I'm trying to find the time taken for an element to load using this code but doesn't work.
Expected Result: Total time taken is 90 seconds(or in milliseconds)
const start = cy.log(dayjs.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS));
const end = cy.log(dayjs.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS));
const diff = dayjs(end).unix() - dayjs(start).unix();
const timetaken = dayjs.utc(diff).format("HH.mm.ss.SSS");
It gets a bit tricky because Cypress runs things in a command queue, you need to run (most) dayjs commands in .then() callbacks.
Here's a simple example
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const duration = require('dayjs/plugin/duration')
it('times loading a site and selecting an element', () => {
const start = dayjs();
let end;
cy.get('h1').then(() => {
// ensure end is set only after get command finishes
// by using a .then()
end = dayjs();
cy.log(`start: ${start.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`end: ${end.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`diff: ${dayjs.duration(end.diff(start)).$ms} ms` )
If you want to do some more testing steps before diffing, you can use Cypress aliases to keep a hold of the start and end.
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
const duration = require('dayjs/plugin/duration')
it('times loading a site using aliases', () => {
cy.get('h1').then(() => {
cy.wrap(dayjs()).as('end'); // must wrap "end" inside a .then()!
// other test stuff here
cy.get('#start').then(start => {
cy.get('#end').then(end => {
cy.log(`start: ${start.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`end: ${end.format("HH:mm.ss.SSS")}`)
cy.log(`diff: ${dayjs.duration(end.diff(start)).$ms} ms` )
I have a website that allows users to send themselves a message at a date they choose, but I have no idea how to send it at that specific time. I know there exist CronJobs, but here, I'm not doing anything recurring. It's a one-time event trigger that I need.
I first tried using the native setTimeout like this:
const dueTimestamp = ...;
const timeLeft = dueTimestamp - Date().now();
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => sendMessage(message), timeLeft);
It works perfectly for short periods, however, I'm not sure if it is reliable for long periods such as years or even decades. Moreover, it doesn't offer much control because if I'd like to modify the dueDate or the message's content, I'd have to stop the Timeout and start a new one.
Is there any package, a library, or a service that allows you to run a NodeJS function at a scheduled time? or do you have any solutions? I've heard of Google Cloud Schedule or Cronhooks, but I'm not sure.
You can use node-schedule library. for example :
you want to run a funcation at 5:30am on December 21, 2022.
const schedule = require('node-schedule');
const date = new Date(2022, 11, 21, 5, 30, 0);
const job = schedule.scheduleJob(date, function(){
console.log('The world is going to end today.');
As recommended by user3425506, I simply used a Cron job to fetch the messages from a database and to send the message of those whose timestamps have passed.
Dummy representation:
import { CronJob } from "cron";
import { fakeDB } from "./fakeDB";
const messages = fakeDB.messages;
const job = new CronJob("* * * * * *", () => {
const currentTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
messages.forEach((message, index) => {
if (message.timestamp > currentTimestamp) return;
messages.splice(index, 1);
I'm using WebDriverIO (v5.18.7) and I'm trying to write something the can go to each URL, and scroll down in increments until you reached the bottom, then move on the next URL. The issue I'm having is when it comes to the scrolling portion of the script, it might scroll once before it goes to the next URL.
From what I'm understanding, the documentation for WebDriverIO says the commands are send in asynchronous, which is handled in the framework behind the scenes. So I tried sticking with the framework and tried browser.execute / browser.executeAsync but wasn't able to get it working.
Here's what I have that seems close to what I want. Any guidance would be appreciated!
const { doesNotMatch } = require('assert');
const assert = require('assert');
const { Driver } = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
// variable for list of URLS
const arr = browser.config.urls
describe('Getting URL and scrolling', () => {
it('Get URL and scroll', async () => {
// let i = 0;
for (const value of arr) {
await browser.url(value);
await browser.execute(() => {
const elem = document.querySelector('.info-section');
// scroll until this reaches the end.
// add another for loop with a counter?
elem.scrollIntoView(); //Using this for now as a place holder
// i += 1;
Short anwer $('.info-section').scrollIntoView()
See https://webdriver.io/docs/api/element/scrollIntoView.html
WebdriverIO suppors sync and async modes, see https://webdriver.io/docs/sync-vs-async.html
I'm trying to delete multiple nodes on my database that are older than 12hrs. I"m using a pub/sub function to trigger this event. I don't know if my code is actually looping through all nodes as I'm not using the onWrite, onCreate database triggers on specific. Here is the image sample of the database
this is the pub/sub code
exports.deletejob = functions.pubsub.topic('Oldtask').onPublish(() => {
and the deleteOldItem function
function deleteOldItem(){
const CUT_OFF_TIME = 12 * 60 * 1000; // 12 Hours in milliseconds.
