Best way to initialize html elements in JavaScript for reusability? - javascript

The way I did this was by getting the html elements and declaring them as global const variables inside a function() {} that encapsulates the whole program. It works, but I'm unsure if this is good practice. Is there a way to allow reusability of an element without using an omnipresent function() {} or will this be fine?
My Code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
//The global const elements from HTML doc
const square = document.getElementsByClassName("square");
const mole = document.getElementsByClassName("mole");
const timeLeft = document.getElementsByClassName("time-left")[0]; //# for id elements
//Initialize score, result, and time
let score = document.getElementsByClassName("score")[0];
let result = 0;
let currentTime = timeLeft.textContent;
//Call countDown function every 1000 milliseconds or 1 second
let timerId = setInterval(countDown, 1000);
function main() {
//Add an event listener for each square called mouseup
for (let i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {
square[i].addEventListener("mouseup", checkHit);
//Once the event triggers, check if val of current square equals to hitPosition
//If it is, update result and hitPosition
function checkHit(event) {
if ( === hitPosition) {
result = result + 1;
score.textContent = result;
hitPosition = null;
//Move mole to a random square every 1000 milliseconds
function moveMole() {
let timerId = null;
timerId = setInterval(randomSquare, 1000);
//Choose a randomSquare to put the mole
function randomSquare() {
//Remove mole from the class name to make sure there isn't any forgotten divs that were used for styling
for (let i = 0; i < square.length; i++) {
//Math.floor rounds down
//math.random() * 9 uses a position from 1 to 9
let randomPosition = square[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)];
//Set the mole to the randomPostion
//Assign the id of the randomPositon to hitPosition for comparing later
hitPosition =;
//Counts our timer down
function countDown() {
//Decrement currentTime and show currentTime
timeLeft.textContent = currentTime;
//If currentTime is 0
//Clear the timer set by the setInterval method
//Stops the execution of randomSquare
//Alert user of final score
//Reset time and result
if (currentTime === 0) {
alert("GAME OVER! Your final score is " + result);
timeLeft.textContent = 30;
currentTime = timeLeft.textContent;
result = 0;
score.textContent = result;

As far as I'm concerned, the code looks fine but make sure to look at other people and see what they're doing.


Need Help Coding a Loop Using "For" Statement in JavaScript

I need to make a countdown happen from 10 to 0 using a loop. The loop should replace the need to repeat the code 10X. I also neeed to display the countdown to the user in the HTML. Help!
function StartTheCountdown()
var Countdown = 10;
// Used to keep track of actual time.
// 1000 = 1 second because we are using milliseconds.
var timeout = 10000;
setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById("CountDownDisplay").innerHTML = "Blastoff!";
Countdown = Countdown - 1;
}, timeout)
timeout = timeout - 1000;
// We need to do this 10 times **************************************
setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById("CountDownDisplay").innerHTML = Countdown;
Countdown = Countdown - 1;
}, timeout)
timeout = timeout - 1000;
Use setTimeout to repeatedly call the function until count is zero, and then display a message.
// Cache your element
const div = document.querySelector('div');
// Initialise your count to 10
function countdown(count = 10) {
// Update your element textContent
div.textContent = `T-minus: ${count}`;
// Call the function again if the count
// is greater than 0 with a decremented count
if (count > 0) {
setTimeout(countdown, 1000, --count);
// Otherwise update the textContent of the
// element with a message
} else {
div.textContent = 'Blast off!';
Additional documentation
Template/string literals

How am I able to add timing to javascript that alters text every second?

