Getting asynchronous function in external library with callback to work synchronously - javascript

I am using a library call to connect to my vendor. The libary call requires a callback in the call. Without a callback in the function, I can easily make this synchronous. With the Callback, everything I do is stuck in the callback and never bubbles it way out.
I have literally tried 100 different ways to get this to work.
function removeFromDNC(emailAddress, accessToken_in)
return new Promise( function(resolve, reject)
const options =
auth: {
accessToken: accessToken_in
, soapEndpoint: ''
var co = {
"CustomerKey": "DNC",
{"Key":{"Name":"Email Address","Value": emailAddress}}]
var uo = {
SaveOptions: [{"SaveOption":{PropertyName:"DataExtensionObject",SaveAction:"Delete"}}]
const soapClient = new FuelSoap(options);
//again, I don't control the structure of the next call.
let res = soapClient.delete('DataExtensionObject', co, uo, async function( err, response ) {
if ( err ) {
// I can get here, but my reject, or if I use return, does nothing
// I can get here, but my reject, or if I use return, does nothing
console.log("res value " + res); // undefined - of course
console.log("ALERT: Bad response back for removeFromDNC for email: " + emailAddress + " error: " + err);
console.log("removeFromDNC promise fulfilled in catch");

Both methods resolve and reject expect parameters, which are res and err in your case.
As far as removeFromDNC returns a Promise instance, you should call it using either async/await syntax:
const res = await removeFromDNC(...);
or chaining then/catch calls:
.then((res) => { ... }) // resolve
.catch((err) => { ... }) // reject
If you want to avoid usage of callbacks inside removeFromDNC, consider promisifying of soapClient.delete call. Refer to util.promisify() if you working in Node.js or use own implementation.
Here is the example for demonstration:
const promisify = (fun) => (...args) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fun(...args, (err, result) => {
if(err) reject(err);
else resolve(result);
const soapClient = {
delete: (value, cb) => {
setTimeout(() => cb(null, value), 10);
async function removeFromDNC(emailAddress, accessToken_in) {
const soapDelete = promisify(soapClient.delete.bind(soapClient));
const res = await soapDelete('Soap Responce');
//You can use res here
return res;
removeFromDNC().then(res => console.log(res))


Synchronizing in Node JS [duplicate]

When using a simple callback such as in the example below:
test() {
api.on( 'someEvent', function( response ) {
return response;
How can the function be changed to use async / await? Specifically, assuming 'someEvent' is guaranteed to be called once and only once, I'd like the function test to be an async function which does not return until the callback is executed such as:
async test() {
return await api.on( 'someEvent' );
async/await is not magic. An async function is a function that can unwrap Promises for you, so you'll need api.on() to return a Promise for that to work. Something like this:
function apiOn(event) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
api.on(event, response => resolve(response));
async function test() {
return await apiOn( 'someEvent' ); // await is actually optional here
// you'd return a Promise either way.
But that's a lie too, because async functions also return Promises themselves, so you aren't going to actually get the value out of test(), but rather, a Promise for a value, which you can use like so:
async function whatever() {
// snip
const response = await test();
// use response here
// snip
It's annoying that there isn't a straightforward solution, and wrapping return new Promise(...) is fugly, but I have found an ok work-around using util.promisify (actually it also kinda does the same wrapping, just looks nicer).
function voidFunction(someArgs, callback) {
api.onActionwhichTakesTime(someMoreArgs, (response_we_need) => {
callback(null, response_we_need);
The above function does not return anything, yet. We can make it return a Promise of the response passed in callback by doing:
const util = require('util');
const asyncFunction = util.promisify(voidFunction);
Now we can actually await the callback.
async function test() {
return await asyncFunction(args);
Some rules when using util.promisify
The callback must be the last argument of the function that is gonna be promisify
The supposed-callback must be in the form (err, res) => {...}
Funny thing is we do not need to ever specifically write what's the callback actually is.
async/await is magic. You can create a function asPromise to handle this kind of situations:
function asPromise(context, callbackFunction, ...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
args.push((err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (context) {, ...args);
} else {
and then use it when you want:
async test() {
return await this.asPromise(this, api.on, 'someEvent');
the number of args is variable.
You can achieve this without callbacks , use promise async await instead of callbacks here how I would do this. And also here I have illustrated two methods to handle errors
clickMe = async (value) => {
// begin to wait till the message gets here;
let {message, error} = await getMessage(value);
// if error is not null
return console.log('error occured ' + error);
return console.log('message ' + message);
getMessage = (value) => {
//returning a promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// if passed value is 1 then it is a success
if(value == 1){
resolve({message: "**success**", error: null});
}else if (value == 2){
resolve({message: null, error: "**error**"});
}, 1000);
clickWithTryCatch = async (value) => {
//since promise reject in getMessage2
let message = await getMessage2(value);
console.log('message is ' + message);
//catching rejects from the promise
console.log('error captured ' + e);
getMessage2 = (value) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(value == 1)
else if(value == 2)
}, 1000);
<input type='button' value='click to trigger for a value' onclick='clickMe(1)' />
<input type='button' value='click to trigger an error' onclick='clickMe(2)' />
<input type='button' value='handling errors with try catch' onclick='clickWithTryCatch(1)'/>
<input type='button' value='handling errors with try catch' onclick='clickWithTryCatch(2)'/>
const getprice = async () => {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
binance.prices('NEOUSDT', (error, ticker) => {
if (error) {
} else {
router.get('/binanceapi/price', async function (req, res, next) {
res.send(await binanceAPI.getprice());});

