Java-script nodejs in webbrowser - javascript

First of all I'm not skilled with JavaScript, I know basics but JS nowadays gets really confusing and for someone that is not in "JS loop" finding correct info is hard.
The question is:
I want to use google protocol buffers in web browser. The problem is that I can't load it into browser due to issue with:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require Global Code — js_pb.js:11
As far as I know this is nodejs function.
js_pb.js is generated class from proto file by protoc using commonjs --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary.
So I googled and it seams like systemjs or requirejs is the way to go (to load nodejs javascript into web browser).
Added this to the html:
<!-- Load system js -->
<script src="./system.js"></script>
<script src="./extras/named-register.js"></script>
<script src="./extras/amd.js"></script>
<script src="./extras/use-default.js"></script>
<script type="systemjs-importmap">
"imports": {
"google-protobuf": "./google-protobuf.js"
<script type="systemjs-module" src="./js_pb.js"></script>
<!-- var message = new proto.poc.MsgPoc(); -->
<!-- import {proto.poc.MsgPoc} from './js_poc_pb.js'; -->
Unfortunately <script type="systemjs-module" src="./js_pb.js"></script> also return issue with required missing.
My question is:
How to properly use systemjs to load that java script into web browsers without need of packaging or bundling JS ?
or more general question
How to load java-script that contains nodejs functions (require etc.) into web-browser without packaging all dependences into single JS (bundle like webpack)?
Thanks for reply in advance


Autocompletion for VSCode for a module imported via <script src>

Issue description
I would like to have Visual Studio Code to hint autocompletion and provide documentation for a JavaScript project which includes libraries a module in a separate HTML file.
I am using P5JS. It assumes we include the P5JS library and our script via the <script src="…"> tag in an HTML file. Autocompletion and documentation work after installing the p5.vscode extension. So, no problem here.
I am also using ml-matrix, which I'm including in the HTML via the <script src="…"> tag. The library constructors and methods can be accessed via mlMatrix.. (I figured this by toying around in the console, and I wouldn't know otherwise how to find out I need to prepend mlMatrix. to all functions in the library.)
<!-- script src="…" P5JS libraries -->
<script src="./node_modules/ml-matrix/matrix.umd.js"></script>
<script src="./script.js"></script>
A = mlMatrix.Matrix.eye(3) // no autocompletion or docs, code runs
Adding import * as mlMatrix from "ml-matrix" to the beginning of script.js makes autocompletion and documentation work, but the overall project does not run. So, I have to comment and uncomment the first line every time I save and preview my edits on the browser.
import * as mlMatrix from "ml-matrix"
A = mlMatrix.Matrix.eye(3) // autocompletion and docs work, code doesn't run
When loading the HTML, the browser complains with script.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module..
I'd like to be able to save and preview my project while having a working autocompletion and documentation hint from VSC.
After reading a few sections of David Flanagan's «JavaScript: The Definitive Guide», I started figuring out what's going on. So, I'm reporting here my current understanding.
JavaScript, or rather ECMAScript, used to be a scripting language.
Scripts loaded with <script src="…"> are "global" scripts, living on the current page, injecting vars and functions in the global scope (or window object).
In order to support proper software engineering relying on modularity, modules were introduced in 2015, in ECMAScript 6, or ES6 in short. To import a module in an HTML document one can use <script type="module" src="…">.
Now, to import a module in a JS file, the file itself needs to be a module. So, dealing with an actual script myself, I cannot do such a thing.
Even by <script src="…"> a module, it won't inject itself in the main namespace. It will create a whatever name where it will store everything it exports. So, now we are at the point where we need to instruct the IDE that a module has been loaded on the HTML side with a specific name and it's used in a JS script.
So, we have now a more articulate question.
Issue re-statement
How to inform VSC that a module has been loaded through the HTML page?
I believe a probable answer will include some custom jsconfig.json to be created. Right now I have zero clues about how to do this.
Another solution would be using some specific ///<reference path="…"/> at the beginning of the JS file. Also for this I have no specific knowledge.

