API response is giving two responses when only one is requested - javascript

I'm making an API request in JS that is working, but it keeps giving two responses when I'm only expecting one. Here's the code:
function CallCoinGecko() {
var cgrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url1 = 'https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=';
var id = 'ethereum';
var url2 = '&vs_currencies=USD&include_market_cap=true&include_24hr_vol=true&include_24hr_change=true';
cgrequest.open("GET", url1 + id + url2, true);
cgrequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (cgrequest.status == 200) {
var cgresponse = cgrequest.responseText;
var cgobj = JSON.parse(cgresponse);
var cgprice = (cgobj[id]['usd']);
Here is a console image that shows two responses:
Any thoughts on this are appreciated thanks

Try verifying the value of readyState after the request. Example:
if (cgrequest.status === 200 && cgrequest.readyState === 4)
The problem is that, as mentioned, the readyState can have multiple values - therefore everytime it changes, your code to print the response text will trigger. I'm sure if you looked in the network tab, the API request isn't being carried out two times, only your response text is being printed two times. Checking if it is 4 confirms that the request is done - and should only be carried out once.
My hunch that the API isn't being called two times is due to the fact that the data is exactly the same on each console.log().
Good luck :)

You should compare the readyState value in your if statement as well.
function CallCoinGecko() {
var cgrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url1 = 'https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=';
var id = 'ethereum';
var url2 = '&vs_currencies=USD&include_market_cap=true&include_24hr_vol=true&include_24hr_change=true';
cgrequest.open("GET", url1 + id + url2, true);
cgrequest.onreadystatechange = function(res){
if (cgrequest.status === 200 && cgrequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
var cgresponse = cgrequest.responseText;
var cgobj = JSON.parse(cgresponse);
console.log(cgrequest.status, cgobj);
var cgprice = (cgobj[id]['usd']);
console.log(cgrequest.status, cgprice);


JavaScript - How to send multiple XMLHttp requests or force the XMLHTTP request to wait till I get the desired response?

I am making a GET request to the api using XMLHttpRequests. The api takes in a "uuid" value denoted by the variable "a" here as a parameter, uses that value for processing and is supposed to spit out some information that I am trying to print to the console.
However, the problem I am running into is that, whenever the api successfully receives the uuid value it returns a message where the newresponse.response.status is Initiated. However I want to wait till the newresponse.response.status is Success (this usually takes a short bit like 3-4 seconds more).
The original code is shown below:
function getrequestresults(status, response) {
let parse = JSON.parse(response);
let a = parse.uuid;
let newrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
newrequest.open('GET', "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/dags/results" + "?" + "uuid" + "=" + a, true);
newrequest.onload = function() {
One of the attempts I made at fixing this was as follows:
function getrequestresults(status, response) {
let parse = JSON.parse(response);
let a = parse.uuid;
let newrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
newrequest.open('GET', "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/dags/results" + "?" + "uuid" + "=" + a, true);
newrequest.onload = function() {
while (newrequest.response.status != "Success") {
//the following line was just to see what's going on, idea was to keep looping till, desired status is reached
However, this did not work as it seems that the "onload" function only runs once, whereas I need it to run multiple times until newrequest.response.status is Success.
I am quite new with sending XMLHttpRequests and some help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Update DOM with responses from several XMLHttpRequest

I am building a simple open source Chromium extension that retrieve some data from several urls and then update the DOM. I could find another way to do this than by adding the line to update the DOM inside the callback http1.onreadystatechange
My XMLHttpRequest requests were often stuck on http1.readyState = 3 so I have added a 3rd parameter to http1.open("GET"); to make the request synchronous like this:
http1.open("GET", url, false);
But I am still getting these errors:
results[1].join is not a function at XMLHttpRequest.http.onreadystatechange
annot read property 'join' of undefined at XMLHttpRequest.http.onreadystatechange
Even thought they don't prevent the script from running, I think this isn't the right way to do what I want. So here is my question: how to update the DOM with the responses from several XMLHttpRequest request? Let's say I need to retrieve and compare all the data before updating the DOM. Then is there a way to process all the data at once after we have retrieve all of them (cf my comment on the last line)?
Here is the relevant part of my script, the full script is available here:
var urls = [
["https://www.cnrtl.fr/morphologie/" + keyword, "vtoolbar", "morf_sound"], //best for plural
["https://www.cnrtl.fr/synonymie/" + keyword, "syno_format"],
// for test set keyword to any of this word : hibou, tribal, aller, lancer
var resultdiv = document.getElementById("result")
resultdiv.innerText = "requete en cours";
var results = [];
var errors = [];
urls.forEach((item, index) => {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
parser = new DOMParser();
var ulr1response = parser.parseFromString(http.responseText, "text/html");
if (index == 0) {
//retrieve the data needed, save then in a list and push this list to the main list result
} else if (index == 1) {
//retrieve the data needed, save then in a list and push this list to the main list result
// update the DOM
if (results[1] == "") {
resultdiv.innerHTML = results[0].join(", ") + "</br></br>Pas de synonymes trouvés"
} else {
resultdiv.innerHTML = "<b>" + results[0].join(", ") + "</br></br>Synonymes:</b></br>● " + results[1].join('</br>● ')
} else {
resultdiv.innerText = "Erreur: " + index + " " + http.readyState + " " + http.status;
http.open("GET", item[0], false);
http.send(null); // null = no parameters
// it would be simplier if I could update the DOM here and not in http.onreadystatechange
If you want to execute some code once all requests have succeeded, you can try using Promise.all together with Fetch.
let keyword = "beaucoup";
let parser = new DOMParser();
let urls = [
["https://www.cnrtl.fr/morphologie/" + keyword, "vtoolbar", "morf_sound"], //best for plural
["https://www.cnrtl.fr/synonymie/" + keyword, "syno_format"]
let fetchPromises = urls.map(
item => fetch(item[0]).then(
response => parser.parseFromString(response.text(), "text/html")
results => {
// code in here executes once all fetchPromises have succeeded
// "results" will be an array of parsed response data

How to delay a method until another is finished first , javascript?

