How to save image location in localstorage - javascript

I have a question, currently i am trying to save a image location in the localstorage but i have no idea how to do that. I want it in localstorage because once you refresh the page i still want the image that you dragged, in the same spot as where you dragged the image to before the page refresh/reload. The script is like a inventory with items that are images.
This is the code:
const fill1 = document.querySelector('#item1');
const empties1 = document.querySelectorAll('#block1');
const empties2 = document.querySelectorAll('#block2');
const spot1 = document.getElementById("block1")
const spot2 = document.getElementById("block2")
localStorage.spot1 = 1
localStorage.spot2 = 0
// Fill listeners
fill1.addEventListener('dragstart', dragStart);
fill1.addEventListener('dragend', dragEnd);
// Loop through empty boxes and add listeners
for (const empty of empties1) {
empty.addEventListener('dragover', dragOver);
empty.addEventListener('dragenter', dragEnter);
empty.addEventListener('dragleave', dragLeave);
empty.addEventListener('drop', dragDrop);
for (const empty of empties2) {
empty.addEventListener('dragover', dragOver);
empty.addEventListener('dragenter', dragEnter);
empty.addEventListener('dragleave', dragLeave);
empty.addEventListener('drop', dragDrop);
// Drag Functions
function dragStart() {
this.idName += ' hold';
setTimeout(() => (this.idName = 'invisible'), 0);
function dragEnd() {
this.idName = 'fill1';
function dragOver(e) {
function dragEnter(e) {
this.idName += ' hovered';
function dragLeave() {
this.idName = 'empties1';
this.idName = 'empties2';
function dragDrop() {
this.idName = 'empties1';
this.idName = 'empties2';
function checkSpot1() {
if (localStorage.getItem("spot1") == 1) {
function checkSpot2() {
if (localStorage.getItem("spot2") == 1) {
spot1.addEventListener('dragend', setspot1)
spot2.addEventListener('dragend', setspot2)
function setspot1(){
localStorage.spot1 = 1
localStorage.spot2 = 0
function setspot2(){
localStorage.spot1 = 0
localStorage.spot2 = 1
But like i said i have no idea how i could store this in localstorage correctly, and make it display were the image was dragged to before the page reload.

If you want to save something to localStorage, it has to be in string format.
So, if you wanted to save spot one, it would look like:
localStorage.setItem("spot1", "0")
where "spot1" is the key and "0" would be the value.
To retrieve from localStorage:
This should return "0"

I would implement it like this: (this way you can get x and y coordinates of the dragged element):
// this is for storing -->
function dragOver(e) {
// Get the x and y coordinates
var x = e.clientX;
var y = e.clientY;
// store the value in localStorage
// => same as JQuerys document.ready();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// read the data from localstorage
var x = window.localStorage.getItem('x');
var y = window.localStorage.getItem('y');
// Now you have to set the element position to the stored values
// I am assuming you want to set it for block1, and that block1 has absolute
// positioning
// only set the position if there is already a value stored
if( x && y )
// I found a pure Javascript solution now
document.getElementById("block1").style.left = x+"px";
document.getElementById("block1") = y+"px";


How to wait for place ship click event to complete before calling next place ship function in JavaScript Battleship game loop

