Meteor call result has undefined instance variables - javascript

The server has a Meteor Method that returns a GiftList object that contains a Gift set.
The client has a Meteor Call that prints out the result. The Gift set is undefined even though it is initialised and sent by the server. The instance variables don't seem to be included in the response even though the server has sent it.
Gift List
import {Gift} from "../gift/Gift";
export class GiftList {
private _id: number;
private _personName:string;
private _user: User;
private _gifts: Set<Gift>;
get id(): number {
return this._id;
set id(value: number) {
this._id = value;
get personName(): string {
return this._personName;
set personName(value: string) {
this._personName = value;
get user(): User {
return this._user;
set user(value: User) {
this._user = value;
get gifts(): Set<Gift> {
return this._gifts;
set gifts(value: Set<Gift>) {
this._gifts = value;
import {GiftList} from "../giftlist/GiftList";
export class Gift {
private _id: number;
private _name: string;
private _description: string;
private _isPrivate: boolean;
private _cost: number;
private _giftList: GiftList;
get id(): number {
return this._id;
set id(value: number) {
this._id = value;
get name(): string {
return this._name;
set name(value: string) {
this._name = value;
get description(): string {
return this._description;
set description(value: string) {
this._description = value;
get isPrivate(): boolean {
return this._isPrivate;
set isPrivate(value: boolean) {
this._isPrivate = value;
get cost(): number {
return this._cost;
set cost(value: number) {
this._cost = value;
get giftList(): GiftList {
return this._giftList;
set giftList(value: GiftList) {
this._giftList = value;
Server - Meteor Method
"getGiftLists": function (): GiftList[] {
const giftList: GiftList = new GiftList(); = new Set();
const gift: Gift = new Gift(); "Example gift";
gift.description = "Description of gift";;
// I've printed the value here and the gift list definitely contains gifts as expected.
return [giftList]
Client - Meteor Call"getGiftLists", {}, (err: any, res: GiftList[]) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.dir(res); // Defined
console.log(res.length) // 1
console.dir(res[0].gifts); // Undefined
Why is the Gift set undefined?

I believe the problem here is that Metoer's EJSON doesn't know how to serialize a Set to be sent to the client. EJSON provides a way to define new types and how they should be serialized and de-serialized. Have a look at the EJSON docs.


Cannot set property 'id' of undefined when trying to get a object

I am having an issue when I try to get a specified user from Firebase, Firestore.
export class TaskService {
tasksCollection: AngularFirestoreCollection<Task>;
taskDoc: AngularFirestoreDocument<Task>;
tasks: Observable<Task[]>;
task: Observable<Task>;
constructor(private afs: AngularFirestore) {
this.tasksCollection = this.afs.collection('tasks', ref => ref.orderBy('title', 'asc'));
getTask(id: string): Observable<Task> {
this.taskDoc = this.afs.doc<Task>(`clients/${id}`);
this.task = this.taskDoc.snapshotChanges().pipe(map(action => {
if (action.payload.exists === false) {
return null;
} else {
const data = as Task; =;
return data;
return this.task;
And this is my Component.ts file
export class TaskDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
id: string;
task: Task;
hasHours = false;
showHoursOnUpdate: false;
private taskService: TaskService,
private router: Router,
private route: ActivatedRoute
) { }
ngOnInit() {
// Get id from url =;
// Get client
this.taskService.getTask( => {
if (task != null) {
if (task.hours > 0) {
this.hasHours = true;
this.task = task;
The result for id is good.
But the result for object (task) is undefined.
I also have functions for getting all the users and adding a new user, so if that's relevant please let me know in the comments
Your line of code =;
In this case id is not a table column but it's your document id by Firestore
Here an example of firestore
So your Id in this case is the red one and not the blue one.

Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature BinaryTree Type Script

I'm trying to implement binary search tree in Type Script using generic types. However I have an issue with adding child in node, because there is an error when parent.leftChild(newNode) - "Cannot invoke an expression whose type is lacks a call signature. Type Node has no compatible call signatures."
export { };
class Node <T> {
private _key: number;
private _data: T;
private _leftChild: Node <T>;
private _rightChild: Node <T>;
constructor(key: number, data: T) {
this._key = key;
this._data = data;
get key(): number {
return this._key;
get data(): T {
return this._data;
get leftChild(): Node <T> {
return this._leftChild;
get rightChild(): Node <T> {
return this._rightChild;
set leftChild(child: Node <T>) {
this._leftChild = child;
set rightChild(child: Node <T>) {
this._rightChild = child;
class BinaryTree <H> {
private _root: Node<H>;
public addNode(key: number, data: H): void {
const newNode: Node <H> = new Node <H> (key, data);
if (this._root == null) {
this._root = newNode;
} else {
let focusNode: Node <H> = this._root;
let parent: Node <H>;
while (true) {
parent = focusNode;
if (key < focusNode.key) {
focusNode = focusNode.leftChild;
if (focusNode == null) {

TypeScript: Recursively creating complex objects

Using Angular & TypeScript, we can use generics and all the Compile-goodness to assure some sort of type-safety. But if we are using for example the HTTP-Service, we don't get a specific objec but just parsed JSON. For example, we have some generic methods doing that:
public get<T>(relativeUrl: string): Promise<T> {
const completeUrlPromise = this.createCompleteUrl(relativeUrl);
const requestOptions = this.createRequestOptions(ContentType.ApplicationJson, true);
return completeUrlPromise.then(completeUrl => {
return this.processResponse<T>(this.http.get(completeUrl, requestOptions));
private processResponse<T>(response: Observable<Response>): Promise<T> {
const mappedResult =;
const result = mappedResult.toPromise();
return result;
private extractData(res: Response): any {
let body;
if (!Array.isArray(res)) {
if (res.text()) {
body = res.json();
} else {
body = res;
if (!JsObjUtilities.isNullOrUndefined(body)) {
return body;
return {};
Ultimately, the generic type is useless this way, since we just get the JSON. If the generic object has methods or properties not in the JSON, they are lost.
To avoid this, we added the possibility to pass a constructor-function to truly create the object:
private processResponse<T>(response: Observable<Response>, ctor: IParameterlessConstructor<T> | null = null): Promise<T> {
let mappedResult =;
if (ctor) {
mappedResult = => {
const newObj = JsObjFactory.create(f, ctor);
return newObj;
const result = mappedResult.toPromise();
return result;
And the JsObjFactory looking like this:
export class JsObjFactory {
public static create<T>(source: any, ctorFn: IParameterlessConstructor<T>): T {
const result = new ctorFn();
this.mapDefinedProperties(source, result);
return result;
private static mapDefinedProperties<T>(source: Object, target: T): void {
const properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target);
properties.forEach(propKey => {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {
target[propKey] = source[propKey];
This works well for shallow objects, but doesn't work, if a property is also a complex type with a constructor. As there are no types at runtime, the best bet I have currently is to kindahow parse the properties, check if classes exist and then create them. But this seems to be very error-prone and cumbersome.
Since I'm always certain, I'm not the only person with this issues, are there solutions, or TypeScript/JavaScript features I'm not aware off, which would help here?
I don't personally do it like this, but it may be what you're looking for.
export interface ICustomer {
Id: number;
Name: string;
Orders: IOrder[];
export class Customer implements ICustomer {
public Id: number;
public Name: string;
public Orders: IOrder[];
constructor(customer: Partial<ICustomer>) {
this.Id = customer.Id || 0;
this.Name = customer.Name || '';
this.Orders = [];
customer.Orders.forEach((order: IOrder) => this.Orders.push(new Order(order)));
//some functions
export interface IOrder {
Id: number;
Weight: number;
Shipmentdate: string;
export class Order implements IOrder {
public Id: number;
public Weight: number;
public Shipmentdate: string;
constructor(order: Partial<IOrder>) {
this.Id = order.Id || 0;
this.Weight = order.Weight || 0;
this.Shipmentdate = order.Shipmentdate || '';
//some functions
This would make the Object (in this case Customer) responsible for instantiating it's known complex types that you pass in. And Order in turn could have its complex types that it instantiates.

