Adaptative bitrate streaming (DASH, HLS...) VS Node Streams - javascript

In Node.js, streams can be used easily to deliver a media content by chunks (as a video for example).
It is also possible to use an adaptative bitrate streaming method like DASH or Http Live Streaming by breaking down segments of the media to send. It looks like it is recommended to implement this second method over the first one in the case of a videos delivery streaming platform.
I would like to know why and what's the difference in terms of benefits and disadvantages to implement an adaptative bitrate streaming method instead of using Node.js native streams for a video streaming app ?
EDIT : Example of using Node.js streams to deliver a media content by chunks :
var videoStream = fs.createReadStream(path, { start, end });
res.writeHead(206, {
"Content-Range": `bytes ${start}-${end}/${size}`,
"Accept-Ranges": "bytes"

There is a bit of confusion in the question. The streams in Node.js are just a structure for easily sending streams of data around your application. They're not directly relevant.
I suspect what you're getting at is the difference between regular HTTP progressive streaming (such as piping video data to a response stream to a client) vs. a segmented streaming protocol like DASH or HLS.
Indeed, you can send an adaptive bitrate stream over a regular HTTP progressive stream as well. Nothing prevents you from changing the bitrate on the fly.
The reason folks use DASH and HLS is that they allow re-use of regular static file/blob/object-based CDNs. They don't require specialized server software to stream. Any HTTP server works.
Even if you don't need to use existing CDNs, you might as well stick with DASH/HLS for the benefit of there being client support most everywhere now. You won't have to write your own client to track metrics to decide when to switch bitrates. Using DASH/HLS allows you to be compatible with existing devices, often with writing no additional code at all.


How to stream two videos concurrently using js or react or node js?

I am trying to create a video streaming website which can play multiple videos concurrently (something similar to a video management system). The requirement for now is just to be able to play two videos at the same time.
All the tutorials I have seen so far are streaming only one video. I am a bit lost and helpless since I am still learning about JS as well. So, here, I am hoping that any of you could make some suggestion on the libraries that I could use (I learned about ffmpeg), even the process on how to make it work or how to kick start.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
I can already stream a video using node JS and I am hoping to play two videos at the same time.
The way video streaming typically works is that the client requests chunks of the video at a time using an http request (with the Range header) and the server sends each chunk of the video as requested. The client then uses it's own logic to decide when it needs to request the next chunk.
So, for a server to support multiple clients streaming video, all it has to do is be able to respond to multiple http requests in a timely manner and have enough server bandwidth for the data being sent to the clients.
Pretty much any basic web server with enough bandwidth to the internet should be able to stream two videos. And, this should work just fine with nodejs and the http server that it has built-in. You will, of course, have to write your own request handlers that support the Range header appropriately so that your server can inform the clients that you support the Range header and so that you can properly fulfill the client requests when they request a particular byte range of the video.
As for ffmpeg, that's more typically used for converting videos to different formats. Ideally, your server would store the videos in a format that is already ready for streaming and you would not need to use ffmpeg in the actual streaming process.

Broadcast Live Streaming Audio Server using Node.js

My goal is to create a web-radio station hosted on localhost using JavaScript with node.js server for the backend part and HTML/CSS/JavaScript for the frontend part. My radio is going to be simple, and the goal is to create a server which is going to constantly broadcast a single song (or many songs using the .mp3 format) so they can be consumable from each client connected.
The streaming part is not so hard. The part I am struggling so far, is to achieve the "broadcast" transmission simultaneously to all consumers. The image below explains better my thoughts:
Does anyone have a code example so I can easily understand it and at the same time implement it for my project's use?
Has anyone faced a similar situation like this?
This is exactly what SHOUTcast/Icecast and compatible servers do. You basically just need to copy the audio data to each client.
You can use normal HTTP for the streaming protocol. The clients don't need to know or care that they're streaming live. A simple audio element works:
<audio src="" preload="none" controls></audio>
On the server-side, you do need to ensure that you're sending a stream aligned in such a way that the client can just pick right up and play it. The good news is that for raw MP3 and ADTS (which normally wraps AAC) streams, all the data they need for playback is in each frame, so you can just "needle drop", stream from an arbitrary position, and the client will figure it out.
Inside your Node.js app, it will look a bit like this:
Input Stream -> Buffer(s) -> Clients HTTP Responses
And in fact, you can even drop the buffer part if you want. As data comes in from the codec, you can just write it to all the clients. The buffer is useful to ensure a fast starting playback. Most clients are going to need some buffered data to sniff stream type and compatibility, as well as to fill their own playback buffer for smooth streaming.
That's really all there is to it!

