Firebase Functions Cloud SQL Too Many connections - javascript

I’m working on an application that uses Firebase Functions as a API interface between my web application and Google Cloud SQL (MySQL 5.7).
I have a process for importing records from the client app; basically the client app reads a CSV file then executes a function for every row in the CSV file. The function executes three or four queries during processing of the record (checking to see if the main record exists, creating it and/or other needed records, updating a stats record for this process).
The function’s called sequentially for each row, so there’s never more than one request (row) processed at a time executing 3 or 4 queries before returning data to the client app which then processes the next row (async/await).
The process works great for CSV files with 1 to 100 rows. As soon as it goes above about 900 rows, the Firebase Functions starts reporting ERROR Error: ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR: Too many connections
My code, shown below, originally had a connection limit of 10, but I bumped it up to 100 connections but it still fails.
Here’s my code that executes the SQL queries:
import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as mysql from 'mysql';
export async function executeQuery(cmd: string) {
const mySQLConfig = {
host: functions.config().sql.prodhost,
user: functions.config().sql.produser,
password: functions.config().sql.prodpswd,
database: functions.config().sql.proddatabase,
connectionLimit: 100,
var pool: any;
if (!pool) {
pool = mysql.createPool(mySQLConfig);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
pool.query(cmd, function (error, results) {
if (error) {
return reject(error);
As I understand it, with a pool like I think I’ve implemented above, each request will get a connection up to the max connections. Each connection will automatically return to the pool once its done processing the request. So, even if it takes a while to release the connection, with the connection limit at 100, I should be able to process quite a few rows (20 or so at least) before there’s contention for connections and then the process will queue up and wait for free connections before continuing. If that’s right, what’s happening here?
I found an article here: that describes some additional settings I can use to tweak connection management:
// 'connectTimeout' is the maximum number of milliseconds before a timeout
// occurs during the initial connection to the database.
connectTimeout: 10000,
// 'acquireTimeout' is the maximum number of milliseconds to wait when
// checking out a connection from the pool before a timeout error occurs.
acquireTimeout: 10000,
// 'waitForConnections' determines the pool's action when no connections are
// free. If true, the request will queued and a connection will be presented
// when ready. If false, the pool will call back with an error.
waitForConnections: true, // Default: true
// 'queueLimit' is the maximum number of requests for connections the pool
// will queue at once before returning an error. If 0, there is no limit.
queueLimit: 0, // Default: 0
I’m tempted to try bumping up the timeouts, but I’m not sure whether that’s actually impacting me here.
Since I’m running this in Firebase Functions (Google Cloud Functions under the covers), do these settings even really apply? Isn’t my function’s VM resetting after every execution or at least my function terminating after every execution? Does the pool even exist in this context? If not, then how do I do this type of processing in Functions?
One option is, of course, to push all of my processing to the function, just send up a JSON object for the row array and let the function process them all at once. This, I think, should make proper use of pools, but I’m worried I’ll bump up against execution limits in Functions (5 minutes) which is why I built it like I did.

Stupid developer trick, I was paying such close attention to my pool code that I missed that I'm declaring the pool variable in the wrong place. Moving the pool declaration outside of the method fixed my problem. With the code the way it was, I was creating a pool with every SQL query which quickly used up all of my connections.


