Custom regex word boundary (javascript) - javascript

I'm trying to create a custom word boundary (like \b) that also takes words starting or ending with the unicode characters "ÆØÅæøå" into consideration.
Now the only thing I can come up with is this ugly thing
Is there a more elegant solution to this? Or is this the only way.

You can use:
(?<!\p{L}\p{M}*|[\p{N}_]) // leading word boundary, similar to \<, [[:<:]] or \m in other flavors
(?![\p{L}\p{N}_]) // trailing word boundary, similar to \>, [[:>:]] or \M
Compile the regex with the u modifier to enable Unicode category classes.
The (?<!\p{L}\p{M}*|[\p{N}_]) is a negative lookbehind that matches a location not immediately preceded with a letter followed with zero or more diacritic marks or a digit or an underscore.
The (?![\p{L}\p{N}_]) is a negative lookahead that matches a location not immediately followed with a letter, digit or an underscore.


Finding all words ending in "ion" with regex in JavaScript [duplicate]

I need help putting together a regex that will match word that ends with "Id" with case sensitive match.
Try this regular expression:
\w* allows word characters in front of Id and the \b ensures that Id is at the end of the word (\b is word boundary assertion).
Gumbo gets my vote, however, the OP doesn't specify whether just "Id" is an allowable word, which means I'd make a minor modification:
1 or more word characters followed by "Id" and a breaking space. The [a-zA-Z] variants don't take into account non-English alphabetic characters. I might also use \s instead of \b as a space rather than a breaking space. It would depend if you need to wrap over multiple lines.
This may do the trick:
Where \p{L} matches any (Unicode) letter and \b matches a word boundary.
How about \A[a-z]*Id\z? [This makes characters before Id optional. Use \A[a-z]+Id\z if there needs to be one or more characters preceding Id.]
I would use
The \b matches the beginning and end of a word i.e. space, tab or newline, or the beginning or end of a string.
The [A-Za-z] will match any letter, and the * means that 0+ get matched. Finally there is the Id.
Note that this will match words that have capital letters in the middle such as 'teStId'.
I use for regex reference
Regex ids = new Regex(#"\w*Id\b", RegexOptions.None);
\b means "word break" and \w means any word character. So \w*Id\b means "{stuff}Id". By not including RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, it will be case sensitive.

regex words matching for Chinese and Japanese character

I know the pattern to detect if it's a string is chinese character but that's not what I need. I need to check if the characters is found in a string.
const words_found = (words, values) =>
words.some(word =>
values.match(new RegExp(word + '\\b', 'i'))
words_found(['james'], 'my name is james') // true
but failed for chinese character
words_found(['一个'], '你说到这是一个测试') // false
Read the documentation for word boundaries.
A word boundary matches the position between a word character followed by a non-word character, or between a non-word character followed by a word character.
where "word character" is something that matches \w (basically single-byte alphanumerics and the underscore), and "non-word character" is something that matches \W.
Note that all Chinese characters, in the sense that we usually think of them, are considered "non-word characters" as relates to the definition of word boundaries in JavaScript regular expressions. In other words, there is no word boundary between 一 and 个, because both are non-word characters; similarly, there is no word boundary between 一个 and 测试, because both 个 and 测 are non-word characters.
With regard to Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, which do not generally use spaces, there is not even a single clear definition of what the concept of "word" means, and therefore no concept of "word character" or "word boundary". There are libraries which people have worked on for years, involving machine learning, to try to break text into meaningful word-like segments, and they all do it in a slightly different way. The relevant question here is why you think you want to break the Chinese into what you are thinking of as "words" (or find strings which occur right before "word boundaries". What is the point of your \\b that is forcing the match to occur right before a word boundary? What case are you trying to exclude?
Using Unicode regexp properties
However, you may be able to use the new Unicode regexp character class escapes in ECMAScript 2018 ( For instance, to match Chinese strings occurring before something that doesn't look like a Chinese character (or any letter), you could use
new RegExp(`${word}(?=$|\P{Letter})`, "u")
Roughly speaking, this translates into "find the word, but only it is followed by (using look-ahead, the (?= part) either end-of-string ($) or a a character which does have the Unicode property "Letter". The "u" flag enables Unicode processing.
Of course, this will not help you find 一个 as a "word" inside 你说到这是一个测试, because the following character 测 falls into the Unicode class "Letter", and so will not match \p{Letter}.
By the way, to match any "non-word" symbol in Unicode, you can use:
\b only works on boundary between words and non-words. In case of Chinese, the entire '你说到这是一个测试' is considered a word, so '一个' won't match '你说到这是一个测试' with your regex pattern with \b since '一个' is not at the word boundary of '你说到这是一个测试'. '测试' on the other hand, will match. For Chinese words, a simple substring match is usually enough.

