Pass Parameters through ajax call - ajax url - javascript

I am trying to pass value parameter through the ajax call to the controller. It is a date value. I am struggling to find a way to pass parameters through this ajax url. Please help.
function dataTable() {
var value = $("#somedatevalue).val();
"processing": true,
"paging": false,
"language": {
processing: "<span class='processing-message'><i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin'></i> Processing...</span>"
ajax: {
url: $('table#thisTable').data("ajaxurl"),
type: "POST",
datatype: "json",
"columns": [
"data": "column1",
"data": "column2",
"data": "column3",
"data": "column4",
"data": "column5",
"data": "Url",
"render": function (data) {
return '<a class="btn btn-info" href="' + data + '">Select</a>';
"dom": 't<"col-lg-3"l><"col-lg-6"p><"col-lg-3"i>'

You can pass value as query parameter like"17-02-21"
If you are using php use can get the value as $_GET['date']
If you are using node js, you can get value as

Consider the following.
function dataTable() {
"processing": true,
"paging": false,
"language": {
processing: "<span class='processing-message'><i class='fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin'></i> Processing...</span>"
"ajax": {
"url": $('table#thisTable').data("ajaxurl"),
"type": "POST",
"data": { "someDate": $("#somedatevalue").val() },
"datatype": "json"
"columns": [
"data": "column1",
"data": "column2",
"data": "column3",
"data": "column4",
"data": "column5",
"data": "Url",
"render": function (data) {
return '<a class="btn btn-info" href="' + data + '">Select</a>';
"dom": 't<"col-lg-3"l><"col-lg-6"p><"col-lg-3"i>'
First you must address the Typo in your jQuery Selector. Then you can adjust your Ajax parameters to include a data.
See more here:
In principle it operates in exactly the same way as jQuery's $ property, in that it can be given as an object with parameters and values to submit, but DataTables extends this by also providing it with the ability to be a function, to allow the data to be re-evaluated upon each Ajax request (see above).


pass json data collectio into DataTable

I trying to insert json collection in datatable using jQuery.
This is my code:
function reloadseekers(vacancy){
if (vacancy) {
url: '/getseekers/' + vacancy,
method: "GET",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
$.each(data.appseekers, function (index) {
"paging": true,
"lengthChange": true,
"searching": true,
"ordering": true,
"info": true,
"autoWidth": true,
"data": data.appseekers,
"columns": [
{ "title": "SSN" },
{ "data": data.appseekers[index].ssn},
{ "title": "Full Name" },
{ "data": data.appseekers[index].first_name + ' '+data.appseekers[index].second_name +' '+data.appseekers[index].middle_name+' '+data.appseekers[index].last_name },
{ "title": "Primary phone" },
{ "data": data.appseekers[index].phone_1},
{ "title": "Secondary phone " },
{ "data": data.appseekers[index].phone_2},
{ "title": "Secondary phone " },
{ "data": data.appseekers[index].evaluation.total_evaluation},
The table empty and without any data,,, the json data is already gotten from the server:
The json data from the server
what is wrong in this code? help please

Is it possible to use Ajax success result to populate jQuery DataTable

I would like to declare my jQuery datatable without initially populating it and later when calling Ajax functions, I would like to take the results and use that as the data source for my data table, right now I am making multiple Ajax calls for the same purpose and I would like to eliminate this if possible.
type: "GET",
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
datatype: "html",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
success: function(data) {
var orderButton = $(".js-Order");
tbl = $("#UnorderedDetail")
"destroy": true,
"searching": false,
"ordering": false,
"lengthChange": false,
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"paging": true,
"lengthMenu": [10, 25, 50, 75, 100],
ajax: {
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
datasrc: ""
"columnDefs": [
targets: -1,
className: 'dt-body-center'
columns: [
data: "Description"
data: "VendorPartNumber"
data: "Quantity"
data: "CartID",
render: function(data) {
return "<button class='btn btn-danger js-delete' data-cart-id=" +
data +
] //EOColumns
}); //EODataTable
} //EOSuccess
}); //EOInnerAjax
You can call a function to build the data table on success something like:
type: "GET",
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
datatype: "html",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
success: function(data) {
var orderButton = $(".js-Order");
and the function can take in the array of objects and create a data table:
function createTable(dataSet)
data: dataSet,
"aoColumns": [{
"sTitle": "Description",
"mData": "Description"
}, {
"sTitle": "VendorPartNumber",
"mData": "VendorPartNumber"
}, {
"sTitle": "Quantity",
"mData": "Quantity"
}, {
"sTitle": "CartID",
"mData": "CartID",
"mRender": function(data) {
return "<button class='btn btn-danger js-delete' data-cart- id=" + data + ">Delete</button>";
Check out a working example . It takes in an array of objects and create a datatable.

