A better way to visualize API response normalized with "Normalizr" - javascript

I have this normalized API response :
"result": "123",
"entities": {
"articles": {
"123": {
"id": "123",
"author": "1",
"title": "My awesome blog post",
"comments": [
"users": {
"1": {
"id": "1",
"name": "Paul"
"2": {
"id": "2",
"name": "Nicole"
"comments": {
"324": {
"id": "324",
"commenter": "2"
Are there any better ways to visualize/log/debug (an already normalized or while normalizing) a response other than console.log() used with JSON.stringify() ?

There are actually many NPM modules like pretty-print-json or json-beautify that can do this for you as well al libraries, although my favorite method for pretty-printing is still the console.log() paired with JSON.stringify() because you can easily use the remaining arguments for beautify in console.
JSON.stringify() provides you a replacer and a space args:
The replacer allows you to keep in the stringified object the attributes that you want, so he finds in place the attribute and keeps it in the string;
The space defines the tabulation, is used to insert white space into the output JSON string for readability purposes only.


Stringify JSON differently on each level

In order to hash (sha1) a JSON and to compare the resulting hash to a given one, I need a String which is exactly the same as the one that has been used to create the given hash.
Then, my stringified JSON must have different indentation for sub nodes of the JSON :
I want this js object :
to be stringified like that :
"id": "4",
"name": "patrick",
"roles": [
JSON.stringify(obj,null,4) gives me something very near from the solution but not exactly :
"id": 4,
"name": "patrick",
"roles": [
"id": 1,
"name": "admin"
"id": 2,
"name": "author"
I'm trying with the second argument of JSON.stringify but can not reach my goal :'(

Creating Complex JSON Object using JavaScript Code

I am bit new to JSON world. And I have to use JavaScript to create following type of JSON structure. Not sure how to achieve this. Tried with following code, but unable to add second element("12101") as well as people to JSON Structure is where I am struggling.
var chat = {};
chat = {"101":{}};
chat["101"].people= {};
chat["101"].people = {"L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC":{}};
chat["101"].people.L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC = {"name":"vikram#qech.com"};
chat["101"].room= {};
JSON structure to achieve
"101": {
"people": {
"L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC": {
"name": "vikram#qtech.com",
"inroom": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"owns": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"countrycode": "in",
"device": "desktop",
"roomname": "R1"
"name": "Ishim",
"inroom": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"owns": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"roomname": "Ra"
"room": {
"f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1": {
"name": "R1",
"id": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"owner": "L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC",
"people": [
"status": "available"
"2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922": {
"name": "Ra",
"id": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"owner": "qKCglYWI1hRhZUZCAAAD",
"people": [
"status": "available"
"12101": {
"people": {
"K-Ar9GYKoAAAC": {
"name": "Rahul.com",
"inroom": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"owns": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"countrycode": "in",
"device": "desktop",
"roomname": "R1"
"name": "Vipul",
"inroom": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"owns": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"roomname": "Ra"
"room": {
"b779-cfc396f0f8a1": {
"name": "Rahul-R1",
"id": "f787f316-6424-491b-b779-cfc396f0f8a1",
"owner": "L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC",
"people": [
"status": "available"
"b9b7-2f3fc0602922": {
"name": "Vipul-Room1",
"id": "2e52905d-951c-4990-b9b7-2f3fc0602922",
"owner": "qKCglYWI1hRhZUZCAAAD",
"people": [
"status": "available"
This is invalid because the property name contains dashes.
chat["101"].people.L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC = {"name":"vikram#qech.com"};
To access it correctly, put it in quotes
chat["101"].people["L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC"] = {"name":"vikram#qech.com"};
Use bracket notation as a property accessor like this:
chat["12101"].people = {};
chat["101"].people["L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC"] = {"name":"vikram#qech.com"};
With it, it’s just a routine piece of work. It probably didn’t work right away since dot notation property access requires a valid identifier name. With bracket notation, you can use any string like "L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAAAC".
Also note that in JSON, anything works as a property name too, as long as it is put in quotes. {"L0b12leL-Ar9GYKoAC":true} is as valid as {"💖":true}.

