Can't createChatThread() with Preview 4 azure-sdk-for-js - javascript

The example code snippet # does NOT compile.
import { ChatClient, ChatThreadClient } from '#azure/communication-chat';
import { AzureCommunicationTokenCredential } from '#azure/communication-common';
let createChatThreadRequest =
topic: 'Preparation for London conference',
user: { communicationUserId: '<USER_ID_FOR_JACK>' },
displayName: 'Jack'
user: { communicationUserId: '<USER_ID_FOR_GEETA>' },
displayName: 'Geeta'
let createChatThreadResponse = await chatClient.createChatThread(createChatThreadRequest);
let threadId =;
my package.json:
"#azure/communication-identity": "1.0.0-beta.4",
"#azure/communication-calling": "1.0.0-beta.6",
"#azure/communication-chat": "1.0.0-beta.4",
"#azure/communication-common": "1.0.0-beta.5",
"#azure/communication-signaling": "1.0.0-beta.2",
Latest attempt:
"topic": "Ghost Frog",
"participants": [
"user": {
"communicationUserId": "ey...Ug"
"displayName": "frog"
POST error 400
RestError: {"error":{"code":"BadRequest","message":"One or more validation errors occurred.","details":[{"message":"The value provided for Id is invalid.","target":"Participants[0].Id"}]}}
The error message is looking for a property named 'Id'. The spec does NOT require an Id. Arg.

sorry you are running into issues and thank you for reaching out!
Someone on our team has tested out your code snippet and SDK versions and it compiled. Can you specify the error codes you are seeing? It will help us understand the issue better. Thanks!

given you are using version 1.0.0-beta.4 I can verify the code snippet you have is correct.
In the latest release of the JS SDK 1.0.0-beta.5 the user property was in fact renamed to id, however previous versions should still work as expected.
Can you verify if the latest version works for you? The error you are seeing can also occur if an invalid communicationUserId is provided.
Given your current version and code, if the issue is persisting we would like to investigate.
We try to keep these docs up to date during public preview but if you run into issues please let us know:


How to use VueGtag to track Google Ads conversions in Vue2 application

I'm trying to use VueGtag to track Google Ads conversions (signups) in Vue2 application.
I've added the following code to main.js:
import VueGtag from 'vue-gtag'
Vue.use(VueGtag, {
config: { id: 'AW-123456890AB' }
What code should I add to my signup callback function? The documentation is very sparse. Is it something like this?
register() {
You can try the following:
this.$gtag.event('conversion', {
'key': value
Make sure you add a config property with the tag id:
Vue.use(VueGtag, {
config: { id: "TAG_ID" },
disableScriptLoad: true
Someone asked a similar question in this issue from the 'vue-gtag' package repository.

Shopify GraphQl Mutation getting an error when sending DraftOrderSendInvoice

I am creating a Draft Order and everything is working fine, But I am getting a GID which is not working when I am trying to send DraftOrderInvoice. I am not sure if the if my format is wrong or maybe I missed something, but any help in directions is much appreciated.
Let me know if any additional information is needed to clarify the current question.
mutation draftOrderCreate($input: DraftOrderInput!) {
draftOrderCreate(input: $input) {
draftOrder {
userErrors {
After the Draft order is created. I recieve a response with the GID "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I am then using the Draft Order Id to send an invoice, but I am having some formatting issues I think.
I plugged the Gid into the "Shopify GraphiQL App" to test for mutations and I get an error with the draft order Id.
mutation draftOrderInvoiceSend($id: ID!) {
draftOrderInvoiceSend(id: $id) {
draftOrder {
userErrors {
"id": "gid://shopify/DraftOrder/xxxxxxxxxx"
"errors": [
"message": "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: ff0c8cfd-ce93-446f-9f12-b09580f945b7 (include this in support requests)."
According to Shopify Mutations the ID should look similar to the obj below
"id": "Z2lkOi8vU2hvcGlmeS9FeGFtcGxlLzE="

