how to link to a page with picked item from dropdown - javascript

I'm using react-select for my web application
I have a dropdown with autofill, when I click on input I will see a list of all the car items that come from API but I need to enter the needed one and redirect to that details page.
Should I create route for this ?
Take a look:
When I click on BMW I need to go to bmw detials page.
if it was just simple car item I would create a button under and Link
<Link className='btn-item auction-btn mr-2' to={`/carDetails/${}`}>Details</Link>.
with routing:
render={({ match }) => (
<CarDetails item={data.find((item) => String( === String(} />
but this is react-select library and it's component that I have to filter and than to go to that page I need ..

You can do history.push in change handler of react-select. An example:
export default function MyComponent() {
const [value, setValue] = useState()
const history = useHistory()
function handleChange(newValue) {
return (


How to move ID from an API in one component to another componet to use that ID for another API

I will apologize in advance for incorrect lingo, just started to code in Nov.
I am using this API (
to get idMeal, strMeal, strMealThumb from the objects, which is mapping over cards to populate different recipes. (Search Component)
I want the user to be able to click on it for them to go to another component that uses another API to populate the actual recipe( Recipe Component) with the id from the Search Component.${idMeal}
Unsure how to proceed with this. Was thinking about using a React Router Link to jump to the other component, and need to make the idMeal into state to transfer from Search into Recipe.
Should I use Redux, Context or something else?
export default function Search() {
const [isSearched, setSearched] = useState("");
const [meals, setMeals] = useState([]);
const [isId, setId] = useState("");
const submitHandler = async (e) => {
// console.log(isSearched);
const res = await axios.get(
useEffect(() => {}, [meals]);
return (
<ForkSpoonImg src={forkspoon} />
<form onSubmit={submitHandler}>
<h2 style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>Please Search an Ingredient</h2>
<Input type="text" onInput={(e) => setSearched(}></Input>
<Button type="submit">
<SearchIcon />
{{ idMeal, strMeal, strMealThumb }, index) => {
return (
<Tag //<------- will change to Link, was just testing to see endpoint
<Cards key={index} title={strMeal} url={strMealThumb} />
Kindest Regards!

How can I update the value instead of re render of complete app in react (Hooks)?

Here I am trying to update the value from header component to search Component using Context-API. In my case I have a dropdown in header component I want to pass the dropdown value to search page without re rendering the search component. Here is my sample code
import React,{useContext,useState} from "react";
import { RepoContext } from "../../App";
const App = ()=>{
const [RepoUrn, setRepoUrn] = useState("");
const handleRepo = (value) => { // Callback from Header to update the dropdown value and I am sending this context so the state is updated and rendering mutliple times
return setRepoUrn(value);
const Search =()=>{
const context = useContext(RepoContext);
console.log('context',context) -> Found here re rendering multiple times
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<RepoContext.Provider value={RepoUrn}>
<div className="app">
<Route path="/" component={Search} />
<Dropdown isOpen={repoOpen} toggle={(e) => toggle(e, "Repo")}>
<img src={downarrow} className="downarrow" />
onClick={(e) => changeDropdownValue(e, "Repo")}
{props.repoValues.length > 0
?, index) => {
return (
: ""}
How can I pass dropdown value from header to context and subscribe in search without search component re rendering even if I get the new value from header?
When define the value of Context you need to define values and callback function to change that value. I think you should read and follow this react doc

Javascript React - not navigating to redirect page

I have been working on an inventory management system built in ReactJS with a back-end MariaDB database. The architecture includes user registration and logon modules with JWT authentication, a simple dashboard using D3, an inventory display screen using the React-Data-Table-Component, and an add inventory module. I will use the add-inventory module in the edit-inventory functionality by passing in a parameter to differentiate between add or edit mode (I have not yet implemented that parameter). A user can click on a row on the inventory display screen to pull that record up in edit mode, but currently I am not getting to the page to allow for inventory edit.
My code (inventorylist.component.jsx) looks like this:
updateRecord = row => {
selectedRow: row,
editSelectedRow: true
}, () => {
console.log('UPDATED STATE:',this.state.selectedRow)
editRecord = (event) => {
return <Link to='/add' />
//return <Redirect to='/add' />
// return (
// <>
// <Router>
// <Switch>
// <Route path='/add' component={AddInventory} />
// </Switch>
// </Router>
// </>
// )
render() {
const inventoryTitle = this.props.jwt.username + "'s Inventory"
return (
<button type='button' onClick={this.editRecord}>Edit</button>
This is not navigating to the add-inventory component. I have put a console.log into the editRecord function to verify that it is getting into that function after clicking on the button, but that's as far as it seems to be going.
I'm sure I'm just missing something fairly obvious here, but does anyone have any suggestions?
You can use history object to navigate imperatively:
Read more about history
The problem is that you are return a Link which is a JSX element. What you need to do is one of the following:
If you want to keep the button element, you can push a new route into the history like this: history.push('/edit')
If you want to use Link, you need to replace you button with it and, when you click the link, it will automatically navigate there
With Hooks
If you were using hooks, you could use the useHistory hook provided by react-router to navigate to a different route doing something like this:
const history = useHistory();
const editRecord = () => {

