Handling async promises inside if statements - javascript

I am dealing with the following scenario in javascript. tt resembles a function from a package that return reject promise if something didn't happen. I want to Booleanize the await tt() in the test() function if that reject promise is triggered. the current setup results in catching the error and the else() block is not executed. is there a way to overcome that?
async function tt(){
return Promise.reject('failed');
async function test(){
if (somecondition && await tt()) //assume somecondition is true
I want to avoid using .then(res ... ).catch(err ...)

You can tt in your own function that catches the error:
async function wrapped_tt() {
try {
await tt();
return true; // or return await tt(); depending on what tt returns
} catch {
return false;
if (somecondition && await wrapped_tt()) {
Of course you may want to check the error thrown by tt and only decide to return false for some of those errors.

So you don't care about the resolved value or the rejection error? Sure:
async function tt() {
return Promise.reject("failed");
function promiseAsBoolean(p) {
return p.then((s) => true, (e) => false);
async function test() {
if (somecondition && (await promiseAsBoolean(tt()))) {
} else {


Await for a function to finish not working

I have the first function that looks like this:
private async checkIsExists(): Promise<Boolean> {
error: (err) => {
return false;
return true;
This function should return false if any error occurs, such as a 404.
In the repositoryService i have the getEntry function that looks like this:
getEntry(entryId: string) {
return this.collectionsApi.getEntry(entryId);
Which is not an async function
My question would be, how could i make the check function work correctly, at this moment it returns true no matter what, because it doesnt wait for the data to be fetched, i would like to change only this function if possible
I changed the function and the call to this:
private checkIfShareExists(): Observable<Boolean> {
return this.repositoryService.getEntry(this.id).pipe(
catchError(() => of(false)),
map( () => {
return true;
this.checkIfShareExists().subscribe(exists => {
But it still prints true always, even though the error is thrown
Assuming getEntry is an observable (since you are subscribeing to it) you can use async await if you transform it into a promise:
private async checkIsExists(): Promise<Boolean> {
return await this.repositoryService.getEntry(this.id).toPromise().then(r => true).catch(r => false);
After this you can use that function inside another async-await block to get your boolean result:
async myFunc(){
var couldGet = await this.myComponent.checkIsExist();
if(!couldGet) { console.error("sadface.jpg") }

How to call an API twice if there is an error occurred?

I have an internal API that I would like to post data. Depends on some cases, I am seeing errors. So what I would like to do is to call it again if there is an error occurred.
What I did was to create a counter to pass it to the function and call the function recursively as below. This gives me the error as below:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
Here is how I call the function:
private RETRY_API = 1;
try {
await this.callAPI(request, this.RETRY_API);
} catch (error) {
console.log('error', error);
This program never comes to the catch block above.
And here is my actual function that I call the API:
private async callAPI(request, retry) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
someService.postApiRequest('api/url', request, async(err: any, httpCode: number, data) => {
if (this.RETRY_API == 2) {
return reject(err);
} else if (err) {
this.callAPI(request, retry);
} else if ( httpCode !== 200 ) {
this.RETRY_API = 2;
// some stuff
} else {
this.RETRY_API = 2;
// some stuff
return resolve(data);
Not sure what I am missing. If there is a better way to call the API twice if an error occurred, that would be great if you let me know.
Let's organize a little differently. First, a promise-wrapper for the api...
private async callAPI(request) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
someService.postApiRequest('api/url', request,(err: any, httpCode: number, data) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(data);
A utility function to use setTimeout with a promise...
async function delay(t) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
Now, a function that calls and retries with delay...
private async callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount=2, retryDelay=2000) {
try {
return await callAPI(request);
} catch (error) {
if (retryCount <= 0) throw err;
await delay(retryDelay);
return callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount-1, retryDelay);
If you can't force a failure on the api to test the error path some other way, you can at least try this...
private async callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount=2, retryDelay=2000) {
try {
// I hate to do this, but the only way I can test the error path is to change the code here to throw an error
// return await callAPI(request);
await delay(500);
throw("mock error");
} catch (error) {
if (retryCount <= 0) throw err;
await delay(retryDelay);
return callAPIWithRetry(request, retryCount-1, retryDelay);
It looks like you need to add return await to the beginning of the line this.callAPI(request, retry); in callAPI function.
Similarly there are some condition blocks that doesn't resolve or reject the promise. While it might work okay, it's considered bad practice. You want to either resolve or reject a promise.
I've accomplished calling an API a second time when I received an error by using axios' interceptors functions.
Here is a code snippet you can review:
// function called on a successful response 2xx
function (response) {
return response;
// function called on an error response ( not 2xx )
async function (error) {
const request = error.config as AxiosRequestConfig;
// request is original API call
// change something about the call and try again
// request.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer DIFFERENT_TOKEN`;
// return axios(request)
// or Call a different API
// const new_data = await axios.get(...).then(...)
// return new_data
// all else fails return the original error
return Promise.reject(error)
Try replacing
if (this.RETRY_API == 2)
if (this.RETRY_API > 1)