Dialogflow Fulfilment webhook call failed

I am new to dialogflow fulfillment and I am trying to retrieve news from news API based on user questions. I followed documentation provided by news API, but I am not able to catch any responses from the search results, when I run the function in console it is not errors. I changed the code and it looks like now it is reaching to the newsapi endpoint but it is not fetching any results. I am utilizing to make a request to search everything about the topic. when I diagnoise the function it says " Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE. "
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Card, Suggestion} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const http = require('http');
const host = '';
const NewsAPI = require('newsapi');
const newsapi = new NewsAPI('63756dc5caca424fb3d0343406295021');
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug';
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) =>
// Get the city
let search = req.body.queryResult.parameters['search'];// search is a required param
// Call the weather API
callNewsApi(search).then((response) => {
res.json({ 'fulfillmentText': response }); // Return the results of the news API to Dialogflow
}).catch((xx) => {
res.json({ 'fulfillmentText': `I don't know the news but I hope it's good!` });
function callNewsApi(search)
q: 'search',
langauge: 'en',
sortBy: 'relevancy',
source: 'cbc-news',
domains: '',
from: '2019-12-31',
to: '2020-12-12',
page: 2
).then (response => {console.log(response);
let articles = response['data']['articles'][0];
// Create response
let responce = `Current news in the $search with following title is ${articles['titile']} which says that
// Resolve the promise with the output text
Also here is RAW API response
"responseId": "a871b8d2-16f2-4873-a5d1-b907a07adb9a-b4ef8d5f",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "what is the latest news about toronto",
"parameters": {
"search": [
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"intent": {
"name": "projects/misty-ktsarh/agent/intents/b52c5774-e5b7-494a-8f4c-f783ebae558b",
"displayName": ""
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 543
"languageCode": "en"
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE."
"outputAudioConfig": {
"synthesizeSpeechConfig": {
"speakingRate": 1,
"voice": {}
And Here is fulfillment request:
"responseId": "a871b8d2-16f2-4873-a5d1-b907a07adb9a-b4ef8d5f",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "what is the latest news about toronto",
"parameters": {
"search": [
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"intent": {
"name": "projects/misty-ktsarh/agent/intents/b52c5774-e5b7-494a-8f4c-f783ebae558b",
"displayName": ""
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": 543
"languageCode": "en"
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: UNAVAILABLE."
"outputAudioConfig": {
"synthesizeSpeechConfig": {
"speakingRate": 1,
"voice": {}
Also here is the screenshot from the firebase console.
Can anyone guide me what is that I am missing in here?
The key is the first three lines in the error message:
Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Code in file index.js can't be loaded.
Did you list all required modules in the package.json dependencies?
Detailed stack trace: Error: Cannot find module 'newsapi'
It is saying that the newsapi module couldn't be loaded and that the most likely cause of this is that you didn't list this as a dependency in your package.json file.
If you are using the Dialogflow Inline Editor, you need to select the package.json tab and add a line in the dependencies section.
It isn't clear exactly when/where you're getting the "UNAVAILABLE" error, but one likely cause if you're using Dialogflow's Inline Editor is that it is using the Firebase "Spark" pricing plan, which has limitations on network calls outside Google's network.
You can upgrade to the Blaze plan, which does require a credit card on file, but does include the Spark plan's free tier, so you shouldn't incur any costs during light usage. This will allow for network calls.
Update based on TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
This indicates that either a property (or possibly an index of a property) is trying to reference against something that is undefined.
It isn't clear which line, exactly, this may be, but these lines all are suspicious:
let response = JSON.parse(body);
let source = response['data']['source'][0];
let id = response['data']['id'][0];
let name = response['data']['name'][0];
let author = response['author'][0];
let title = response['title'][0];
let description = response['description'][0];
since they are all referencing a property. I would check to see exactly what comes back and gets stored in response. For example, could it be that there is no "data" or "author" field in what is sent back?
Looking at, it looks like none of these are fields, but that there is an articles property sent back which contains an array of articles. You may wish to index off that and get the attributes you want.
It looks like that, although you are loading the parameter into a variable with this line
// Get the city and date from the request
let search = req.body.queryResult.parameters['search'];// city is a required param
You don't actually use the search variable anywhere. Instead, you seem to be passing a literal string "search" to your function with this line
callNewsApi('search').then((output) => {
which does a search for the word "search", I guess.
You indicated that "it goes to the catch portion", which indicates that something went wrong in the call. You don't show any logging in the catch portion, and it may be useful to log the exception that is thrown, so you know why it is going to the catch portion. Something like
}).catch((xx) => {
res.json({ 'fulfillmentText': `I don't know the news but I hope it's good!` });
is normal, but since it looks like you're logging it in the .on('error') portion, showing that error might be useful.
The name of the intent and the variable I was using to make the call had a difference in Casing, I guess calls are case sensitive just be aware of that