Regex allow multiple work in a sentence

I'm trying to parse following sentences with regex (javascript) :
I wish a TV
I want some chocolate
I need fire
Currently I'm trying : I(\b[a-zA-Z]*\b){0,5}(TV|chocolate|fire) but it doesn't work. I also made some test with \w but no luck.
I want to allow any word (max 5 words) between "I" and the last word witch is predefined.
To account for non-word chars in-between words, you may use
See the regex demo
The point is that you added word boundaries, but did not account for spaces, punctuation, etc. (all the other non-word chars) between "words".
Pattern details:
I - matches the left delimiter
(?:\W+\w+){0,5}\‌​W+ - matches 0 to 5 sequences (due to the limiting quantifier {n,m}) of 1+ non-word chars (\W+) and 1+ word chars after them (\w+), and a \W+ at the end matches 1 or more non-word chars that must be present to separate the last matched word chars from the...
(?:TV|chocolate|fir‌​e) - matches the trailing delimiter
You need to add the whitespace after the I. Otherwise it wouldn´t capture the whole sentence.
I(\b[a-zA-Z ]*\b){0,5}(TV|chocolate|fire)
I greate site to test regex expressions is regexr
If you don't care about the spaces, use:
(Test here)
Based on Stefan Kert version, but rely on right side spaces of each extra word instead of word boundaries.
It also accepts any valid "word" (\w) character words of any length and any valid spacing character (not caring for repetitions).

Match ":)" smiley followed by word boundary

I am trying to match smileys followed by a word boundary \b.
Let's say I wanna match :p and :) followed by \b.
/(:p)\b/ is working fine but why is /(:\))\b/ behaving the opposite?
You cannot use a word boundary here as ) is a non-word character.
Simply put: \b allows you to perform a whole words only search using
a regular expression in the form of \bword\b. A word character is a
character that can be used to form words. All characters that are not
word characters are non-word characters.
Use (:\)) to match :) and capture it in the first capturing group.
Use /(:\))(?![a-z0-9_])/i in order to avoid matching any :)s with letters after the smiley. It is an equivalent of (:\))\B.
\B is the negated version of \b. \B matches at every position where \b
does not. Effectively, \B matches at any position between two word
characters as well as at any position between two non-word characters.
See demo 1 and demo 2.
Addition to stribizhev's answer.. you can use (:\))\B
Examples for when to use what:
\b : string = That man is batman. regex = \bman\b matches only man and not the man in batman because position between tm is not a word boundary (it is a word).
\B : string = I am bat-man and he is super - man. regex = \B-\B matches - in super - man whereas \b-\b matches - in bat-man since position between t- and -m are word boundaries.. and (space) -, - (space) is not.
Note: It is easy to understand if you consider \b or \B as a position between two characters and if the transition from character to character is word to word or word to non word

Examples and explanation for javascript regular expression (x), decimal point, and word boundary

Can someone give a better explanation for these special characters examples in here? Or provide some clearer examples?
The '(foo)' and '(bar)' in the pattern /(foo) (bar) \1 \2/ match and
remember the first two words in the string "foo bar foo bar". The \1
and \2 in the pattern match the string's last two words.
decimal point
For example, /.n/ matches 'an' and 'on' in "nay, an apple is on the
tree", but not 'nay'.
Word boundary \b
/\w\b\w/ will never match anything, because a word character can never
be followed by both a non-word and a word character.
non word boundary \B
/\B../ matches 'oo' in "noonday" (, and /y\B./ matches 'ye' in
"possibly yesterday."
totally having no idea what the above example is showing :(
Much thanks!
Parentheses (aka capture groups)
Parantheses are used to indicate a group of symbols in the regular expression that, when matched, are 'remembered' in the match result. Each matched group is labelled with a numbered order, as \1, \2, and so on. In the example /(foo) (bar) \1 \2/ we remember the match foo as \1, and the match bar as \2. This means that the string "foo bar foo bar" matches the regular expression because the third and fourth terms (the \1 and \2) are matching the first and second capture groups (i.e. (foo) and (bar)). You can use capture groups in javascript like this:
/id:(\d+)/.exec("the item has id:57") // => ["id:57", "57"]
Note that in the return we get the whole match, and the subsequent groups that were captured.
Decimal point (aka wildcard)
A decimal point is used to represent a single character that can have any value. This means that the regular expression /.n/ will match any two character string where the second character is an 'n'. So /.n/.test("on") // => true, /.n/.test("an") // => true but /.n/.test("or") // => false. DrC brings up a good point in the comments that this won't match a newline character, but I feel in order for that to be an issue you need to explicitly specify multiline mode.
Word boundaries
A word boundary will match against any non-word character that directly precedes, or directly follows a word (i.e. adjacent to a word character). In javascript the word characters are any alpahnumeric and the underscore (mdn), non word is obviously everything else! The trick for word boundaries is that they are zero width assertions, which means they don't count as a character. That's why /\w\b\w/ will never match, because you can never have a word boundary between two word characters.
Non-word boundaries
The opposite of a word boundary, instead of matching a point that goes from non-word to word, or word to non-word (i.e. the ends of a word) it will match points where it's moving between the same types of character. So for our examples /\B../ will match the first point in the string that is between two characters of the same type and the next two characters, in this case it's between the first 'n' and 'o', and the next two characters are "oo". In the second example /y\B./ we are looking for the character 'y' followed by a character of matching type (so a word character), and the '.' will match that second character. So "possibly yesterday" won't match on the 'y' at the end of "possibly" because the next character is a space, which is a non word, but it will match the 'y' at the beginning of "yesterday", because it's followed by a word character, which is then included in the match by the '.' in the regular expression.
Overall, regular expressions are popular in many languages and based off a sound theoretical basis, so there's a lot of material on these characters. In general, Javascript is very similar to Perl's PCRE regular expressions (but not exactly the same!), so the majority of your questions about javascript regular expressions would be answered by any PCRE regex tutorial (of which there are many).
Hope that helps!