Await/Async is not waiting for promise [duplicate]

When using a simple callback such as in the example below:
test() {
api.on( 'someEvent', function( response ) {
return response;
How can the function be changed to use async / await? Specifically, assuming 'someEvent' is guaranteed to be called once and only once, I'd like the function test to be an async function which does not return until the callback is executed such as:
async test() {
return await api.on( 'someEvent' );
async/await is not magic. An async function is a function that can unwrap Promises for you, so you'll need api.on() to return a Promise for that to work. Something like this:
function apiOn(event) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
api.on(event, response => resolve(response));
async function test() {
return await apiOn( 'someEvent' ); // await is actually optional here
// you'd return a Promise either way.
But that's a lie too, because async functions also return Promises themselves, so you aren't going to actually get the value out of test(), but rather, a Promise for a value, which you can use like so:
async function whatever() {
// snip
const response = await test();
// use response here
// snip
It's annoying that there isn't a straightforward solution, and wrapping return new Promise(...) is fugly, but I have found an ok work-around using util.promisify (actually it also kinda does the same wrapping, just looks nicer).
function voidFunction(someArgs, callback) {
api.onActionwhichTakesTime(someMoreArgs, (response_we_need) => {
callback(null, response_we_need);
The above function does not return anything, yet. We can make it return a Promise of the response passed in callback by doing:
const util = require('util');
const asyncFunction = util.promisify(voidFunction);
Now we can actually await the callback.
async function test() {
return await asyncFunction(args);
Some rules when using util.promisify
The callback must be the last argument of the function that is gonna be promisify
The supposed-callback must be in the form (err, res) => {...}
Funny thing is we do not need to ever specifically write what's the callback actually is.
async/await is magic. You can create a function asPromise to handle this kind of situations:
function asPromise(context, callbackFunction, ...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
args.push((err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
if (context) {, ...args);
} else {
and then use it when you want:
async test() {
return await this.asPromise(this, api.on, 'someEvent');
the number of args is variable.
You can achieve this without callbacks , use promise async await instead of callbacks here how I would do this. And also here I have illustrated two methods to handle errors
clickMe = async (value) => {
// begin to wait till the message gets here;
let {message, error} = await getMessage(value);
// if error is not null
return console.log('error occured ' + error);
return console.log('message ' + message);
getMessage = (value) => {
//returning a promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// if passed value is 1 then it is a success
if(value == 1){
resolve({message: "**success**", error: null});
}else if (value == 2){
resolve({message: null, error: "**error**"});
}, 1000);
clickWithTryCatch = async (value) => {
//since promise reject in getMessage2
let message = await getMessage2(value);
console.log('message is ' + message);
//catching rejects from the promise
console.log('error captured ' + e);
getMessage2 = (value) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if(value == 1)
else if(value == 2)
}, 1000);
<input type='button' value='click to trigger for a value' onclick='clickMe(1)' />
<input type='button' value='click to trigger an error' onclick='clickMe(2)' />
<input type='button' value='handling errors with try catch' onclick='clickWithTryCatch(1)'/>
<input type='button' value='handling errors with try catch' onclick='clickWithTryCatch(2)'/>
const getprice = async () => {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
binance.prices('NEOUSDT', (error, ticker) => {
if (error) {
} else {
router.get('/binanceapi/price', async function (req, res, next) {
res.send(await binanceAPI.getprice());});

