Set maxDate in the datepicker using Moment - javascript

Depending on the year selected in the dropdown, I need to set the date picker minDate and MaxDate. MinDate can only be Jan/01/{selectedYear} and MaxDate should be Dec/01/{selectedYear}
I tried below. But doesn't seem to work:
MinDate = moment().format(`01/01/${selectedYear}`);
MaxDate = moment().format(`02/01/${selectedYear}`);
Output looks like:
MinDate 01/01/2020 & MaxDate 02/01/2020

I don't get your point.
Can you please provide us your code? or maybe in a snippet or something.
And also, should MinDate & MaxDate be strings or Dates?
Do you want the output to be as follwing?
if selected year = 2020
MinDate: Jan/01/2020 & MaxDate: Dec/01/2020
if so, then you need to use this:
let selectedYear = 2020; //or "2020"
//using moment
let minDate = moment().month(0).format(`MMM/01/${selectedYear}`); //you can also manipulate the day via moment
let maxDate = moment().month(11).date(1).format(`MMM/DD/${selectedYear}`);
console.log('minDate: ', minDate);
console.log('maxDate: ', maxDate);
//although you can do the stuff above without Moment:
let minDate0 = `Jan/01/${selectedYear}`;
let maxDate0 = `Dec/01/${selectedYear}`;
console.log('minDate (without moment): ', minDate0);
console.log('maxDate (without moment): ', maxDate0);
<script src=""></script>


JQuery datetimepicker exception day with minDate and maxDate

I'm facing a issue with datetimepicker.
I have a page with an Order, that has a delivery date.
Whenever the Order is listed, the datetimepicker has a certain value (for example, some day last week.) I want to be able to edit it but only select a set of avaiable dates (from today up to 30 days including "some day last week").
How should I proceed?
Function of the picker:
var maxdate = new Date();
maxdate.setDate(maxdate.getDate() + 30);
var $p = jQuery.noConflict();
format: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
defaultDate: $.now(),
minDate: moment().millisecond(0).second(0).minute(0).hour(0),
I'm guessing i wasn't very explicit with my question.
Example for what i want:
minDate = 2017/10/14
maxDate = 2017/10/30
(at this point everything works fine)
Date option that i want to pick = 2017/09/10 (that is 1 month older than minDate) without changing minDate!
I want to create an exception date that is not inside the range of min/max date.
For the options showed I guess you are using eonasdan-datetimepicker.
So proceed like this:
var maxDate = moment().add(30, 'day');
var $p = jQuery.noConflict();
format: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
useCurrent: true,
showClose: true,
defaultDate: $,
minDate: moment().startOf('day'),
maxDate: maxDate,
Where maxDate will have 30 days added using moment method .add()
for minDate It is easier if you use startOf('day') as will be the same you have, but easier to read.
Ok so what you want is to allow your users to choose a "special day" that is not in the array, so for that you could use enabledDates option.
In which you will add your special day and the range of the days enabled, so only thus will be allowed to be selected and would be something like this:
let currentFormat = 'YYYY/MM/DD';
let specialDay = '2017/09/10';
let maxDate = moment().add(30, 'day'); //To the picker not allow to go further in the view
let startDate = moment().startOf('day').format(currentFormat); //First date being added, current day
let enabledDates = [
moment(specialDay, currentFormat), //this is our "special day"
moment(startDate, currentFormat) // we format the date to the format needed ];
//Iterate and add 30 days, and only those will be able to be picked
for (var i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
//apply the format
let date = moment().add(i, 'day').format(currentFormat);
enabledDates.push(moment(date, currentFormat));
//We init our picker with the 30 days and our special date
//`minDate` and `maxDate` still there to give the style to the view
format: currentFormat,
useCurrent: false,
showClose: true,
minDate: moment(specialDay, currentFormat),
maxDate: maxDate,
enabledDates: enabledDates,
Working fiddle
Edit: Make easier to change format and special date

How can I correctly set the default value for bootstrap 3 datetimepicker?

I am trying to set the default date/time for a bootstrap 3 datetimepicker
to today's date 08:00 AM.
The following code is what I have done. However, that does not seems to be setting the datetime for the field.
format: 'MM/DD/YYYY LT',
useCurrent: false,
defaultDate: getDefaultStartAt()
function getDefaultStartAt()
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth();
var day = d.getDate();
var year = d.getFullYear();
return new Date(year, month, day, 8, 0);
How can I correctly set the default value for bootstrap-datetimepicker?
Your js code is fine.
You probably didn't include (or in wrong order) something from minimal requirements. moment.js maybe?
Or your html could be wrong.
Here you can see working example with your code:

