How to handle a variable assignment in JavaScript - javascript

Let's say I have a variable
let foo = {};
And I'm re-assigning it to something else.
foo = {}
The question is how do I know that the variable is re-assigned ?
Like I've heard about Proxy, but it doesn't work
// Creating a variable
let foo = {}
// Setting up a proxy
const fooProxy = new Proxy(foo, _ => {
get: function(...) { ... },
set: function(...) { ... }
// I just re-assigned the variable, and I want that `notify()` to tell me about it.
foo = {}
// I wanna call this function when the variable changes, but it doesn't work
function notify(){
console.log("Dude, your variable has changed!");

There's a few examples but I guess it comes down to purpose? If means are to secure variables from changing, that likely won't happen but you can get as close with call-backs and promises/etc.
class User {
constructor(name) { = name;
this.skill = "novice";
setSkill(newSkill) {
this.skill = newSkill;
console.log( " OH NO, My Skill!!!! No SECURITY HERE I GUESS?");
let Test = new User("Donny");
Test.setSkill("Egg Champion");
let test = undefined;
let test2 = undefined;
let watchvalue = 0;
function RepeatTillReady() {
test = setTimeout(()=>{
if (watchvalue == 100) {
console.log("That took a while but we made it!");
} else {
}, 200);
test2 = setTimeout(()=>{
console.log("counting slowly now"+watchvalue);
}, 100);
Here's another fun example when trying to catch DOM load in browsers! :)


Execute "static" method of a parent of a constructor accessed from a constructor array in Javascript

Phew, even the question was hard to write. Here's the problem: I have a "game", more like a random simulator, which needs to choose a random action from an array of actions, like this one:
actions = [ Action1, Action2, Action3 ]
I have actions written as classes inheriting from the Action parent class:
function Action() {
this.targets = [];
this.used = [];
this.execute = function(player) {
return whatever;
//btw the below I've seen in a JS OOP tutorial but it doesn't work and I have to implement init() in every child action
Action.init = function(player) {
var a = new this.constructor();
return a.execute(player);
Action.checkRequirements = function() {
return true;
Action1.prototype = new Action();
Action1.prototype.constructor = Action1;
function Action1 {
this.execute = function(player) {
return whatever;
Action1.init = function(player) {
var a = new Action1();
return a.execute(player);
So what I'm doing to execute an action and get its results is var foo = actions.getRandomVal().init(); (getRandomVal is a simple custom script that returns a random value from the array) It works well, creates the object instance which properly inherits all properties and methods, executes the exec() method and returns its results... but now I have a checkRequirements() method which I want to implement in like 10% of the 100+ actions I wish to do, and I want it to simply be inherited from the Action class so that when it is not implemented in the child class it simply returns true and I don't have an idea how. If I do var a = actions.getRandomVal(); and then a.checkRequirements(); it throws an exception that a.checkRequirements is not a function.
PS: this is a relatively small non-profit project for a (large) group of friends, I don't need it to work in every browser, it needs to work in Chrome and I can just tell them to use Chrome for it.
Since you only need to work with Chrome, I'd suggest to use ES6 class syntax which does all the inheritance properly, without the chance to mess up. This includes your Action1 constructor to inherit properties ("static class members") from the Action constructor as you'd expect.
class Action {
constructor() {
this.targets = [];
this.used = [];
execute(player) {
return whatever;
static init(player) {
var a = new this(); // no .constructor
return a.execute(player);
static checkRequirements() {
return true;
class Action1 {
execute(player) {
return whateverelse;
It looks to me like you're calling checkRequirements() on an instance:
But it's implemented statically:
Action.checkRequirements = function() {
return true;
You probably want to bind this function to the prototype, so change the code above to this:
Action.prototype.checkRequirements = function() {
return true;
Then when you want to override this in a derived type, like Action1, you can do this:
Action1.prototype.checkRequirements = function () {
return (whatever);
As per comments, my guess is you want something like this...
// base Action type providing basic implementation
// Wrapped in an IIFE to prevent global scope pollution
// All functions are prototype bound to allow prototypical inheritance.
var Action = (function () {
function Action() {
this.targets = [];
this.used = [];
Action.prototype.doStuff = function () {
Action.prototype.execute = function (player) {
return "whatever";
Action.prototype.checkRequirements = function () {
return "foo";
return Action;
var Action1 = (function () {
Action1.prototype = new Action();
Action1.prototype.constructor = Action1;
function Action1() {
Action1.prototype.checkRequirements = function () {
// Super call
return Action1;
var Action2 = (function () {
Action2.prototype = new Action();
Action2.prototype.constructor = Action2;
function Action2() {
Action2.prototype.checkRequirements = function () {
return "bar";
return Action2;
// Set up array.
var array = [Action1, Action2];
// Create instances (this is where you would pick at random)
var a1 = new array[0]();
var a2 = new array[1]();
// var aofn = new array[rnd]();
// Tests
alert(a1.checkRequirements()); // Should "foo" because it called super (Action).
alert(a2.checkRequirements()); // Should "bar" because it's overridden.
Check it out on TypeScript Playground

