React Hover Context Provider - javascript

I am trying to build a React Context that will let me know if a area is hovered over or not.
The issue I have currently is with the onMouseOver and onMouseOut which seem to occur a lot so the hover state switches from true to false frequently even though I am hovering over an area.
Here is what I have so far:
const { Provider, Consumer } = createContext({
isHovering: false,
Provider.propTypes = {
value: T.shape({
isHovering: T.bool.isRequired,
function HoverContextProvider({ children }) {
const [isHovering, setIsHovering] = useState(false);
const value = {
return (
<Provider value={value}>
onMouseOver={() => {
onMouseOut={() => {
HoverContextProvider.propTypes = {
children: T.element.isRequired,
export { HoverContextProvider as default, Consumer as HoverContextConsumer };
What I do the is wrap an area with that like this:
<HoverContextProvider> some stuff in here, imagine a page header</HoverContextProvider>
Here is an visual reference:
So as i move my mouse around the green area (which contains lots of text), the isHovering state keeps switching from false to true - I guess because of the text.
Does anyone know how to make this work?


How do I render a react portal modal with different children?

Right now, I have a react portal rendering a 'pinnable' side drawer modal that will display based on a redux state. The contents of the modal will have information based on where that modal was pinned from, in this case my notifications.
The problem I'm running into at the moment is that since the modal will be pinnable in multiple places, I'm not exactly sure of the logic on how to handle the modal contents if the modal is already pinned.
I've tried/considered the following:
Just have one portal render its children dynamically. Unfortunately the location of where the portal will be rendered does not contain the contents and logic of the modal, so I believe this can't be done.
Compare props.children and if they're not identical, render the newer portal and deconstruct the other. I'm hesitant to use this approach since I believe there's a better solution out there.
Render the portals based on Ids and deconstruct/reconstruct where needed if one exists. I'm leaning towards this approach, but again I'd like to see if there's a better one.
Portal location:
export default function PaperContainer() {
return <div id="pinned-container"></div>;
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
return (
pinned &&
Where the portals are called (simplified for brevity):
export default function PortalCallLocationOne() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin Notification
export default function PortalCallLocationTwo() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const pinContainer = () => {
return (
<Button startIcon={<Icon>push_pin</Icon>} onClick={() => pinContainer}>
Pin List
// List
I tried going off of #3 and destroying pinned-container's first child if it existed and replace it with the new children. This didn't work since React was expecting that child and kept throwing failed to execute removeChild on node errors.
Unfortunately it looks like react is unable to replace portal children instead of appending them.
However, I was able to solve my issue by unpinning the portal and repinning it with redux actions.
export default function PinnedContainer(props) {
const pinned = useSelector(state => state.ui.isDrawerPinned);
useEffect(() => {
if (pinned) {
}, []);
return (
pinned &&
export const initialState = {
isDrawerPinned: false,
export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
case actionTypes.PIN_DRAWER:
return {
isDrawerPinned: action.isPinned ? action.isPinned : !state.isDrawerPinned,
case actionTypes.CLEAR_PINNED:
return {
isDrawerPinned: state.isDrawerPinned ? !state.isDrawerPinned : state.isDrawerPinned

Piece of state changes in parent component but not in child components React

I have a component tree that looks as so:
In <Profile/> I have a piece of state holding a boolean value:
const [showFollowers, setShowFollowers] = useState(false)
I am trying to prop funnel this piece of state to all of my components. In my <Profile/> I have these two functions.
const handleShowFollowers = () => setShowFollowers(true)
const handleHideFollowers = () => setShowFollowers(false)
console.log('from profile', showFollowers) // logs true, then logs false
{showFollowers ? <FollowersAndFollowing showFollowers={showFollowers} handleHideFollowers={handleHideFollowers} /> : null}
const FollowersAndFollowing = ({ showFollowers, handleHideFollowers }) => {
console.log('from followers', showFollowers) // logs true, then logs nothing at all
return (
<Overlay isShowing={showFollowers} currentTopPosition={0}>
<h1>followers and following</h1>
<button onClick={handleHideFollowers}>BACK</button>
const Overlay = ({ isShowing, children, currentTopPosition }) => {
console.log('from overlay', isShowing) // logs true, then logs nothing at all
useEffect(() => {
if (isShowing) { = "hidden";
} else { = "visible";
}, [isShowing])
return (
<div className={isShowing ? overlayStyles.showOverlay : overlayStyles.overlay} style={{ top: `${currentTopPosition}px` }}>
When I trigger handleShowFollowers from my <Profile/> component I see showFollowers as true for all three components.
However when I trigger handleHideFollowers from the <FollowersAndFollowing/> component I see showFollowers flip to false in the parent component (profile) but not in any of the other two components. What could be causing this?
This line is the problem:
{showFollowers ? <FollowersAndFollowing showFollowers={showFollowers} handleHideFollowers={handleHideFollowers} /> : null}
If showFollowers is false then your FollowersAndFollowing component won't render at all, that's why the console.logs do no log.
If you change it to just this:
<FollowersAndFollowing showFollowers={showFollowers} handleHideFollowers={handleHideFollowers} />
You can then handle hiding elements deeper down inside the children components and it should work fine.