How to pass textbox value by ServerSide datatable ajax call in MVC5

I have a server side data-table.
When I make an ajax call, it does not send the given value in the text-box, it sends empty.
When I pass static data it's working fine.
This is fine:
var table = $("#tblUsers").DataTable({
"<div class='overlay custom-loader-background'><i class='fa fa-cog fa-spin custom-loader-color'></i></div>"
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"url": "/Client/GetData",
"type": "POST",
"dataType": "JSON",
'data': ({ ZoneID: zoneIDs })
"columnDefs": [
"targets": [0],
"width": "5%",
"hidden": true,
"fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
$(nRow).find("td:eq(0)").attr("hidden", true);
return nRow;
"columns": [
"data": "ClientDetailsID"
But when I pass zoneid from textbox value instead of static data it sends empty.
"data": { ZoneID: $("#txtSOmething").val() }
Change your data to
data: function(d){
d.myValue = $("#txtSOmething").val();
The on the server look for myValue in the Request. For example, asp mvc: Request.Form.Get("myValue")

Javascript dataTable - Adding link to table

I am using javascript dataTable and I'm populating a table by getting the data via an api link this:
jQuery.get(api_url_here", function(dataSet){
jQuery('#myTable').DataTable( {
data: dataSet,
columns: [
{ "data": "id", "title": "theId" },
{ "data": "name", "title": "theName" }
<table id="myTable" class="display"></table>
This all works as required but I need one of the columns to have a link created so that when the user clicks the id it will go to the url assigned with the id...
For example: theId
How can I do this with dataTable?
"ajax": "./pasien/look/",
aoColumns: [
{ "mData": null }
columnDefs: [{
"targets": 0,
"data": null,
"mRender": function (data, type, row) {
return ''+ +'';
try this, i use ajax for data in datatables.
try like this:
"data": "id",
"title": "theId",
"aTargets": [0],
"sType": "numeric"
"className": '',
"orderable": false,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": '<a href="your link"</a>'
jQuery has a event thats fired when the cell is created, you can then write normal javascript to set it's content with the id:
jQuery.get("api_url_here", function(dataSet){
jQuery('#myTable').DataTable( {
data: dataSet,
columns: [
{ "data": "id", "title": "theId",
"fnCreatedCell": function (nTd, sData, oData, iRow, iCol) {
$(nTd).html("<a class='display' href='" + + "'>" + + "</a>");
{ "data": "name", "title": "theName" }
I hope it helps you.
I took the answer from

How to send form data along with jQuery DataTables data in server-side processing mode

I am trying to post form data without success and data couldn't be loaded.
How can I pass all form data with array and single textbox, combobox, etc. to fnServerdata?
table_obj = $('#group-table').dataTable({
"sAjaxSource": "URL Goes here",
fnServerData: function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback,oSettings) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource+'?'+$.param(aoData),
"data": $("#frm").serializeArray(),
"success": fnCallback
} );
aaSorting: [[ 1, "desc" ]],
bProcessing: true,
bServerSide: true,
processing : true,
columnDefs: [{
'targets': 0,
'className': 'dt-body-center',
'render': function (data, type, full, meta){
return '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user_id[]" value="' + $('<div/>').text(data).html() + '"></label>';
rowCallback: function(row, data, dataIndex){
// If row ID is in list of selected row IDs
if($.inArray(data[0], rows_selected) !== -1){
$(row).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', true);
iDisplayLength: '50',
If you want to format the POST data, you can also format the form data using jquery .each() function. Let me use the answer above using solution #1 but with jquery .each() to format the data.
"ajax": {
"url": "URL HERE",
"type": "POST",
"data": function(d) {
var frm_data = $('form').serializeArray();
$.each(frm_data, function(key, val) {
d[] = val.value;
Then you can just access that in PHP like:
var $data = $_POST['name'];
Replace this:
"sAjaxSource": "URL Goes here",
fnServerData: function(sSource, aoData, fnCallback,oSettings) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "POST",
"url": sSource+'?'+$.param(aoData),
"data": $("#frm").serializeArray(),
"success": fnCallback
} );
"ajax": {
"url": "URL Goes here",
"type": "POST",
"data": function(d){
d.form = $("#frm").serializeArray();
Your form data will be in form parameter as an array of objects with parameters name and value, below is JSON representation:
"form": [{"name":"param1","value":"val1"},{"name":"param2","value":"val2"}]
If you want to have form data as name/value pairs, see this jsFiddle for an example of alternative solution.
There are checkboxes in your data table. Solution above will not work for form elements in the data table, because DataTable removes non-visible nodes from DOM.
How about this?
$('#group-table').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"bDestroy": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"ajax": {
"url": "url here",
"type": "POST",
"data": {
store: $('#store').val(),
month: $('#m').val(),
year: $('#y').val(),
status: $('#status').val(),
} );
then you can access the sample data above through PHP using this.
Hope that helps.

