Express node.js - Does the render function has a promise? - javascript

After rendering my index.html (which works fine), I would like to send some additional data via sockets. For that, I would need a promise for the rendering process. At the moment, the code runs synchron. The socket data is sent and moments later the data is overwritten due to the later ending rendering process. Looking for something like:
res.render('index', {title: "XYZ"})
//.. do something
Is there a different approach? Or is the only solution to ask for the data via the client?
Thanks for any help!

Does the render function has a promise?
The documentation doesn't mention one, so presumably not.
For that, I would need a promise for the rendering process.
Not necessarily, just some kind of notification that the data had been sent. Promises are one kind of notification, but not the only kind.
The docmentation shows that render will call a callback function with the rendered HTML, so you could use that callback to send the HTML along with whatever you want to have follow it:
res.render("index", {title: "XYZ"}, function (err, html) {
if (err) {
// ...send an error response...
// ...send your other stuff here...
But if you want a promise, you could use util.promisify on res.render. It's a bit of a pain because promisify doesn't make handling this straightforward, so you have to use bind:
const resRender = util.promisify(res.render.bind(res));
// ...
resRender("index", {title: "XYZ"})
.then(html => {
// ...send your other stuff here...
.catch(err => {
// ...send an error response...
You've said you're sending further information "via sockets." That makes it sound to me like the further information you're sending isn't being sent via the res response, but via a separate channel.
If so, and if you want to wait to send that until the response is sent, you can start your socket sending in response to the finish event on the response:
res.on("finish", () => {
// Send your socket message here
res.render("index", {title: "XYZ"});
(Remember that an Express Response object is an enhanced version of the Node.js ServerResponse object, which is what provides this event.)
But even then, all that means is that the data has been handed over to the OS for transmission to the client. From the documentation:
...this event is emitted when the last segment of the response headers and body have been handed off to the operating system for transmission over the network. It does not imply that the client has received anything yet.
I don't think you have anything beyond that to hook into.


Should I return a promise in a JS Service Worker onFetch callback function if I don't want to do anything with the original request?

My scenario is the following:
I have a Progressive Web App that uses a Service Worker where I need to catch the request and do something with it every time the user requests a resource or leaves the current URL
I'm handling that through adding a callback to the fetch event of the worker
I only care about requested resources within our domain (e.g.
If the requested resource is within our domain I return the promise result from a regular fetch, so that's already covered
But, if the requested resource is outside my domain (as shown in the below snippet) I want the original request to just continue
I'm currently just doing a simple return if the scenario in bullet 5 is true
Snippet of my current code:
function onFetch(event) {
if (!event.request.url.startsWith("")) {
} else {
.then(req => {
// doing something with the request
.catch((error)=> {
// handle errors etc.
.finally(()=> {
// cleanup
self.addEventListener('fetch', onFetch);
My question: Is it OK if I just return nothing like in the snippet, or, do I need to return something specific, like a new promise by fetching the original request (like I'm doing on the else block)?
It is absolutely okay to do what you're doing. Not calling event.respondWith() is a signal to the browser that a given fetch handler is not going to generate a response to a given request, and you can structure your code to return early to avoid calling event.respondWith().
You might have multiple fetch handlers registered, and if the first one returns without calling event.respondWith(), the next fetch handler will then get a chance to respond. If all of the fetch handlers have executed and none of them call event.respondWith(), the browser will automatically handle the request as if there were no service worker at all, which is what you want.
In terms of observed behavior, not calling event.respondWith() at all ends up looking similar to what would happen if you called event.respondWith(event.request). But there is overhead involved in making a fetch() request inside of a service worker and then passing the response body from the service worker thread back to the main program, and you avoid that overhead if you don't call event.respondWith(). So, I'd recommend the approach you're taking.

How to create a loading animation using "response.send()", then change it to the result of a promise after it is resolved?