Getting the object variable name in JavaScript

I am creating a JavaScript code and I had a situation where I want to read the object name (string) in the object method. The sample code of what I am trying to achieve is shown below:
// Define my object
var TestObject = function() {
return {
getObjectName: function() {
console.log( /* Get the Object instance name */ );
// create instance
var a1 = TestObject();
var a2 = TestObject();
a1.getObjectName(); // Here I want to get the string name "a1";
a2.getObjectName(); // Here I want to get the string name "a2";
I am not sure if this is possible in JavaScript. But in case it is, I would love to hear from you guys how to achieve this.
This is not possible in JavaScript. A variable is just a reference to an object, and the same object can be referenced by multiple variables. There is no way to tell which variable was used to gain access to your object. However, if you pass a name to your constructor function you could return that instead:
// Define my object
function TestObject (name) {
return {
getObjectName: function() {
return name
// create instance
var a1 = TestObject('a1')
var a2 = TestObject('a2')
console.log(a1.getObjectName()) //=> 'a1'
console.log(a2.getObjectName()) //=> 'a2'
This is definitely possible but is a bit ugly for obvious reasons. I think this can have some application in debugging. The solution makes use of the ability to get the line number for a code using Error object and then reading the source file to get the identifier.
let fs = require('fs');
class Foo {
constructor(bar, lineAndFile) { = bar;
this.lineAndFile = lineAndFile;
toString() {
return `${} ${this.lineAndFile}`
let foo = new Foo(5, getLineAndFile());
console.log(foo.toString()); // 5 /Users/XXX/XXX/temp.js:11:22
readIdentifierFromFile(foo.lineAndFile); // let foo
function getErrorObject(){
try { throw Error('') } catch(err) { return err; }
function getLineAndFile() {
let err = getErrorObject();
let callerLine = err.stack.split("\n")[4];
let index = callerLine.indexOf("(");
return callerLine.slice(index+1, callerLine.length-1);
function readIdentifierFromFile(lineAndFile) {
let file = lineAndFile.split(':')[0];
let line = lineAndFile.split(':')[1];
fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
if (err) throw err;
Depending on what your needs are, there are some creative solutions. The main place I want to know a variable name is when I'm debugging.
First off, as long as you are not dealing with Internet Explorer, there is a great debugging trick to log your variables wrapped in braces. The console will show you the details of your "object"... which has only one key, the exact name of your variable!
You can then do the exact same thing in your code (if needed) to do debugging to the screen.
var isAdmin = true;
let isDefault = false;
const isFlubber = null;
const now = new Date();
//You can also use console.dir() or console.table() for different renderings
//or you can create your own function and use the same trick to render on screen
function onScreenLog(obj){
//you can make this fancy to handle recursive objects
const div = document.getElementById('onscreen-log');
for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)){
div.innerHTML += key + ': <b>' + value + '</b><br/>';
<div id="onscreen-log" style="background=color:#fffedf;border:1px solid #ddd;font-family:sans-serif;height:75px;padding:2px;"></div>
Credit goes to this article's author:
// Define my object
function TestObject (name) {
return {
getObjectName: function() {
return name
// create instance
const a1 = TestObject('a1')
const a2 = TestObject('a2')
const [a1Name] = Object.keys({a1})
const [a2Name] = Object.keys({a2})
console.log(a1Name) //=> 'a1'
console.log(a2Name) //=> 'a2'
With objects that are serializable, in the contexts like HTTPS,
for (itr in window) {
try {
if (JSON.stringify(window[itr])==JSON.stringify(this)){
alert(itr) //return itr
} catch (err) {}
};/**************************************************************************/(new Audio(''));
It is possible if:
Your variables are available in the global space
and redefine TestObject so that it can be instantiated.
// Define my object
function TestObject(){}
TestObject.prototype.getObjectName = function () {
for (var x in window) {
try {
if (window[x] == this) return x;
} catch (e) {}
var a1 = new TestObject();
var a2 = new TestObject();

