Updated object not being returned properly in nextjs - javascript

So basically I'm working on a nextjs app which uses authentication. I have a 2 functions which I run on every page load. The first checks if jwt cookies exist and calls another function to validate the tokens if they don't exist. This function is ran from wrapper.getServerSideProps and is passed in the context as ctx. This function works as intended.
export const checkServerSideCookie = (ctx) => {
const access = getCookie("access", ctx.req);
const refresh = getCookie("refresh", ctx.req);
if (access && refresh) {
return checkAuthentication(access, refresh);
} else return { isAuthenticated: false, token: null };
The second function is the token validator and this is where the issue arises. I have an object which I intended to update if the validation is successful and leave alone if it isn't. Here is the function
export const checkAuthentication = (access, refresh) => {
const obj = {
isAuthenticated: false,
token: null,
const body = JSON.stringify({ token: access });
.post("http://localhost:8000/api/jwtoken/verify/", body, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.then((res) => {
obj.isAuthenticated = true;
obj.token = access;
.catch((err) => {
// call new token function using refresh
console.log("it doesnt work");
return obj;
The issue is is that the .then does update the object, and when I console.log(obj) in the .then it shows the proper obj to return, however when I return the obj it still holds the initial values of false and null. I don't understand what the issue is. I try doing the return in the .then itself but it throughs this error
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'isAuthenticated' of 'Object(...)(...)' as it is undefined.
What is the issue here? It all seems good but the updated obj isn't returned.

axios.post is async, you're returning the obj before it gets filled with data from the api response, you can use async/await to solve that :
export const checkAuthentication = async (access, refresh) => {
const obj = {
isAuthenticated: false,
token: null
const body = JSON.stringify({ token: access });
try {
const res = await axios.post("http://localhost:8000/api/jwtoken/verify/", body, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
obj.isAuthenticated = true;
obj.token = access;
} catch (e) {
// do something with the error
// call new token function using refresh
console.log("it doesnt work");
return obj;
usage (checkAuthentication now return a promise ) :
checkAuthentication(a, b).then((obj) => {

When you call checkAuthentication it immediately returns the obj with the default properties. You have an asynchronous operation specified in your function, however you don't wait until it's done. You'd have to rebuild your function the following way:
export const checkAuthentication = (access, refresh) => {
const obj = {
isAuthenticated: false,
token: null,
const body = JSON.stringify({ token: access });
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.post("http://localhost:8000/api/jwtoken/verify/", body, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
.then((res) => {
isAuthenticated: true,
token: access
.catch((err) => {
// call new token function using refresh
console.log("it doesnt work");
and then call your function the following way:
checkAuthentication(access, refresh)
You, of course, have multiple options to make your function cleaner, such as by using async/await etc, but this should give you a quick overview of what is wrong.


How I can custom axios in Vue

I wrote a response with an axios interceptors and send the return value of this response to a js file named handleResponse. This js file takes the return value and returns a result to me. If I get an error, I have it drop to reject.
const instance = axios.create({
apiName === ""
? process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL
: process.env.VUE_APP_API_URL + apiName,
withCredentials: false,
headers: headers
(response) => handleResponse(response),
(error) => console.log(error)
My handleResponse js file inside interceptors is as follows
export const handleResponse = (response) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (response.data["Success"]) resolve(response.data["Payload"]);
else {
let msg = "";
if (response.data["Information"]) msg = response.data["Information"];
Here I make it fall into catch where I call the api when it drops to the reject operation.
const cancelStorageTransfer = () => {
return StorageTransferRequestService.cancelStorageTransfer(selectedStorageTransfer.value.Id)
.then(() => {
showSuccess("Transfer İptal İşlemi Başarıyla Gerçekleşti")
}).catch(response => {
I call the api here, but I don't want to use the catch. But when I don't use it, I get "Uncauth(in promise)" error on the log screen.
Here how can I do whether to use the catch at my own will?