AWS Rekognition timeout error happening randomly

I have an application in Electron that does facial recognition of people to then decide whether or not they can enter the place and for that I'm using Amazon Rekognition.
Everything was working fine (for a few months) until, two days ago, a customer reported to me that the app was behaving strangely, like it wasn't responding to requests for facial recognition.
After several tests, I discovered that what is happening with it is a timeout error, which occurs in all API calls, whether they are looking for faces (SearchFacesByImage) or registering new faces (IndexFaces).
The error says:
"message": "connect ETIMEDOUT",
"errno": -4039,
"code": "TimeoutError",
"syscall": "connect",
"address": "",
"port": 443,
"time": "2022-12-14T13:50:10.909Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"hostname": "",
"retryable": true
What intrigued me was the fact that everything was working fine, until this behavior just started happening (and I didn't make any code changes/updates to the app running on my client's computer).
And what makes me even more intrigued is that this behavior occurs completely randomly and only on the machine of that client in question. Sometimes the API calls work correctly (returning whether the person was recognized or not), but most of the time, the calls take about 90 seconds to return the timeout error. When executing the same code on my machine (same methods and same CollectionId) everything runs normally and there was no timeout error at any time - while at the exact same moment on my client's machine the behavior continues.
I was using aws-sdk and then switched to #aws-sdk/client-rekognition (thinking that could solve the problem) but the code only worked on a few of the first calls to the API and a few minutes later it got the timeout errors again.
The code I'm using to configure and make calls to Rekognition is basically this:
const { RekognitionClient, IndexFacesCommand, SearchFacesByImageCommand } = require('#aws-sdk/client-rekognition')
const rekognitionClient = new RekognitionClient({
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
secretAccessKey: 'secretAccessKey'
region: 'us-east-1'
const registerFaceOnRekognition = async (bytes, userId) => {
const params = {
CollectionId: 'collectionId',
Image: { Bytes: bytes },
ExternalImageId: userId,
MaxFaces: 1,
QualityFilter: 'HIGH'
const command = new IndexFacesCommand(params)
try {
const { FaceRecords } = await rekognitionClient.send(command)
if (!FaceRecords.length) {
console.log('No faces detected.')
console.log('Face created:')
} catch (error) {
console.error(error) // timeout error
const searchFaceByImageOnRekognition = async (bytes) => {
const params = {
CollectionId: 'collectionId',
Image: { Bytes: bytes },
MaxFaces: 1,
FaceMatchThreshold: 99,
QualityFilter: 'HIGH'
const command = new SearchFacesByImageCommand(params)
try {
const { FaceMatches } = await rekognitionClient.send(command)
if (!FaceMatches.length) {
console.log('This face has not been registered yet')
console.log('Face found:')
} catch (error) {
console.error(error) // timeout error
// Method called through the renderer process that has a canvas where the webcam view is reproduced
const onTakePicture = (event, data) => {
const bytes = Buffer.from(data.dataURL.replace('data:image/jpeg;base64,', ''), 'base64')
// If there is a userId, register the face in the image
if (data.userId) {
registerFaceOnRekognition(bytes, data.userId)
// Else, search for the face in the image
Just remembering that: during all tests on my client's computer the internet connection was stable and working properly.
What is the best way to investigate and resolve this issue?
I enabled Rekognition debug logs and they can be found at:
In it, the first three requests (2022-12-16T13:48:45.932Z, 2022-12-16T13:53:20.325Z and 2022-12-16T14:19:12.479Z) occur normally. However, all other consecutive requests start to give the timeout error, where, in fact, no data is returned after the [DEBUG] App: endpoints Resolved endpoint: step.
As previously mentioned the internet connection is working fine. I could also managing to reproduce the error via remote access, that is, the machine internet was ok at the time of error.
Is there a possibility that there is a block made by my client's firewall/network that prevents requests from being sent by the SDK after a few successful requests? If yes, what is the best way to investigate this?
This is what I would do initially to gather some info:
Verify if this is happening ALL the time with that specific client.
Verify if this is happening ONLY with one client, or more.
Verify if this is happening in one or multiple regions (i.e us-east-1).
Verify if Amazon Recognition has had/or has issues in the affected region during the time window of interest.
Check Recognition's status in the Health dashboard in your AWS console: link
Use AWS Recognition Guidelines and Quotas as a reference to determine if your app/service usage of Recognition is under the set limits.
Note there's a limit on TPS per resource (i.e SearchFacesByImage, IndexFaces) per account.
Possible approaches
Verify if there was a change in the client network/firewall. Just ask.
Replicate your app's API call with AWS CLI and study logs.
Access remotely to your client's device.
Setup temporal AWS credentials (remember to remove access after the test)
Send an API call to the Recognition endpoint. Note that even a 4XX error will be good news, as you got at least some response.
Set up proper logging for your app (as CloudWatch logs may not be enough to troubleshoot).
Check Splunk's APM and NewRelic's APM
I hope this may be of help to at least create a troubleshooting strategy

How to limit function calls across multiple requests in NodeJS?

I am running a backend server with NodeJS. The backend holds a function that makes requests to an external API. As the external API provider isn't too happy about constant requests, I need to throttle my function that makes the requests to this external API. My current solution is to use the Bottleneck library.
With that library I can define a limit on how often a specific function is called in a certain amount of time (also I can limit the number of concurrent instances that execute a specific function). There is only one downside: I can neither access nor change the queue of "waiting" function calls, meaning that one client can basically make a lot of requests and block the function for other clients.
Is there a way to sort of implement a queue in NodeJS for function calls? If other clients make requests aswell, I need to take that into account and somehow mix up the execution order to be fair again (and not first in first out/first come first serve).
This is my current setup with Bottleneck, but as described above, the behaviour is FIFO and therefore other clients are getting "blocked".
const Bottleneck = require("bottleneck");
const limiter = new Bottleneck({
minTime: 1000,
});"/", async (req, res) => {
const result = await requestHandler(xml, 0);
async function requestHandler(xml, recursionCounter) {
result = await limiter.schedule(() => soapRequest(URL, xml));
async function soapRequest(url, xml) {...}

