Node.js Canvas image corruption - javascript

I'm very new to coding so I'm just piecing everything together from tutorials.
Anyway, when I try to use Canvas.loadImage() on certain, large .png files, they visually corrupt.
It doesn't happen with .jpgs, and it only happens with these specific images I've downloaded from discord. And only if they are over a megabyte.
If I open a new image in paint and paste the original, and save it in a .png, I can run that image through, and it won't corrupt.
So does anybody know why it is corrupting? And if it isn't something I am doing, how to I re-encode them on the fly so that it won't corrupt.
I've tried to do this two/three separate ways and they all produce the same result:
First as a callback (is that the right terminology?)?:
function test(){
const imgCanv = Canvas.createCanvas(1284,2778); //the size doesn't matter, it breaks no matter what
const ctx = imgCanv.getContext("2d");
const img = Canvas.loadImage("image.png");
img.then((img) => {
var out = fs.createWriteStream("result.png")
var stream = imgCanv.pngStream();
stream.on("data", function(chunk){
stream.on("end", function(){
}).catch(err =>{
console.log("An error occured:" + err);
And also the way they suggest in the documentation, with img.onload:
function test(){
const imgCanv = Canvas.createCanvas(1284,2778); //the size doesn't matter, it breaks no matter what
const ctx = imgCanv.getContext("2d");
const img = new Canvas.Image();
img.onload = () => ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
img.onerror = err => { throw err };
img.src = "image.png";
var out = fs.createWriteStream("result.png")
var stream = imgCanv.pngStream();
stream.on("data", function(chunk){
stream.on("end", function(){
I can't post images so here are links:
(I tried to use a sample image but it wouldn't corrupt, even if I followed the exact same procedure. It must be either something Discord is doing, or something in the original screenshot. No idea.)


PDFtron lastest versoin imported base 64 images are low quality

I have a project in laravel 8 with vue 2, i made an implementation of pdftron where i save the signatures user creates into a database as base64 images, so far all good, problem comes when i load those images from the database, although i can see them in the signature tool they are extremely low quality and i can no longer change color to the image, which doesn't happen in the demo sites, i think that when they get exported they become something that pdftron can no longer manipulate as a newly created signature, so i would like to know if someone else has this problem and a possible solution for it, i'll put the code i'm using and the images for you here
Above saved siganture, down new signature
let that = this;
const viewerElement = document.getElementById('webviewer');
path: '/js/WebViewer/lib',
initialDoc: this.initialDoc,
extension: 'pdf',
}, viewerElement)
.then((instance) => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
const signatureTool = documentViewer.getTool('AnnotationCreateSignature');
documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', () => {
let signatures = JSON.parse(that.savedSignatures);
signatures = => a.base64_signature);
signatureTool.importSignatures(["data:image/png;base64, " + signatures]); //base64 images array
document.getElementById('app').setAttribute('style', 'padding: 0');
document.getElementById('downloadButton').setAttribute('style', 'visibility: visible')
document.getElementById('pdf-ui').setAttribute('style', 'visibility: visible')
documentViewer.addEventListener('annotationsLoaded', async () => {
annotationManager.addEventListener('annotationDrawn', async (annotationList) => {
annotationList.forEach(annotation => {
if (annotation.Subject === "Signature")
that.extractAnnotationSignature(annotation, documentViewer);
let saveSignedPdf = document.getElementById('downloadButton');
saveSignedPdf.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const doc = documentViewer.getDocument();
const xfdfString = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations();
const data = await doc.getFileData({
// saves the document with annotations in it
const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
const blob = new Blob([arr], {type: 'application/pdf'});
await that.processDocument(blob)
// Add code for handling Blob here
// instance.disableElements(['downloadButton', 'printButton']);
// instance.disableElements(['toolbarGroup-Insert']);
return instance
and here is the code i use to export the images taken from official docs
async extractAnnotationSignature(annotation, docViewer) {
let that = this;
// Create a new Canvas to draw the Annotation on
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// Reference the annotation from the Document
const pageMatrix = docViewer.getDocument().getPageMatrix(annotation.PageNumber);
// Set the height & width of the canvas to match the annotation
canvas.height = annotation.Height;
canvas.width = annotation.Width;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Translate the Annotation to the top Top Left Corner of the Canvas ie (0, 0)
ctx.translate(-annotation.X, -annotation.Y);
// Draw the Annotation onto the Canvas
annotation.draw(ctx, pageMatrix);
// Convert the Canvas to a Blob Object for Upload
canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('signature', blob);
formData.append('customer_id', that.customerId);
const config = {
headers: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data',
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').content,
}, formData, config)
.then(function (response) {
if (! {
console.log("could not save signature for future use")
else {
console.log("saved signature for future use")
.catch(function (error) {
that.output = error;
console.log("could not reach backend")
I know you will see several flaws in this code, I'm a rookie so please bear with me, thank you for your time, and any help is appreciated
test base64 string generated with this code
i also tried exportSIgnatures and i got the same base64 string for already saved signature that look blurry but for new ones i got this, which i don't quite understand what it is and how to use it for reconstructing the images
Hello David Gabriel Lopez Duarte,
We were able to reproduce this issue, it is likely due to our canvas isnt being adjusted to match the zoom level. This has been reported before and is in our backlog!