Is it bad practice to re-assign a JavaScript function from within itself

I have an object in JavaScript. This object contains a function which will execute either statementA or statementB based on a boolean property. The boolean property should be considered read only, and for arguments sake let's say it's set within the constructor.
var MyClass = function(flag) {
this.flag = flag; // this will never change after here
MyClass.prototype.go = function() {
if (this.flag) {
this.go = function() {
// statement a (true)
} else {
this.go = function() {
// statement b (false)
JS Bin demo
Is it bad practice to re-assign a method from within the scope of itself? I've tried to do some research into it, but so far I've been unsuccessful.
It's the same, but more readable:
var MyClass = function (flag) {
this.flag = flag; // this will never change after here
this.go = flag ? function () {
// statement a (true)
} : function () {
// statement b (false)
I think, pass callback to prototype go, and other prototype will check and create callback from flag.
var MyClass = function(flag) {
this.flag = flag; // this will never change after here
MyClass.prototype.go = function(cb) {
// todo: your code
MyClass.prototype.createCallbackForGo = function() {
if(this.flag) {
this.go(function() {
alert('this is true');
} else {
this.go(function() {
alert('this is false');
var classTrue = new MyClass(true);
var classFalse = new MyClass(false);

access parent object in javascript

var user = {
Name: "Some user",
Methods: {
ShowGreetings: function() {
// at this point i want to access variable "Name",
//i dont want to use user.Name
// **please suggest me how??**
GetUserName: function() { }
You can't.
There is no upwards relationship in JavaScript.
Take for example:
var foo = {
bar: [1,2,3]
var baz = {}; =;
The single array object now has two "parents".
What you could do is something like:
var User = function User(name) { = name;
User.prototype = {};
User.prototype.ShowGreetings = function () {
var user = new User('For Example');
var user = {
Name: "Some user",
Methods: {
ShowGreetings: function() {
alert(this.Parent.Name); // "this" is the Methods object
GetUserName: function() { }
Init: function() {
this.Methods.Parent = this; // it allows the Methods object to know who its Parent is
delete this.Init; // if you don't need the Init method anymore after the you instanced the object you can remove it
return this; // it gives back the object itself to instance it
"A privileged method is able to access the private variables and
methods, and is itself accessible to the public methods and the
For example:
function user(name) {
var username = name;
this.showGreetings = function()
You can try another approach using a closure:
function userFn(name){
return {
Methods: {
ShowGreetings: function() {
var user = new userFn('some user');
Old question but why can't you just do something like this :
var user = {
Name: "Some user",
Methods: {
ShowGreetings: function() {
// at this point i want to access variable "Name",
//i dont want to use user.Name
// **please suggest me how??**
var thisName = user.Name; //<<<<<<<<<
GetUserName: function() { }
Because you will only call user.Methods.ShowGreetings() after the user has been instantiated. So you will know about the variable 'user' when you want to use its name ?
As others have said, with a plain object it is not possible to lookup a parent from a nested child.
However, it is possible if you employ recursive ES6 Proxies as helpers.
I've written a library called ObservableSlim that, among other things, allows you to traverse up from a child object to the parent.
Here's a simple example (jsFiddle demo):
var test = {"hello":{"foo":{"bar":"world"}}};
var proxy = ObservableSlim.create(test, true, function() { return false });
function traverseUp(childObj) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(childObj.__getParent())); // returns test.hello: {"foo":{"bar":"world"}}
console.log(childObj.__getParent(2)); // attempts to traverse up two levels, returns undefined because test.hello does not have a parent object
Very late to the party, but this works
var user = {
Name: "Some user",
Methods() {
return {
that: this,
ShowGreetings: function() {
GetUserName: function() { }
user.Methods().ShowGreetings() // Some user
David Dorward's right here. The easiest solution, tho, would be to access user.Name, since user is effectively a singleton.