Weird behavior when Node server is down and then restarted

I implemented a simple chat for my website where users can talk to each other with ExpressJS and I added a simple protection from a ddos attack that can be caused by one person spamming the window like this:
if (RedisClient.get(user).lastMessageDate > currentTime - 1 second) {
return error("Only one message per second is allowed")
} else {
io.emit('message', ...)
RedisClient.set(user).lastMessageDate = new Date()
I am testing this with this code:
setInterval(function() {
$('input').val('message ' + Math.random());
}, 1);
It works correctly when Node server is always up.
However, things get extremely weird if I turn off the Node server, then run the code above, and start Node server again in a few seconds. Then suddenly, hundreds of messages are inserted into the window and the browser crashes. I assume it is because when Node server is down, is saving all the client emits, and once it detects Node server is online again, it pushes all of those messages at once asynchronously.
How can I protect against this? And what is exactly happening here?
edit: If I use Node in-memory instead of Redis, this doesn't happen. I am guessing cause servers gets flooded with READs and many READs happen before RedisClient.set(user).lastMessageDate = new Date() finishes. I guess what I need is atomic READ / SET? I am using this module: for connecting to Redis from Node.
You are correct that this happens due to queueing up of messages on client and flooding on server.
When the server receives messages, it receives messages all at once, and all of these messages are not synchronous. So, each of the socket.on("message:... events are executed separately, i.e. one socket.on("message... is not related to another and executed separately.
Even if your Redis-Server has a latency of a few ms, these messages are all received at once and everything always goes to the else condition.
You have the following few options.
Use a rate limiter library like this library. This is easy to configure and has multiple configuration options.
If you want to do everything yourself, use a queue on server. This will take up memory on your server, but you'll achieve what you want. Instead of writing every message to server, it is put into a queue. A new queue is created for every new client and delete this queue when processing the last item in queue.
(update) Use multi + watch to create lock so that all other commands except the current one will fail.
the pseudo-code will be something like this.
let queue = {};
let queueHandler = user => {
while(queue.user.length > 0){
// your redis push logic here
delete queue.user
let pushToQueue = (messageObject) => {
let user = messageObject.user;
queue.user = [messageObject];
} else {
socket.on("message", pushToQueue(message));
Redis supports locking with WATCH which is used with multi. Using this, you can lock a key, and any other commands that try to access that key in thet time fail.
from the redis client README
Using multi you can make sure your modifications run as a transaction,
but you can't be sure you got there first. What if another client
modified a key while you were working with it's data?
To solve this, Redis supports the WATCH command, which is meant to be
used with MULTI:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient({ ... });"foo", function( err ){
if(err) throw err;
client.get("foo", function(err, result) {
if(err) throw err;
// Process result
// Heavy and time consuming operation here
.set("foo", "some heavy computation")
.exec(function(err, results) {
* If err is null, it means Redis successfully attempted
* the operation.
if(err) throw err;
* If results === null, it means that a concurrent client
* changed the key while we were processing it and thus
* the execution of the MULTI command was not performed.
* NOTICE: Failing an execution of MULTI is not considered
* an error. So you will have err === null and results === null
}); });
Perhaps you could extend your client-side code, to prevent data being sent if the socket is disconnected? That way, you prevent the library from queuing messages while the socket is disconnected (ie the server is offline).
This could be achieved by checking to see if socket.connected is true:
// Only allow data to be sent to server when socket is connected
function sendToServer(socket, message, data) {
if(socket.connected) {
socket.send(message, data)
More information on this can be found at the docs
This approach will prevent the built in queuing behaviour in all scenarios where a socket is disconnected, which may not be desirable, however if should protect against the problem you are noting in your question.
Alternatively, you could use a custom middleware on the server to achieve throttling behaviour via's server API:
Server side code
io.on("connection", function (socket) {
// Add custom throttle middleware to the socket when connected
socket.use(function (packet, next) {
var currentTime =;
// If socket has previous timestamp, check that enough time has
// lapsed since last message processed
if(socket.lastMessageTimestamp) {
var deltaTime = currentTime - socket.lastMessageTimestamp;
// If not enough time has lapsed, throw an error back to the
// client
if (deltaTime < 1000) {
next(new Error("Only one message per second is allowed"))
// Update the timestamp on the socket, and allow this message to
// be processed
socket.lastMessageTimestamp = currentTime