SVG Image load event firing before image is actually loaded

I have an SVG image that contains <image> tags with hrefs to other external images. For an function on this SVG I need to convert these URLs to their dataURL equivalent before exporting. I have the conversion working am having some difficulties waiting for all the URLs to finish converting prior to calling the function.
My code looks something like the following:
// Convert a URL to a dataURL, returns Promise for when it's complete
const convertUrlToDataUrl = (url) => {
let resolvePromise, rejectPromise;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolvePromise = resolve;
rejectPromise = reject;
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
img.onload = (event) => {
const loadedImage =;
const {width, height} = loadedImage;
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(loadedImage, 0, 0);
const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL();
img.onerror = () => {
img.src = url;
return promise;
// Updates a SVG image tags href to a dataURL of the image
const updateImageToDataUrl = async (image) => {
const url = image.getAttribute('href') || image.getAttribute('xlink:href');
try {
dataUrl = await convertUrlToDataUrl(url);
} catch(e) {
dataUrl = 'some backup data URL';
// Update image tag image reference to data URL and create imageUrlUpdated promise to complete when image has loaded
let resolvePromise, rejectPromise;
const imageUrlUpdated = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
resolvePromise = resolve;
rejectPromise = reject;
image.addEventListener('load', e => resolvePromise(), {once: true});
image.addEventListener('error', () => rejectPromise(), {once: true});
// Update image (both xlink:href and href for backwards compatiablity)
if (image.hasAttribute('xlink:href')) { image.setAttribute('xlink:href', dataUrl); }
if (image.hasAttribute('href')) { image.setAttribute('href', dataUrl); }
// Wait for image to load after updating URL
try {
await imageUrlUpdated;
console.log('Image fully updated');
} catch (e) {
console.log('Something went wrong');
// Get all svg image elements to change
const svgImages = getSVGImageElements();
// Start URL conversion process for each image and store promise of each
const imageUpdatingPromises = [];
svgImages.forEach(image => {
// Wait for all images to be loaded
await Promise.allSettled(imageUpdatingPromises);
console.log('Starting doStuffWithSVG');
The intended behaviour of the above code is to wait until all the SVG image tags have been updated with data URLS before calling doStuffWithSVG();. Upon testing it appears that doStuffWithSVG() is running before all the images have updated (I say this as I am getting an error that occurs when using an external URL instead of a data URL for my particular use case).
While trying to debug this all the logs "Image fully updated" happen before the log "Starting doStuffWithSVG" and "Something went wrong" is never called which indcates that my promises all do seem to be running in the right order and waiting appropriately. I can confirm that the actual href and xlink:href attributes on the image tag are all data URLs by the time doStuffWithSVG is called but I am still getting an error. In addition when calling this code in succession it will work after the first time, my guess for why is that the images are cached so the actual images update faster the subsequent runs.
I should mention that I am only seeing this issue in Safari (I am still seeing all the same expected logging in Safari though) but I am not convinced it is a browser specific issue but that the safari javascript engine is just slower and is why I am seeing it here (Can confirm that compared to chrome or firefox, Safari takes much longer to convert the images to data URLs). The reason I think this is that I have not been able to find any other differences in what is getting called or in what order between the browsers besides speed (Safari still uses xlink:href instead of href but that doesn't seem to be making a difference here).
With everything above it seems to me like the load event is firing on the SVGImageElements before the actual image has loaded. That or I have made a mistake in setting up and awaiting my Promises somewhere. Any help on this would be great as I have run out of ideas of how else I can accomplish this or what else the problem could be.

