How to create files using JavaScript in GitHub? [duplicate] - javascript

I made a website using Node.js as the server. As I know, the node.js file should start working by typing commands in terminal, so I'm not sure if Github Pages supports node.js-hosting. So what should I do?

GitHub pages host only static HTML pages. No server side technology is supported, so Node.js applications won't run on GitHub pages. There are lots of hosting providers, as listed on the Node.js wiki.
App fog seems to be the most economical as it provides free hosting for projects with 2GB of RAM (which is pretty good if you ask me).
As stated here, AppFog removed their free plan for new users.
If you want to host static pages on GitHub, then read this guide. If you plan on using Jekyll, then this guide will be very helpful.

We, the Javascript lovers, don't have to use Ruby (Jekyll or Octopress) to generate static pages in Github pages, we can use Node.js and Harp, for example:
These are the steps. Abstract:
Create a New Repository
Clone the Repository
git clone
Initialize a Harp app (locally):
harp init _harp
make sure to name the folder with an underscore at the beginning; when you deploy to GitHub Pages, you don’t want your source files to be served.
Compile your Harp app
harp compile _harp ./
Deploy to Gihub
git add -A
git commit -a -m "First Harp + Pages commit"
git push origin master
And this is a cool tutorial with details about nice stuff like layouts, partials, Jade and Less.

I was able to set up github actions to automatically commit the results of a node build command (yarn build in my case but it should work with npm too) to the gh-pages branch whenever a new commit is pushed to master.
While not completely ideal as i'd like to avoid committing the built files, it seems like this is currently the only way to publish to github pages and should work for any frontend Node.js app (or app built with a frontend framework like React or Vue) that can be served as static files.
I based my workflow off of this guide for a different react library, and had to make the following changes to get it to work for me:
updated the "setup node" step to use the version found here since the one from the sample i was basing it off of was throwing errors because it could not find the correct action.
remove the line containing yarn export because that command does not exist and it doesn't seem to add anything helpful (you may also want to change the build line above it to suit your needs)
I also added an env directive to the yarn build step so that I can include the SHA hash of the commit that generated the build inside my app, but this is optional
Here is my full github action:
name: github pages
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- uses: actions/checkout#v2
- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/setup-node#v2-beta
node-version: '12'
- name: Get yarn cache
id: yarn-cache
run: echo "::set-output name=dir::$(yarn cache dir)"
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache#v2
path: ${{ steps.yarn-cache.outputs.dir }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- run: yarn build
REACT_APP_GIT_SHA: ${{ github.SHA }}
- name: Deploy
uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages#v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
publish_dir: ./build
Alternative solution
The docs for next.js also provides instructions for setting up with Vercel which appears to be a hosting service for node.js apps similar to github pages. I have not tried this though and so cannot speak to how well it works.

No, You cannot publish on Github pages. Try Heroku or something like that. You can only deploy static sites on github pages. You can't deploy a server on github pages.

GitHub allows hosting only static websites(having only HTML, CSS, javascript).
Dynamic websites(having databases, servers, and all) can't be hosted as a Github page.
And node.js app is a server-based website, we can't host it on Github.
You can try Heroku, Openshift to host your website.

ahm. Yep, as most answer says. Github Pages only process html and css and a front-end JS.
But you can use JS framework like Gatsby which is mainly known to generate static purely static files, it gathers the data on compilation.
Then use that generated folder as the directory of the site.

I would like to add that it IS very much possible, as I am doing it right now. Here's how I'm doing it:
(I'm going to assume you have a package and/or directory ready to publish.)
In the root of your package.json, add
"homepage": "https://{pages-endpoint}/{repo}",
Where the pages-endpoint is the endpoint you specified in the Settings -> Pages portion of your repository, and repo is the name of your repository.
Then make sure you npm install --global gh-pages --save-dev. You need the --global to ensure the bin file is on your PATH and --save-dev should add it as a dependency in your package.json
After that, just npm run build && gh-pages -d build. The -d specifies your output build directory. The standard is build, but mine was public. If it's different, just change it.
Lastly, make sure in the Settings -> Pages section, you select gh-pages as the branch to host and leave the directory as / (root). Once it's built, your site should be available at your endpoint.
Happy Dev-ing!