I am trying to create a loading animation using "response.send()" (could be response.sendFile() too), and then to change the content of "response.send()" with the results of a promise after it is resolved.
app.get("/image/:id", async (request, response) => {
serveImage( => {
I keep getting the following error.
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]:
Cannot set headers after they are sent to the client
How can I circumvent this?
You can't send more that one response with Express' response.send(). You can call response.write() more than once, but most clients will be waiting for the end of the response before communicating the result back to your code anyway, so unless you have a very special type of client, that probably won't help either.
What you should probably do is to have the client itself put up the loading... when it makes the request and then when it gets the final result, it can take that down and display the result. Make that part of the presentation be controlled by the client itself rather than the server.
Actually you cannot write res.send twice in one route.
For your use case you'll have to use response.write and then response.end for the second call
So you can write like this
app.get("/image/:id", async (request, response) => {
serveImage( => {

How to effectively .then chain on client with .catch?

I have the following .then example chain in my React Native client code, currently without a .catch because I am looking for advice on how to set it up:
await getUserInfo(userId, JSON.stringify(ratingsQueryRatingType), 1)
.then(async userRatingData => {
await findMatchHistory(userId, '', 3)
.then(async matchHistoryData => {
These functions make calls to my NodeJS server. The NodeJS server then sends back the data.
I am trying to find out how I can effectively send back an error from the server to the client, and have the .catch part in the client handle that (e.g. with Alert.alert(error)).
I tried to throw an error on my server as follows but then on my server I get Unhandled promise rejection. It appears that it does not send the error back to client.
// Other code before this part
if (response==='Success') {
return res.status(200).json({'status': 'success'})
} else {
throw 'Match record was not confirmed successfully'
Or is it common practice to send response objects from the server (instead of Errors) and then handling those on the client with some kind of if-statement, such as the following?
if (results['status']==='success') {
// Code
} else if (results['status']==='failure') {
// Code
I do read about .then chaining with .catch being an attractive option so it feels like this would not be the correct solution..
I think we should send error-codes to the client instead of sending message although you can do it too. you can check the status code based on the error occurred on the backend ->
Also, on client side you can use interceptor and create an error-handler service layer and based on the code you will be sending to the client side you can handle that. you can follow these steps to setup one for your app :
And, On the backend side if there is an error try logging it to log files on your server.
// Other code before this part
if (response==='Success') {
return res.status(200).json({'status': 'success'})
} else {
res.status(based on what happened on server).json({'status': 'failure'})
For .then channing instead you should use async/await. for better understanding how to use them and convert chain to asyn/await. This doc contains the step-by-step guide:

How to return multiple updates of a JSON using expressjs and nodejs

I have a server side task that takes some time to compute, and I'd like to periodically send updates to the client. I store and send the information as an object (via JSON), and it isn't an array where I can send data sequentially. Rather, I want to send some new information, and update others as the calculation continues.
From other posts on here I realize that:
response.json(object) is a nice and easy way to send an object json in one go, with headers set and everything. However, this - like response.send() - terminates the connection:
var app = express()
app.get('/', (request, response) => {
response.json( { hello:world } );
Alternatively, one could set the headers manually, and then use response.write with JSON.stringify
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
response.write(JSON.stringify({ hello:world } ));
The above two methods work for sending an object in one go, but ideally what I'd like to do is send incremental updates to my object. E.g.
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
response.write( JSON.stringify( { hello:[world], foo:bar } ) );
// perform some operations
response.write( JSON.stringify( { hello:[world, anotherWorld], foo:cat } ) );
However, what is happening on the clientside is:
After the first response.write, the client receives { hello:[world], foo:bar } but does not trigger my callback
After the second response.write, I can see the data received is { hello:[world], foo:bar }{ hello:[world, anotherWorld], foo:cat } still does not trigger my callback
My callback is only called after response.end(), and then I get an exception when trying to parse it as JSON, because it isn't a valid JSON anymore, but a bunch of JSONs stuck back to back with no comma or anything: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column XXX of the JSON data.
Ideally my client callback would be triggered upon receiving each write, and it would remove that bit of data from the buffer so to speak, so the next incoming json would be standalone.
Is what I want to do possible? If so, how?
My fetch code btw:
.then(response => response.json()) // parse the JSON from the server
.then(returnInfo => {
For your use-case, you can consider using WebSockets to deliver incremental updates to your UI. There are 3 stages of WebSockets connections. Connect, message and disconnect. One page load your front-end maintains persistent connection with backend. You can send first JSON data on connect and then when your backend has updates, send data in your message call back. I have written a blog post that implements WebSockets using Python and Javascript. However, you can implement similar logic using NodeJS

Is there a way to send response from server even if no callback is provided from client side?