Google Apps Script libraries are not working on a webapp

I'm a newbie in web development in Google Apps Script and I'm having a hard time trying to run a simple webapp which is supposed to set up a menu example by using SlickNav jQuery Plugin. I successfully set it up as a GAS library (you can see the source code here). That plugin requires jQuery 1.7 onwards, so I've also set up jQuery (v2.1.0) as a GAS library (click here to see the code).
After importing both of them as libraries:
in my webapp, it works like a charm in dev. mode:
but in production mode, it throws
"ReferenceError: undefined "jQuery". (line 1, file "slicknav.js", project "slicknav")"
I've spent 3 days trying to make this example running. Am I missing something on this example? What could it be wrong? Can somebody here point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot use JQuery inside of Apps Script as Apps Script since GAS does not have a DOM to manipulate.
If you wish to use JQuery, or any other JavaScript library inside your web app you need to add it with a <script> tag. Such as adding <script src=""></script> inside your <head> or below your <body> tags.
Google even has a set of hosted libraries that you can include in your web app:
If you don't want to use a CDN service (like the google hosted libraries) you can copy/paste the source into a new GAS html file, and include that in your web app.
//Paste jquery.min.js here
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('jquery').getContent(); ?>
After Clarification:
JQuery needs to be loaded before slicknav, since it requires it. It looks like you are, but that's the error it's throwing. I would start by simplifying your process and using script tags with CDN hosted libraries and see if that works. Then try including the files in your current project and see if that works...etc Try and isolate the problem in that manner.
It's also good to note than when deploying, you HAVE to update the version to apply and development changes.

Best way to create a browser library with multiple files

I'm working on a browser library (based on vanilla JS) and I need to load multiple JS files.
Making some research I found some solution :
Multiple includes
I can easy resolve the issue by doing:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/thelib.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/includes/thelib-part1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/includes/thelib-part2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/includes/thelib-part3.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./lib/thelib.js"></script>
But it's annoying for the user..
NodeJs tools
I ear about some tools, like Browserify or RequireJs but can I use it without a server side rendering tools ?
Async loading
I also can load manually from lib/the.js the other files, but I'm scared about problems who could append on different server configuration (ex, relative/absolute path ?, read file authorization?)
And I worry about loading times (it will be longer to load each files one after the other right?)
I probably miss a solution, or not understanding well a listed solution ?
To answer this question, I'm using now WebPack who can merge JS + others files into a js bundle and allow you to dev only a browser file (no running web server required)

How can I access and use multiple javascript libraries?

I am new to javascript and programming in general. I have been working on a web app that solves simple algebraic equations. I am using two libraries, algebra.js and katex.js. How do I use both libraries in my script? I would like to keep this as a client-side application.
I have looked at node.js but my understanding is that node is for server-side development. I have looked at RequireJS but that doesn't seem to handle directories well. Recently I found Enderjs which seems to use npm and allow for client-side development and still make use of require().
What should I use to make a web app like this? Please let me know if there is anymore information that is needed.
The most basic way to do this is to include multiple script tags at the top of your html file. So:
<script src="path/to/library1.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/library2.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/my/javascript.js"></script>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>
This will load more than one onto the page. The order might matter - be wary of which dependencies your chosen libraries have. For example, some will depend on jQuery, so you should load jQuery first then those that depend on it. Order is top down.
In my example, if we pretend library2 depends on library1, then the example would work. However if library1 depended on library2, it would not.
The simplest way is to include the script tags directly in your html file like so (this assumes that you have the algebra.js file in the same folder as your html file):
<script src="algebra.js"></script>
If you are loading the library from the internet you have to use the full web path in the src attribute, for example loading the jQuery library from a cdn (content distribution network):
<script src=""></script>

CDN / and or Hosting js and css files on a server

so id like to link a refernce to a couple js files if possible, but im not sure i could go about doing this so i can use it
<script type=text/javascript src=http://mylinkedjs></script>
and call i from my jquery.
Anyone know how this is possible?
Let me try to rephrase your question.
I want to include some JavaScript files from another server on my page, and call functions from those files in my own jQuery code. Is this possible?
That’s certainly possible. Once you’ve included a JavaScript file on your web page (like you did in the question), the global variables it creates are accessible to any other JavaScript running on that page, regardless of which server the JavaScript file was loaded from.
This is often how jQuery itself is included on pages: by linking to a copy of jQuery on a big CDN, e.g.
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="">