I'm currently working on a project for school using a pokemon api that will display the information needed to evolve the pokemon (please note that I'm completely new to javascript and HTML).
Link :http://pokeapi.co/docsv2/
The website will ask the user for a name and that name will be used to get a url for the main information that I'm looking for.
For example : if someone enters in pikachu, the program will request the object for pikachu which contains the url for pikachu's evolution chain and that url is the one that will provide the main information for the website.
Currently the code looks like this:
var pokemon = new XMLHttpRequest();
var name = prompt("Whats the name of the pokemon you have?").toLowerCase();
var url = "http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-species/" + name;
var url2;
pokemon.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(pokemon.readyState == 4 && pokemon.status == 200){
var myArr = JSON.parse(pokemon.responseText);
var url2 = myArr.evolution_chain;
pokemon2.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (pokemon2.readyState == 4 && pokemon2.status == 200) {
var myArr2 = JSON.parse(pokemon2.responseText);
var pokemon2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
pokemon2.open("GET", url2, true).done(onreadystatechange);
pokemon.open("GET", url, true);
However the program doesn't work due to the fact that the getting is occurring at the same time and pokemon2 should only be called after pokemon is finished because it's getting the actual url for pokemon2.
Does anyone know how to be able to accomplish this?
Many thanks! :).
You can call pokemon2 once pokemon finishes:
pokemon.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(pokemon.readyState == 4 && pokemon.status == 200){
var myArr = JSON.parse(pokemon.responseText);
var url2 = myArr.evolution_chain;
// Call pokemon2 here
var pokemon2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
pokemon2.open("GET", url2, true);

JSON send not being accepted by server API

I am trying to send a JSON object to a web api, but am having a bit of trouble. Its supposed to take value from an input, check the response first, and if the response is correct, send the data. Here is my JS code:
var form = document.getElementById("inputForm"), master = {}, xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); //global variables used for checking different parts of the process
form.onsubmit = function (e) {
// stop the regular form submission
// collect the form data while iterating over the inputs
var data = {};
for (var i = 0, ii = form.length; i < ii; ++i) {
var input = form[i];
if (input.name) {
data[input.name] = input.value;
master.data = data;
// construct an HTTP request
function get(url, callback) {
xhr.open("GET", url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
var type = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
if (type.indexOf("xml") !== -1 && xhr.responseXML)
else if (type === "application/json")
// send the collected data as JSON
However, when sending it, I get a HTTP 500 error in the console, and the output in the server itself says:
Processing request on /data
Caught error: <unspecified file>(1): expected object or array
And here is the result of the console.log:
I thought I was sending the data correctly, but it isnt recognizing it. The example they gave was of a .json file and that works fine, but my stringified JSON isnt working.
Any help would be greatly appreciated

XMLHttpRequest that is being Aborted

I'm looking over a bit of code that deals with XHR. It looks like the first XHR.send() is being done successfully and then the subsequent one is Aborted before it gets to it's .send()
Quick in dirty:
url = "";
data = "1235,123,21,1232,12321,432";
myXHR = new Array();
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
myXHR[i] = new XMLHttpRequest();
myXHR[i].open("POST", url, true);
myXHR[i].onerror = function() {
alert("Error occurred");
myXHR[i].onload = function() {
if(myXHR[i].status == 200) {
alert("Yay I worked");
var data = myXHR[i].responseText;
// do some setting up of XHR headers
myXHR[i] = null;
What could be happening that would cause Firebug to show Abort before the second .send() is done?
Try this:
url = "";
data = "1235,123,21,1232,12321,432";
var myXHR = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
myXHR[i] = new XMLHttpRequest();
myXHR[i].open("POST", url, true);
myXHR[i].onerror = function() {
alert("Error occurred");
myXHR[i].onload = function() {
if(myXHR[i].status == 200) {
alert("Yay I worked");
var data = myXHR[i].responseText;
// do some setting up of XHR headers
myXHR[i] = null;
When I run this code I get TypeError: myXHR[i] is undefined (on the stock firefox 20 install on my mac... what version are you on)?
At any rate, I can see one issue with this (i.e. myXHR[i] will be undefined...) that might also apply to you, in particular with:
myXHR[i].onload = function() {
if(myXHR[i].status == 200) {
alert("Yay I worked");
var data = myXHR[i].responseText;
Because this is triggered asynchronously i will have been incremented to 2, which is of course going to be outside the bounds of the two element myXHR array. Have you tried closing over the value of i, like so:
myXHR[i].onload = (function(i) {
return function() {
if(myXHR[i].status == 200) {
alert("Yay I worked");
var data = myXHR[i].responseText;
Because once I correctly save that i value in that function body this code will succeed for both calls.
I know this isn't the exact issue you're having, but I think it will be an issue regardless so you may as well give it a go right? It's not as though there have been a huge number of other answers unfortunately.
hope this helps..
Found out what was happening.
The XHR was being aborted because there was no return value from the webserver that the request was being sent to. The web server is a custom based one that we seem to be using the someone changed the code so that it wasn't sending a 200 Success OK even if the data sent to it had no data coming back.
All good now. Thanks for the help.

