Is it possible to destructure image folder files in React Component? - javascript

I'm creating a react app. I have an image folder with a few files. In order for React to render the image I have to import it like I import other modules. Something like this:
What I want to do is import the whole image folder, and then find a way to access each file in my Component. for example:
import img from '.../img'
In my JSX, I want to be able to access each of the files from the imported image folder.
Is it possible to do?

You still need to import those images in some place. For cleaner syntax in your main component file, I will group the image files in 1 file
//grouping images in one module. Let's say it is image.js
import imageA from <your-patha>
import imageB from <your-pathb>
import imageC from <your-pathc>
export default {
imgA: imageA,
imgB: imageB,
imgC: imageC
//Home component
import Images from '<image.js path>'
const Home = () => {
return (
<img src={Images.imgA} //...other props />

The best way to do this is you can put all your images in the public folder and refer like below on component.
<img src="/image.jpg" alt="image" />


Referencing image in assets folder

I have sampleposition.png in my assets folder, and a page called myPage.js in my components folder. How do I reference the sampleposition.png in my assets folder from myPage.js. I've tried src="../assets/sampleposition.png" / but that doesn't seem to be working.
If you are using Create React App, the process is fairly easy and straight-forward.
Are you importing it or doing something like <img src="../whatever/>? You need to be importing so that the build will know how to access it at runtime. See Adding Images, Fonts, and Files
import React from 'react';
import logo from './logo.png'; // Tell webpack this JS file uses this image
console.log(logo); // /logo.84287d09.png
function Header() {
// Import result is the URL of your image
return <img src={logo} alt="Logo" />;
export default Header;
If you aren't, you need to be serving the content statically and referencing the static content address or use a build/bundle tool to put the content into a place that is known ahead of time which is what the create-react-app tool sets up for you.
Import your image and use it in the code. This should do it according to your requirement.
import React from 'react';
import myImage from '../assets/sampleposition.png';
function YourFunction() {
<img src={myImage} alt="myImage" />;
export default YourFunction;

How to import multi images in ReactJS

I have something like this.
I want to import multi images with shorter code.
I tried to use a template string like this
But it seems to require not to show my image.
You can use an index file to re-export all the images in folder
import layer0001 from './Layer_0001.png';
import layer0002 from './Layer_0002.png';
import layer0003 from './Layer_0003.png';
export { layer0001, layer0002, layer0003 };
and importing them as named import
import { layer0001, layer0002, layer0003 } from 'assets/images/forest';
or import everything
import * as forest from 'assets/images/forest';
which allow you to do a dynamic URL like
let layer = 'layer001';
backgroundImage: `url(${forest[layer]})`

Image not loading when passing a prop to <img src="this.prop." /> in React

I have an issue regarding a link not loading my image when I pass a prop to the attribute src of img. I have tried wrapping require() around my links and it didn't work.
I have a huge library of products which would be unfeasible to manually import images using the image loader.
Therefore, is there a way to load an image using props inside the src attribute?
I am using NODE_PATH=src/
Thanks for the help!
export const productLib = [{
ID: "001",
name:"product name",
src: "lib/productLib/img/product_name",
color: "",
}, {...}]
import React from 'react';
export class Products extends React.Component {
render() {
<div className="products">
<img src={this.props.product.src} width="50" />
<h6>{}<span className={`block ${this.props.product.color}`}></span></h6>
As recommended by Xuscrus, I linked my images using the public path. I had to remove my absolute path in order for this solution to work.
I moved all of my images inside a folder named "img" inside the public folder of my create-react-app.
With the example used in my initial statement, here is the easiest solution I found:
import React from 'react';
export class Products extends React.Component {
render() {
<div className="products">
<img src={`/img/${this.props.product.src}.png`} width="50" />
<h6>{}<span className={`block ${this.props.product.color}`}></span></h6>
My main reference for my solution was this post (URL method in the correct answer) :
How to do Dynamic images in ReactJS?
I think issue is related with the way you are sending the url to the component.
"lib/productLib/img/product_name" is not an url, not relative url also.
You can use import to get the image.
import React from 'react';
import logo from './logo.png'; // Tell webpack this JS file uses this image
console.log(logo); // /logo.84287d09.png
function Header() {
// Import result is the URL of your image
return <img src={logo} alt="Logo" />;
export default Header;
If you are using react-create app
they resolve the problem for you:
I came across a similar issue in fact I was searching for the solution at the moment but figured it out myself I have Images store in a separate folder and I'm importing them in the data file and then Passing it to the component where I needed it, but the image was not displaying.
All I did was
//img is the variable I'm getting the image path at
That returned
Module {default: "/static/media/svg-1.af890272.svg", __esModule: true,
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Module"}
default: "/static/media/svg-1.af890272.svg"
Symbol(Symbol.toStringTag): "Module"
__esModule: true
[[Prototype]]: Object
After Getting this in the Module Object I saw the default value so just do
img = img.default
And now you can pass it in src
import React from 'react';
<img src={img} width="50" />

Good practice to import images in ReactJS?

I am adding multiple images in my web page by placing each image in same directory that of components (see screenshot) How can I place the image files in another folder and then access them inside my components.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import java from './java.png';
import neural from './neural.png';
import future from './future.gif';
import neuralnet from './neuralnet.jpg';
import dsa from './dsa.png';
import dl from './dl.jpg';
import ml from './ml.jpg';
import python from './python.png';
import ai from './ai.jpg';
<img className="futuregif" src={future} alt="gif" height="240" width="320"></img>
<img className="javacardimg" src={java} alt="Java" height="65" width="65"></img>
<img className="neuralcardimg" src={neural} alt="neural" height="65" width="65"></img>
and so on.. for all other images
Components and image files are getting mixed together is there any other specific way to do it by making a image folder but then what should be the path in src="".
File structure:
To clarify my comment.
Create a directory assets containing all your assets like images.
Then import the right path and load your content like:
import neural from './assets/images/neural.png';
class myComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (<div><img src={neural} alt=""/></div>);
In my point of view you can create a js file and export const imageName. in const you can specify your image path.
import React from 'react';
import java from './java.png';
export const javaImg = java;
Then in your component file you need to import that js file and you can use those const according to your requirement.
import constant from './constant';
class x extends Component {
constructor(props) {
export default x;
If you are importing images in same component it'll work but the component will become a lengthy and complex looking.
so my suggestion is like this.

Import image using this.props.src in React

I am giving my component 2 props src and alt so that it could display an image like so:
<img src={require(this.props.src)} alt={this.props.alt} />
Running my app gives me this error
Error: Cannot find module "."
I tried the image URL and it is correct and works, the app just doesn't want to work when I supply require the props.
If you're using webpack, I'm going to assume that you're using the webpack image loader. If that's the case it means that you're importing your images in your component, probably using named imports. In that case you can pass the named import as a prop to either a child component or use it directly on the component where the import lives.
// named import
import landscape from "./img/landscape.jpg";
// child component
import Child from "./components/child";
const Parent = () =>
<Child src={landscape} />
// then the child component could look like this
const Child = (props) =>
<img src={props.src} />
If this is not the case, please give more information regarding how webpack is handling the images in your components.

