Add class to next integer on click while removing from current jQuery - javascript

I am wrapping the class; slideVisible to the first 3 blog articles displayed. This class removes the css property; display - none. I have added some indicators with the class; carousel-buttons, which also is based on the number of loops of sets of 3 blog posts. On click of these carousel-buttons I would like to remove the class slideVisible from the element which currently has it, and then add to the next element in the sequence.
I have used an index-related selector to demonstrate a way of creating this function, however this is not dynamic. How would I do this correctly?
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var carosuelPost = jQuery(".post-slider-mango .post");
jQuery('.post-slider-mango .fusion-posts-container').wrapAll('<div id="dog-slider"><div class="carousel-inner"></div></div>');
for (var i = 0; i < carosuelPost.length; i += 3) {
let activeClass = '';
if(i == 0) activeClass = 'slideVisible';
carosuelPost.slice(i, i + 3).wrapAll('<div class="slideElements ' + activeClass + '"> </div>');
for (var i = 0; i < carosuelPost.length; i += 3) {
if(i == 0) activeClass = 'slideVisible';
jQuery(".post-slider-mango .fusion-posts-container").after('<a class="carousel-buttons"><li></li></a>');
jQuery(".carousel-buttons:eq(0)").on("click", function() {
jQuery(".carousel-buttons:eq(1)").on("click", function() {

So it's hard to say because it depends on the element that has the activeClass class and the heirarchy. You can have the .carousel-button on click remove the class from its parent, or parent's parent.
You can use .closest() to find the closest ancestor with x class. So:
// Declare function that removes a given class from given element
// Set click event listener for .carousel-button elements
Also to note, I would use a <button> element for the carousel-button so you do not then need to use the e.preventDefault() in the click event. If it is only to be used to run JavaScript via user interaction then you do not need to use an <a> tag.
See snippet for working example.
// Set click event listener for .carousel-button elements
const next = $(this).closest('div.slideVisible').next().is('.slide');
if (next) {
return $(this).closest('div.slideVisible').removeClass('slideVisible').next().addClass('slideVisible');
} else {
return $(this).closest('div.slideVisible').removeClass('slideVisible').prev().addClass('slideVisible');
.slide {
.slide2 {
.slideVisible {
.carousel-button {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="slide slide1 slideVisible">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="carousel-button">Hide Me!</button>
<div class="slide slide2">
<div class="buttons">
<p>This is slide 2</p>
<button class="carousel-button">Hide Me!</button>
Edit: This answer assumes that you're trying to remove the class from a parent of the button you're clicking. If you need to get it from the sibling before or after you can use .prev() and .next() after calling the .closest() method:


Why classes change the order?

$("body").on("click", ".close", function() {
var class_test1 = 'class1 class2';
var class_test2 = 'class1 class3';
<script src=""></script>
<div id="id_test" class="class1 class2">
<button class="close">
If click on button, div#id_test should be change classes on class1 class3, but he change classes on class3 class1(classes change the order).
Why is this happening and have resolved problem?
P.S.: need change class1 class3 on class1 class2 - only in this order.
The reason is the following:
There are multiple classes overlapping with multiple clicks.
Let me explain:
When you click the button the first time, the classes "class1" and "class2" get removed. Then "class1" and "class3" gets attached.
However, if you click the button AGAIN, ONLY "class1" gets removed, making "class3" move to the first position (since there is no "class2" to remove anymore). Then "class1" gets re-added AFTER "class3" - resulting in "class3 class1".
Suggested solution:
$("body").on("click", ".close", function() {
var class_test2 = 'class1 class3';
This will remove ALL the classes and then adds the right ones in right order.
You can use .toggleClass() to toggle 2 , 3 at end of one of the className string
$("body").on("click", ".close", function() {
var n = 3;
$("#id_test").toggleClass(function() {
return "class2 class" + n;
#id_test.class2 {
color: green;
#id_test.class3 {
color: blue;
#id_test.class2:after {
content: attr(class);
#id_test.class3:after {
content: attr(class);
<script src="">
<div id="id_test" class="class1 class2">
<button class="close">
$(".close").on("click", function() {

