socket io to much rerendering in react - javascript

I'm using socketio and react. Im trying to set state for all users when one use changes it but it causes too much rerendering on site.
const app = require('express')
const http = require('http').createServer(app)
const io = require("")(http, {
cors: {
origin: "http://localhost:3000",
let subject = ''
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('setSubject', (sbj) => {
subject = sbj
socket.on('changeHiddenPassword',hiddenPassword => {
console.log('listening on port 4001')
front end
const [hiddenPassword,changeHiddenPassword] = useState([''])
useEffect(() => {
}, [hiddenPassword]);
socket.on('newHiddenPassword',newHiddenPassword => {
I dont think rest of the code will help you somehow but if it would i can provide it to you. What i'm trying to do is when someone clicks on specific element on my site i want my hiddenPasword state to change for all connected users. I know that what i'm doing is wrong,beacouse when the state changes for one user useEffect is passing and setting state to everyone else and their useEffect are passing and setting state to everyone else and so on... I want to know how to do it properly and i cant figure out how.

so when you change hiddenPassword you are emitting changeHiddenPassword event, this sends back newHiddenPassword event which changes the hiddenPassword and this continues infinitely.
Try modifying newHiddenPassword handler like this, so it's not changing the state (and triggering useEffect) when the received password is already up to date
socket.on('newHiddenPassword',newHiddenPassword => {
if (newHiddenPassword !== hiddenPassword) {


Why can WebRTC not reconnect after disconnecting?

I am building a web application using React where users can enter a group call. I have a NodeJS server that runs Socket.IO to manage the client events, and the users are connected through a peer-to-peer connection using simple-peers (WebRTC).
Everything is functional, from joining the call, seeing other users, and being able to leave. The call is "always open", similar to discord, and users can come and go as they please. However, if you leave and then try to rejoin the call without refreshing the page, the call breaks on all sides. The user leaving and rejoining gets the following error:
Error: cannot signal after peer is destroyed
For another user in the call, it logs the "user joined" event multiple times for the one user that tried to rejoin. Before it would add multiple peers as well, but I now make sure duplicates cannot exist.
However, to me, the strangest part is that when the user leaves, they send a call out to all other users in the room. The other users successfully destroy the peer connection and then remove the user from their peer array. The user who left on his turn also destroys each connection and resets the peer array to an empty array. So I'm very confused as to what PTP connection it is trying to re-establish.
const [roomSize, setRoomSize] = useState(0);
const socketRef = useRef();
const userVideo = useRef();
const peersRef = useRef([]);
const roomId = 'meeting_' + props.zoneId;
useEffect(async () => {
socketRef.current = io.connect(SERVER_URI, {
jsonp: false,
forceNew: true,
extraHeaders: {
"x-access-token": window.localStorage.getItem('accessToken'),
"zone-id": props.zoneId
}, []);
useEffect(async () => {
if ( {
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
video: {
height: window.innerHeight / 2,
width: window.innerWidth / 2
audio: true });
userVideo.current.srcObject = stream;
console.log(`%cJoined socket at ${SERVER_URI}, connected=${socketRef.current.connected}`, 'color: pink');
socketRef.current.emit("join room", roomId);
socketRef.current.on("all users", users => {
users.forEach(userID => {
const peer = createPeer(userID,, stream);
const peerObj = {
peerID: userID,
if (!peersRef.current.find(p => p.peerID === userID))
console.log(`%cNew Room Members: ${peersRef.current.length}; %o`, 'color: cyan', {peersRef: peersRef.current});
socketRef.current.on("user joined", payload => {
const peer = addPeer(payload.signal, payload.callerID, stream);
const peerObj = {
peerID: payload.callerID,
if (!peersRef.current.find(p => p.peerID === payload.callerID))
console.log(`%cSomeone Joined. Members: ${peersRef.current.length}; %o`, 'color: cyan', {peersRef: peersRef.current});
socketRef.current.on("receiving returned signal", payload => {
/** #type {Peer} */
const item = peersRef.current.find(p => p.peerID ===;
console.log("%creceiving return signal", 'color: lightgreen');
socketRef.current.on('user left', id => {
const peerObj = peersRef.current.find(p => p.peerID === id);
// console.log("user left", { peerObj });
if (peerObj)
const peers = peersRef.current.filter(p => p.peerID !== id);
peersRef.current = peers;
console.log(`%cSomeone Left. Members: ${peersRef.current.length}`, 'color: cyan');
} catch (err) {
else if (socketRef.current && socketRef.current.connected) {
socketRef.current.emit("leave room");
peersRef.current.forEach(peerObj => {
peersRef.current = [];
}, [, peersRef.current]);
const createPeer = (userToSignal, callerID, stream) => {
const peer = new Peer({
initiator: true,
trickle: false,
peer.on("signal", signal => {
socketRef.current.emit("sending signal", { userToSignal, callerID, signal })
return peer;
const addPeer = (incomingSignal, callerID, stream) => {
const peer = new Peer({
initiator: false,
trickle: false,
peer.on("signal", signal => {
socketRef.current.emit("returning signal", { signal, callerID })
return peer;
Quick Edit: The above code is part of a React component that renders a video element for each peer.
When becomes false is when the user leaves the call. This happens at the end of the second useEffect hook, where the client who left should have removed all their peer objects after destroying them. Why does this user receive the above error on a reconnect? And how do I keep this error from occurring?
Edit: I just noticed that when both users leave the call, and both try to rejoin without refreshing, the error does not occur. So something is different when removing a peer upon a user leaving compared to leaving yourself is my best guess.
TLDR; Put all refs you use in the useEffect body in the useEffect deps array.
I'd be sure to first check the useEffect deps array. It looks like socketRef is required in multiple places throughout that hook body, but it doesn't appear to be in the deps array. This can cause the hook to use less-than-current data.
It's also because of this that the socketRef ref object may never actually update, meaning, it may correctly remove the user from peers, as peerRefs is in the useEffect deps array, but the internal session (the room) may not recognize this; the room's internal representation of the user still exists.
Repeating myself, but just to make it clear, you mentioned:
So something is different when removing a peer upon a user leaving compared to leaving yourself is my best guess.
This is the same reason as listed above. The reason it happens when a peer leaves is because the peerRefs ref object IS in the useEffect deps array, so the effect you're describing is just 'perfect timing', if you will, since the applications state (all the refs) are correctly sync'd up with each other. Get data io.sockets.clients(); Not working anymore