//var ref = admin.database().ref(`/articles/${id}`);
const ref = admin.database().ref(`/articles`);
const updates = {};
ref.orderByChild('id').limitToLast(100).on('value', function (response) {
var index = 0;
response.forEach(function (child) {
var element = child.val();
const datetime = element.timestamp;
const now = Date.now();
const cutoff = now - datetime;
if (CUT_OFF_TIME < cutoff){
updates[element.key] = null;
//This is supposed to be the returened promise
return ref.child(response.key).update(updates);
If there's something I'm doing wrong, I'll like to know. The pub/sub is triggered with a JobScheduler already setup on google cloud scheduler
You had several problems in your code that were giving you trouble.
The handling of promises wasn't correct. In particular, your top level function never actually returned a promise, it just called deleteOldItems().
You should use the promise form of once() instead of calling on() with a callback since you don't want to install a listener in this case, you just need the result a single time, and you want to handle it as part of a promise chain.
To delete nodes, you should call remove() on a reference to that node. It also generates a promise for you to use here.
You didn't calculate 12 hours in milliseconds properly, you calculated 12 minutes in milliseconds :)
Here's what I came up with. It uses an http function instead of a pubsub function as well as adding a log statement for my testing, but the modification you need should be trivial/obvious (just change the prototype and remove the response after deleteOldItems, but do make sure you keep returning the result of deleteOldItems()):
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
function deleteOldItems() {
const CUT_OFF_TIME = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 12 Hours in milliseconds.
const ref = admin.database().ref('/articles');
return ref.orderByChild('id').limitToLast(100).once('value')
.then((response) => {
const updatePromises = [];
const now = Date.now();
response.forEach((child) => {
const datetime = child.val().timestamp;
const cutoff = now - datetime;
console.log(`processing ${datetime} my cutoff is ${CUT_OFF_TIME} and ${cutoff}`);
if (CUT_OFF_TIME < cutoff){
return Promise.all(updatePromises);
exports.doIt = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
return deleteOldItems().then(() => { return response.send('ok') });
While I have not tested it, I'm pretty sure this will work to include inside your original function call for cloud scheduler:
exports.deletejob = functions.pubsub.topic('Oldtask').onPublish(() => {
return deleteOldItems();
Of course, this is still more complicated than you need, since ordering by id doesn't really gain you anything here. Instead, why not just use the query to return the earliest items before the cut off time (e.g. exactly the ones you want to remove)? I've also switched to limitToFirst to ensure the earliest entries get thrown out, which seems more natural and ensures fairness:
function deleteOldItems() {
const cutOffTime = Date.now() - (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // 12 Hours earlier in milliseconds.
const ref = admin.database().ref('/articles');
return ref.orderByChild('timestamp').endAt(cutOffTime).limitToFirst(100).once('value')
.then((response) => {
const updatePromises = [];
response.forEach((child) => {
return Promise.all(updatePromises);
If you do this on more than a few items, of course, you probably want to add an index on the timestamp field so the range query is more efficient.
I need Cypress to wait for any xhr requests to complete by default before performing any operations. Is there any way to make this as a default or any other alternatives because the application I am testing is slow and makes a lot of api calls?
Edit: By writing a single statement for every api request is getting messy and unnecessary work. Need a way to make this easier.
If what you want is to wait for a specific xhr you can do it making use of cy.route(). I use this in some scenarios and it is really useful. The general steps to use it are:
Do things in the UI such as clicking on a button that will trigger such api calls
This way if such call isn't triggered your test will fail. You can find extensive documentation about this here
Found something that works for me here https://github.com/PinkyJie/cypress-auto-stub-example
Look for cy.waitUntilAllAPIFinished
I partialy solve the problem adding a waitAll command and ovewrite route command in support folder:
const routeCallArr = [];
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('route', (route, ...params) => {
const localRoute = route(...params);
if (localRoute.alias === undefined) return;
localRoute.onRequest = function() {
routeCallArr.push({alias: `#${localRoute.alias}`, starTime: Date.now()});
localRoute.onResponse = function() {
const waitAll = (timeOut = 50000, options = {verbose: false, waitNested: false}) => {
const filterRouteCallArr = [];
const date = Date.now();
for (const routeCall of routeCallArr) {
if ((date - routeCall.starTime) > timeOut) continue;
if (options.verbose ){
console.table(routeCallArr.map(routeCall => ({
deltaTime: date - routeCall.starTime,
alias: routeCall.alias,
starTime: routeCall.starTime,
console.log(routeCallArr, filterRouteCallArr)
routeCallArr.length = [];
if (filterRouteCallArr.length > 0) {
const waiter = cy.wait(filterRouteCallArr, {timeout: timeOut});
options.waitNested && waiter.then(() => {
if (routeCallArr.length > 0) {
waitAll(timeOut, options);
Cypress.Commands.add('waitAll', waitAll)
And in the test instead of use cy.wait(['#call01',..., '#callN']); I use cy.waitAll();
The problem with this implementation came when have nested calls in a relative separate time interval from original calls. In that case you can use a recursive wait cy.waitAll(50000, {waitNested: true});
I have a Rx.Observable.webSocket Subject. My server endpoint can not handle messages receiving the same time (<25ms). Now I need a way to stretch the next() calls of my websocket subject.