It's very simple steps to push your node js application from local to GitHub.
First create a new repository on GitHub
Open Git CMD installed to your system (Install GitHub Desktop)
Clone the repository to your system with the command: git clone repo-url
Now copy all your application files to this cloned library if it's not there
Get everything ready to commit: git add -A
Commit the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository: git commit -a -m "First Commit"
Push the changes in your local repository to GitHub: git push origin master


react serve works, but deploying to github pages or heroku fails

I'm trying to deploy this repo
to this website
However, I'm getting 404 errors. I also tried heroku. It does work when I serve the build locally. Not sure what's wrong. Please help!!!
You'll have to distinguish your dev environment and your production one. On dev mode, you run npm start that does things (as instructed in package.json) and act as a local server and serves you project on http://localhost:3000. You simply cannot use that in production mode on Github or Heroku.
You need to deploy the built version, running npm run build. It will create a javascript file in a dist folder. You might want, on Github, create a gh-pages branch, build this production ready file on it, create an index.html file that serves it, and commit that.
I'm no expert on Heroku but it might be a slightly similar case (run post-deploy scripts that build your app and serve it through an index.html file).
Hope that help.

How to deploy angular 7 project directly to my webserver, so that i shouldn't migrate my dist folder always after deployment?

Currently, I am deploying my Angular 7 Project by using FileZilla to migrate my local files from ./dist folder to server public_HTMl. This is a quite tides job to carry in a daily basis, so I want to deploy my code directly to the server, when I hit ng build --prod then those compiled files have to be migrated directly to the server. Do anybody here who can help me to solve this problem?
To get rid of this problem I have tried lots of steps:
I was using bitbucket pipelines to execute my code, it came to be costly and I cannot run it as well, It took several hours but cannot give output for me.
I also tried by using new Git Repository even it's a good way but cannot give me the solution because when I deploy my code locally it creates a new folder every time while I execute a command.
So, I want to get help and deploy this code directly to the server that is going to host my application. Thank you all and hope all of you provide me good tips regarding this problem.
You can do it in the simple way. Create basic bash/sh script or windows executable and use rsync to do this automatically:
ng build --prod
rsync -arvt ./dist remoteuser#remotehost:/var/www/remotedirectory
To avoid entering login and password every time add RSA public key to your remote machine(trusted host). You can combine this solution with Bitbucket pipelines, when the free plan ends I run this script manually from my developer machine.
image: mycustomimage:latest
- step:
name: Build and deploy to production
- node
deployment: production
- npm install
- npm install -g #angular/cli
- ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false
- ./
Instead of a simple script you can use some more complex solution like Capistrano, Shipit or some other more advanced tool. All depends on your needs...
The simplest solution is always the best :)

Minify JavaScript during GitHub Pages build?

I have a static website through GitHub Pages, built on Jekyll-Bootstrap. My little website includes a lot of JavaScript, and for maintainability I would like all of the JavaScript to remain human-readable in the GitHub repo.
But for the end-user of my website, I would prefer to minify the JavaScript.
Is there some way to build a hook into the GitHub Pages build process to minify/uglify JavaScript, so that the end user can download smaller files?
The GitHub pages build service cannot have any other code running on it other than Jekyll in safe mode and the small number of included plugins. This is done for security.
Your best option is to use an alternative service to build your site and push the result back to GitHub. The source for the site would reside in the master branch and the compiled source in gh-pages.
A suitable service for doing so would be one of many CI services, such as Travis CI. These are typically used to run software test suites on every push to a repo, but can be used to build your website and push the result back to you.
The Jekyll docs have a guide for testing builds on Travis. Pushing the output isn't mentioned. You'll need a script in the after_success derivative in the Travis conf file. An example from a site I maintain.
To authenticate your push the script will need access to your github personal access token. You can't just put this straight in the deploy script as it's a secret. See the Travis docs on encrypting environment variables.
If you are using Github to generate the site and display it, there is no option to do this because Github is strict about what it will process - for security.
A workaround is to do your compiling and processing locally, then push the resulting output to to gh-pages - which is happy to simply host static pages.
You can still use github to host the project. You just do not use Github to compile it.
Your dev process might be:
Check you're master and local match.
Do your work in dev mode.
Build in production.
Use grunt or other program to minify/uglify/etc the _site production files - outputting to a separate dist (distribution) folder.
Push the contents of the dist folder to your gh-pages.
Commit changes to the project files back to the master.
I am probably not making much sense, but perhaps this discussion might help more:
Have fun!
You can try to use my own minifier It is written purely on liquid, so you do not need any additional gems install and it is fully compatible with GitHub Pages.
My approach to this is a Github action that:
checks out the main branch
performs the minification/purging etc
pushes the changes to a gh-pages branch
Then you just need to point Github Pages at the gh-pages branch rather than the main branch.
You'd need to choose appropriate CLI tools to perform the minifying/purging in the virtual machine that the action spins up. There are lots of options here. I'd suggest using packages that can be installed through node so that you only have to install that on the VM. For example:
PurgeCSS: Removes unneeded CSS
terser: Minifies JS
csso-cli: Minifies CSS
html-minifier: Minifies HTML
This is relatively straightforward with a Github action that looks a bit like this:
# A Github Action that minifies html/css/js and pushes it to a new branch
name: purge-and-minify
# Run on pushes to `main` branch
- 'main'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
# Install CLI tools
- uses: actions/setup-node#v3
node-version: '16'
- run: npm install -g terser
- run: npm install -g csso-cli
- run: npm install -g html-minifier
# Use CLI tools to minify, overwriting existing files
- run: for i in ./js/*.js; do terser $i --compress -o $i; done
- run: for i in ./css/*.css; do csso $i -o $i; done
- run: for i in ./html/*.html; do html-minifier [--your-options-here] $i -o $i; done
# Push changes to `gh-pages` branch
- run: |
git config github-username
git config
git commit -am 'Automated minify of ${{ github.sha }}'
git push --force -u origin main:gh-pages
Here is a working example of a similar process in a Github project of mine.
Netlify is an alternative to GitHub Pages that integrates with GitHub (even private repos) and similarly publishes the output of Jekyll (or other static site generators). There are some limits on the free tier, but most individual users are unlikely to run into them.
You should be able to add one of the Jekyll minifier plugins listed here to accomplish your goals. Here are plugin installation instructions.
Please add a comment if this worked for you! I'd love to hear how it went.