How to achieve recursive Promise calls in Node.js

I am calling an API where I can only fetch 1000 records per request,
I was able to achieve this using recursion.
I am now trying to achieve the same using promises, I am fairly new to Node.js and JavaScript too.
I tried adding the recursion code in an if else block but failed
var requestP = require('request-promise');
const option = {
url: 'rest/api/2/search',
json: true,
qs: {
//jql: "project in (FLAGPS)",
const callback = (body) => {
// some code
.//saving records to file
//some code
if (totlExtractedRecords < total) {
requestP(option, callback).auth('api-reader', token, true)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error Observed ' + err)
requestP(option).auth('api-reader', token, true)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error Observed ' + err)
I want to execute the method using promise and in a synchronous way,
i.e. I want to wait until the records are all exported to a file and continue with my code
I think its better to create your own promise and simply resolve it when your done with your recursion. Here's a simply example just for you to understand the approach
async function myRecursiveLogic(resolveMethod, ctr = 0) {
// This is where you do the logic
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000)); // wait - just for example
console.log('counter:', ctr);
if (ctr === 5) {
resolveMethod(); // Work done, resolve the promise
} else {
await myRecursiveLogic(resolveMethod, ctr); // recursion - continue work
// Run the method with a single promise
new Promise((res) => myRecursiveLogic(res)).then(r => console.log('done'));
Here's a clean and nice solution using the latest NodeJS features.
The recursive function will continue executing until a specific condition is met (in this example asynchronously getting some data).
const sleep = require('util').promisify(setTimeout)
const recursive = async () => {
await sleep(1000)
const data = await getDataViaPromise() // you can replace this with request-promise
if (!data) {
return recursive() // call the function again
return data // job done, return the data
The recursive function can be used as follows:
const main = async () => {
const data = await recursive()
// do something here with the data
Using your code, I'd refactored it as shown below. I hope it helps.
const requestP = require('request-promise');
const option = {
url: 'rest/api/2/search',
json: true,
qs: {
//jql: "project in (FLAGPS)",
NOTE: Add async to the function so you can udse await inside the function
const callback = async (body) => {
// some code
//saving records to file
//some code
try {
const result = await requestP(option, callback).auth('api-reader', token, true);
if (totlExtractedRecords < total) {
return callback(result);
return result;
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error Observed ' + err);
return error;
Created this code using feed back from Amir Popovich
const rp = require('Request-Promise')
const fs = require('fs')
const pageSize = 200
const options = {
url: '',
json: true,
qs: {
jql: "project in (PROJECT_XYZ)",
maxResults: pageSize,
startAt: 0,
fields: '*all'
auth: {
user: 'api-reader',
pass: '<token>',
sendImmediately: true
const updateCSV = (elment) => {
//fs.writeFileSync('issuedata.json', JSON.stringify(elment.body, undefined, 4))
async function getPageinatedData(resolve, reject, ctr = 0) {
var total = 0
await rp(options).then((body) => {
let a = body.issues
a.forEach(element => {
total =
}).catch((error) => {
ctr = ctr + pageSize
options.qs.startAt = ctr
if (ctr >= total) {
} else {
await getPageinatedData(resolve, reject, ctr);
new Promise((resolve, reject) => getPageinatedData(resolve, reject))
.then(() => console.log('DONE'))
.catch((error) => console.log('Error observed - ' + + '\n' + 'Error Code - ' + error.statusCode));