Passing data from parent to child using react.State but State reset to initial state

I am facing an issue while passing the state to the child component, so basically I am getting customer info from child1(Home) and saving in the parent state(App) and it works fine.
And then I am passing the updated state(basketItems) to child2(Basket). But when I click on the Basket button the basket page doesn't show any info in console.log(basketItems) inside the basket page and the chrome browser(console) looks refreshed too.
Any suggestion why it is happening and how can I optimize to pass the data to child2(basket) from main (APP).
i have tired to simulated the code issue in sand box with the link below, really appreciate for any advise about my code in codesandbox (to make it better) as this is the first time i have used it
i have made a small clip on youtube just to understand the issue i am facing
basketItems goes back to initial state
Main (APP)___|
|_Child 1(Home)
|_Child 2 (Basket)
Snippet from Parent main(App) component
function App() {
const [basketItems, setBasketItems] = useState([]);
const addBasketitems = (product, quantity) => {
setBasketItems(prevItems => [...prevItems, { ...product, quantity }])
console.log(basketItems) // here i can see the updated basketItems having customer data as expected [{...}]
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="header">
<Nav userinfo={userData} userstatus={siginalready} />
<Route path="/" exact render={(props) => (
<Home {...props} userData={userData} userstatus={siginalready}
<Route path="/basket" exact render={(props) =>
(<Basket {...props} basketItems={basketItems} />
Snippet from the child(basket)
function Basket({basketItems}) {
console.log(basketItems) // here i only get the [] and not the cusotmer data from parent component
return (
{`${basketItems}`} // here output is blank
export default Basket;
Snippet from the child(Home)
... here once the button is pressed it will pass the userselected details to parent
<Button name={producNumber} value={quantities[productName]} variant="primary"
onClick={() => {
addBasketitems(eachproduct, quantities[productName])
Add to Basket
</Button >
Your function works fine, the reason your output in addbasketItem does not change is the when using setState it takes some time to apply the changes and if you use code below you can see the result.
Your Basket component only renders once so replace it with this code and see if it works:
function Basket({ basketItems }) {
const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [basketItems]);
return <div>{`${items}`}</div>;
but for passing data between several components, I strongly suggest that you use provided it is much better.