I have created another Subject requestSubject and subscribe to this.
Then calling next of the websocket inside the subscription.
requestSubject.delay(1000).subscribe((request) => {
console.log(`SENDING: ${JSON.stringify(request)}`);
Using delay shifts each next call the same delay time, then all next calls emit the same time later ... thats not what I want.
I tried delay, throttle, debounce but it does not fit.
The following should illustrate my problem
Stream 1 | ---1-------2-3-4-5---------6----
after some operation ...
Stream 2 | ---1-------2----3----4----5----6-
Had to tinker a bit, its not as easy as it looks:
//example source stream
const source = Rx.Observable.from([100,500,1500,1501,1502,1503])
.mergeMap(i => Rx.Observable.of(i).delay(i))
stretchEmissions(source, 1000)
.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
function stretchEmissions(source, spacingDelayMs) {
return source
.scan((acc, curr) => {
// calculate delay needed to offset next emission
let delay = 0;
if (acc !== null) {
const timeDelta = curr.timestamp - acc.timestamp;
delay = timeDelta > spacingDelayMs ? 0 : (spacingDelayMs - timeDelta);
return {
timestamp: curr.timestamp,
delay: delay,
value: curr.value
}, null)
.mergeMap(i => Rx.Observable.of(i.value).delay(i.delay), undefined, 1);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/5.4.2/Rx.js"></script>
Basically we need to calculate the needed delay between emissions so we can space them. We do this using timestamp() of original emissions and the mergeMap overload with a concurrency of 1 to only subscribe to the next delayed value when the previous is emitted. This is a pure Rx solution without further side effects.
Here are two solutions using a custom stream and using only rxjs-operators - since it looks quite complicated I would not advice you to use this solution, but to use a custom stream (see 1st example below):
Custom stream (MUCH easier to read and maintain, probably with better performance as well):
const click$ = Rx.Observable
.fromEvent(document.getElementById("btn"), "click")
.map((click, i) => i);
const spreadDelay = 1000;
let prevEmitTime = 0;
.concatMap(i => { // in this case you could also use "flatMap" or "mergeMap" instead of "concatMap"
const now = Date.now();
if (now - prevEmitTime > spreadDelay) {
prevEmitTime = now;
return Rx.Observable.of(i); // emit immediately
} else {
prevEmitTime += spreadDelay;
return Rx.Observable.of(i).delay(prevEmitTime - now); // emit somewhere in the future
.subscribe((request) => {
console.log(`SENDING: ${request}`);
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs/bundles/Rx.min.js"></script>
<button id="btn">Click me!</button>
Using only RxJS Operators (contains issues, probably shouldn't use):
const click$ = Rx.Observable
.fromEvent(document.getElementById("btn"), "click")
.map((click, i) => i);
// window will create a new substream whenever no click happened for 1001ms (with the spread out
.concatMap(i => Rx.Observable.of(i).delay(1000))
.mergeMap(win$ => Rx.Observable.merge(
win$.take(1).merge(), // emitting the "first" click immediately
.concatMap(i => Rx.Observable.of(i).delay(1000)) // each emission after the "first" one will be spread out to 1 seconds
.subscribe((request) => {
console.log(`SENDING: ${request}`);
<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs/bundles/Rx.min.js"></script>
<button id="btn">Click me!</button>
Mark van Straten's solution didn't work completely accurately for me. I found a much more simple and accurate solution based from here.
const source = from([100,500,1500,1501,1502,1503]).pipe(
mergeMap(i => of(i).pipe(delay(i)))
const delayMs = 500;
const stretchedSource = source.pipe(
concatMap(e => concat(of(e), EMPTY.pipe(delay(delayMs))))