Before you can create objects with user properties on frontend and assign it to the socket.user property for each connection using a code like this ex below in the backend.
socket.on("new_visitor", user => {
console.log("new_visitor", user);
socket.user = user;
then retrieve all these data through the sockets object eg.
const getVisitors = () => {
let clients = io.sockets.clients().connected;
let sockets = Object.values(clients);
let users = => s.user);
return users;
componentWillMount() {
axios.get('').then(res => {
const {
} =;
const visitor = {
ip: geoplugin_request,
countrycode: geoplugin_countryCode,
city: geoplugin_city,
state: geoplugin_region,
country: geoplugin_countryName
socket.emit("new_visitor", visitor);
socket.on("visitors", visitors => {
visitors: visitors
But now the io.sockets.clients is not working anymore and is not recognized as a function.Every API provided seem t return only the Id. For anyone who knows a workaround on this please let us know. Thanks a lot.
Problem : How to hold custom data for each socket (serverside)
For each socket that connects to your socket-io server you want to be able to store some custom data in reference to said socket, so at a later point, other sockets can retrieve this information.
Solution : Add a simple in-memory-store (serverside)
I strongly advise to not add anything or mutating the socket object. Instead use the socket id to maintain a simple in-memory store for all connected sockets.
🚧 Please note: the following snippets are just pointers and are not meant to just be copy pasted. Instead, try to use them to understand your problem and adjust them to your needs.
Server Side
const store = {};
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
// add socket to store, like this
// note 'data' is null at this point, yet needs to be set
store[] = {
socket : socket,
data : null
socket.on('SET_CLIENT_DATA', function (clientdata) {
// here we receive data from frontend, and add it to the serverside reference
store[].data = clientdata;
// once a socket updates his custom client data
// emit all custom data to all clients
io.emit('ALL_CONNECTED_CLIENTS', Object.values(store).map(e =>;
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
// if socket disconnects, make sure to remove the reference in your store
delete store[];
Client Side
socket.emit("SET_CLIENT_DATA", clientdata);
socket.on("ALL_CONNECTED_CLIENTS", (allclients) => {
/* here the client receives all custom client data that we kept serverside for each connected client */
/* do some more code here */

How to re-render react component depends on a file?

I have a file that stores an array of objects. I have a component that fetches data from this file then render the list. The file could be updated somewhere else, I need the component to be updated if the file is modified. I have following code example
const header = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
// fetch
useEffect(() => {
const loadList = async () => {
const tempList = await getList("/getlist"); // get call to fetch data from file
loadList ();
}, [list]);
// function to render content
const renderList = () => {
return => (
<div key={}>
return (
// get call
asyncWrapper(async (req, res) => {
const result = await getList();
const getList= async () => {
const list = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(listPath));
return list;
Code has been simplified. If I remove the list from useEffect, then it will only render once and will never update unless I refresh the page. If I include list there, loadList() will get called constantly, and component will get re-rendered again and again. This is not the behavior I want. I am just wondering without making header component async component, how do I only re-render this component when the file is changed?
Thank you very much.
There are two approaches you can take to this:
Request the URL on an interval, and clear it when the component is unmounted.
Replace loadList () with:
const interval = setInterval(loadList, 60000); // Adjust interval as desired
return () => clearInterval(interval)
Make sure the cache control headers set in the response to /getlist don't stop the browser from noticing updates.
Server push
Rip out your current code to get the data and replace it with something using websockets, possibly via Socket.IO. (There are plenty of tutorials for using with React that can be found with Google, but its rather too involved to be part of a SO answer).