Chrome extension with SVG icons (chrome.browserAction.setIcon)

I am using scalable SVG icons in my Chrome extension.
tabId: tabId,
path: '../icons/' + icon + '/scalable.svg'
I want to switch icons based on some parameters, so I have visual feedback.
What I have realized is that when I am switching icons very quickly, Chrome is messing up and often I end up seeing the wrong icon. I added console.log prints to code to ensure I am switching icons properly and I see that my code has no errors.
It looks like Chrome executes such change of icon requests asynchronously and conversion of SVG to pixels takes sometimes longer than usual. That leads to an execution in the wrong order.
So for example if I switch icons from A to B, then to C; then to D, ... at the end I may see C, although the last request for change was to switch it to D.
Any ideas on how to fix this annoying problem?
Chain the calls to the API using Promise
If you call setIcon often, create a cache of imageData yourself and use it instead of path because the API re-reads the source icon each time and re-creates imageData.
Here's a generic example, not tested:
const queue = {};
const cache = {};
// auto-clean the queue so it doesn't grow infinitely
chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(tabId => delete queue[tabId]);
async function setIcon(tabId, icon) {
const url = '../icons/' + icon + '/scalable.svg';
const imageData = await (cache[url] || (cache[url] = loadImageData(url)));
queue[tabId] = (queue[tabId] || Promise.resolve()).then(() =>
new Promise(resolve =>
chrome.browserAction.setIcon({tabId, imageData}, resolve)));
function loadImageData(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const data = {};
const img = new Image();
img.src = url;
img.onload = () => {
for (const size of [16, 32]) {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = canvas.height = size;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
data[size] = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, size, size);
img.onerror = reject;