Problem: I call playerPlaceShip (from a DOM interaction module) inside a game loop module. This lets the user hover the board, click to place the ship, and finally in the event handler call board.placeShip() (from the gameBoard module). This works in isolation, but when I add another playerPlaceShip call to place an additional ship, it executes immediately before the first ship can be placed by clicking.
Desired outcome: A way to wait until the click event from the first function call completes before the next function call begins.
What I've tried: Hours of unsuccessfully trying to write and use promises. Hours of reading about promises. Spent a lot of time unsuccessfully trying to rethink how the code is structured. It seems like the click event should be driving the next action, but I don't see how to do that without writing more and more function calls inside the click event handler, which would seem to take control of the game flow away from the game loop module and put it in the DOM interaction module.
Full modules on GitHub:
Code excerpts:
// In game loop module after creating ships, players, and board objects:
// Render Board
renderBoard(p1Board, p1Box);
renderBoard(p2Board, p2Box);
// Player place ships - lets user hover and click board to place
playerPlaceShip(p1Board, p1Carrier);
playerPlaceShip(p1Board, p1Battleship); // this gets called too soon before click event from the first call completes
// In DOM module:
const clickToPlace = (e, board, ship) => {
let { x, y } =;
x = parseInt(x, 10);
y = parseInt(y, 10), x, y, axis);
renderShadow(e, 'place', ship.length);
// Main function for player to place ship
const playerPlaceShip = (board, ship) => {
const squares = document.querySelectorAll('#p1 .board .square');
narrative.textContent = `Lead your ${ship.type} into battle. Press X to steer.`;
squares.forEach(square => {
square.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => renderShadow(e, 'fill', ship.length));
square.addEventListener('mouseout', (e) => renderShadow(e, 'clear', ship.length));
square.addEventListener('click', (e) => clickToPlace(e, board, ship));
window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if(e.key === 'x') {
squares.forEach(square => square.classList.remove('hovered'));
renderShadow(lastCoords, 'fill', ship.length);
I wasn't able to checkout the branch, got a strange error: invalid path 'src/images/background.jpg:Zone.Identifier', maybe because of the colon : after jpg. So I downloaded the zip.
Otherwise I would have done a pull request, that would be easier for you to merge.
I added logic so that the ship is always inside the board, and created a custom event to trigger after place ship. There are comments, see if this will help you move on.
import gameBoard from "./gameBoard";
import player from "./player";
import makeShip from "./ship";
import { p1Box, p2Box, playerPlaceShip, placeShipEventName, AIPlaceShip, renderBoard, UIAttack } from "./DOM";
const startingShipCount = 5;
// Make game boards
const p1Board = gameBoard();
const p2Board = gameBoard();
// Make players
const p1 = player("Gustav", p1Board, "human");
const p2 = player("Terminator", p2Board, "AI");
// Make p1 ships
const p1Ptb = makeShip("patrolBoat");
const p1Sub = makeShip("sub");
const p1Destroyer = makeShip("destroyer");
const p1Battleship = makeShip("battleship");
const p1Carrier = makeShip("carrier");
// Make AI ships
const p2Ptb = makeShip("patrolBoat");
const p2Sub = makeShip("sub");
const p2Destroyer = makeShip("destroyer");
const p2Battleship = makeShip("battleship");
const p2Carrier = makeShip("carrier");
// Render Board
renderBoard(p1Board, p1Box);
renderBoard(p2Board, p2Box);
// AI place ships, 0, 1, "y");, 2, 6, "y");, 4, 2, "y");, 6, 6, "y");, 8, 4, "y");
renderBoard(p1Board, p1Box);
renderBoard(p2Board, p2Box);
//###################### HANDLE placeShipPhase
let countShipsPlaced = 0;
const handlePlaceShipPhase = () => {
if (countShipsPlaced == startingShipCount) {
} else {
playerPlaceShip(p1Board, p1Carrier);
//####### LISTENING to the custom event Place Ship
window.addEventListener(placeShipEventName, handlePlaceShipPhase);
// Player places ships
playerPlaceShip(p1Board, p1Carrier);
const startGame = () => {
alert("Game started, battle!");
// MAIN GAME LOOP - will need loop
// Player attack
// UIAttack(p2Board);
// AI attack
// Gameover - after exit loop
// The game loop should set up a new game by creating Players and Gameboards.
// For now just populate each Gameboard with predetermined coordinates. You can
