Regex pattern for //;\n2;3;4 [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has an answer here:
Learning Regular Expressions [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying to find a regex which supports a pattern like below:
String starts with //
String has a delimiter after //; (suppose ; is the delimiter)
String has \n after demiliter (//;\n)
Finally String contains any number of digits with that delimiter (//;\n2;3;4;5)
Could you help?
I tried ^//\\D+\\n.*$ but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance!

Sample: //;\n2;3;4;5
Answer: [/]{2}[;]\\[n](\d[;]){1,999}\d
This will allow further combinations of a decimal followed by ;
\d is added at the end in the case a semicolon is not added judging by your sample

Okay based on your additional comment this could work. It's very messy but it may just get the job done.
var string = "//;\n2;3;4;5";
string.replace(/[^0-9,.]+/g," ").trim().split(" ").map(function(x){return parseInt(x, 10);}).reduce(function(a, b){return a + b;}, 0)
Console log results in 14


Trying to extract matches from a string matching an expression in JavaScript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Regex to Get Phone Numbers From String
(3 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I have spent two days on this and I can't figure it out. Sorry to sound specific. I am trying to match phone numbers in a string and store them in an array. For example:
// An example string
let string = "30000 loaves of bread were purchased by +1777654352"
// I got this from and it works for my purpose
const regex = /^[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}$/gmi
// I expect found to have [+1777654352]
const found = string.match(regex);
Instead, I keep getting null in my found array. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I hope someone out there can point me in the right direction.
this regex has ^ on the beginning and $ in the end so I'm pretty sure it matches only on phone numbers that are separated by line breaks, or that are alone in their String.
This regex should work for your needs:
let string = "30000 loaves of bread were purchased by +1777654352"
const regex = /[\+]?[(]?[0-9]{3}[)]?[-\s\.]?[0-9]{3}[-\s\.]?[0-9]{4,6}/gmi;
const found = string.match(regex);
Silly me!
I was using the regular expression poorly. Using the ^ and $ flags were causing the issue. They signify the start and end of the string and hopefully someone can explain why it behaves that way. Removing those made string.match(regex) work as expected.

How to check pipeline and comma (|,) in a string using Regex [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
All characters in a string must match regex
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have to check whether a given string contains pipeline and comma (|,) in a string and throw error if it contain the same.throwing error part i can handle but facing issue while creating regex for this.
i have used this regex to validate it [^|,] but its not working.
String is "Equinix | Megaport" but my vregex is not throwing error as it contains | in it
In JavaScript, try:
var subject = "Equinix | Megaport";
if (/^[^|,]+$/.test(subject)) {
document.write('No bad character(s)');
} else {
document.write('Contains bad character(s)');
Also note that I slightly changed your pattern to include the + operator after your negated character class, which means match the character class between one and unlimited times.

Java script regular expression a bit confusing [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Reference - What does this regex mean?
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am actually new to javascript and I'm trying to understand what went wrong with this code.
I have a function that accepts a abc as a parameter.
This regular expression was given to me by one of my colleges. I don't have any idea what it's doing.
Just wanted to understand what is the return statement here.
(function(abc) {
var match = abc.match(/(\d+).+?(\d+)/);
return +match[2] + 1;
I think the match will contain digits in decimal format but not clear about it.
what will this return? Please let me understand this, will be a great help.
(\d+) - one or more digits (0-9)
.+? - one or more periods (.)
(\d+) - one or more digits (0-9)
Debuggex Demo
You can easily create a snippet and debug it. Using provided example:
function getDiskInfo(diskinfo) {
var match = diskinfo.match(/(\d+).+?(\d+)/);
return +match[2] + 1;
In this example, as described by #phuzi:
var match = ['111.222', '111', '222'];
After that your return statement cast your element with index = 2 to Number and increments it by one. So using my example the final result will be 223.

How do I insert something at a specific character with Regex in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Simple javascript find and replace
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have string "foo?bar" and I want to insert "baz" at the ?. This ? may not always be at the 3 index, so I always want to insert something string at this ? char to get "foo?bazbar"
The String.protype.replace method is perfect for this.
let result = "foo?bar".replace(/\?/, '?baz');
I have used a RegEx in this example as requested, although you could do it without RegEx too.
Additional notes.
If you expect the string "foo?bar?boo" to result in "foo?bazbar?boo" the above code works as-is
If you expect the string "foo?bar?boo" to result in "foo?bazbar?bazboo" you can change the call to .replace(/\?/g, '?baz')
You don't need a regular expression, since you're not matching a pattern, just ordinary string replacement.
string = 'foo?bar';
newString = string.replace('?', '?baz');

How do I properly use RegExp in JavaScript and PHP? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Learning Regular Expressions [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
How do I properly use RegExp?
var text = "here come dat boi o shit waddup";
var exmaple = /[a-zA-Z0-9 ]/; // allowes a-zA-Z0-9 and whitespaces but nothing else right?
example.test(test); // would return true right?
text = "%coconut$ยง=";
example.test(text); // would return false right?
//I know this is very basic - I started learnig all this about week ago
Are JS RegExp's the same as PHP RegExp's?
How do I define banned characters instead of defining allowed characters?
How do I make it so that the var text has to contain 3 (or more) numbers/letters?
How do I include / or ",'$ etc. in my pattern?
Use ^ character (i.e. [^abc] will exclude a, b and c)
Use [A-Za-z]{3} for letters and \d{3} for digits. If you want 3 or more, use \d{3,}
Use escape character (\/, \', \", '\$')