HTML/jQuery Limit no. of divs in container

(firstly I recommend seeing the related image)
I have 3 container having same class .container. Also, user can add child divs dynamically into the containers. The user will start adding divs (that is .parent) by clicking '.add' div inside each '.parent'.
The containers can have at max 3 div. If the user has added 3 divs already then the next div should go in the second container and so on. Once the last container(the third one) is full, an alert should pop up saying "You cannot add anymore divs."
I have two questions:
Using jquery how can I limit the number of '.parent' divs per container to 3. If the user tries to add another it is added to container 2 (unless container 2 has 3 child divs, then it would go to container 3)?
Once the container of page 3 is full (3 divs) an alert should pop up saying "You cannot add anymore divs".
The only snippet of code that I have is not working. Please help me with the code. I am novice in all this stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Related image: [1]:
Sample code:
<html>// the containers
<div class="container"></div>
<div class="container"></div>
<div class="container"></div>//divs that are supposed to be appended
<div class="parent">
<div class="add"></div>
<div class="parent">
<div class="add"></div>
<div class="parent">
<div class="add"></div>
<div class="parent">
<div class="add"></div>
</div>. . .
var $pages = $('.container');
var child = '$('.add ').parent()';
$(".add").on('click', function () {
var childAdded = false;
$pages.each(function () {
var $container = $(this);
if ($container.children().length < 3) {
childAdded = true;
return false;
if (!childAdded) {
alert("You can not add any more divs");
Several problems in your code
You want the instance of the parent class when you click on the button, not all .parent
You have syntax errors using quotes around jQuery objects that shouldn't be there.
Here's a simple approach using filter() method.
$(".add").on('click', function () {
/* filter $pages down to first available one with space */
var $page=$pages.filter(function(){
return $(this).children().length < 3;
if( !$page.length ){ /* if no elements returned from filter, they are all full */
alert("You can not add any more divs");
/* get instance of parent based on button that was clicked which is "this" */
var $parent=$(this).closest('.parent');
$page.append( $parent );
filter() API docs
You have to track the amount of divs you have added yourself. Then, use this information to determine which .container you should put it in. Something like this:
var added = 0;
$(".add").on('click', function () {
var target;
if(added<3) {
target = $pages[0];
} else if (added<6) {
target = $pages[1];
} else if (added<9) {
target = $pages[2];
} else {
alert("You can not add any more divs");
added += 1;

jQuery addClass to element with same class name with Waypoints

I have an event in which I need to add a class to an element with a matching class name.
For example:
<a class="one"></div>
<a class="two"></div>
<div class="one"></div>
<div class="two"></div>
How do I find and add an additional class to the element with the matching class name?
Here is my script, I need it to target the tag with matching class.
jQuery('div.two').waypoint(function(direction) {
if (direction === 'down') {
jQuery(this).addClass("active") // to <a> element that shares same class
else {
I'm not familiar with this plugin but I'll give it a shot. Based off what you've provided I think your problem is:
Since you already know the class, just do:
var tempClass = $(this).attr("class");
Just select by class names.".one"), function(el) {
Instead of a for loop, this uses the prototype method forEach with the call method to turn the NodeList into an array list, adding the class to each element with the class "one"
You probably want to remove the class from the others first, then add to the applicable <a>
jQuery('div.two').waypoint(function(direction) {
if (direction === 'down') {
/* remove prior active class */
/* add to current one */
else {
To make this more generic I would add a class like waypoint to all the content elements as well as a data-point to be able to simplify instances.
<div data-point="one" class="waypoint"></div>
jQuery('.waypoint').waypoint(function(direction) {
if (direction === 'down') {
/* remove prior active class */
/* add to current one */
var linkClass=$(this).data('point')
jQuery("a." + linkClass).addClass('active');
else {