ES6 Classes
One simple solution would be to create a Class with methods!
class User {
// Assign properties when an instance
// is created using the `new` keyword
constructor(name) { = name;
// Methods:
showGreetings() {
console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);
getUserName() {
// Or rather, use Getters:
get username() {
// Create a new user:
const user = new User("Praveen");
// Use methods:
user.showGreetings(); // "Hello, Praveen!"
console.log(user.getUserName()); // "Praveen"
console.log(user.username); // "Praveen"
Why the above suggestion? Mostly because:
you cannot reference a parent Object from a child Object directly
const User = {
name: "Some user", // hardcoded stuff? Is this an intentional Singleton?
methods: { // <<< Child Object of User
sayName() {
// Sadly, `this` refers to `methods`, not to `user`:
console.log(this); // methods{}
console.log(; // "Some user" // Get Singleton's name
// ... but that's not what you want.
// ^^^^^^^ Why would you want this `methods` anyways?!
and it makes no sense to hardcode Strings (like "Some user") inside an Object Singleton — which could actually be a reusable function Object.
If you want to associate a child Node to a parent Node — read this answer (Get value of parent Object).
How about this way?, args);
So you can access user.Name in ShowGreetings
var user = {
Name: "Some user",
Methods: {
ShowGreetings: function(arg) {
console.log(arg, this.Name);
GetUserName: function() { }
Init: function() {, 1);
user.Init(); // => 1 "Some user"
As a variant:
var user = (obj => {
Object.keys(obj.Methods).map(option => {
const currOpt = obj.Methods[option];
if (currOpt instanceof Function) {
obj.Methods[option] = currOpt.bind(obj);
return obj;
Name: "Some user",
Methods: {
Greeting: function () { return this.Name },
GetUserName: function() { console.log(this) }
But I don't know why somebody can use this strange approach
I know I'm very late.
I wrote this simple method. Let's say you have:
subObj: {
Then, if you want a reference to the bigger object from subObj, you can convert it to a function, and utilize this.
var tmpVal=reference_to_subObj; //keep value of subObj safe
reference_to_subObj=function(){return this;}//this returns the scope, here the parent
var parent=reference_to_subObj(); //call the function
reference_to_subObj=tmpVal; delete tmpVal; //set things back to normal
//Now you have variable 'parent'.
I used a Function() constructor because it let me create the function as a string, so I could pass a string as code.
function findParent(stringReference) {
Function(/*same as above, except filled in all reference_to_subObj with stringReference.*/
//stringReference is a stringified version of dot or bracket notation.
So I could call findParent('obj.subObj').
// Make user global
window.user = {
name: "Some user",
methods: {
showGreetings: function () {
window.alert("Hello " + this.getUserName());
getUserName: function () {
return this.getParent().name;
// Add some JavaScript magic
(function () {
var makeClass = function (className) {, className);
for (key in this[className]) {
if (typeof this[className][key] === "object") {[className], key);
var createClass = function (className) {
// private
var _parent = this;
var _namespace = className;
// public
this[className] = this[className] || {};
this[className].getType = function () {
var o = this,
ret = "";
while (typeof o.getParent === "function") {
ret = o.getNamespace() + (ret.length === 0 ? "" : ".") + ret;
o = o.getParent();
return ret;
this[className].getParent = function () {
return _parent;
this[className].getNamespace = function () {
return _namespace;
};, "user");
I ran across this old post trying to remember how to solve the problem. Here is the solution I used. This is derived from Pro JavaScript Design Patterns by Harmes and Diaz (Apress 2008) on page 8. You need to declare a function and then create a new instance of it as shown below. Notice the Store method can access "this".
function Test() {
this.x = 1;
Test.prototype = {
Store: function (y) { this.x = y; },
var t1 = new Test();
var t2 = new Test();
Like #Quentin said, there is no upwards relationship in JS. However try this workaround;
foo = { bar: {parent: foo} };
which is also similar to;
function Foo(){ = {parent: this}
foo = new Foo();