JQuery datepicker return weeknumber and day of week

Im trying to get the weeknumber and the name/shortcut of the weekday according to the chosen date through a JQuery calendar.
Im not really proficient in JQuery so i can get the weeknumber, but i cant seem to get the name of the day with it.
Could anyone help me out?
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
$('#weekNumber').val($.datepicker.iso8601Week(new Date(dateText)));
you have to get the date, than extract the name of the day from it:
var date = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
alert($.datepicker.formatDate('DD', date));
hope it helps!
edit: you can find the working fiddle here.
You can add in your existing block to grab the day name, by using the format date syntax, found in the datepicker documentation, here:
In this case, full day name is obtained from 'DD', so your updated code might look like:
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var d = new Date(dateText);
$('#dayName').val($.datepicker.formatDate('DD', d));
Fiddle here:
Here is alot of information on how to use the javascript Date object.
Here is the code I suggest you:
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
onSelect: function( dateText, dateObj ){
//You can get your date string that way
//You can get a few value about the date, look in your console to see what you can do with that object
//i.e. - console.log(dateObj.selectedDay)
//You can see the result of the date in string that way
currDate = new Date(dateText);
//You can have a complete Date object using the Date javascript method
//The Date object in javascript provides you all you need then
//Get the number of day in a week, from 0(Sunday) to 6(Saturday)
//Create a function to see day Sun - Sat
function getWeekDay(date) {
var days = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
return days[ date.getDay() ]
//Then we use it
You can see my fiddle there:
Here is a great source of information you can use also abotu the Date Object:

Convert date so that jquery calender value can be set as the date

I have a date in the format: 2014-11-21T00:00:00.000Z that I need to place into a jquery calender/datepicker.
I have been trying to set it using:
But to no avail. How can I populate the date picker with the date?
Use the setDate method:
var dateText = "2014-11-25T00:00:00.000Z";
var actualDate = new Date(dateText);
var newDate = new Date(actualDate.getFullYear(), actualDate.getMonth(), actualDate.getDate() + 1);
$('#startdate').datepicker('setDate', newDate);
Also note, javascript day numbers start at 0 which is why we +1 on the day.

jQuery datepicker minDate variable

I'm usung the jQuery datepicker. In my "EndDate" textbox I'd like to use the date selected from the the "StartDate" textbox + 1. How do I do this?
I tried this but didn't work. In my start date code I had...
test = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
testm = new Date(test.getTime());
testm.setDate(testm.getDate() + 1);
Then in my end date code I had...
minDate: testm,
but the end date still made all the days for the month available.
Edit. I'm curious as to why this doesn't work. In my start date datepicker I have this..
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
test = dateText
Why can't I come down into my end date datepicker and say, minDate: test?
Edit. Still not working
onSelect: function(dateText, inst)
test = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
testm = new Date(test.getTime());
testm.setDate(testm.getDate() + 1);
$("#dateEndDatePickerBox").datepicker("option", "minDate", testm);
onSelect: function()
You'll need to set the min date dynamically on the change event of the start date.
Something like:
$("#startDate").change(function() {
test = $(this).datepicker('getDate');
testm = new Date(test.getTime());
testm.setDate(testm.getDate() + 1);
$("#endDate").datepicker("option", "minDate", testm);
Answer to the edit:
You cannot do the following:
var test;
onSelect: function() { test = $(this).datepicker("getdate"); }
minDate: test
Test is uninitialized at the time that minDate is being set on myotherinput. The process of setting the minDate doubtless requires DOM manipulation which datepicker manages on initialization or when "option" is called. Simply changing the variable that was used for initialization does not effect the already initialized datepicker.
Are you talking setting a max selection date?
StartDate = new Date("March 20, 2010");
EndDate = new Date("March 21, 2010");
$("#datepicker").datepicker({ minDate: StartDate, maxDate: EndDate, defaultDate: StartDate });
Note the maxDate? That won't let you select any days past it ...
The API documentation for the date picker does seem to say it should take a Date object, but I've had this exact problem in the past and this is how I solved it.
Pass minDate an offset, instead of a date. You'll need a function to take your start date, add one to it and then get the offset from today. So you could have a function like:
function offsetFromToday( someDate ) {
// clear time offset because we only want to take date into account
someDate.setHours( 0 );
someDate.setMinutes( 0 );
// The number of milliseconds in one day
var ONE_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// Convert both dates to milliseconds
someDate = someDate.getTime();
var today = new Date().getTime();
// Calculate the difference in milliseconds
var difference = Math.abs( someDate - today );
// Convert back to days and return
return Math.floor( (difference / ONE_DAY) + 1 );
So you just need to get your start date a day ahead: StartDate.setDate( StartDate.getDate() + 1 ) or similar, and then pass it to this function to get an offset, then give that to minDate.

