Getting string in quotes in javascript - javascript

How may I write a function to get all the strings in quotes from a string? The string may contain escaped quotes. I've tried regex but as regex does not have a state like feature, I wasn't able to do that. Example:
apple banana "pear" strawberries "\"tomato\"" "i am running out of fruit\" names here"
should return an array like ['pear', '"tomato"', 'i am running out of fruit" names here']
Maybe something with split can work, though I can't figure out how.

I solved this problem using the following function:
const getStringInQuotes = (text) => {
let quoteTogether = "";
let retval = [];
let a = text.split('"');
let inQuote = false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (inQuote) {
quoteTogether += a[i];
if (quoteTogether[quoteTogether.length - 1] !== '\\') {
inQuote = false;
quoteTogether = "";
} else {
quoteTogether = quoteTogether.slice(0, -1) + '"'
} else {
inQuote = true;
return retval;

Try this:
function getStringInQuotes(text) {
const regex = const regex = /(?<=")\w+ .*(?=")|(?<=")\w+(?=")|\"\w+\"(?=")|(?<=" )\w+(?=")|(?<=")\w+(?= ")/g
return text.match(regex);
const text = `apple banana "pear" strawberries "\"tomato\"" "i am running out of fruit\" names here"`;


How could I split an array of words without using split() in javascript

I'm trying to figure out how to split words from a sentence in an array without using split() but using charAt() function.
function sentenceToWordArray(sentence) {
let stringArray = [""]
let j = 0
for (let i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++) {
if (sentence.charAt(i) == " ") {
} else {
stringArray[j] += sentence.charAt(i)
return stringArray
Now I have the code working but I'm encountering some problems like for example "Hello World" turns into "Hello", "World" but if I add extra spaces for example " Hello World " it outputs ['', 'hello', '', 'there', '']. Is there a way to remove the extra spaces?
If you just want to find all words in an input sentence, you may use match() and avoid splitting altogether:
var input = " Hello World ";
var words = input.match(/\w+/g);
You can use trim() method, which trims the whitespaces from the start and end of a string
function sentenceToWordArray(sentence) {
let stringArray = [""]
let j = 0
const trimedSentence = sentence.trim()
for (let i = 0; i < trimedSentence.length; i++) {
if (trimedSentence.charAt(i) == " ") {
} else {
stringArray[j] += trimedSentence.charAt(i)
return stringArray
console.log(sentenceToWordArray('Hello, World'));
console.log(sentenceToWordArray(' Hello, World'));
console.log(sentenceToWordArray('Hello, World '));
Another quickfix:
function sentenceToWordArray(sentence) {
let stringArray = [""]
let j = 0
for (let i = 0; i < sentence.length; i++) {
if (sentence.charAt(i) == " ") {
} else {
stringArray[j] += sentence.charAt(i)
return stringArray.filter(w => w.length > 0) // <-- I added this
You're going to need something called a "state machine" ( Basically, you have a set of states your function is in. With each new input (=character), depending on the current state, the state is changed into another one, and some actions are performed as a side effect.
const STATE_BEGIN = 1 // no last character
const STATE_SPACE = 2 // the last character was a space
const STATE_NOSPACE = 3 // the last character was not a space
function split(text) {
let state = STATE_BEGIN
let words = []
for (let char of text) {
let isSpace = char === ' '
switch (state) {
if (!isSpace) {
} else {
if (!isSpace) {
words[words.length - 1] += char
} else {
return words;
text = ` How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!`