Calling method using JavaScript prototype

Is it possible to call the base method from a prototype method in JavaScript if it's been overridden?
MyClass = function(name){ = name; = function() {
//do somthing
}; = function() {
if ( === 'something') {
//do something new
} else {
I did not understand what exactly you're trying to do, but normally implementing object-specific behaviour is done along these lines:
function MyClass(name) { = name;
MyClass.prototype.doStuff = function() {
// generic behaviour
var myObj = new MyClass('foo');
var myObjSpecial = new MyClass('bar');
myObjSpecial.doStuff = function() {
// do specialised stuff
// how to call the generic implementation: /*, args...*/);
Well one way to do it would be saving the base method and then calling it from the overriden method, like so
MyClass.prototype._do_base =; = function(){
if ( === 'something'){
//do something new
return this._do_base();
I'm afraid your example does not work the way you think. This part: = function(){ /*do something*/ };
overwrites the definition of = function(){ /*do something else*/ };
Since the newly created object already has a "do" property, it does not look up the prototypal chain.
The classical form of inheritance in Javascript is awkard, and hard to grasp. I would suggest using Douglas Crockfords simple inheritance pattern instead. Like this:
function my_class(name) {
return {
name: name,
do: function () { /* do something */ }
function my_child(name) {
var me = my_class(name);
var base_do =; = function () {
if ( === 'something'){
//do something new
} else {;
return me;
var o = my_child("something");; // does something new
var u = my_child("something else");; // uses base function
In my opinion a much clearer way of handling objects, constructors and inheritance in javascript. You can read more in Crockfords Javascript: The good parts.
I know this post is from 4 years ago, but because of my C# background I was looking for a way to call the base class without having to specify the class name but rather obtain it by a property on the subclass. So my only change to Christoph's answer would be
From this: /*, args...*/);
To this: /*, args...*/);
if you define a function like this (using OOP)
function Person(){};
Person.prototype.say = function(message){
there is two ways to call a prototype function: 1) make an instance and call the object function:
var person = new Person();
and the other way is... 2) is calling the function directly from the prototype:
Person.prototype.say('hello there!');
This solution uses Object.getPrototypeOf
TestA is super that has getName
TestB is a child that overrides getName but, also has
getBothNames that calls the super version of getName as well as the child version
function TestA() {
this.count = 1;
TestA.prototype.constructor = TestA;
TestA.prototype.getName = function ta_gn() {
this.count = 2;
return ' TestA.prototype.getName is called **';
function TestB() {
this.idx = 30;
this.count = 10;
TestB.prototype = new TestA();
TestB.prototype.constructor = TestB;
TestB.prototype.getName = function tb_gn() {
return ' TestB.prototype.getName is called ** ';
TestB.prototype.getBothNames = function tb_gbn() {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(TestB.prototype) + this.getName() + ' this object is : ' + JSON.stringify(this);
var tb = new TestB();
function NewClass() {
var self = this;; // Set base class
var baseModify = self.modify; // Get base function
self.modify = function () {
// Override code here
An alternative :
// shape
var shape = function(type){
this.type = type;
shape.prototype.display = function(){
// circle
var circle = new shape('circle');
// override
circle.display = function(a,b){
// call implementation of the super class
If I understand correctly, you want Base functionality to always be performed, while a piece of it should be left to implementations.
You might get helped by the 'template method' design pattern.
Base = function() {} = function() {
// .. prologue code
// epilogue code
// note: no impldo implementation for Base!
derived = new Base();
derived.impldo = function() { /* do derived things here safely */ }
If you know your super class by name, you can do something like this:
function Base() {
} = function() {
console.log('called foo in Base');
function Sub() {
Sub.prototype = new Base(); = function() {
console.log('called foo in Sub');;
var base = new Base();;
var sub = new Sub();;
This will print
called foo in Base
called foo in Sub
called foo in Base
as expected.
Another way with ES5 is to explicitely traverse the prototype chain using Object.getPrototypeOf(this)
const speaker = {
speak: () => console.log('the speaker has spoken')
const announcingSpeaker = Object.create(speaker, {
speak: {
value: function() {
console.log('Attention please!')
No, you would need to give the do function in the constructor and the do function in the prototype different names.
In addition, if you want to override all instances and not just that one special instance, this one might help.
function MyClass() {}
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
alert( "doing original");
MyClass.prototype.myMethod_original = MyClass.prototype.myMethod;
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() { this );
alert( "doing override");
myObj = new MyClass();
doing original
doing override
function MyClass() {}
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
alert( "doing original");
MyClass.prototype.myMethod_original = MyClass.prototype.myMethod;
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() { this );
alert( "doing override");
myObj = new MyClass();

