Websocket event receiving old redux state in React app - javascript

I am building a Chat application using Reactjs and Redux. I have 2 components called ChatHeads and ChatBox which get mounted side-by-side at the same time.
In the ChatHeads component, the selection of User (to whom you want to chat with) is possible and this selection is stored in the redux store as chatInfo.
ChatHeads Component:
function ChatHeads(props) {
const {
} = props;
const [chatHeads, setChatHeads] = useState([]);
const handleChatHeadSelect = (chatHead, newChat = false) => {
isNewChat: newChat,
chatId: chatHead.chat._id,
chatUser: chatHead.user
const loadChatHeads = async () => {
const response = await services.getRecentChats(userId, userInfo);
useEffect(() => loadChatHeads(), [userInfo]);
return (
export default connect(
(state) => {
return {
userInfo: state.userInfo,
userId: (state.userInfo && state.userInfo.user && state.userInfo.user._id) || null,
selectedChat: (state.chatInfo && state.chatInfo.chat && state.chatInfo.chat._id) || null
Chat Actions & Reducers:
const initialState = {
isNewChat: false,
chatId: '',
chatUser: {},
const chatReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
let newState;
switch (action.type) {
case actions.CHAT_SELECT:
newState = { ...action.payload };
newState = state;
return newState;
export const selectChat = (payload) => ({
type: actions.CHAT_SELECT,
In the ChatBox component, I am establishing a socket connection to the server and based on chatInfo object from the global store & ws events, I perform some operations.
ChatBox Component:
let socket;
function ChatBox(props) {
const { chatInfo } = props;
const onWSMessageEvent = (event) => {
console.log('onWSMessageEvent => chatInfo', chatInfo);
// handling event
useEffect(() => {
socket = services.establishSocketConnection(userId);
socket.addEventListener('message', onWSMessageEvent);
return () => {
}, []);
return (
// IF selectedChatId
export default connect((state) => {
return {
chatInfo: state.chatInfo
}, null)(ChatBox);
After both the components are rendered, I am selecting a user in the ChatHeads components.
Using the Redux DevTools, I was able to observe that the chatInfo object has been populated properly.
chatInfo: {
isNewChat: false,
chatId: '603326f141ee33ee7cac02f4',
chatUser: {
_id: '602a9e589abf272613f36925',
email: 'user2#mail.com',
firstName: 'user',
lastName: '2',
createdOn: '2021-02-15T16:16:24.100Z',
updatedOn: '2021-02-15T16:16:24.100Z'
Now, whenever the 'message' event gets triggered in the ChatBox component, my expectation is that the chatInfo property should have the latest values. But, I am always getting the initialState instead of the updated ones.
chatInfo: {
isNewChat: false,
chatId: '',
chatUser: {}
What am I missing here? Please suggest...