socket io event fires multiple times

I have searched similar questions here but none of them work for me.
I know some people recommend not to use socket inside another event but I had no clue how to trigger socket whenever there is an event.
So I have initialized socket inside another event which is updated every time something happens. But socket connection repeats the previous result with every new update.
I tried initializing socket within componentDidMount lifecyle and it simply does not work.
class UploadComponent extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
this.uploadModal = this.uploadModal.bind(this);
uploadModal () {
update.on('success', file => {
let {endpoint} = this.state;
let socket = socketIOClient(endpoint, {transports: ['websocket', 'polling', 'flashsocket']});
socket.on('data', (mydata) => {
console.log(mydata) // <-- This gets fired multiple times.
// some more code //
I want to trigger socket whenever "update" event is fired without message duplication.
As sockets are emitting multiple times on Angular with nodejs happened the same with me for sockets, i tried by removing the socket listeners by this.socket.removeListener( "Your On Event" );,
This helped me solved the issue of multiple socket calls, try it, it may help !
Unless you can guarantee success is called only once, then you'll need to initialize the socket connection / event handler outside this function
class UploadComponent extends Component {
constructor (props) {
const endpoint = "http://localhost:3000";
this.state = { endpoint };
this.uploadModal = this.uploadModal.bind(this);
this.socket = socketIOClient(endpoint, {transports: ['websocket', 'polling', 'flashsocket']});
this.socket.on('data', (mydata) => {
uploadModal() {
update.on('success', file => {
// this.socket.emit perhaps?
As James have suggested I have put my socket logic in the constructor. But it was only being fired after my component remounts.
After looking at my nodejs server code I tried to replace
// some code //
io.on('connection', (client) => {
client.emit('data', {
image: true,
buffer: imageBuffer.toString('base64'),
with this
// some code //
io.emit('data', {
image: true,
buffer: imageBuffer.toString('base64'),
and it works!
Also I had to close socket in componentWillUnmount to avoid multiple repeated data.

Apollo subscriptions - handling WS disconnects with subscribeToMore

I've been looking for a way to handle web socket disconnects in my React app with Apollo subscriptions and have not found a way to do so. The other examples I see in the apollo documentation show the below method for catching a reconnect:
const wsClient = process.browser ? new SubscriptionClient(WSendpoint, {
reconnect: true,
}) : null;
const wsLink = process.browser ? new WebSocketLink(wsClient) : null;
if (process.browser) {
() => {
There are two issues with the above method:
is that is does not catch when the user disconnects from their internet (only from when the server restarts for whatever reason)
that the reconnect is triggered outside of my React apps components.
What I would like to be able to do is to is reload my "chat" component if the user either disconnects from their internet or if my express server goes down for any reason. For this to happen I would need my chat component to completely reload which i'm not sure would be possible from outside my component tree.
Is there a method in the Query or Subscription Apollo components to be able to capture this event and handle it accordingly from the component?
There are a few ways I can think of to handle these cases but none of them are a one-shot solution, each case needs to be handled independently.
Setup a online/offline listener (ref)
Setup an Apollo middleware to handle network errors from your server (ref)
Create a variable in your store, isOnline for example, which can hold a global reference of your app's state. Whenever the above two methods trigger, you could update the value of isOnline
Finally, to bundle all of it together. Create a react HOC which uses isOnline to handle the network state for each component. This can be used to handle network error messages, refresh components once network is restored.
You can use SubscriptionClient callbacks from subscriptions-transport-ws, like this:
const ws = require("ws");
const { SubscriptionClient } = require("subscriptions-transport-ws");
const { WebSocketLink } = require("apollo-link-ws");
const { ApolloClient } = require("apollo-client");
const { InMemoryCache } = require("apollo-cache-inmemory");
const subClient = new SubscriptionClient(
{ reconnect: true },
subClient.onConnected(() => { console.log("onConnected") });
subClient.onReconnected(() => { console.log("onReconnected") });
subClient.onReconnecting(() => { console.log("onReconnecting") });
subClient.onDisconnected(() => { console.log("onDisconnected") });
subClient.onError(error => { console.log("onError", error.message) });
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink(subClient);
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: wsLink,
cache: new InMemoryCache()
I'm using this for Node.js, but it will probably work for React too.