I would like this code to count up from 0 to 940 (very fast) and alter the text every time it updates
Here's my code (inside my head tag):
<script type="text/javascript">
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date =;
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate =;
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
function onLoad(){
var x = document.getElementById("numberID");
var n = 940;
var text = "";
for(i = 0;i < n + 1;i++){
text = i;
x.innerHTML = text;
At the moment, it just waits a second then displays '940' on screen and doesn't display it counting up.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Here's the code I recently put in, still doesn't work:
const x = document.getElementById("numberID");
function newFrame(duration, start = {
requestAnimationFrame((now) => {
const elapsed = now - start;
x.innerText = Math.max(0, Math.min(duration,
if(elapsed < duration)
newFrame(duration, start);
Using a while loop to "sleep" is going to block the page's thread and nothing else can happen in the meantime. This is considered bad practice.
setTimeout guarantees that at least the defined time has passed, but can take (much) longer. This is imprecise, and especially bad for shorter intervals. Same with setInterval. They're also not recommended for callbacks that involve updating the DOM.
What you need to do is use a requestAnimationFrame.
function newFrame(duration, start = {
requestAnimationFrame((now) => {
const elapsed = now - start
console.log(`time passed: ${elapsed} ms`)
if(elapsed < duration)
newFrame(duration, start)
In your specific case, I'd replace the console.log statement put there for didactic purposes, with something along the lines of:
x.innerText = Math.max(0, Math.min(duration, Math.round(elapsed)))
Here's what that would look like:
const x = document.getElementById("numberID")
function newFrame(duration, start = {
requestAnimationFrame((now) => {
const elapsed = now - start
x.innerText = Math.max(0, Math.min(duration, Math.round(elapsed)))
if(elapsed < duration)
newFrame(duration, start)
<span id="numberID"></span>
The sleep function is not doing anything, what you need is a setTimeout to display the text at every x milliseconds.
Something like the below will work.
let x = null;
let timeout = null;
const changeText = (text) => {
x.innerHTML = text;
function onLoad() {
x = document.getElementById("numberID");
const n = 940;
const t = .01; // in seconds
for( let i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
timeout = setTimeout( () => changeText((i+1).toString()), (t * i) * 1000);
<span id="numberID"></span>

JavaScript: Assigning a variable if variable changed

If I have a variable which value is constantly changing (100+ times a second). How do I 'record' a specific value at a specific point in time?
Added to this, how do I base this point in time off of another variable of which value has changed?
This needs to be strictly in JavaScript. I've looked at the onChange() method, but I'm unsure if I have to use this in conjunction with HTML for it to work. If not, could someone give me an example where this is not the case?
I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to do, but as Ranjith says you can use setTimeout to run arbitrary code at some (approximate) future time.
This example could likely be improved if I had a bit more detail about what you're doing.
If you're in a node environment you might consider using an event emitter to broadcast changes instead of having to have the variable in scope. (This isn't particularly hard to do in a browser either if that's where you are.)
The html/css parts of this are just for displaying the values in the example; not necessary otherwise.
const rand = document.getElementById('rand');
const snapshot = document.getElementById('snapshot');
let volatile = 0;
// update the value every ~100ms
setInterval(() => {
// assign a new random value
volatile = Math.random();
// display it so we can see what's going on
rand.innerText = volatile;
}, 100);
// do whatever you want with the snapshotted value here
const snap = () => snapshot.innerText = volatile;
// grab the value every 2 seconds
setInterval(snap, 2000);
div {
margin: 2rem;
<div id="rand"></div>
<div id="snapshot"></div>
Ok - well you can poll variable changes ... even though you can use setters...
Lets compare:
let previous;
let watched = 0;
let changes = 0;
let snap = () => previous = watched !== previous && ++changes && watched || previous;
let polling = setInterval(snap, 100);
let delta = 1000 * 2
let start =;
let last = start;
let now;
let dt = 0
while(start + delta >{
now =;
dt += now - last;
last = now;
if(dt > 100){
dt = 0;
document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = (changes === 0 ? 0 : 100 * watched / changes) + "% hit"
if(watched - changes === watched){
throw Error("polling missed 100%");
const dataChangeEvent = new Event("mutate");
const dataAccessEvent = new Event("access");
// set mock context - as it is needed
let ctx = document.createElement('span');
// add watchable variable
add('watched', 0);
//listen for changes
let changes = 0;
ctx.addEventListener('mutate', () => changes++);
let delta = 1000 * 2
let start =;
let last = start;
let now;
let dt = 0
while(start + delta >{
now =;
dt += now - last;
last = now;
if(dt > 100){
dt = 0;
document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = (changes === 0 ? 0 : 100 * ctx.watched / changes) + "% hit"
if(ctx.watched - changes === ctx.watched){
throw Error("trigger missed 100%");
function add(name, value){
let store = value
Object.defineProperty(ctx, name, {
ctx.dispatchEvent(dataAccessEvent, store)
return store;
ctx.dispatchEvent(dataChangeEvent, {
newVal: value,
oldVal: store,
store = value;
The usage of a while loop is on purpose.