The reason for this behaviour is that when you declare your callback
const { chatInfo } = props;
const onWSMessageEvent = (event) => {
console.log('onWSMessageEvent => chatInfo', chatInfo);
// handling event
it remembers what chatInfo is right at this moment of declaration (which is the initial render). It doesn't matter to the callback that the value is updated inside the store and inside the component render scope, what matters is the callback scope and what chatInfo is referring to when you declare the callback.
If you want to create a callback that can always read the latest state/props, you can instead keep the chatInfo inside a mutable reference.
const { chatInfo } = props;
// 1. create the ref, set the initial value
const chatInfoRef = useRef(chatInfo);
// 2. update the current ref value when your prop is updated
useEffect(() => chatInfoRef.current = chatInfo, [chatInfo]);
// 3. define your callback that can now access the current prop value
const onWSMessageEvent = (event) => {
console.log('onWSMessageEvent => chatInfo', chatInfoRef.current);
You can check this codesandbox to see the difference between using ref and using the prop directly.
You can consult the docs about stale props and useRef docs
Broadly speaking, the issue is that you're trying to manage a global subscription (socket connection) inside a much more narrow-scope component.
Another solution without useRef would look like
useEffect(() => {
socket = services.establishSocketConnection(userId);
socket.addEventListener('message', (message) => handleMessage(message, chatInfo));
return () => {
}, [chatInfo]);
In this case the message event handler is passed the necessary information through arguments, and the useEffect hook re-runs every time we get a new chatInfo.
However, this probably doesn't align with your goals unless you want to open a separate socket for each chat and close the socket every time you switch to a different chat.
Thus, the "proper" solution would entail moving the socket interaction up in your project. One hint is that you are using userId to open the socket, which means that it's supposed to run once you know your userId, not once the user selects a chat.
To move the interaction up, you could store incoming messages in a redux store and pass the messages to the ChatBox component through props. Or you could create connect to the socket in ChatHeads component and pass the messages down to the ChatBox. Something like
function ChatHeads(props) {
const {
} = props;
const [chatHeads, setChatHeads] = useState([]);
const loadChatHeads = async () => {
const response = await services.getRecentChats(userId, userInfo);
useEffect(() => loadChatHeads(), [userInfo]);
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
socket = services.establishSocketConnection(userId);
socket.addEventListener('message', (msg) => setMessages(messages.concat(msg)));
}, [userId]);
return () => socket.close();
return (
// render your current chat and pass the messages as props
Or you could create a reducer and dispatch a chatActions.newMessage event and then the messages get to the current chat using redux.
The main point is that if you need chatInfo to open the socket, then every time chatInfo changes, you might have to open a new socket, so it makes sense to add the dependency to the useEffect hook. If it only depends on userId, then move it up to where you get the userId and connect to the socket there.


How to immediately rerender child component after updating the sessionStorage using custom hook

My goal is to build a simple product review system using React, Next.JS and the browser's sessionStorage.
The user should be able to click on a button to "Add a review". This action will trigger the display of a text area and a submit button. Once the user click the submit button, the review content should be persisted in the sessionStorage and immediately showed up in a list of reviews.
My problem is that although I can update the sessionStorage after submitting the review, the app is not displaying the list of existing reviews right away.
If I leave the page and get back, the reviews will be shown up, meaning my custom hook seems to be working fine.
Here's the ReviewForm.tsx code:
export const ReviewForm: React.FC<Props> = ({ productId }): JSX.Element => {
const [showForm, setShowForm] = useState<boolean>(false);
const [storedValues, setStoredValues] = useSessionStorage<SessionStorage[]>(
const registerReview = (event: any) => {
const reviewText = event.target.review.value;