// implement a system for allowing players to place their ships later.
// The game loop should step through the game turn by turn using only methods
// from other objects. If at any point you are tempted to write a new function
// inside the game loop, step back and figure out which class or module that
// function should belong to.
// Create conditions so that the game ends once one players ships have all
// been sunk. This function is appropriate for the Game module.
/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
const p1Box = document.querySelector("#p1");
const p2Box = document.querySelector("#p2");
const narrative = document.querySelector("#narrative");
let axis = "y"; // used to render shadow in playerPlaceShip
let selectedSquares = [];
let lastCoords;
const boardSize = 10;
//save the current ship to be used in the "x" key event listender
let currentShip;
//moved outside of the placeship otherwise will add duplicated events
window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
if (e.key.toLocaleLowerCase() === "x") {
const squares = document.querySelectorAll("#p1 .board .square");
squares.forEach((square) => square.classList.remove("hovered"));
renderShadow(lastCoords, "fill", currentShip.length);
//##### CREATING the custom event Place Ship
const placeShipEventName = "playerplaceship";
const placeShipEvent = new Event(placeShipEventName);
// Helper functions for playerPlaceShip
const switchAxis = () => {
axis === "x" ? (axis = "y") : (axis = "x");
const renderShadow = (e, fill, length) => {
let { x, y } =;
x = parseInt(x, 10);
y = parseInt(y, 10);
selectedSquares = [];
let count = countOfSquaresOutOfBoard(x, y, length);
for (let i = -count; i < length - count; i++) {
setSelectedSquares(x, y, i);
for (const el of selectedSquares) {
fill === "fill" ? el.classList.add("hovered") : el.classList.remove("hovered");
if (fill === "place") {
lastCoords = e;
const removeListeners = () => {
const squares = document.querySelectorAll("#p1 .board .square");
squares.forEach((square) => {
const clickToPlace = (shipSquare, board, ship) => {
let { x, y } = shipSquare.dataset;
x = parseInt(x, 10);
y = parseInt(y, 10);, x, y, axis);
renderShadow(lastCoords, "place", ship.length);
//############# TRIGGERING the custom event place ship
// Main function for player to place ship
const playerPlaceShip = (board, ship) => {
currentShip = ship;
const squares = document.querySelectorAll("#p1 .board .square");
narrative.textContent = `Lead your ${ship.type} into battle. Press X to steer.`;
squares.forEach((square) => {
square.addEventListener("mouseover", (e) => renderShadow(e, "fill", ship.length));
square.addEventListener("mouseout", (e) => renderShadow(e, "clear", ship.length));
square.addEventListener("click", (e) => clickToPlace(selectedSquares[0], board, ship));
const countOfSquaresOutOfBoard = (x, y, length) => {
let count = 0;
if (axis === "x") {
count = x + length - boardSize;
if (axis === "y") {
count = y + length - boardSize;
return count < 0 ? 0 : count;
const setSelectedSquares = (x, y, i) => {
if (axis === "x") {
selectedSquares.push(document.querySelector(`#p1 .square[data-x="${x + i}"][data-y="${y}"]`));
} else {
selectedSquares.push(document.querySelector(`#p1 .square[data-x="${x}"][data-y="${y + i}"]`));
// Lets AI place ship
const AIPlaceShip = (board) => {};
const renderBoard = (board, box) => {
// Clear old content prior to re-render if needed
let grid = document.querySelector(`#${} .board`);
if (grid) {
grid.textContent = "";
} else {
grid = document.createElement("div");
grid.className = "board";
// Individual squares on board
for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i += 1) {
for (let j = 9; j >= 0; j -= 1) {
const square = document.createElement("div");
square.className = "square";
square.dataset.x = i;
square.dataset.y = j;
// Player attack phase - sends x, y from clicked square to board.incoming()
const attackCallback = (e, board) => {
const { x, y } =;
board.incoming(x, y);
const squares = document.querySelectorAll("#p2 .square");
squares.forEach((el) => {
el.removeEventListener("click", attackCallback);
// Player attack phase - adds click event listener and hover effect
const UIAttack = (board) => {
const squares = document.querySelectorAll("#p2 .square");
squares.forEach((el) => {
el.addEventListener("click", (e) => attackCallback(e, board));
narrative.textContent = "Click to fire on the enemy fleet";
export { p1Box, p2Box, placeShipEventName, playerPlaceShip, AIPlaceShip, renderBoard, UIAttack };