Working With Dynamic Multidimensional key-value pairs in JSON

Having a thorny problem and only see similar but also simpler solutions on SO.
Is is possible to generate a dynamic key AND dynamic values using JS/JSON?
For instance, let's say I have JSON like this:
"email": "user#someco.com",
"firstname": "Bob",
"lastname": "Smith",
"company": "ACME",
"custom": {
"services": [
"name": "svc1",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc2",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "true",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc3",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"name": "svc4",
"desc": "abcdefg",
"selected": "false",
"status": "None"
"fields": [
"name": "Products",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Product1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Product2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Wines",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Wine 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
"name": "Fruits",
"desc": "abcdef",
"type": "multi",
"values": [
"name": "Fruit 1",
"desc": "abcdef"
"name": "Fruit 2",
"desc": "abcdef"
"services": [
I need to go into the fields and for each field (products, wines, fruits) see if a given service is contained within so that I can go back and generate a product or wine or fruit for each service that requires it. But I don't want to repeat the services names more than once. The resulting JSON should look something like this:
{"svc1":["Products"], "svc2":["Products"], "svc3":["Products"], "svc4":["Fruits", "Wines"]}
The hope would be that to generate a dynamic list in Angular I can just turn and loop back through this JSON, pulling out the values for each product, fruit, wine, whatever.
I've been trying a lot of nested for loops and the like but whenever I get more than one layer down the dynamism seems to stop. I'm guessing that for this to work I need to move between JS Objects and JSON?
Right now I'm trying something like this, which isn't quite working, stringify or no. And maybe I'm flip-flopping too much between JSON and JS Objects:
var outObj = [];
var fieldItems;
$.each(jsonObj.custom.fields, function(key, item) {
fieldItems = item;
fieldItems.name = item.name;
$.each(fieldItems.services, function(key, item) {
var serviceName = item;
//check to see if the serviceName already exists
if (outObj.indexOf(serviceName) > -1) {
} else {
console.log("outObj " + outObj);
I get "can't read property 'push' of undefined" errors and the like. Seems this should be possible from a single nested loop, but maybe I need to just do two passes? Any other suggestions?
To me it sounds like overcomplicated solution. You can use basic array methods of javascript to filter out required structure. I am not sure what profiling_value in the presented snippet, so I started from the object structure in OP
var desiredResult = jsonObj.custom.services.reduce(function(result, service){
result[service.name] = jsonObj.custom.fields.filter(function(field){
return field.services.indexOf(service.name) >= 0;
}).map(function(field){ return field.name; });
return result;
}, {});
This gives the expected result for mentioned object.
reduce is required to iterate over all services and accumulate result in one object. Then for each service fields are iterated to filter out only those that contain link to this service. And finally list of filtered fields is transformed (map) into list of strings - their names - and inserted into accumulator

create json file with 3 properties

I want to create json file with 3 property on is key and for every key there is two fields, currently I try with the following and I got error,whatI miss here?
"test1": {
"id": "0001",
"type": "USER"
}"Test2": {
"id": "0002",
"type": "USER2"
A comma to separate test1 array from test2 array
"test1": {
"id": "0001",
"type": "USER"
"test2": {
"id": "0002",
"type": "USER2"
JSON is comma separated. After each key:value pair there must be a comma unless it is the last in the set e.g.
"Item_1_Param1": "Param1", // Comma required here
"Item_1_Param2": "Param2" // Comma not required here
}, // Comma required here
"Item_2_Param1": "Param1", // Comma required here
"Item_2_Param2": "Param2" // Comma not required here
} // Comma not required here
Generally it is ok, you just need to add a comma
"test1": {
"id": "0001",
"type": "USER"
, // comma here is important
"Test2": {
"id": "0002",
"type": "USER2"

JSON response with header and entries

I have a system that makes JSON responses like this. This is a list to use in a table. I have never seen this way of writing the field names first and then the data in another set?
Is this way of writing JSON data called something special?
I cannot figure how to read the response in my javascript/jQuery, does anyone have an example or google hint?
(anyone know if "jtable" can read it?)
"header": [
"name": "K9LBNR"
"name": "K9BEM"
"name": "CBRUGER"
"name": "CDATO"
"name": "CTID"
"name": "UBRUGER"
"name": "UDATO"
"name": "UTID"
"entries": [
"Albert Einstein described\\the \"ork of theorists as making",
"of reality is incomplete. Thus the concept that Einstein",
EDIT: I can easily read a list in javascript that i wrote like this in JSON, but not the above!:
"Bildlist": [
"K8LBNR": "1",
"K8TYPE": "D",
"K8LINKB": "",
"CDATO": "2014.06.03",
"CTID": "13.54.55"
"K8LBNR": "1",
"K8TYPE": "D",
"K8LINKB": "",
"CDATO": "2014.06.03",
"CTID": "13.54.55"