Creating a variable counter in javascript with variable speed

I'm having a problem.
I want to make a counter that counts from 1 to 9 and repeats.
The time between the counts should be variable (1 to 10 seconds in the same series).
Sometimes, it should add 1, sometimes 2 (so sometimes skip one number).
Is that possible with javascript?
Thank you in advance.
This is the code I have, but is only counts, does not skip a number sometimes and the time to count is fixed at 500 ms.
<div id="value">1</div>
function animateValue(id){
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
var current = obj.innerHTML;
obj.innerHTML = current++;
First, a JSFiddle:
JSFiddle with larger, stylized text:
Edit: I see you're not familiar with JavaScript. I've included non-ES6 JavaScript as well.
The biggest issue you'll face with your code is the use of setInterval, as you want a variable timer.
Instead of setInterval, consider a function that calls itself and sets a timer. Once the setTimeout is called, it will invoke the function again to set another timeout, effectively creating an interval.
Non ES6 Script:
var el = document.body;
var max_count = 9;
var current_count = 1;
// Function which sets our timer
function timer(delay) {
// Set a timeout with our passed `delay` arg
setTimeout(function () {
// Adds either 1 or 2 based on the return value of getIteration
current_count += getIteration();
// As we have a max, reset to 1 if we're over
if (current_count > max_count) {
current_count = 1;
// Update innerHTML
// Call next iteration
}, delay);
// Writes our innerHTML
function writer() {
el.innerHTML = current_count;
// Returns 1000 through 10000
function getDelay() {
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10) * 1000;
// Returns either 1 or 2
function getIteration() {
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2);
// Our main function to loop
function loop() {
// getDelay will return a value between 1000 - 10000
// Sets Initial Value
// Main
Here's an example of the code on the JSFiddle. I've included comments to hopefully explain the logic.
const el = document.body;
const max_count = 9;
let current_count = 1;
// Function which sets our timer
const timer = delay => {
setTimeout(() => {
current_count += getIteration();
if (current_count > max_count) {
current_count = 1;
// Update innerHTML
// Call next iteration
}, delay);
// Writes our innerHTML
const writer = (str, log) => {
if (log) {
} else {
el.innerHTML = `Current count: ${current_count}`;
// Returns 1000 through 10000
const getDelay = () => {
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10) * 1000;
// Returns either 1 or 2
const getIteration = () => {
return Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2);
// Our main function to loop
const main = () => {
const delay = getDelay();
writer(`Next delay is ${delay}ms`, true);
// Set Initial Value
// Main
Hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Page freezes when 3 second pause is inside a loop

When i loop through an array in javascript i have it pause for 3 seconds after each item. It does this successfully, but it freezes the webpage until the array completes.
function launchTutorial() {
HideFloatingMenu(); //freezes on page and it doesn't when i comment out the subsequent array loop
//the classes of each element to highlight in the tutorial
var tutorialClasses = [
var threeSec = new Date().getTime() + 3000;
for (var i = 0; i < tutorialClasses.length; i++) {
//$.each(tutorialClasses, function (key, value) {
if (i != 0) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (now >= threeSec) {
threeSec = new Date().getTime() + 3000;
else {
i = i - 1; //go back to this item if it hasn't been 3 seconds
else {
threeSec = new Date().getTime() + 3000;
I have tried setTimeout(), setInterval(0, delay(), 2 different custom sleep functions, and a while loop. none of them worked.
Use this. In javascript, when you do a while loop that takes time x, the whole page freezes for that time x. So using a while loop is no option. But you can use the function setTimeout like this. This will run the printNextElement function every 10 seconds (in my example).
At the console.log place, do your logic. And change the 10000 to your time.
const ar = ['Hello', 'World'];
let index = 0;
const printNextElement = () => {
index += 1;
if(ar.length === index) {
window.setTimeout(printNextElement, 10000);