listen to object property changes inside array in a service

So basically what I want to achieve is watching/listening objects changing inside of array within an injectable service using setters and getters to manipulate it's data
export class StorageService {
protected items: Array<any> = [];
constructor(private storage: Storage) { => {
StorageService.getGetters().forEach((get) => { => this.items[get] = res);
public static getGetters(): string[] {
return Object.keys(this.prototype).filter(name => {
return typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.prototype, name)["get"] === "function"
get Storage() {
ClearStorage() {;
protected Setter(key: string, value: any): void {
this.items[key] = value;, value);
protected Getter(key: string): any {
return this.items[key];
set User(value: User) {
this.Setter('User', value);
get User(): User {
return this.Getter('User');
where User interface is :
export interface User {
id: number;
role_id: number;
name: string;
email?: string;
now in any component or service/provider I can DI my StorageService so I can access the User getter.
so: = 'testing';
now the name is changed , but I have no way to track that , so I can update my storage!
to update my storage I would do: = 'testing';
storage.User = storage.User;
which is working , but I need a way to listen to any changes happens to the object properties, so I can update my storage...
I searched alot , and all I can find is watching components #Input() , which is not working in my case.
Hopefully I made my point clear.

Extend Property with isDirty

I want to track changes to the properties of my classes in typescript so that I only update the fields in my database which have actually changed. Currently, I am using an array where I add properties when they change and then I iterate through the array to determine what fields changed and need to be updated in the database. However, I would prefer to do this with some sort of isDirty check. My thought is that I would be able to call something like if (property.dirty) then {} to determine if a property has changed.
I remember being able to do something along these lines in, but it's been a while and I can't remember exactly what we did in that codebase.
Is the desired code below possible?
Current Code
class test{
private _ID: Guid;
private _dirty: Array<{}>;
get ID(): Guid {
return this._ID;
set ID(id: Guid) {
if (this._ID != id) {
this._ID = id;
this._dirty.filter(function (f) { return f.Field == "id" }).length > 0 ? this._dirty.filter(function (f) { return f.Field == "id" })[0].Value = id.toString() : this._dirty.push({Field: "id", Value: id});
get Name(): string {
return this._Name;
set Name(name: string) {
if (this._Name != name) {
this._Name = name;
this._DirtyFields.filter(function (f) { return f.Field == "ccseq_name" }).length > 0 ? this._DirtyFields.filter(function (f) { return f.Field == "ccseq_name" })[0].Value = name : this._DirtyFields.push(new EntityField("ccseq_name", name, FieldType.String));
Desired Code
class test{
private _ID: Guid;
get ID(): Guid {
return this._ID;
set ID(id: Guid) {
if (this._ID != id) {
this._ID = id;
this._ID.isDirty = true;
get Name(): string {
return this._Name;
set Name(name: string) {
if (this._Name != name) {
this._Name = name;
this._Name.isDirty = true;
In javascript you can add a property to an object so it's not a problem to do this:
this._ID.dirty = true;
Even when Guid doesn't have this dirty member.
The problem of course is typescript which will complain because of that.
To avoid that you can simply do:
private _ID: Guid & { dirty?: boolean };
Again, javascript already supports it, you can do this:
obj.dirty = true;
For any js type: booleans, strings, arrays and even functions.
But for having support for that in typescript you can do this:
interface Object {
dirty?: boolean;
But be aware that you are adding this to **all* of the objects that you have in your code. As you're not actually changing the prototype it won't have any effect in runtime, but typescript-wise it will effect all instances.
The way I solved this was to create a Field class that I then used as properties in my Objects.
Field Class
export class EntityField {
private _Field: string;
private _Value: any;
private _FType: FieldType;
private _isDirty: boolean;
constructor(field: string, value: any, fType: FieldType) {
this._Field = field;
this._Value = value;
this._FType = fType;
this._isDirty = false;
markClean(): void {
this._isDirty = false;
markDirty(): void {
this._isDirty = true;
get isDirty(): boolean {
return this._isDirty;
get Field(): string {
return this._Field;
set Field(field) {
if (this._Field !== field) {
this._Field = field;
get Value(): any {
return this._Value;
set Value(value: any) {
if (this._Value !== value) {
this._Value = value;
this._isDirty = true;
get FType(): FieldType {
return this._FType;
set FType(fType: FieldType) {
if (this._FType != fType) {
this._FType = fType;
export class Entity{
public Name: Field
Entity test = new Entity()
Entity.Name.isDirty() // Returns False
Entity.Name.Value = "Test";
Entity.Name.isDirty() // Returns True