Issue clarification
When we use .emit() or .send() and we also want to confirm message reception (so called acknowledgements) we simply write something like this:
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback);
What this question is all about is a callback part. That's the great stuff as it allows to generally send back some data as a response with no extra events emitted. All that server needs to do is to handle the request in a proper way:
socket.on('someEvent', (payload, callback) => {
That works just fine when we deal with a success case. But what shall we do in these cases:
1) Callback was not sent from the client side / callback's not a function and there's a need to respond from the server side with something like 'Error: no callback is provided. Usage: ...'
Client side - socket.emit('someEvent'); or socket.emit('someEvent', 1);
Server side - socket.on('someEvent', callback => callback());
2) While handling the request something went wrong (e.g. an unsuccessful validation result) and we need to report this in a way like: 'No payload is provided or it is invalid'
Server side -
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback => {
Client side - socket.on('someEvent', invalidPayload, callback);
Question: is there a mechanism to create custom callback from responder's side?
My workings and workarounds
1) As for the missing callback or that one which is not a function I've concluded that I can only validate it and then invoke it only in case of its validity. So the server side is undergoing some changes:
socket.emit('someEvent', callback => callback instanceof Function && callback()); //check callback correctness
Pros: there won't be an internal error if a callback is not a function as expected.
Cons: in case of invalid callback a client won't be noticed about it.
2) As for the case when we need to send some error back I've only found a workaround to return a specific, agreed in advance, falsy value like null so that it means that no data can be returned.
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback => {
callback(someData || null); //send falsy, error-like value instead
Pros: a client will be noticed about some error by getting null.
Cons: from server side there's no simple middleware function that validates the input data and returns error before the main logic is being executed.
I've thought about middlewares for reaching the needed functionality, but there's no, so to say, 'event level middlewares' yet, only on the whole namespace and socket levels. Shall I try to filter events by their names on the socket level to attach the needed functionality and send error in a way like next(new Error(...));? In this case there can be a work with error event listening, I guess. / versions used: 2.3.0
1) Callback was not sent from the client side / callback's not a function and there's a need to respond from the server side with something like 'Error: no callback is provided. Usage: ...'
The client and server have to agree how to do this. If the client doesn't provide a callback, then the server argument will be undefined so you can detect that from the server.
So, the proper way to do it is this:
// client
socket.emit('someMsg', someData, function(response) {
console.log(`Got ${response} from server`);
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
fn("got your data");
So, if the client does not pass the callback, then fn on the server side will be undefined. So, you are correct to test for that before calling it.
2) As for the case when we need to send some error back I've only found a workaround to return a specific, agreed in advance, falsy value like null so that it means that no data can be returned.
Yes, you have to agree in advance how to send an error back. The cleanest way to send an error back would probably be to wrap your response in an object and use a .error property on that object.
// client
socket.emit('someMsg', someData, function(response) {
if (response.error) {
console.log(`Got error ${response.error} from server`);
} else {
console.log(`Got data ${} from server`);
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
// no error here
fn({error: null, data: "Got your message"});
What you're seeing here is that is not really a request/response type protocol and has tried to shoehorn in a bit of a response around which you have to build your own structure.
Or, you can send an error object if there's an error:
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
// send an error here
fn({error: new Error("xxx Error")});
From server side there's no simple middleware function that validates the input data and returns error before the main logic is being executed.
I don't really understand what you're trying to use middleware for or to validate? the only place this data is present is on your message handler so any server-side validation you want to do on what the client sent needs to be there. You can certainly do that validation before you've send a response.
Shall I try to filter events by their names on the socket level to attach the needed functionality and send error in a way like next(new Error(...));? In this case there can be a work with error event listening, I guess. doesn't work like Express and I don't really see why you'd try to make it work that way. There is no next() involved in receiving a message so I'm not sure what you're trying to do there. There is an option for middleware when the connection is first made, but not for subsequent messages sent over that connection.
Is there a way to send response from server even if no callback is provided from client side?
If the client does not provide a callback, then the only way to send a response back to the client would be to send another message. But, the whole point of sending a response is if you have a cooperating client that is listening and expecting a response so the client may as well use the callback if they want the response. If the client doesn't want the response and won't code anything to receive it, there's nothing you can do about that.