React Native check context value on click test case

I have following context
export const ThemeContext = React.createContext(null)
const Home = () => {
const { width } = Dimensions.get("window")
const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState({
active: 0,
heightOfScrollView: 0,
profileWidth: width * 0.2,
scrolledByTouchingProfile: false
const horizontalScrollRef = React.useRef<ScrollView>()
const verticalScrollRef = React.useRef<ScrollView>()
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.safeAreaContainer} />
<Header title="Contacts" />
<ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, setTheme }}>
In component A, I have a button which changes in the context
const onProfileTouched = (index: number) => {
setTheme({ ...theme, active: index });
This leads to an image being active
const ImageCircle = ({ active, uri }: Props) => {
return (
? { ...styles.parentView, }
: { ...styles.parentView }
<Image source={uri} width={30} height={30} />
Now, I want to write a test case (I haven't written a test case before) that confirms that the state has actually changed or perhaps an active border is added to the image
I added a testId to my button which I used to fire an event
it('changes active on profile clicked', () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(<Home />);'HScroll3.button'));
Now, I am unsure, how to grab the value of context or change in style so as I can confirm that indeed the component for which the button is pressed is active
I am using import {render, fireEvent} from '#testing-library/react-native' but open to change.
With testing-library you want to check the visual output, not the internal state. This way your tests are much more valuable, because the end user doesn't care if you're using context, state or anything else, they care if the button has the "active" state. So if at some point you'll decide to change your mind and refactor theming completely, your test will still give you value and confidence.
I would suggest to install #testing-library/jest-native, you just have to add this setupFilesAfterEnv": ["#testing-library/jest-native/extend-expect"]
to your Jest config or import that extend-expect file in your test setup file.
Once you have it set up, you're ready to go.
I don't know what's in your style, but let's assume it's e.g. { borderColor: '#00ffff' }.
Add a testID prop to the View in ImageCircle component, e.g. testID="imageCircleView". Then to test if everything works as you'd expect, you just have to add this to your test:
expect(getByTestId('imageCircleView')).toHaveStyle({ borderColor: '#00ffff' });
And that's it.