resolve and reject issue using node js

Is this possible way to return resolve or reject message from one function to another?
As I am writing to pass resolve message in postman whenever my task is completed or reject message when there is some error
But after after writing return it still not returning the resolve message or reject message inside Postman
any idea how this can be resolve?
async function readFile(filePath) {}
async function getAllFile(filePath) {
const paths = await readFile(filePath);
async function filterFiles(filePath) {
const paths = await getAllFile(filePath);
function addDocument(childProduct){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
name: childProduct,
}).then(function (filePath) {
let msg = "Document created Succesfully";
return resolve(msg);
.catch(function (err) {
return reject("Can't be updated please try again :) " + err);
function updateDoc(data){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
name: data.name,
where: {
product_id: data,
}).then(function (childProduct) {
let msg = "Updated Successfully";
return resolve(msg);
.catch(function (err) {
return reject("Can't be updated please try again :) " + err);
Product.findOne and Document.findAll return a Promise, so they can be returned and awaited directly.
You can chain await func1(); await func2(); await func3() in one try{} block, and catch any error that happens in one place :
const filterFiles = async filePath => {
const paths = await getAllFiles(filePath);
// .. Do something else here
return paths // This is a Promise because async functions always return a Promise
const findOneDoc = name => Product.findOne({ where: { name } }); // This func returns a Promise
const findAllDocs = product_id => Document.findAll({ // This func returns a Promise too
raw: true,
where: { product_id }
(async () => {
try {
const childProduct = await findOneDoc("some_name");
console.log("All good until now!");
const filePath = await findAllDocs(childProduct._id);
console.log("Still good");
const filteredFiles = await filterFiles(filePath);
console.log("All went well.");
} catch (err) {
// If any of the functions above fails, the try{} block will break and the error will be caught here.
console.log(`Error!`, err);
There are few things I would like to mention.
When you create a promise, it should have resolve() and reject() inside it.
for ex-
function testPromise() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// your logic
// The followin if-else is not nessesary, its just for an illustration
if (Success condition met) {
resolve(object you want to return);
}else {
// you can add error message in this error as well
// Calling the method with await
let obj = await testPromise()
// OR call with then, but its better to go with await
// Access obj here
In the method which you have written, You have applied .then() method to non promise object. You have to complete the promise block first with resolve() and reject() inside it. Then you can return that promise from a function, use it in async function Or apply .then() block on it.
Also you don't need to add return statement to resolve() and reject() statement. The system will take care of it.
You can also use try catch block inside a promise. Its better to write reject() statement in catch block, if anything goes wrong.