const productIndex = storedValues?.findIndex(
(review) => review.productId === productId
if (productIndex === -1 || productIndex === undefined) {
setStoredValues([...storedValues!, { productId, reviews: [reviewText] }]);
} else {
const reviews = [...storedValues![productIndex].reviews, reviewText];
const updatedReviews = [...storedValues!];
updatedReviews[productIndex].reviews = reviews;
return (
<div className={styles.reviewsContainer}>
onClick={() => setShowForm(true)}
<span>Add a review</span>
{showForm && (
onSubmit={(event) => registerReview(event)}
<textarea className={styles.reviewInput} name="review" required />
<button className={styles.reviewSubmitButton} type="submit">
<ReviewList productId={productId} />
And here's the ReviewList.tsx component, rendered inside ReviewForm.tsx:
export const ReviewList: React.FC<Props> = ({ productId }): JSX.Element => {
const [reviews, _] = useSessionStorage<SessionStorage[]>(
const productReviews = reviews?.find(
(review) => review.productId === productId
return (
{productReviews?.map((review) => (
<li key={Math.random() * 10000}>{review}</li>
Lastly, here's my custom hook useSessionStorage:
export const useSessionStorage = <T>(
key: string,
initialValue?: T
): SessionStorage<T> => {
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState<T | undefined>(() => {
if (!initialValue) return;
try {
const value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return value ? JSON.parse(value) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
useEffect(() => {
if (storedValue) {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(storedValue));
} catch (error) {
}, [storedValue, key]);
return [storedValue, setStoredValue];
The title of my question says "how to rerender child component" because I noticed if I completely delete the ReviewList.tsx component, bringing all its render logic inside the ReviewForm.tsx, my application will behave as expected.
So maybe the problem is related with this relation between components?
Any advice is welcome.
The problem
The problem is in your useSessionStorage hook. It is not actually synchronized with the session storage, because the state is actually stored with useState, it is only populated on mount.
How does it work in your case:
You initialize FIRST STATE using useState (inside custom useSessionStorage hook) with current session storage value on component mount at ReviewList.tsx
You initialize SECOND STATE using useState (inside custom useSessionStorage hook) with current session storage value on component mount at ReviewForm.tsx
You mutate SECOND STATE and push the changes to session storage with useEffect
So FIRST STATE is not updated with the new value until you re-mount the component.
Solution 1 (Will work only for sync between different browser tabs)
We need to reverse the flow of data from useState -> sessionStorage to sessionStorage -> useState
export const useSessionStorage = <T>(
key: string,
initialValue?: T
): SessionStorage<T> => {
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = useState<T | undefined>(() => {
if (!initialValue) return;
try {
const value = sessionStorage.getItem(key);
return value ? JSON.parse(value!) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
const setStorageValue = useCallback((newValue: T) => {
try {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(newValue));
} catch (error) {
}, []);
/** This `useEffect` will make sure `storedValue` is always in sync with the `sessionStorage` */
useEffect(() => {
const listenToStorageEvent = (event: StorageEvent) => {
if (event.storageArea === sessionStorage && event.key === key) {
try {
const newValue = JSON.parse(event.newValue!);
if (storedValue !== newValue) {
} catch (error) {
window.addEventListener("storage", listenToStorageEvent);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("storage", listenToStorageEvent);
}, [key]);
// We expose `setStorageValue` which works with `sessionStorage` instead of `setStoredValue` which works with local state
return [storedValue, setStorageValue];
Solution 2
Use custom events to be able to sync the same tab too
Solution 3
Parse the whole session storage on application start and put it as a state into a context. After that, on each "set" update both the context state and the sessionStorage. This solution has a lot of disadvantages like error proneness due to manual state to session storage synchronization, excessive re-rendering of the whole component tree under session storage provider on each storage value update. So I will not even add code examples here.