React - How do I detect if a child component is clicked

I have a test site HERE
Please do:
Visit the site and click on the hamburger icon in the top right. The
side nav should open.
Perform the same action again and you will see the problem I am
currently having.
The side nav does not close properly because I have two conflicting functions operating.
The first conflicting function is an onClick toggle function within the actual hamburger component which toggles an associated context state.
The second conflicting function is used by the side nav panel component. It is bound to a hook which uses its ref to check whether the user has clicked inside or outside of the component.
These functions work up until the user clicks on the hamburger menu whilst the side nav is open. The hamburger is technically outside of the side nav component but overlayed on top of it, so the click does not register as outside. This results in both functions firing one after the other. The "click outside" hook fires and sets the side nav context to false, closing it. The hamburger toggle function then fires, finds the context set to false and changes it back to true. Thus instantly closing and then reopening the side nav.
The solution I have attempted looks like the below. I tried to assign a ref within the hamburger child component and pass it to the side nav parent. I wanted to try and compare the callback returned from useClickedOutside to the toggleRef given to the parent but the hamburger component and then if they match then do nothing. This, I was hoping, would knock one of the functions out of action for that interaction. Not entirely sure this is the best way to attempt to achieve something like this.
Perhaps I could get the side nav bounding box and then check if the click coordinates land within it?
const SideToggle = ({ sideNavToggle, sideIsOpen, setToggleRef }) => {
useEffect(() => {
const toggleRef = React.createRef();
}, []);
return (
<Toggle onClick={sideNavToggle}>
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
export default function SideNav() {
const [toggleRef, setToggleRef] = useState(null);
const { sideIsOpen, sideNavToggle, setSideIsOpen } = useContext(
const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwipedRight: () => {
preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
trackMouse: true,
const sideRef = React.createRef();
useClickedOutside(sideRef, (callback) => {
if (callback) {
if (callback === toggleRef) {
return null;
} else setSideIsOpen(false);
return (
<div ref={sideRef}>
<Side sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} {...handlers}>
<Col xs={12}>{/* <Menu /> */}</Col>
The useClickedOutside hook used above.
export default function useClickedOutside(ref, callback) {
useEffect(() => {
function handleClickOutside(event) {
if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
} else return null;
document.addEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", handleClickOutside);
}, [ref]);
Managed to fix part of the problem by moving the toggle component inside of the side nav component. It now has its own problem in that the hamburger component completely rerenders when the side nav props change. Trying to figure out how to stop the hamburger rerendering in a hooks scenario such as this. I've been reading that React.memo may be the answer but unsure how to implement it as of yet.
export default function SideNav() {
const { sideIsOpen, sideNavClose, sideNavOpen } = useContext(
const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwipedRight: () => {
preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
trackMouse: true,
const sideRef = React.createRef();
useClickedOutside(sideRef, (callback) => {
if (callback) {
const SideToggle = () => {
const handleClick = () => {
if (!sideIsOpen) {
return (
<Toggle onClick={() => handleClick()}>
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
<Bar sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} />
return (
<SideToggle />
<div ref={sideRef}>
<Side sideIsOpen={sideIsOpen} {...handlers}>
<Col xs={12}>{/* <Menu /> */}</Col>
I'd recommend using this package: . It handles some edge cases you mention, you can check their source code if you are interested in the details.
Then you need to keep the information about whether the sidebar is opened in the state and pass it down to the affected components somewhat like this (this way you can also change how the site looks in other places depending on the toolbar state, eg. disable scrollbar etc):
function Site() {
const [isOpened, setToolbarState] = React.useState(false);
return (
<Toolbar isOpened={isOpened} setToolbarState={setToolbarState} />
{isOpened ? (<div>draw some background if needed</div>) : null}
<RestOfTheSite />
function Toolbar(props) {
const setIsClosed = React.useCallback(function () {
}, [props.setToolbarState]);
const setIsOpened = React.useCallback(function () {
}, [props.setToolbarState]);
return (
<OutsideClickHandler onOutsideClick={setIsClosed}>
<div className="toolbar">
<button onClick={setIsOpened}>open</button>
{props.isOpened ? (<div>render links, etc here</div>) : null}
This way you won't necessary need to juggle refs and handlers around too much.
The way I answered this was to avoid detecting a click outside of the side nav altogether and instead detected if the click was outside of the main body of the site.
If true, then I call the navigation context and set side nav to false the same as I was trying in the side nav itself.