Knex.js / SQL : Knex / SQL Connection Pools

I have a question regarding SQL connection pools. My team is using the knex.js library in one of our node applications to make database query's.
The application from time to time needs to switch databases. So my team created an initialization function that returns a knex object configured to the correct database. Then that object is used to do said query. To me this seems redundant and can cause bad performance, because we initiate a knex object every time need to do a query instead of reusing a single knex object. Which i could ignore if knex already does this when you which databases (and if anyone could shed light on this question as well that would be FANTASTIC !) . Moreover, (and this leads me to my question titled above) the connection pool properties are redefined. So does that mean we are creating new pools every time, or does the SQL ( SQL Sever in this case) reuse the connection pool you already defined ? The question might not be Knex specific, like if i used a library like knex for C#, and call that library a similar way, would SQL Server know not to make more connection pools?
Example code:
/** db.js
* #param {any} database
* #returns db: Knex
module.exports = ( database ) => {
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'mssql',
connection: {
database: database,
server: '',
user: 'your_database_user',
password: 'your_database_password'
pool: {
min: 0,
max: 10,
idleTimeoutMillis: 5000,
softIdleTimeoutMillis: 2000,
evictionRunIntervalMillis: 500
return knex;
var db = require('./db.js');
* #returns users:Array
const getUsers = async() => {
const users = await db('master')
return users;
Short answer: The 'singleton' nature of the node require() statement prevents reinitialization of multiple occurrences of knex. So the initially created pool continues to be used for the duration of your process, not recreated, as long as you don't discard the db. variable reference.
More discussion...
... my team created an initialization function that returns a knex
object configured to the correct database. Then that object is used to
do said query. To me this seems redundant and can cause bad
performance, because we initiate a knex object every time need to do a
query instead of reusing a single knex object. Which i could ignore if
knex already does this when you switch databases...
var db = require('./db.js');
The node.js require statement creates a singleton object. (You probably already know) this means that the first time the module is called by your program using the require statement, the module and it's data will be initialized, but successive identical require calls will just reuse the same module reference and will not reinitialize the module.
... the connection pool properties are redefined. So does that mean
we are creating new pools every time, or does the SQL ( SQL Sever
in this case) reuse the connection pool you already defined ?
So since the require()-ed module is not reinitialized, then the originally created pool will not be re-created. Unless you discard the db variable reference (discussed more below).
The question might not be Knex specific, like if i used a library like
knex for C#, and call that library a similar way, would SQL Server
know not to make more connection pools?
Generally speaking, you need to build or acquire connection some code to properly manage a pool of connections throughout the life of your process. Knex and most other database wrappers do this for us. (Under the covers Knex uses this library before v0.18.3 and this one on/after.)
Properly initializing and then using the singly initialized pooling code throughout the life of your application process accomplishes this. Discarding the pool and recreating it within your process defeats the purpose of having pooling. Often pooling is setup as part of process initialization.
Also, this was probably just a misstatement within your question, but your Node.js module is making the connection pools, not the SQL Server.
... The application from time to time needs to switch databases. my
team created an initialization function that returns a knex object
configured to the correct database.
From that statement, I would expect to see code like the following:
var db = require('./db.js');
var dbOther = require('./dbOther.js');
... which each establishes a different database connection. If you are instead using:
var db = require('./db.js');
// ... do other stuff here in the same module ...
var db = require('./dbOther.js');
... then you are likely throwing away the original reference to your first database, and in that case, YES, you are discarding your DB connection and connection pool as you switch connections.
Or, you could do something like the following:
// initialize the 2 connection pools
const dbFirst = require('./db.js');
const dbOther = require('./dbOther.js');
// set the active connection
var db = dbFirst;
// change the active connection
db = dbOther;

How to timeout if connection not establish

Is there any default timeout value that after a number of tries if connection not establish then i got timeout from API ? in my application i try to connect with Nodejs server using but if connection not establish or unreachable i want that at least i get some event after x number of tries and then i should inform a user that there is a connection problem with server. but some how my client continuously trying to connect with a server and print the following exception on console: GET https://chatapp.local:8898/ net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Here is my code:
socket = io(socketUrl, {'force new connection': true});
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.on('error', function (err) {
uiHandler("socket.error", {error: err});
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
socket.on('end', function() {
How i can set a timeout if connection not establish within 30sec. Any suggestion please.
From what I read in the API docs you can set the timeout value and the number of retries on each connection, so if you want to try for 30 seconds you basically have
maxTime = timeout * reconnectionAttempts
Please note that you have a delay between each retry (which default to 1000 ms) and a randomization factor.If you want to have total control over the duration before emitting a ConnectionError to your clients you will have to tinker with them a little bit.
From the API docs you can also see that each time an a connection fail an error is emitted as either connect_timeout or connection_error. If every available attempts fail then a reconnect_failed will be fired. Then you will be able to tell your user that something went wrong.
In a more general way you have several options to implement a control over an asynchronous process. Two come to mind immediately : promises and observables. You might want to explore them for a more general & extensible approach.
Please feel free to ask in the comms if you want more details or if I do not answer properly.