await for indexdb event in async function

I'm trying to return a custom object from a async function that works as wrapper for a put using indexdb.
Using Promises this is easy.
However, using async/await became more challenging...
const set = async (storeName, key, value) => {
if (!db)
throw new Error("no db!");
try {
const result = {};
let tx = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
let store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
let r = store.put({ data: key, value: value });
r.onsuccess = async () => {
result.something = true;
r.onerror = async () => {
result.something = false;
await r.transaction.complete; // ok... this don't work
// how can I await until onsuccess or onerror runs?
return result;
} catch (error) {
The ideia is to return a composed object... however all my attemps fails as onsuccess runs after returning the result.
I googled a lot and could't find a way to proper await for onsuccess/onerror events.
I know that returning a Promise is more easy as resolve(result) would end returning what I want... but i'm trying to learn to make same code using async/await.
Thank you so much,
Try this:
function set(db, storeName, key, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let result;
const tx = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite');
tx.oncomplete = _ => resolve(result);
tx.onerror = event => reject(;
const store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
const request = store.put({data: key, value: value});
request.onsuccess = _ => result = request.result;
async function callIt() {
const db = ...;
const result = await set(db, storeName, key, value);
Edit, since you insist on using the async qualifier for the set function, you can do this instead. Please note I find this pretty silly:
async function set(db, storeName, key, value) {
// Wrap the code that uses indexedDB in a promise because that is
// the only way to use indexedDB together with promises and
// async/await syntax. Note this syntax is much less preferred than
// using the promise-returning function pattern I used in the previous
// section of this answer.
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let result;
const tx = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite');
tx.oncomplete = _ => resolve(result);
tx.onerror = event => reject(;
const store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
const request = store.put({data: key, value: value});
request.onsuccess = _ => result = request.result;
// We have executed the promise, but have not awaited it yet. So now we
// await it. We can use try/catch here too, if we want, because the
// await will translate the promise rejection into an exception. Of course,
// this is also rather silly because we are doing the same thing as just
// allowing an uncaught exception to exit the function early.
let result;
try {
result = await promise;
} catch(error) {
// Now do something with the result
console.debug('The result is', result);
Ultimately you'll end up wrapping IDB in a promise-friend library, but for your specific need, you could use something like this:
function promiseForTransaction(tx) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
tx.oncomplete = e => resolve();
tx.onabort = e => reject(tx.error);
And then in your code you can write things such as:
await promiseForTransaction(r.tx);
... which will wait until the transaction completes, and throw an exception if it aborts. (Note that this requires calling the helper
before the transaction could possibly have completed/aborted, since
it won't ever resolve if the events have already fired)
I can't confirm it right now but I think it should be await tx.complete instead of await r.transaction.complete;.
But a general solution that would work even if the API would not support Promises directly would be to wrap a new Promise around the onsuccess and onerror and use await to wait for that Promise to resolve, and in your onsuccess and onerror you then call the resolve function:
const set = async (storeName, key, value) => {
if (!db)
throw new Error("no db!");
try {
const result = {};
let tx = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
let store = tx.objectStore(storeName);
let r = store.put({
data: key,
value: value
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
r.onsuccess = () => {
result.something = true;
r.onerror = () => {
result.something = false;
// I assume you want to resolve the promise even if you get an error
return result;
} catch (error) {
I would furhter change it to:
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
r.onsuccess = resolve
r.onerror = reject
result.something = true;
} catch(err) {
result.something = false;

