
"categories": "cat-2 cat-2",
"address": "address-2.html",
"image": "",
"image-alt": "img-2-alt",
"update": "2018-02-14"
let data = JSON.parse(json);
data.forEach(col => {
let jParsed = template;
for (prop in col) {
jParsed = jParsed.replace('{{' + prop + '}}', col[prop]);
container.innerHTML = container.innerHTML + jParsed;
<div class="filtr-container">
<script type="template" id="card-template">
<div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 card filtr-item" data-category="{{categories}}" data-date="{{date}}">
<div class="card-inner-border box-shadow">
<a href="{{address}}">
<img class="card-img-top rounded-top" src="{{image}}" alt="{{image-alt}}">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{title}}</h5>
<p class="card-text card-desc">
<a href="{{address}}">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary">View</button>
<p class="card-text">
<small class="text-muted">Last updated {{update}}</small>
This post might help you parse your CSV document. If your data lives in a JSON, you can use JSON.parse
Once you properly retrieved and parsed your data, it's a matter or rendering it to the DOM.
You can do it using the standard javascript library, JQuery or frameworks such as React or VueJS

How to call out multiple JSON objects in Angular

I am trying to call multiple objects from my JSON file for various different sections on my site. As it stands i have the jobs and a misc section for section titles etc. With my HTML i have the following
This works fine. However the misc section doesn't display any content
"jobs": [
"jobTitle": "Senior Accountant",
"sector": "Accounting & Finance",
"link": "/jobs/1"
"title": [
{"widgetTitle": "Latest Jobs"}
<div class="tickr-container" data-ng-controller="tickCtrl">
<h3>{{date | date:'fullDate' : 'GMT'}}</h3>
<ul ng-mouseover="stopAuto()" ng-mouseleave="startAuto()" class="tickrSlider">
<li class="tickrSlider-slide" ng-class="{'job-active' :isActive($index)}" data-ng-repeat="job in jobs">
<div class="tickrSlider-inner">
<a class="tickrSlide-info" href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
Shouldn't you reference title[0].widgetTitle?
<h2>{{job.jobTitle}}</h2> appears fine since you reference the job object from data-ng-repeat="job in jobs"