React HOC working on some but not other components

I'm using a HOC component to bind an action to many different types of element, including SVG cells, which, when an onClick is bound normally, it works, but when I use my HOC it returns un-intended results.
Minimally reproducible example:
The HOC component:
export const withReport = Component => ({ children, ...props }) => {
console.log(Component); //this only prints for ListItem elements for some reason
const { dispatch } = useContext(DashboardContext);
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('clicked!'); //even this wont work on some.
const { report } = props;
if (typeof report === "undefined") return false;
dispatch({ type: SET_ACTIVE_REPORT, activeReport: report });
dispatch({ type: TOGGLE_REPORT });
return (
<Component onClick={handleClick} {...props}>
Usage working:
const ListItemWIthReport = withReport(ListItem); //list item from react-mui
{, key) => (
<ListItemWithReport report={} key={key} button>
{/* listitem children*/}
Usage not working:
const BarWithReport = withReport(Bar); //Bar from recharts
{, index) => (
The ListItem works 100% as anticipated, however, the bars will not render inside of the BarChart. Similarly, with a PieChart the Cells will actually render, with the correct sizes according to their values, however, props like "fill" do not appear to pass down.
Am I using the HOC incorrectly? I don't see an option other than HOC for the inside of Charts as many types of elements will be considered invalid HTML?
You might be dealing with components that have important static properties that need to be hoisted into the wrapped component or need to have ref forwarding implemented in order for their parent components to handle them. Getting these pieces in place is important, especially when wrapping components where you don't know their internals. That Bar component, for example, does have some static properties. Your HOC is making those disappear.
Here's how you can hoist these static members:
import hoistNonReactStatic from 'hoist-non-react-statics';
export const withReport = Component => {
const EnhancedComponent = props => {
const { dispatch } = useContext(DashboardContext);
const handleClick = () => {
const { report } = props;
if (typeof report === "undefined") return false;
dispatch({ type: SET_ACTIVE_REPORT, activeReport: report });
dispatch({ type: TOGGLE_REPORT });
return (
<Component onClick={handleClick} {...props}/>
hoistNonReactStatic(EnhancedComponent, Component);
return EnhancedComponent;
Docs on hoisting statics and ref forwarding can be found in this handy guide to HOCs.
There may be some libraries that can take care of all these details for you. One, addhoc, works like this:
import addHOC from 'addhoc';
export const withReport = addHOC(render => {
const { dispatch } = useContext(DashboardContext);
const handleClick = () => {
const { report } = props;
if (typeof report === "undefined") return false;
dispatch({ type: SET_ACTIVE_REPORT, activeReport: report });
dispatch({ type: TOGGLE_REPORT });
return render({ onClick: handleClick });
Of course, if the parent component is checking child components by type explicitly, then you won't be able to use HOCs at all. In fact, it looks like recharts has that issue. Here you can see the chart is defined in terms of child components which are then searched for explicitly by type.
I think your HOC is invalid, because not every wrapper-Component (e.g. HTML element) is basically clickable. Maybe this snipped can clarify what I am trying to say:
const withReport = Component => (props) => {
const handleClick = () => console.log('whatever')
// Careful - your component might not support onClick by default
return <Component onClick={handleClick} {...props} />
// vs.
return <div onClick={handleClick} style={{backgroundColor: 'green'}}>
<Component {...props} />
// Your import from wherever you want
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
render() {
return <span onClick={this.props.onClick}>{this.props.children}</span>
// vs.
return <span style={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}>
// Careful - your imported component might not support children by default
const ReportedListItem = withReport(SomeClass)
</ReportedListItem>, mountNode)
You can have the uppers or the unders (separated by vs.) but not crossed. The HOC using the second return (controlled wrapper-Component) is sure more save.
I've used 4 methods successfully to wrap Recharts components.
First Method
Wrap the component in a HOC and use Object.Assign with some overloads. This breaks some animation and difficult to use an active Dot on lines. Recharts grabs some props from components before rendering them. So if the prop isn't passed into the HOC, then it won't render properly.
function LineWrapper({
}: PropsWithChildren<Props>) {
const defaultDotStroke = 12;
return (
strokeWidth={strokeWidthOverload ?? 2}
data={dataOverload?.chartData ?? data}
dot={dotOverload ?? { strokeWidth: defaultDotStroke }}
activeDot={activeDotOverload ?? { strokeWidth: defaultDotStroke + 2 }}
export default renderChartWrapper(Line, LineWrapper, {
activeDot: <Dot r={14} />,
const renderChartWrapper = <P extends BP, BP = {}>(
component: React.ComponentType<BP>,
wrapperFC: React.FC<P>,
defaultProps?: Partial<P>
): React.FC<P> => {
Object.assign(wrapperFC, component);
if (defaultProps) {
wrapperFC.defaultProps = wrapperFC.defaultProps ?? {};
Object.assign(wrapperFC.defaultProps, defaultProps);
return wrapperFC;
Second Method
Use default props to assign values. Any props passed into the HOC will be overridden.
import { XAxisProps } from 'recharts';
import { createStyles } from '#material-ui/core';
import { themeExtensions } from '../../../assets/theme';
const useStyles = createStyles({
tickStyle: {
type Props = XAxisProps;
// There is no actual implementation of XAxis. Recharts render function grabs the props only.
function XAxisWrapper(props: Props) {
return null;
XAxisWrapper.displayName = 'XAxis';
XAxisWrapper.defaultProps = {
allowDecimals: true,
hide: false,
orientation: 'bottom',
width: 0,
height: 30,
mirror: false,
xAxisId: 0,
type: 'category',
domain: [0, 'auto'],
padding: { left: 0, right: 0 },
allowDataOverflow: false,
scale: 'auto',
reversed: false,
allowDuplicatedCategory: false,
tick: { style: useStyles.tickStyle },
tickCount: 5,
tickLine: false,
dataKey: 'key',
export default XAxisWrapper;
Third Method
I didn't like this so I've worked around it, but you can extend the class.
export default class LineWrapper extends Line {
return (<Line {...this.props} />
Fourth Method
I don't have a quick example of this, but I always render the shape or children and provide functions to help. For example, for bar cells I use this:
export default function renderBarCellPattern(cellOptions: CellRenderOptions) {
const { data, fill, match, pattern } = cellOptions;
const id = _uniqueId();
const cells = =>
match(d) ? (
) : (
<Cell key={`cell-${id}`} strokeWidth={2} fill={fill} />
return !pattern
? cells
: cells.concat(
// and
<Bar {...requiredProps}>
{renderBarCellPattern(...cell details)}
CloneElement is just a personal wrapper for Reacts cloneElement().