React - Update non stateful data inside reducer

I am implementing a context that manages all the messages of a conversation.
To reduce the complexity of my algorithm, I have decided to use a Map "sectionsRef" for accessing some stuff in O(1).
This map, needs to be updated inside my reducer's logic, where I update the stateful data, in order to synchronize both.
export function MessagesProvider({ children }) {
const [messages, dispatch] = useReducer(messagesReducer, initialState);
const sectionsRef = useMemo(() => new Map(), []);
const addMessages = (messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(actionCreators.addMessages(messages, unshift));
const addMessage = (message) => addMessages([message]);
const deleteMessage = (messageId) => {
const value = useMemo(() => ({
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}), [messages]);
return (
<MessagesContext.Provider value={value}>
As you can see, I am using useMemo when initializing the Map in order to prevent re-initializations due to re-renders.
Is it correct to pass it as a payload to my reducer actions?
const addMessages = (messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(actionCreators.addMessages(messages, unshift, sectionsRef)); <---
To simplify my problem, imagine this is the real code:
// Reducer action
function reducerAction(state, messages, sectionsRef, title) {
sectionsRef.set(title, state.length - 1);
// Context code
const state = [];
const firstMessagesSection = [{ id: 1 }];
const secondMessagesSection = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]
const sectionsRef = new Map();
reducerAction(state, firstMessagesSection, sectionsRef, "first section");
reducerAction(state, secondMessagesSection, sectionsRef, "second section");
console.log(sectionsRef.get("second section"));
I am asking this because I have read that we shouldn't run side effects inside the reducers logic... so, if I need to synchronize that map with the state, what should I do instead?
Is it correct to pass it as a payload to my reducer actions?
No: reducers must be pure functions.
Redux describes reducers using a short list which I think is very useful:
Rules of Reducers​
We said earlier that reducers must always follow some special rules:
They should only calculate the new state value based on the state and action arguments
They are not allowed to modify the existing state. Instead, they must make immutable updates, by copying the existing state and making changes to the copied values.
They must not do any asynchronous logic or other "side effects"
The second and third items together describe pure functions, and the first one is just a Redux-specific convention.
In your example, you are violating two rules of pure functions:
mutating state with state.push(...messages) (rather than creating a new array and returning it), and
performing side-effects by modifying a variable in the outer scope: sectionsRef.set(title, state.length - 1)
Further, you seem to never use the Map (how is it accessed in your program?). It should be included in your context, and you can simply define it outside your component (its identity will never change so it won't cause a re-render).
Here's how you can refactor your code to achieve your goal:
Keep the reducer data pure:
// store.js
export function messagesReduer (messages, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD': {
const {payload, unshift} = action;
return unshift ? [...payload, ...messages] : [...messages, ...payload];
case 'DELETE': {
const {payload} = action;
return messages.filter(m => m.id !== payload);
export const creators = {};
creators.add = (messages, unshift = false) => ({type: 'ADD', payload: messages, unshift});
creators.delete = (id) => ({type: 'DELETE', payload: id});
export const sections = new Map();
Update the Map at the same that you dispatch an action to the related state by combining those operations in a function:
// MessagesContext.jsx
import {
} from 'react';
import {
} from './store';
export const MessagesContext = createContext();
export function MessagesProvider ({ children }) {
const [messages, dispatch] = useReducer(messagesReducer, []);
const addMessages = useCallback((title, messages, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(creators.add(messages, unshift));
sections.set(title, messages.length);
}, [creators.add, dispatch, messages]);
const addMessage = useCallback((title, message, unshift = false) => {
dispatch(creators.add([message], unshift));
sections.set(title, messages.length);
}, [creators.add, dispatch, messages]);
const deleteMessage = useCallback((id) => {
}, [creators.delete, dispatch]);
const value = useMemo(() => ({
}), [
return (
<MessagesContext.Provider value={value}>
Use the context:
// App.jsx
import {useContext} from 'react';
import {MessagesContext, MessagesProvider} from './MessagesContext';
function Messages () {
const {
// addMessage,
// addMessages,
// deleteMessage,
// sections,
} = useContext(MessagesContext);
return (
messages.map(({id}, index) => (
<li key={id}>Message no. {index + 1}: ID {id}</li>
export function App () {
return (
<Messages />
Additional notes:
Make sure your dependency lists (e.g. in useMemo, etc.) are exhaustive. Those lint warnings are there to help prevent you from making mistakes. In general, you should never need to suppress them.

Props defined by async function by Parent in UseEffect passed to a child component don't persist during its UseEffect's clean-up

Please consider the following code:
const Messages = (props) => {
const [targetUserId, setTargetUserId] = useState(null);
const [currentChat, setCurrentChat] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const { userId } = props;
const initiateChat = async (targetUser) => {
const chatroom = `${
userId < targetUser
? `${userId}_${targetUser}`
: `${targetUser}_${userId}`
const chatsRef = doc(database, 'chats', chatroom);
const docSnap = await getDoc(chatsRef);
if (docSnap.exists()) {
} else {
await setDoc(chatsRef, { empty: true });
if (props.location.targetUser) {
}, [props]);
return (
<Chat currentChat={currentChat} />
const Chat = (props) => {
const {currentChat} = props;
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeFromChat = () => {
try {
collection(database, 'chats', currentChat, 'messages'),
(snapshot) => {
// ... //
} catch (error) {
return () => {
}, []);
The issue I'm dealing with is that Child's UseEffect clean up function, which depends on the chatroom prop passed from its parent, throws a TypeError error because apparently chatroom is null. Namely, it becomes null when the parent component unmounts, the component works just fine while it's mounted and props are recognized properly.
I've tried different approaches to fix this. The only way I could make this work if when I moved child component's useEffect into the parent component and defined currentChat using useRef() which honestly isn't ideal.
Why is this happening? Shouldn't useEffect clean-up function depend on previous state? Is there a proper way to fix this?
currentChat is a dependency of that effect. If it's null, the the unsubscribe should just early return.
const {currentChat} = props;
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribeFromChat = () => {
if(!currentChat) return;
try {
collection(database, 'chats', currentChat, 'messages'),
(snapshot) => {
// ... //
} catch (error) {
return () => {
}, [currentChat]);
But that doesn't smell like the best solution. I think you should handle all the subscribing/unsubscribing in the same component. You shouldn't subscribe in the parent and then unsubscribe in the child.
Ah, there's a bunch of stuff going on here that's not good. You've got your userId coming in from props - props.location.targetUser.userId and then you're setting it as state. It's NOT state, it's only a prop. State is something a component owns, some data that a component has created, some data that emanates from that component, that component is it's source of truth (you get the idea). If your component didn't create it (like userId which is coming in on props via the location.targetUser object) then it's not state. Trying to keep the prop in sync with state and worry about all the edge cases is a fruitless exercise. It's just not state.
Also, it's a codesmell to have [props] as a dependency of an effect. You should split out the pieces of props that that effect actually needs to detect changes in and put them in the dependency array individually.