Finding the index of several identical words

I have a laTeX string like this
let result = "\\frac{x}{2}+\\frac{3}{x}";
I want to find the index of "frac"s in the string and put them in a array then I want to find the first '}' char after "frac" and replace it with "}/" and finally remove "frac" from the string.
I used this block of code but it just work correctly when we have one "frac"
let result = "\\frac{x}{2}+\\frac{3}{x}";
if (result.indexOf("frac") != -1) {
for (let i = 0; i < result.split("frac").length; i++) {
let j = result.indexOf("frac");
let permission = true;
while (permission) {
if (result[j] == "}") {
result = result.replace(result[j], "}/")
permission = false;
result = result.replace('frac', '');
OUTPUT: \\{x}//{2}+\\{3}{x}
Could anyone help me to improve my code?
Something like this?
is the literal frac followed by a capture group that will capture one or more of anything .+ until a } and replace it with that anything plus a }/
Using the function replacement to grab index and replace
let result = "\\frac{x}{2}+\\frac{3}{x}";
let pos = [];
const newRes = result.replace(/frac(.+?)}/g,function(match, found, offset,string) {
return `${found}/`; // return the found string with the added slash
Older answer using two sets of code
let result = "\\frac{x}{2}+\\frac{3}{x}";
let re = /frac/gi, res, pos = [];
while ((res = re.exec(result))) {
const newRes = result.replace(/frac(.+?)}/g,"$1}/")

How to split a string by AND positioned outside of nested parenthesis?

Split string with AND which should be outside the round parenthesis and should not match nested parenthesis also.
AA:1 AND BB:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21))
The expected result is:
C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21))
(A:1 AND B:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21)))
The expected result is:
(A:1 AND B:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21)))
I tried with AND (?![^(]*)) this regex but this won't work for nested parenthesis.
Not sure how to do this using regex, but using stack it works ( not the most optimised solution though ).
const subjectString = 'A:1 AND B:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21))'
let bracketStack = []
let splitIndices = []
let result = ''
for (let i = 0; i < subjectString.length; i++) {
switch (subjectString.charAt(i)) {
case '(':
case ')':
if (!bracketStack.length) {
throw new Error('Invalid Bracket found')
if (subjectString.charAt(i) === 'A') {
if (subjectString.charAt(i+1) === 'N' && subjectString.charAt(i+2) === 'D') {
if (!bracketStack.length) {
i += 2
for (let i = 0; i < splitIndices.length; i++) {
let startIndex = 0
let endIndex = splitIndices[i]
if (i !== 0) {
startIndex = splitIndices[i-1] + 3
if (splitIndices[i] === -1) {
endIndex = subjectString.length
result += subjectString.substring(startIndex, endIndex).trim()
result += '\n'
Not easily possible with JavaScript's somewhat crippled regex engine.
But if you're able to use PCRE (Perl, PHP, Python's regex module), you could split by
which works for arbitrarly nested (but balanced) parentheses.
See a demo on
Used Javascript regex with "negative lookbehind" and split.
The regex:
Javascript regex in testbench and context using split:
const input1 = "AA:1 AND BB:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21))";
const input2 = "(A:1 AND B:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21)))";
const regex = /(?<!\(.+)\sAND\s/;
const result1 = getResultAsDecoratedString(input1.split(regex));
const result2 = getResultAsDecoratedString(input2.split(regex));
function getResultAsDecoratedString(resultAsArray) {
let result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < resultAsArray.length; i++) {
result += `Group ${i}: '${resultAsArray[i]}'\n`;
return result;
Group 0: 'AA:1'
Group 1: 'BB:xyz'
Group 2: 'C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21))'
Group 0: '(A:1 AND B:xyz AND C:(D:1 AND E:23 AND F:(21)))'