Returning Promises from Netlify Function

I am working on a serverless function to be hosted on Netlify to subscribe users to a mailchimp email list.
I am getting the following obscure error:
lambda response was undefined. check your function code again
Here is my function:
const handler = async function (event, context) {
try {
let body = JSON.parse(event.body);
apiKey: 'XXXXXXXXX',
server: 'us20',
const submit = async () => {
const response = await mailchimp.lists.addListMember("XXXXXXXX", {
email_address: body.email.toLowerCase(),
status: 'subscribed'
if (response.errors !== undefined && response.errors.length) {
throw new Error(response.errors);
submit().then(response => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ response }),
}).catch(errors => {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({ errors }),
} catch (error) {
// output to netlify function log
return {
statusCode: 500,
// Could be a custom message or object i.e. JSON.stringify(err)
body: JSON.stringify({ msg: error.message }),
module.exports = { handler }
I think the issue may be because nothing is being returned after calling submit(), but I am not sure how best to return it. I still can't quite get my head around promises.
I am really hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Many thanks
You are on the right track, nothing is returned in the submit function so the response will always be undefined.
Also You are using .then with async/await syntax which is ok, async/await is just a cleaner way of using promises so you typically use one or the other. And nesting catch blocks here is unnecessary. I would rewrite it to something like this:
const handler = async function (event, context) {
try {
let body = JSON.parse(event.body);
apiKey: 'XXXXXXXXX',
server: 'us20',
const submit = async () => {
const response = await mailchimp.lists.addListMember("XXXXXXXX", {
email_address: body.email.toLowerCase(),
status: 'subscribed'
if (response.errors !== undefined && response.errors.length) {
throw new Error(response.errors);
return response;
const response = await submit();
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ response }),
} catch (error) {
// output to netlify function log
return {
statusCode: 500,
// Could be a custom message or object i.e. JSON.stringify(err)
body: JSON.stringify({ msg: error.message }),
If you are still struggling with promises, Id recommend reading the docs for them as well as the docs for async/await.

Resolving promise inside function causes a X(...) is not a function error

I'm working on load testing my API, but at some point I make a call to a different API.
Since I don't want to stress the second one, whenever I'm load testing I want to set a timeout and return an OK response like this:
function sendMessage(requestLib, blockApi, logger) {
return (*my params*) => requestLib(`someURL`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
method: 'post',
logger.info("About to use the promise");
const response = returnOk.then(function() {
return new Response(200, {}, null, 'dummy.com');
return response;
returnOk is a Promise I defined earlier this way:
const returnOk = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 2000)
And the function sendMessage is called inside a different function like this:
module.exports = ({ requestLib, Logger }) => async function(req, res) {
// Some unrelated code to decide if I'll call sendMessage
const response = await sendMessage(requestLib, blockApi, logger)(params);
// I log the response
The regular flow works like a charm, but when I'm load testing and I get to returnOk.then()...
It throws
sendMessage(...) is not a function
If I remove the timeout and just return
return new Response(200, {}, null, 'dummy.com');
Things work just fine.
For some reason, your sendMessage(…) function returns another function:
return (*my params*) => …
You will need to do the same when mocking sendMessage:
function sendMessage(requestLib, blockApi, logger) {
if (!blockApi) {
return (*my params*) => requestLib(`someURL`, {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
method: 'post',
} else {
return (*my params*) => {
const returnOk = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000)
logger.info("About to use the promise");
return returnOk.then(function() {
return new Response(200, {}, null, 'dummy.com');
Btw, you really shouldn't have this boolean blockApi parameter to sendMessage. Write two distinct functions with the same signature, and use dependency injection in the code that is calling it.

Subscribe http.post that is placed inside a promise Angular 6

It gets complicated to me when I mix the promise with subscribe and another async task together.
This is my auth service:
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(/* forceRefresh */ true).then(function(idToken) {
}).catch(function(error) {
This is my HTTP service:
sendEmail(email) {
return this.authService.getCurrentUserToken().then(token => {
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic server-Password',
let data = email
data['idToken'] = token
return this.http.post(this.apiServer + 'sendEmail', data, httpOptions)
This is how I call the sendEmail(email) function at the component:
data3 => {
}, error => {
I have to pass currentUserToken to the API to let the API authenticate the user session. Still, both of the the getCurrentUserToken() sendEmail() are running in async, so I have to use Promise to pass the Token to sendEmail() function, and let the sendEmail function to call the API to send the email.
Without the promise, I am able to subscribe to the http.post like this:
data3 => {
}, error => {
Unfortunately, I screwed it up when I added the promise into it, and the console.log is returning this:
Observable {_isScalar: false, source: Observable, operator: MapOperator}
Please advise on how to subscribe to the http.post that is placed inside the Promise.
There's seriously no need of Complicating things here.
I'll use async/await syntax here and for that, we'll have to work with Promises instead of Observables. Good thing is, we can leverage the toPromise() method on an Observable value to change it to a Promise
Focus on my comments in the code as well
Here's the implementation
For getCurrentUserToken
getCurrentUserToken() {
return firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(true);
// This will already return a Promise<string>
// So no need to do a .then and then return from there.
For sendEmail
async sendEmail(email) {
// Since getCurrentUserToken returns a Promise<string> we can await it
const token = await this.authService.getCurrentUserToken();
// token will now have the Current User Token
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Basic server-Password',
let data = email
data['idToken'] = token
return this.http.post(this.apiServer + 'sendEmail', data, httpOptions).toPromise();
// Notice how we're calling the .toPromise() method here
// to change Observable into a Promise
How to use it?
This code will go in your Component Method where you were previously calling this.httpService.sendEmail. DO MAKE SURE TO MARK THAT FUNCTION AS async THOUGH.
// We can only await something in a function which is declared of type async
async sendEmail() {
try {
const data = await this.httpService.sendEmail(element);
// Since sendEmail again returns a Promise, I can await it.
} catch (error) {
Why don't we use Observable instead of Promises here.
getCurrentUserToken() {
return new Observable(obs => {
.currentUser.getIdToken(/* forceRefresh */ true)
.then(function(idToken) {
.catch(function(error) {
sendEmail(email): Observable {
return new Observable(obs => {
this.authService.getCurrentUserToken().subscribe(token => {
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Basic server-Password'
let data = email;
data['idToken'] = token;
.post(this.apiServer + 'sendEmail', data, httpOptions)
result => {
error => {
// now call the service from Component like this.
data3 => {
}, error => {