Material UI + React Form Hook + multiple checkboxes + default selected

I am trying to build a form that accommodates multiple 'grouped' checkboxes using react-form-hook Material UI.
The checkboxes are created async from an HTTP Request.
I want to provide an array of the objects IDs as the default values:
defaultValues: { boat_ids: trip? => || [] }
Also, when I select or deselect a checkbox, I want to add/remove the ID of the object to the values of react-hook-form.
ie. (boat_ids: [25, 29, 4])
How can I achieve that?
Here is a sample that I am trying to reproduce the issue.
Bonus point, validation of minimum selected checkboxes using Yup
boat_ids: Yup.array() .min(2, "")
I've been struggling with this as well, here is what worked for me.
Updated solution for react-hook-form v6, it can also be done without useState(sandbox link below):
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form";
import FormControlLabel from "#material-ui/core/FormControlLabel";
import Checkbox from "#material-ui/core/Checkbox";
export default function CheckboxesGroup() {
const defaultNames = ["bill", "Manos"];
const { control, handleSubmit } = useForm({
defaultValues: { names: defaultNames }
const [checkedValues, setCheckedValues] = useState(defaultNames);
function handleSelect(checkedName) {
const newNames = checkedValues?.includes(checkedName)
? checkedValues?.filter(name => name !== checkedName)
: [...(checkedValues ?? []), checkedName];
return newNames;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(data => console.log(data))}>
{["bill", "luo", "Manos", "user120242"].map(name => (
render={({ onChange: onCheckChange }) => {
return (
onChange={() => onCheckChange(handleSelect(name))}
Codesandbox link:
Another solution with default selected items done without useState:
Breaking API changes made in 6.X:
validation option has been changed to use a resolver function wrapper and a different configuration property name
Note: Docs were just fixed for validationResolver->resolver, and code examples for validation in repo haven't been updated yet (still uses validationSchema for tests). It feels as if they aren't sure what they want to do with the code there, and it is in a state of limbo. I would avoid their Controller entirely until it settles down, or use Controller as a thin wrapper for your own form Controller HOC, which appears to be the direction they want to go in.
see official sandbox demo and the unexpected behavior of "false" value as a string of the Checkbox for reference
import { yupResolver } from "#hookform/resolvers";
const { register, handleSubmit, control, getValues, setValue } = useForm({
resolver: yupResolver(schema),
defaultValues: Object.fromEntries(, i) => [
preselectedBoats.some(p => === boats[i].id)
Controller no longer handles Checkbox natively (type="checkbox"), or to better put it, handles values incorrectly. It does not detect boolean values for checkboxes, and tries to cast it to a string value. You have a few choices:
Don't use Controller. Use uncontrolled inputs
Use the new render prop to use a custom render function for your Checkbox and add a setValue hook
Use Controller like a form controller HOC and control all the inputs manually
Examples avoiding the use of Controller:
Same as first original example but using yupResolver wrapper
Description for 5.X:
Here is a simplified example that doesn't require Controller. Uncontrolled is the recommendation in the docs. It is still recommended that you give each input its own name and transform/filter on the data to remove unchecked values, such as with yup and validatorSchema in the latter example, but for the purpose of your example, using the same name causes the values to be added to an array that fits your requirements.
Anyways, the problem is that your defaultValues doesn't match the structure of your checkboxes. It should be {[name]: boolean}, where names as generated is the literal string boat_ids[${}], until it passes through the uncontrolled form inputs which bunch up the values into one array. eg: form_input1[0] form_input1[1] emits form_input1 == [value1, value2]
Builds defaultValues: { "boat_ids[0]": false, "boat_ids[1]": true ... }
Controller expects boolean values for toggling checkbox values and as the default values it will feed to the checkboxes.
const { register, handleSubmit, control, getValues, setValue } = useForm({
validationSchema: schema,
defaultValues: Object.fromEntries( => [`boat_ids[${}]`, true])
Schema used for the validationSchema, that verifies there are at least 2 chosen as well as transforms the data to the desired schema before sending it to onSubmit. It filters out false values, so you get an array of string ids:
const schema = Yup.object().shape({
boat_ids: Yup.array()
.transform(function(o, obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).filter(k => obj[k]);
.min(2, "")
Here is a working version:
import React from "react";
import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form";
import FormControlLabel from "#material-ui/core/FormControlLabel";
import Checkbox from "#material-ui/core/Checkbox";
export default function CheckboxesGroup() {
const { control, handleSubmit } = useForm({
defaultValues: {
bill: "bill",
luo: ""
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(e => console.log(e))}>
{["bill", "luo"].map(name => (
control={<Checkbox value={name} />}
onChange={([e]) => {
return ? : "";
codesandbox link:
However, I do not recommend doing so, because Checkbox in material UI probably should return checked (boolean) instead of (value).
Here's my solution, which is not using all the default components from Material UI cause at my interface each radio will have an icon and text, besides the default bullet point not be showed:
const COMPANY = "company";
const INDIVIDUAL = "individual";
const [scope, setScope] = useState(context.scope || COMPANY);
const handleChange = (event) => {
<FormControl component="fieldset">
{/* Icon from MUI */}
<Business />
<Radio value={COMPANY} />
<Typography variant="body1">Company</Typography>
{/* Icon from MUI */}
<Personal />
<Radio value={INDIVIDUAL} />
<Typography variant="body1">Individual</Typography>
Observation: At this example I use React Hook Form without destruct:
const methods = useForm({...})
This is my solution with react hook form 7, the other solutions don't work with reset or setValue.
render={({ field }) => (
<FormLabel id={"test"}>{"label"}</FormLabel>
{, index) => {
const value = Object.values(item);
return (
onChange={() =>
link to codesandbox: Mui multiple checkbox