Using stellar-lib api with Meteor

this is probably a silly question but am new to Meteor and struggling a bit. I want to build a stellar app that tweets when you get stellar. There is a nice Javascript API stellar-lib that works on node, but im unsure how to access the modules in Meteor...
I'm also building an app with Meteor and stellar-lib and have found two options:
1) You can manually copy over the built stellar-lib.js or stellar-lib-min.js from the build/ directory from either the github repo or the node_modules folder you installed it to when you ran the npm install command.
If you do this, you will have to copy the .js file to client/compatibility, otherwise stellar-lib will not work (note: this means you can only use Stellar on the client).
2) If you need it on the server, you can also have browserify wrap stellar-lib for you, then copy the output to lib/ in your Meteor app's root directory. I did this in my repo here with gulp.
Here's a short explanation to how 2) works:
.gulp is where I'll install my NPM modules where they will be ignored by the Meteor build environment (because the folder is hidden).
In deps.js, I require the modules I would want to use in my Meteor app as I would if I was using them in a traditional node.js app. package.json defines the modules I'll install with NPM and the gulpfile.js describes a build task that will resolve my require statements and output a single deps.js file that includes my dependencies to my Meteor app's lib/ folder.

Getting a MEAN app ready for production

Now that I have completed my MEAN app below are what I think are the stages to get the app ready for production and up and running on Heroku. Could you please advise if I've got the wrong idea as this is my first app of this kind.
1) Use Grunt to lint all Javascript files (front end)
2) Concatenate all the JS files into one file
3) Uglify the concatenated file from step 2
4) Push (dist?) to Heroku (via Git) ... but what do I push?
Will there be files in a "dist" folder at this point?
Is it this directory (and only this directory) that should be pushed to Heroku?
Note: I'm confident with Git and Heroku - I'm not sure what I need to push or indeed what a typical workflow is.
Not sure what you mean by dist, but I can explain how to push to heroku
Make sure you have a package.json with an app name (Heroku will identify it as a node app)
Go to the command line and log in using heroku login Input your details
Create a file and call it Procfile inside the file: web: node app.js
heroku create appName
cd into/your/root/project/folder
'git init'
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push heroku master (Make sure you have heroku as a remote)
There is a way more in depth explanation of this here: But they show it with an example app. Don't forget about the Procfile. And about the dist folder, if it's not needed for the app you don't need to add it to the commit
A regular check for the production environment is to run speed tests, seo checks, and such to get the most out of it. You may want to look into canonical links, minify css,javascript,html etc..(serverside minification as well) You can also add domains with heroku which is explained here