How to re-render component after update hash correctly with useEffect?

I have a component that uses action and repository to request data from rails server and then render it in component, it returns promise, that I've handle and render:
const {loadNews} = props;
const [news, setNews] = useState([]);
const [newsState, setNewsState] = useState('active');
const [pageNum, setPageNum] = useState(1);
where {loadNews} - function, that imports from parent component; Others are state, where:
news - array with news, that map's in different component in render;
newsState- news field state (e.g. 'active', or 'past');
pageNum- pagination state for adding more news in component;
I'm use he next code for update state:
const locationHashChanged = () => {
if (window.location.hash === "#state-active") {
else if (window.location.hash == "#state-played") {
window.onhashchange = locationHashChanged;
const changeHash = () => {
loadNews({pageNum, newsState});
const incrementPage = () => {
setPageNum(pageNum + 1);
loadNews({pageNum, newsState});
useEffect(() => {
loadNews({pageNum, newsState})
.then((response) => {
const {data} = response;
.catch((response) => {
}, [pageNum, newsState]);
If I just use incrementPage function - it works fine - it just add more news with previous array of news and update state. But, I see that state is updated, but array is not.
Expected behaviour - when I click on link in Header component (external component), that changes hash in this component ('active' or 'past' fields) and these news should reload with correct fields(active or past). But now I see no changes. How can I fix it? Thanks!

React - useSelector not updated after dispatch

I have a method which would use the value from useSelector and another dispatch which would update my value from the useSelector, however, it seems the value does not get updated after dispatch, for example
const userProfile = (props) => {
const hasValidationError = useSelector(state => {
const dispatch = useDispatch():
const updateProfile = async (userId) => {
dispatch(startValidation()); // <-- this would change the hasValidationError in state
if (hasValidationError) {
console.log('should not update user');
await updateUser(userId);
} else {
conosole.log('can update user');
The hasValidationError would always be false, even if the value did changed from state, how could I get the updated value immediately after dispatch(startValidation()) ?
I also tried something different, like creating a local state value to monitor my global state by using useState() and useEffect()
const [canUpdateUser, setCanUpdateUser] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('useEffect hasValidationError :>> ', hasValidationError);
}, [hasValidationError]);
Then use canUpdateUser as my conditional flag in updateProfile (if (canUpdateUser)), however, this seems to work only the first time when validation triggers, but after that, the canUpdateUser value is always the old value from my updateProfile again...
How could I resolve this? Is there any way to ensure getting updated value from global state after certain dispatch fires?
Could you maybe try from a slightly different approach (combining both) since it seems you want to be listening on changes of hasValidationError, using a useEffect with a dependency on that variable can maybe resolve your issue.
const userProfile = (props) => {
const { hasValidationError } = useSelector(state => state);
const dispatch = useDispatch():
const [userId, setUserId] = useState();
const updateProfile = async (userId) => {
useEffect(() => {
if (hasValidationError) {
console.log('should not update user');
await updateUser(userId);
} else {
conosole.log('can update user');
}, [hasValidationError]);