"await is only valid in async function" in for loop

I'm being told that "await is only valid in async function", even though it is in a async function. Here is my code:
async function uploadMultipleFiles (storageFilePaths,packFilePaths,packRoot) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
try {
for (i in storageFilePaths) {
await uploadFile(storageFilePaths[i],packFilePaths[i],packRoot) // error throws on this line
resolve("files uploaded")
} catch {
Why is this happening when I made it an async function? Is it because I am using a for loop? If so, how can I get the expected outcome without this error?
The function you define starting on line 1 is async.
The arrow function you define on line 2 and pass to the Promise constructor is not async.
You are also using the multiple promise anti-pattern. Get rid of the Promise constructor entirely. Just return the value when you have it. That's one of the main benefits of the async keyword.
async function uploadMultipleFiles(storageFilePaths, packFilePaths, packRoot) {
try {
for (i in storageFilePaths) {
await uploadFile(storageFilePaths[i], packFilePaths[i], packRoot) // error throws on this line
return "files uploaded";
} catch {
throw "fail";
You can only use await inside of an async function, the error refers to the callback your passing to your new Promise (since you are entering a new function scope there).
async function uploadMultipleFiles (storageFilePaths,packFilePaths,packRoot) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { // <========= this arrow function is not async
try { // so you cant use await inside
for (i in storageFilePaths) {
await uploadFile(storageFilePaths[i],packFilePaths[i],packRoot) // error throws on this line
resolve("files uploaded")
} catch {
The part where you try to construct a new Promise is actually redundant since an async function will resolve to a Promise anyways (read more here). So you could write your code as follows:
async function uploadMultipleFiles (storageFilePaths,packFilePaths,packRoot) {
try {
for (i in storageFilePaths) {
await uploadFile(storageFilePaths[i],packFilePaths[i],packRoot) // error throws on this line
return "files uploaded"
} catch {
throw new Error("fail");
The Promise callback isn't async
async function uploadMultipleFiles (storageFilePaths,packFilePaths,packRoot) {
return new Promise(async (resolve,reject) => {
try {
for (i in storageFilePaths) {
await uploadFile(storageFilePaths[i],packFilePaths[i],packRoot) // error throws on this line
resolve("files uploaded")
} catch {

Wrapper function that conditionally returning promise or callback

async function wait(callback){
var awaited = await giveError();
return returner(awaited, callback)
function giveError(){throw new Error('oops')}
I was tasked to create the returner function there, that would return a promise if there was no callback, and call the callback if it does exist
if returner does nothing but return its first argument, it would return a promise, as desired
async function returner(awaited, callback){
console.log('triggering returner')
return awaited
} else {
console.log('there is a callback')
console.log('correct error catching here for async \n\n')
// prints 'correct error catching here for async'
the problem is that I have difficulty catching the error if there is a callback (with the assumption that awaited is a promise)
wait(function(err, val){
console.log('callback error handling', err, val)
async function returner(awaited, callback){
console.log('triggering returner')
return awaited
} else {
callback(null, val)
// gives UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: oops
I have questions:
why does 'triggering returner' never print?
is awaited a promise? If not, is it possible at all to write the returner function?
why does 'triggering returner' never print?
Because await will behave like throw if the promise it is waiting for rejects. Therefore the code terminates there and the error bubbles up, the return returner(..) is never reached.
is awaited a promise?
No its the resolved value of the promise.
I would actually write a function that wraps the async function itself and takes the callback:
const withCallback = fn => (...args) => {
const last = args[args.length - 1];
if(typeof last === "function") {
return fn(...args.slice(0, -1))
.then(res => last(null, res))
} else {
return fn(.. args);
That way you can write it as:
const wait = withCallback(async function wait(){
var awaited = await giveError();
return "result";
That allows you to do:
// As well as
wait(function(error, result) { /*...*/ });
async functions will always return a Promise. If you want to configure your function's return type to vary based on the arguments, you will need to do so manually:
function foo(cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") {
return Promise.resolve("hello");
} else {
return cb("hello");
foo(v => console.log(v));
foo().then(v => console.log(v));