Phaser 2 determining which unit is active

I have 3 clickable objects. When one is clicked, this becomes the 'selected unit'.
I am trying to create some generic actions for the units such as moving to a point.
In my create function I initialize the units, when a unit is clicked on - this is supposed to become the 'selected unit' so that my movement and direction function applies to the this unit. However, the script is not able to recognize which unit intend for example I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'velocity' of undefined.
Is there a way to use a variable to indicate selected users and pass that to the functions?
window.onload = function() {
var block_count = 0;
var block = '';
var selected_unit = '';
var unit_clicked = 0;
var tank1 = null;
var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, render: render});
function preload () {
game.load.image('block', 'block.png');
game.load.image('tank1', 'tank.png');
game.load.image('baddie', 'tank.png');
game.load.image('mouse_btn', 'block.png');
game.input.mouse.capture = true;
function create () {
mouse_btn = game.add.sprite(30,30, 'mouse_btn');
mouse_btn.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
tank1 = game.add.sprite(30,30, 'tank1');
game.physics.enable(tank1, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
tank2 = game.add.sprite(30,60, 'tank1');
game.physics.enable(tank2, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);, 0, 2000, 2000);;
function update () {
if(selected_unit == '') {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY
if(game.input.activePointer.leftButton.isDown && block_count == 0 && unit_clicked == 0) {
block_count =1;
block = game.add.sprite(game.input.mousePointer.worldX, game.input.mousePointer.worldY, 'block');
game.physics.enable(block, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
block.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5)
lookAtObject(selected_unit, block, 0.005);
game.physics.arcade.moveToObject(selected_unit, block, 260, 0)
} else {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
if(game.physics.arcade.collide(selected_unit, block)) {
function render(){
//console.log(game.physics.arcade.collide(tank1, block))
function lookAtObject(obj, target, rotspeed){
var angle = Math.atan2(block.y - tank1.y, block.x - tank1.body.x);
tank1.rotation = angle + game.math.degToRad(90);
function initialise_player(tank1){
tank1.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
tank1.inputEnabled = true;
tank1.input.useHandCursor = true;,this);, this), this)
function t1_clicked() {
selected_unit = tank1;
function t1_over() {
unit_clicked = 1
function t1_out () {
unit_clicked = 0
The error you're getting on initial load is because in update you're making an assumption that selected_unit exists and has a body.
Update your third if to make sure selected_unit is defined.
if (selected_unit !== '') {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
However, a better option would be to put this a few lines down, where you kill the block instead.
if(game.physics.arcade.collide(selected_unit, block)) {
selected_unit.body.velocity.x = 0;
selected_unit.body.velocity.y = 0;
if (block.alive); moveToObject is also expecting selected_unit to exist and have a body, which may not be the case; wrap it with a check.
if (selected_unit !== '') {
game.physics.arcade.moveToObject(selected_unit, block, 260, 0)
That now allows tank1 to rotate to look at the item you just placed, but it doesn't move it until it or tank2 have been clicked on.
This also points out that there are a number of tweaks you'll want to make to your code in general, since you're ignoring arguments that are being passed in. For example, t1_clicked isn't using the sprite that's been clicked on, but is instead just hard-coding tank1. lookAtObject isn't using obj or target, but again has values hard-coded in.
One other thing you may want to change is the following:
if(selected_unit == '') {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY
If you make that the following, you won't end up with an extra sprite hanging about on the screen.
if (block_count === 0) {
mouse_btn.x = game.input.mousePointer.worldX;
mouse_btn.y = game.input.mousePointer.worldY;

How can I prevent elements from touching/colliding in jointjs?

I am using jointjs to create an interactive flowcharting application, is there a way to prevent elements from being dragged over the top of one another?
You can revert the position of an element when the user finishes dragging and overlap is found.
'element:pointerdown': (elementView, evt) => {
// store the position before the user starts dragging = { startPosition: elementView.model.position() };
'element:pointerup': (elementView, evt) => {
const { model: element } = elementView;
const { model: graph } = paper;
const elementsUnder = graph.findModelsInArea(element.getBBox()).filter(el => el !== element);
if (elementsUnder.length > 0) {
// an overlap found, revert the position
const { x, y } =;
element.position(x, y);

SVG Camera Pan - Translate keeps resetting to 0 evertime?

Well i have this SVG canvas element, i've got to the point so far that once a user clicks and drags the canvas is moved about and off-screen elements become on screen etc....
However i have this is issue in which when ever the user then goes and click and drags again then the translate co-ords reset to 0, which makes the canvas jump back to 0,0.
Here is the code that i've Got for those of you whio don't wanna use JS fiddle
Here is the JSfiddle demo -
edit: Got the solution - here is a JSfiddle DEMO
Any and all sugesstion will really help.
var states = '', stateOrigin;
var root = document.getElementById("svgCanvas");
var viewport = root.getElementById("viewport");
var storeCo =[];
function setAttributes(element, attribute)
for(var n in attribute) //rool through all attributes that have been created.
element.setAttributeNS(null, n, attribute[n]);
function setupEventHandlers() //self explanatory;
setAttributes(root, {
"onmousedown": "mouseDown(evt)", //do function
"onmouseup": "mouseUp(evt)",
"onmousemove": "mouseMove(evt)",
function setTranslate(element, x,y,scale) {
var m = "translate(" + x + "," + y+")"+ "scale"+"("+scale+")";
element.setAttribute("transform", m);
function getMousePoint(evt) { //this creates an SVG point object with the co-ords of where the mouse has been clicked.
var points = root.createSVGPoint();
points.x = evt.clientX;
points.Y = evt.clientY;
return points;
function mouseDown(evt)
var value;
if( == root || viewport)
states = "pan";
stateOrigin = getMousePoint(evt);
function mouseMove(evt)
var pointsLive = getMousePoint(evt);
if(states == "pan")
setTranslate(viewport,pointsLive.x - stateOrigin.x, pointsLive.Y - stateOrigin.Y, 1.0); //is this re-intializing every turn?
storeCo[0] = pointsLive.x - stateOrigin.x
storeCo[1] = pointsLive.Y - stateOrigin.Y;
else if(states == "store")
setTranslate(viewport,storeCo[0],storeCo[1],1); // store the co-ords!!!
stateOrigin = pointsLive; //replaces the old stateOrigin with the new state
states = "stop";
function mouseUp(evt)
if(states == "pan")
states = "store";
if(states == "stop")
states ='';
In your mousedown function, you are not accounting for the fact that the element might already have a transform and you are just overwriting it.
You are going to need to either look for, and parse, any existing transform. Or an easier approach would be to keep a record of the old x and y offsets and when a new mousedown happens add them to the new offset.