How to properly write a vuepress plugin?

I am trying to write a Vuepress plugin to make use of App Level enhancement and install a Vue plugin. But I can't seem to get this to work. Can you please take a look at the code below and see what is wrong?
module.exports = {
plugins: [
module.exports = (option, ctx) => {
return {
enhanceAppFiles: [{
name: 'builder-plugin',
content: `export default ({ Vue }) => {
Vue.component('b-header', {
name: 'b-header',
template: '<div id="header"><slot /></div>'
# Introduction
<b-header>Test from component</b-header>
The final error I get is:
Unknown custom element: <b-header> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
I actually found the answer. The above did not work because I was mixing client site code with runtime code by using a plugin.
The trick was to use enhanceAPP hook.

How do you use require() within a map function?

Looking at the docs for CouchDB 1.6.1 here, there is mention that you can use the JS require(path) function. How do you do this? The documentation says path is "A CommonJS module path started from design document root".
My design doc is called _design/data. I have uploaded an attachment to this design doc called test.js, which can be accessed at /_design/data/test.js, and contains the following code:
exports.stuff = function() {
this.getMsg = (function() {
return 'hi';
But the following code in my map function:
function(doc) {
try {
var x = require('test.js');
} catch (e) {
emit ('error', e)
results in this error:
["error", "invalid_require_path", "Object has no property \"test.js\". {\"views\":{\"lib\":null},\"_module_cache\":{}}"]
It looks like require is looking for the path as an object in the docparam... but I don't understand why if it is.
Looking at this link, describing this feature in an older version of CouchDB, it says you can:
However, in the upcoming CouchDB 1.1.x views will be able to require modules provided they exist below the 'views' property (eg, 'views/lib/module')
And gives the following code example:
"_id": "_design/example",
"lib": {
// modules here would not be accessible from view functions
"views": {
"lib" {
// this module is accessible from view functions
"module": "exports.test = 'asdf';"
"commonjs": {
"map": function (doc) {
var val = require('views/lib/module').test;
emit(doc._id, val);
But this did not work for me on CouchDB 1.6.1. I get the error:
{message: "mod.current is null", fileName: "/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js", lineNumber: 1137, stack: "([object Array],[object Object])#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1137\n([object Array],[object Object])#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1143\n([object Array],[object Object],[object Object])#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1143\n(\"views/lib/module\")#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1173\n([object Object])#undefined:3\n([object Object])#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1394\n()#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1562\n#/usr/share/couchdb/server/main.js:1573\n"
In your question you didn't provide the function as a string. It's not too easy to spot, but you must stringify functions before storing them in CouchDB (manually or by using .toString()). Caolan has that error in the post that you linked.
Using this example:
16 lib: {
17 foo: " = 42;"
18 },
19 test: {
20 map: "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, require('views/lib/foo').bar); }"
21 }
22 }
Found in older CouchDB docs here:
I got an example working. Not sure what the difference was really... I was running 'temp' views instead of saving but I don't know why that would have effected the require statement