How does Youtube/Facebook live stream from web browser works

I'm looking at a way to implement video encoder using web browser. Youtube and Facebook already allow you to go live directly from the web browser. I'm wondering how do they do that?
There are a couple of solutions I've researched:
Using web socket: using web browser to encode the video (using mediarecorder api) and push the encoded video to the server to be broadcast.
Using WebRTC: web browser as a WebRTC peer and another server as the other end to receive the stream and re-broadcast (transcode) using other means (rtmp, hls).
Is there any other tech to implement this that those guys (YouTube, Facebook) are using? Or they also use one of these things?
WebRTCHacks has a "how does youtube use webrtc" post here which examines some of the technical details of their implementation.
In addition one of their engineers gave a Talk at WebRTC Boston describing the system which is available on Youtube
Correct, you've hit on two ways to do this. (Note that for the MediaRecorder method, you can use any other method to get the data to the server. Web Sockets is one way... so is a regular HTTP PUT of segments. Or, you could even use a data channel of a WebRTC connection to the server.)
Pretty much everyone uses the WebRTC method, as there are some nice built-in benefits:
Low latency (at the cost of some quality)
Dynamic bitrate
Well-optimized on the client
Able to automatically scale output if there are not enough system resources to continue encoding at a higher frame size
The downsides of the WebRTC method:
Ridiculously complicated stack to maintain server-side.
Lower quality (due to emphasis on low latency, BUT you can tweak this by fiddling with the SDP yourself)
If you go the WebRTC route, consider gstreamer. If you want to go the Web Socket route, I've written a proxy to receive the data and send it off to FFmpeg to be copied over to RTMP. You can find it here:

How to capture HTML5 microphone input to icecast?

What are the steps and means of capturing microphone audio stream through HTML5 / Javascript (no flash) and then sending it to an already set up icecast server?
The solution must be solely browser/web-based, no additional software.
The server is on Rails
Where should I start?
I'm struggling to find any relevant info online as everything talks about uploading/recording audio files as complete files, not streams.
The solution must be solely browser/web-based, no additional software.
That's not possible at the moment, because there is no way to make a streaming HTTP PUT request. That is, to make an HTTP request either via XHR or Fetch, the request body has to be immutable.
There is a new standard of ReadableStream which will be available any day now, allowing you to make a ReadableStream (your encoded audio) and PUT it to a server. Once that is available, this is possible.
The server is on Rails
Not sure why you mention that since you said it has to all live in the browser. In any case, let me tell you how I implemented this, with a server-side proxy.
Client-side, you need to capture the audio with getUserMedia(). (Be sure to use adapter.js, as the spec has recently changed and you don't want to have to deal with the constraints object changes manually.) Once you have that, you can either send PCM samples (I'd recommend reducing from 32-bit float to 16-bit signed first), or you can use a codec like AAC or MP3 client-side. If you do the codec in the client, you're only going to be able to send one or two streams. If you do the codec server-side, you can derive as many as you want, due to CPU requirements, but you will take more bandwidth depending on the streams you're deriving.
For the codec on the client, you can either use MediaRecorder, or a codec compiled to JavaScript via emscripten (or similar). Aurora.js has some codecs for decoding, but I believe at least one of the codecs in there also had encoding.
To get the data to the server, you need a binary web socket.
On the server side, if you're keeping the codecs there, FFmpeg makes this easy.
Once you have the encoded audio, you need to make your HTTP PUT request to Icecast or similar, as well as update the metadata either out-of-band, or muxed into the container that you're PUT-ing to the server.
Self Promotion: If you don't want to do all of that yourself, I have some code you can license from me called the AudioPump Web Encoder, which does exactly what you ask for. You can modify it for your needs, take components and embed them into your project, etc. E-mail me at if you're interested.

Can I use WebRTC to receive a non-standard RTP stream?

I have a piece of software running on a node in my network that generates RTP streams carried over UDP/IP. Those streams contain streaming data, but not in any standard audio/video format (like H.264, etc.). I would like to have a simple Web app that can hook into these streams, decode the payloads appropriately, and display their contents. I understand that it isn't possible to have direct access to a UDP socket from a browser.
Is there a way to, using JavaScript/HTML5, to read an arbitrary RTP stream (i.e. given a UDP port number to receive the data from)? The software that sends the stream does not implement any of the signaling protocols specified by WebRTC, and I'm unable to change it. I would like to just be able to get at the RTP packet contents; I can handle the decoding and display without much issue.
As far as I know, there is nothing in the set of WebRTC APIs that will allow you to do this. As you have pointed out, there also isn't a direct programmatic way to handle UDP packets in-browser.
You can use Canvas and the Web Audio API to effectively playback arbitrary video, but this takes a ton of CPU. The MediaSource extensions can be used to run data through the browser's codec, but you still have to get the data somehow.
I think the best solution in your case is to make these connections server-side and use something like FFmpeg to output a stream in a codec and container that your browser can handle, and simply play back in a video element. Then, you can connect to whatever you want. I have done similar projects with Node.js which make it very easy to pipe streams through, and on out to the browser.
Another alternative is to use WASM and create your own player for your stream. It's pretty incredible technology of these recent years > 2014. Also as stated by #Brad, WebRTC doesn't support what you need even as of this year 2020.