Animation Array in JavaScript

I've come up with this little animation that uses images in an array, but it's sloppy. What I'd really like is to modularize it so that I can use multiple instances of the same function to animate different arrays depending on which key is pressed. Also, I'd like to get it so that the animation stops when the key is released, if possible. I realize that calling all of those variables globally is a big no-no, but I have no idea how to make it work otherwise! Last but not least, I'd like to figure out how to get that last bit of inline script over to the external file and have it still work correctly. Any help would be much appreciated! But please note, I'm a novice with JavaScript, so please try to be as specific/detailed as possible so I can learn from your wisdom! Thank you!
I've created a jsfiddle.
<div id="wrapper">
<span id="jajo"><img id="my_img" src="jajo.png" /></span>
<script>element = document.getElementById("jajo"); </script>
var i = 0;
var element;
var waveArray = ["wave0.png","wave1.png","wave2.png","wave3.png","wave4.png","wave5.png"];
var jumpArray = ["jump0.png","jump1.png","jump2.png","jump3.png","jump4.png","jump5.png"];
var foodArray = ["food0.png","food1.png","food2.png","food3.png","food4.png","food5.png"];
document.onkeydown = function(event) {
var keyPress = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
if(keyPress == "W") { // if "w" is pressed, display wave animation
increment ();
document.onkeyup = function(event) { // if "w" is released, display default image
document.getElementById("jajo").innerHTML= "<img alt='Jajo' src='jajo.png'>";
} else if(keyPress == "A") { // if "a" is pressed, display jump animation
} else if(keyPress == "S") { // if "s" is pressed, display food animation
function increment (){
if(i > (waveArray.length - 1)){
i = 0;
function animation() {
var img = '<img src="' + waveArray[i] + '" alt="Jajo" />';
element.innerHTML = img;
setTimeout(increment, 2000/30);
var animation = (function() {
var delay = 1000 / 30;
var map = {}, active = [], timer;
function animate() {
for(var i=0, l=active.length; i<l; ++i) {
var data = map[active[i]];
data.index %= data.array.length;
data.image.src = data.array[data.index];
timer = setTimeout(animate, delay);
function begin(e) {
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode),
data = map[key];
if(!data) return;
if(!active.length) timer = setTimeout(animate, delay);
if(!~active.indexOf(key)) active.push(key);
function end(e) {
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode),
data = map[key];
if(!data) return;
data.image.src = data.default;
var index = active.indexOf(key);
if(!~index) return;
active.splice(index, 1);
if(!active.length) clearTimeout(timer);
return {
add: function(data) {
data.index = data.index || 0;
data.image = data.image ||'img')[0];
data.default = data.default || data.image.src;
map[data.key] = data;
remove: function(key) {
delete map[key];
enable: function() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', begin, false);
document.addEventListener('keyup', end, false);
disable: function() {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', begin, false);
document.removeEventListener('keyup', end, false);
active = [];
key: 'W',
target: document.getElementById('jajo'),
array: [
animation.add({ /* ... */ });
Adds a new animation, with parameters:
key: key to activate animation
target: wrapper of the image (optional if image is specified)
image: image to animate (optional, defaults to first image in target)
default: default url of the image (optional, defaults to original url)
index: initial position in array (optional, defaults to 0)
array: array of images
Removes the animation related with key specified.
Disables animations (typing keys would have no effect), and stops current ones.
Enable animations (typing keys can start animations).