localstorage.getitem('key') sometimes returns null - in a react app

this is a very weird problem! I'm trying to build a login form which sets a JWT token in localstorage. Other forms then use that token to post requests. I can see the token in my console.log just fine, but sometimes (like 3 out of 5 times), when I am setting localstorage.getitem('idToken'), it shows as null. This behavior most noticeably happens when I remove the console.log(idToken) from my loginUser() function (code in actions.js file - given below). What am I doing wrong? my app is built using React/Redux.
export function loginUser(creds) {
const data = querystring.stringify({_username: creds.username, _password: creds.password});
let config = {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
body: data
return dispatch => {
// We dispatch requestLogin to kickoff the call to the API
return fetch(BASE_URL+'login_check', config)
.then(response =>
response.json().then(user => ({ user, response }))
).then(({ user, response }) => {
if (!response.ok) {
// If there was a problem, we want to
// dispatch the error condition
return Promise.reject(user)
} else {
localStorage.setItem('idToken', user.token);
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken')
// if I remove this log, my token is returned as null during post.
}).catch(err => console.log("Error: ", err))
here's my POST request:
import axios from 'axios';
import {BASE_URL} from './middleware/api';
import {reset} from 'redux-form';
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
let headers ={
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization' : AuthStr }
export default (async function showResults(values, dispatch) {
axios.post(BASE_URL + 'human/new', values, headers)
.then(function (response) {
alert("Your submit was successful");
}).catch(function (error) {
This GET request works everytime, BTW:
getHouses = (e) => {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken') || null;
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
axios.get(BASE_URL + 'household/list', { headers: { Authorization: AuthStr } }).then((response) =>
let myData = response.data;
let list = [];
let key =[];
for (let i = 0; i < myData._embedded.length; i++) {
let embedded = myData._embedded[i];
this.setState({data: list, key: key});
.catch((error) => {
console.log('error' + error);
I'm at my wit's end! Please help!
The localStorage.setItem() is a asynchronous task, and sometimes you run let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken') just after the setItem will fail, so you get a null, so please put the getItem operation some later, have a try, it will be different :
setTimeout(function() {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
}, 50);
Move your token logic (i.e. localStorage.getItem('idToken');) inside the exported function and it should work
export default (async function showResults(values, dispatch) {
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
const AuthStr = 'Bearer '.concat(token);
let headers ={
headers: { 'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization' : AuthStr
axios.post(BASE_URL + 'human/new', values, headers)...
There can't be a case where you set a key value in localstorage and then it returns you null, immediately in the next line.
localStorage.setItem('idToken', user.token);
let token = localStorage.getItem('idToken');
This will only happen if your user.token value is null.
Maybe the case here is your thennable function not returning value to your next then like this:
.then(response =>
// return response to your next then function
// this will be passed to next then function as params
return response.json();
).then(({ user, response }) => {
Make a function whose return the value or a default value
const [hideTyC, setHideTyC] = useState(false);
const loadTyCFlag = (): any => {
if (
localStorage.getItem("tyc") !== null ||
localStorage.getItem("tyc") !== undefined
) {
return localStorage.getItem("tyc") || false;
useIonViewDidEnter(() => {