How to convert multiple images to base64 with canvas

I am storing base64 encoded images, and at the moment I can only create one code (i'm attempting to create two, but it appears the second is being overwritten). I don't get the over-arching concept of canvas drawing, so I believe that is the root of my issue when trying to solve this problem.
current behavior: It stores the same DataUrl in local storage twice. It does log the correct info. the favicon-green is getting stored, just not red
How do I encode multiple base64 images with canvas?
<link id="favicon" rel="icon" src="/assets/favicon-red-16x16.ico.png">
<!-- hidden images to store -->
<img id="favicon-green" rel="icon" src="/assets/favicon-green-16x16.ico.png" width="16" height="16" />
<img id="favicon-red" rel="icon" src="/assets/favicon-red-16x16.ico.png" width="16" height="16" />
// cache images
function storeImages() {
// my sorry attempt to create two canvas elements for two image encodings
var canvasGreen = document.createElement('canvas');
var canvasRed = document.createElement('canvas');
// painting both images
var ctxGreen = canvasGreen.getContext('2d');
var ctxRed = canvasRed.getContext('2d');
// getting both images from DOM
var favGreen = document.getElementById('favicon-green');
var favRed = document.getElementById('favicon-red');
// checking if images are already stored
var base64Green = localStorage.getItem('greenFavicon');
var base64Red = localStorage.getItem('redFavicon');
if (base64Green == null && window.navigator.onLine || base64Red == null && window.navigator.onLine) {
ctxGreen.drawImage(favGreen, 0, 0);
ctxRed.drawImage(favRed, 0, 0);
// getting images (the DataUrl is currently the same for both)
base64Green = canvasGreen.toDataURL();
base64Red = canvasRed.toDataURL();
localStorage.setItem('greenFavicon', base64Green);
localStorage.setItem('redFavicon', base64Red);
console.log("are they equal : ", base64Green == base64Red); // returns true
I don't see anything particularly wrong with your code. If the code isn't a direct copy and paste, I would look through it with a fine-tooth come to make sure you don't switch any red and green around.
There shouldn't be any surprising mechanisms when it comes to converting canvases to data URLs.
Here is a quick example of two:
const a = document.createElement('canvas');
const b = document.createElement('canvas');
const aCtx = a.getContext('2d');
const bCtx = b.getContext('2d');
aCtx.fillStyle = '#000';
aCtx.fillRect(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
const aUrl = a.toDataURL();
const bUrl = b.toDataURL();
console.log(aUrl == bUrl, aUrl, bUrl);
console.log('First difference index:',, (aChar, index) => aChar !== bUrl[index]));
Notice that they are different. However, notice that they also start out very similar, and you have to go quite a ways over to start seeing differences (in my example, character 70). I would double-check that they are actually the same (by comparing them like I did). It could be it just looks the same.
Another thing you might do, which is more of a code style thing, but could also help with accidentally green and red mixups, is make a function to save just one, then call it twice.
const saveImage = (imageId, key) => {
if (localStorage.getItem(key)) {
return; // already saved
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const image = document.getElementById(imageId);
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
if (window.navigator.onLine) {
localStorage.setItem(key, canvas.toDataURL());
saveImage('favicon-green', 'greenFavicon');
saveImage('favicon-red', 'redFavicon');
Not only does that clean up your code and keep it DRY, but it also helps avoid accidental mix-ups between red and green in your function.
After some comments back and forth, I realized another possibility is you are trying to draw the images to the canvas before the images are loaded. This will cause it to draw blank images, but otherwise act like it is working fine.
You can quickly test this by console logging this:
console.log(image.width === 0);
after setting the image variable. If the value is true, then the image isn't loaded yet (before loading, images will have a width and height of 0). You need to make sure to wait until the image is loaded before trying to save it.
The best way to do this is with an addEventListener():
document.getElementById('favicon-green').addEventListener('load', () => {
saveImage('favicon-green', 'greenFavicon');
There is one more catch with this, in that if the image is somehow already loaded by the time that code runs, it'll never trigger. You need to look at the width of the image as well. Here is a function that does this all for you, and returns a Promise so you know it's done:
const saveImage = (imageId, key) => new Promise(resolve => {
if (localStorage.getItem(key)) {
return resolve(); // already saved
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const image = document.getElementById(imageId);
const onImageLoaded = () => {
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
if (window.navigator.onLine) {
localStorage.setItem(key, canvas.toDataURL());
if (image.width > 0) {
} else {
image.addEventListener('load', onImageLoaded);
saveImage('favicon-green', 'greenFavicon').then(() => console.log('saved'));

javascript: string limited to 268,400,000 length?

With javascript and chrome (on electron) I am reading files in chunks and attaching it to a string. I can see now that if I try to read a file of 462Mb, I get the error RangeError: Invalid string length and if in every chunk I print the string length, the lass reading shows 268,400,000, reading chunks of 100,000.
What is this error about? A javascript string limit? My computer saying stop? I can see that CPU keeps below 50% and memory doesn't go higher than 55%.
I am about to think about a workaround, but I cannot find anything about a length limit, so maybe I am facing another type of error?
The code I'm using to read files
var start, temp_end, end;
var BYTES_PER_CHUNK = 100000;
function readFile(file_to_read,param) {
if (param.start < param.end) {
return new Promise(function(resolve){
var chunk = file_to_read.file.slice(param.start, param.temp_end);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
if ( == 2) { // the file is being uploaded in chunks, and the chunk has been successfully read
document.getElementById('file_monitor').max = param.end;
document.getElementById('file_monitor').value = param.temp_end;
// += new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(;
.then(function(){ +=;
param.start = param.temp_end; // 0 if a new file, the previous one if still reading the same file
param.temp_end = param.start + BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
if (param.temp_end > param.end)
param.temp_end = param.end;
// reader.readAsBinaryString(chunk);
} else
return Promise.resolve();

