Create/Update array data to a JSON file - javascript

I am trying to update data properly. I have messed around as much as possible and can't seem to figure it out properly.
I'd appreciate any help in javascript
{"KEWCFN": {"dataId": "KEWCFN","dataName": "12","dataSet": []}}
I want to be able to be able to properly update that JSON data to this.
{"KEWCFN": {"dataId": "KEWCFN","dataName": "12","dataSet": [{set1....},{set2....},{set3....}]}}

Hey im not sure understand your question but if you want to change dataSet in your data Array then you can do this:
Function updateMe(){
Var Data = {"KEWCFN": {"dataId": "KEWCFN","dataName":"12","dataSet": []}} ;


How to render json data with # character in its key using handlebars?

This is my json data
var data = { true}
In my template i am trying this way to display data but its not working
I even tried this way
and also
but if i had changed my json data to
var data = {john:true}
and try
its working and displaying the output as true
Can anyone please point me where i am making mistake ?
It is like this data[""]. Here is a good Resource to read

JSON cyclic object value when posting data in ChartJS

I'm working with ChartJS to create charts with inputs from the user. It works fine showing the results for more than one dataset, but when I post the data with Javascript using JSON I get this error "cyclic object value". I've been not able to find an answer here, so I'm going to try to explain the issue the best I can.
This is the JS object ( I'm posting, with two datasets from ChartJS:
Then I have a save() function which post that info (working fine for just one dataset) once the chart is done.
function save() {
let data = {
savedData: JSON.stringify(data),
color: document.getElementById("color").value,
I have no idea what's the cyclic object here, but I know the problem is with the content of being posted. I've used some of the filters from other similar questions, but all them makes some of the data to be lost.
I use the same object to display the chart, which works perfectly with more than one dataset. The problem just happens when posting the data.
Any ideas about what it might be happening? Truly appreciate it, thanks!
This wasn't trivial at all. As many questions & answers regarding cyclic objects in JSON are posted, none of them are very especific about what the solution is. For example, those which use the replacer parameter of JSON.stringify() don't work at all (at least in this case), as the data will be loss.
So, for me the solution was dojox.json.href from the Dojo javascript library. Here's some documentation.
It's not the whole thing, but here's some code in case someone need it. First you serialize the object:
require(["dojox/json/ref"], function(){
let data = {
datasets: dojox.json.ref.toJson(...)
And then you deserialize it:
require(["dojox/json/ref"], function(){
data = dojox.json.ref.fromJson(...);
You can import the library just like this:
<script src="//"></script>
This is the only way I've been capable to post the JSON object without loosing data.
Hope it helps!

JSON Array Restful to textarea

I am working in some code for school and has spend a couple of days looking thru post's but can't find a solution, this is actually my first post and welcome everyone who take the time to help!
I am coding a restful JSON API which I can send the data to the web service, however when I tried to read it and send the data to a textarea, I either get [object, Object] or a 0 (which I think is the index for the array generated from the json).
This is my code for the read function:
function cargarInfo(){
$.get("http://localhost:8080/Lec09/miApi/acciones", function(data, status){
var personas = data.personas;
document.getElementById("info").value = personas;
When I debug on chrome I can see the Object and the values, I think this is a realy noob question however IDK why I can't figure it out, it is suposed to show the json {nombre:xxxx apellidos:xxxxx} data
You can use JSON.stringify() to stringify your JSON data:
document.getElementById("info").value = JSON.stringify(personas);

load json data to dataset in d3js

I am having json file like this. It contains some data.
[{\"Frequency\":\"Building 1\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":46,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":32,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 2\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":23},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":33,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 3\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":57,\"Value1\":22,\"Value2\":24},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":42,\"Value1\":16,\"Value2\":11}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 4\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":59,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":44,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":35}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 5\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":11},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":3}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 6\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":21},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":47,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":24}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 7\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":58,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":43,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 8\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":2},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33}]}]
I want to store this json file into dataset in d3.js. or
I have given all data are static into my code. I want to give these data from json file to d3.js can any one give me example.
my expected result is
dataset = JSON.parse("[{\"Frequency\":\"Building 1\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":46,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":32,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 2\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":23},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":33,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 3\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":57,\"Value1\":22,\"Value2\":24},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":42,\"Value1\":16,\"Value2\":11}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 4\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":59,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":44,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":35}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 5\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":11},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":3}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 6\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":21},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":47,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":24}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 7\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":58,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":43,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 8\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":2},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33}]}]");
inside the bracket my data should be come i dont know how to do this can any tell me how to do this.
before i tried this but it is not working.
d3.json("D3json.json", function(error, data) {
var datas = data;
here is my jsfiddle example: Click here to see the example
Vinoth S
If I understood your question correctly, you are trying to dynamically load JSON data in contrast to having it hard-coded in your file.
Here is an example how to do it:
In general, you have to execute the drawing part after you successfully loaded the data (within the callback function of d3.json())

Data Formatting with Javascript to Firebase

I'm using javascript to upload data from webduino, but have trouble with the formatting part.
The part my js pushes data to Firebase is as follows:
The results in Firebase look like this:
However, to make the database manageable, it has to be like this:
which the "messages" class is above all data.
Please let me know if there is anyway I can adjust my js code to achieve this, thank you!
I think this is what you're trying to do but I'm unsure:
let messagesRef = myFirebase.ref('messages')
messagesRef.push({name: 'blah', text: 'bluh'})
I've solved it,
myFirebase = new Firebase("");
just add the "/messages" and everything will work!