Javascript: Counting frequency of emojis in text

I'm trying to count the frequency of emojis in a block of text. For example:
"I love 🚀🚀🚀 so much 😍 " -> [{🚀:3}, {😍:1}]
In order to count the frequency of characters in a block of text, I'm using
function getFrequency(string) {
var freq = {};
for (var i=0; i<string.length;i++) {
var character = string.charAt(i);
if (freq[character]) {
} else {
freq[character] = 1;
return freq;
^The above code works great, but it does not recognize emoji characters:
{�: 1, �: 3, �: 2}
Also, I'd prefer the output to be a list of json objects of length 1, as opposed to one long json object.
You can use the callback of the String.replace function and a unicode aware RegExp detecting everything from the unicode blocks "Miscellaneous Symbols" to "Pictographs Transport and Map Symbols" (0x1F300 to 0x1F6FF):
let str = "I love 🚀🚀🚀 so much 😍 ";
let freq = {};
str.replace(/[\u{1F300}-\u{1F6FF}]/gu, char => freq[char] = (freq[char] || 0) + 1);
If you prefer to avoid RegExp or String.replace, you can destructure the string into an array and reduce it to the frequencies as follows:
let str = "I love 🚀🚀🚀 so much 😍 ";
let freq = [...str].reduce((freq, char) => {
if (char >= '\u{1F300}' && char < '\u{1F700}') freq[char] = (freq[char] || 0) + 1;
return freq;
}, {});
charAt won't help you here. for...of will parse the string correctly into Unicode codepoints including those in the astral plane. We use character.length to determine whether or not this is a supplementary plane character. If you really want to know if it's an emoji, you'd need to tighten this up.
const input = "I love 🚀🚀🚀 so much 😍 ";
function getFrequency(string) {
var freq = {};
for (character of string) {
if (character.length === 1) continue;
if (freq[character]) {
} else {
freq[character] = 1;
return freq;
To create an array of single-valued objects, run the output through this:
function breakProperties(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {
var result = {};
result[key] = obj[key];
return result;

More efficient palindrome code

This is a code I used for the coderbyte challenge "Palindrome". The challenge is to return true if str is the same foward and backward(a palindrome). I got all possible points but I know my code is a little ugly. What would be a more efficient way to write this code. It looks like I am repeating myself and it seems like something that could maybe be written with a for loop.I also see how it could return true when its really false if there was a longer palindrome without the use of a for loop:
function Palindrome(str) {
var low=str.toLowerCase()
var first = low.charAt(0);
var last = low.charAt(low.length-1);
var mid = low.charAt(1);
var mid1 = low.charAt(low.length-2);
return true
return false
return false
To check the string if it's a palindrome you just should compare it to its reversed version.
Say the word hello is not a palndrome because its reversed version olleh is not equal to it. But the word eye is a palindrome same as word abba because they're equal to their reversed versions.
Code example:
(function() {
var reverseStr,
reverseStr = function(str) {
var chars = [];
for(var i = str.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
return chars.join('');
isPalindrome = function(str, ignoreCase) {
if(ignoreCase) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
return str === reverseStr(str);
testStrings = ['abba', 'hello', 'eye'];
for(var i = 0, l = testStrings.length; i < l; i++) {
var word = testStrings[i];
console.log('Word "%s" is %sa palindrome',
isPalindrome(word) ? '' : 'not ');
Another way that could work faster is listed below. Here you don't receive a reversed string to compare but walking towards the middle of the string from its start and its end.
var isPalindrome = function(str, ignoreCase) {
var length,
if(ignoreCase) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
length = str.length;
last = length - 1;
halfLength = Math.ceil(length / 2);
for(i = 0; i < halfLength; i++) {
if(str[i] !== str[last - i]) {
return false;
return true;
function Palindrome(str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
str = str.split(" ").join("");
return str == str.split("").reverse().join("");
This is what I ended up with. Made sure the string was all lowercase so it wouldn't read a potentially true parameter as false, got rid of the spaces, and then returned true/false based off whether or not the string was equal to it's reverse.
Here is an even easier way:
var isPalindrome = function(string) {
string = string.toLowerCase();
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.ceil(string.length/2); i++) {
var j = string.length-1-i;
var character1 = string.charAt(i);
var character2 = string.charAt(j);
if (character1 !== character2) {
return false;
return true;
I came across this palindrome coding challenge with a twist, you have to replace all the non-alphanumeric characters(punctuation, spaces and symbols) and of course change the string into lowercase. This is my solution.
function palindrome(str) {
var low = str.toLowerCase();
var filteredStr = low.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, "");
var split = filteredStr.split("");
var backward = split.reverse();
var join = backward.join("");
if (filteredStr === join) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if you care about number of lines of code, here's smaller one
function palindrome(str) {
var low = str.toLowerCase();
var filteredStr = low.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, "");
var backward = filteredStr.split("").reverse().join("");
if (filteredStr === backward) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
the code is beginner friendly and self explanatory, but if you have any questions regarding the code, feel free to ask ;)