Async await of a promise

I have to wait to func1 to be termined to run func2. But Since func1/2/3 contains promises it prints "termined" to early.
async function executeAsyncTask () {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c)
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c)
const res3 = await func2(a,b,c)
return console.log(res1 , res2 , res3 )
executeAsyncTask ()
class A{
//some code here..
//so work here...
this.promise_API_CALL(params, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
return data;
//so work here...
EDIT: promise_API_CALL is a function of an external library
Try wrapping the api call in a promise. Otherwise I can't see this working the way you want it to:
func1(a, b, c) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.promise_API_CALL(params, function(data, err) {
if (err) {
//so work here...
In order to improve your code, the definition of executeAsyncTask should be like this:
async function executeAsyncTask () {
try {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c)
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c)
const res3 = await func3(a,b,c)
return [res1, res2, res3]; // Return all values from 'each await' as an array
} catch (err) {
throw 'Promise Rejected';
As you can see, it uses try and catch even to handle the errors. In other words, if one of the await functions is rejected, then catch throws the error automatically.
// This 'func1 code' from 'Carl Edwards' is the same
func1(a, b, c) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promise_API_CALL(params, function(data, err) {
if (err) {
//so work here...
And finally you call executeAsyncTask like this:
executeAsyncTask().then(function(result) {
console.log("result => " + result); // Result of 'res1, res2, res3'
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("error => " + error); // Throws 'Promise Rejected'
And remember:
Every async function returns a Promise object. The await statement operates on a Promise, waiting until the Promise
resolves or rejects.
You can use await as many times as you like.
If you want all your promises (func1, func2, func3) execute in parallel (not one after another), you can modify your executeAsyncTask function like this:
async function executeAsyncTask () {
try {
return [ res1, res2, res3 ] = await Promise.all([
} catch (err) {
throw 'Promise Rejected';
In order for you code to work func1 would have to be like this:
async func1(a,b,c){
const res = await promise_API_CALL(params, function( data, err ) {
console.log( data );
return data;
return res;
Then running this would work
async function executeAsyncTask () {
const res1 = await func1(a,b,c);
const res2 = await func2(a,b,c);
const res3 = await func2(a,b,c);
//yada yada yada
This answer is very closely related to Carl Edward's answer but builds on node.js' conventions.
It's really unfortunate that promise_API_CALL()'s callback doesn't pass the error first. Otherwise you could have used util.promisify(). One alternative is to follow node.js' Custom promisified functions. It would look something like this:
const util = require("util");
promise_API_CALL[util.promisify.custom] = function (params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
promise_API_CALL(params, function (data, err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
The only issue that I see is that doing this mutates the original function (which isn't yours and is a little rude bad practice). But the issue is slightly mitigated since it uses ES6's new Symbol type which should mean that you won't clobber each other.
Here is a complete example:
const util = require("util");
* Use to force the API along the failure path
* #constant {Boolean}
const SHOULD_FAIL = false;
* Callback to deal with API responses
* #callback apiCallback
* #param {Object} data The data of the response
* #param {Error} [err] Optional error that says something went wrong
* Dummy API calling function
* #param {Object} kwargs api arguments
* #param {apiCallback} cb The callback that handles the response
function apiCall(kwargs, cb) {
setTimeout(() => {
// Allow testing of failure path
return cb(undefined, new Error("Purposefull failure"));
// Success path
foo: "bar"
}, 1000);
* Create a function that wraps the apiCall function in a Promise
* and attach it to apiCall's util.promisify.custom Symbol
apiCall[util.promisify.custom] = function (kwargs) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
apiCall(kwargs, (data, err) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
// Create shorthand function to the promisified function
const asyncApiCall = util.promisify(apiCall);
// Sanity check to make sure that they are the same
console.log(`Are promisifies the same? ${asyncApiCall === apiCall[util.promisify.custom]}`);
// Run tester function
(async function main() {
// Do some stuff
// Use the async func
let some_data_from_api;
try {
some_data_from_api = await asyncApiCall({
fizz: "buzz"
} catch (err) {
// Print the data after we have it
//so work here...