Simple Way to Switch a CSS Class in Javascript

I appreciate all the suggestions I've gotten so far-thank you!
I'll try to describe a bit better what I'm trying to do:
I want to switch a CSS class on the active (clicked on) tab item on a item (to make a highlight effect while its related content is showing).
The JS Fiddle from Vlad Nicula comes close to what I'm trying to achieve, however I can't get it to work in my code.
The tabs are linked to content which is shown on the page when the tab is clicked. This part is working fine. I just want to change the CSS style on the ContentLink items when its content is being shown.
I'd also like to keep the content for ContentLink1 visible when the page loads, as it is now in the code, and for ContentLink1 to have the CSS .infoTabActive class when the page loads. When the ContentLink tab is not clicked, it should have the .infoTab class.
This is what I have so far:
<article class="grid-70 infoContainer">
<a class="infoTab" id="aTab" href="javascript:show('a')">ContentLink1</a>
<a class="infoTab" id="bTab" href="javascript:show('b')">ContentLink2</a>
<a class="infoTab" id="cTab" href="javascript:show('c')">ContentLink3</a>
<div id="a">
<p> Inhalt 1111111.</p></div>
<div id="b">
<p>Inhalt 222222222
<div id="c">
<p>Inhalt 33333333
window.onload = function () {
document.getElementById("a").style.display = "block";
function show(i) {
document.getElementById('a').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById('b').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById('c').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById(i).style.display ="block";
basic CSS for tab styles I want to apply:
.infoTab {
.infoTabActive {
Any pointers would be appreciated!
You can switch the classes simply bu using class property on DOM element.
To replace the existing class use
document.getElementById("Element").className = "ClassName";
Similarly to add a new class to exisiting classes use
document.getElementById("Element").className += "ClassName";
Change show function to be like this:
function show(i) {
document.getElementById('a').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById('a').className ="";
document.getElementById('b').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById('b').className ="";
document.getElementById('c').style.display ="none";
document.getElementById('c').className ="";
document.getElementById(i).style.display ="block";
document.getElementById(i).className ="selected";
I changed a little bit your code to make it suits your needs.
First, change the onload part in the Fiddle, by no wrap.
Then, you need to hide each elements at start like this :
window.onload = function () {
var list = document.getElementsByClassName("hide");
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
list[i].style.display = "none";
I added an hide class to achieve it. Your show function works well then.
I would do it like this:
add a class called .show which sets the element to display block.
then toggle the classname.
Here's a JSFiddle
And here's an example:
<article class="grid-70 infoContainer">
<a class="infoTab" id="aTab" href="javascript:show('a')">Werbetexte</a>
<a class="infoTab" id="bTab" href="javascript:show('b')">Lektorate</a>
<a class="infoTab" id="cTab" href="javascript:show('c')">Übersetzung</a>
<div class="box" id="a">
<div class="col1"> <p>Inhalt 1111111.</p></div>
<div class="box" id="b">
Inhalt 222222222
<div class="box" id="c">
Inhalt 33333333
window.onload = function () {
function show(elm) {
// get a list of all the boxes with class name box
var shown = document.getElementsByClassName('box');
// loop through the boxes
for( var i=0; i<shown.length; i++ )
// set the classname to box (removing the 'show')
shown[i].className = 'box';
// change the classname to box show for the element that was clicked
document.getElementById( elm ).className = 'box show';
.box {
} {
Simplest way I could think of is this :
Basically you don't want to listen to each element. If you do that you will have issues with new tabs. If you listen to the parent element like in my example you can add new tabs without having to write any more javascript code.
<a class="infoTab" data-target='a' id="aTab">Werbetexte</a>
Each tab button has a data-target attribute that will describe the div to show as the tab content. Hiding and showing content will be done via css, not style - which is a recommended best practice -.
tabs.addEventListener("click", function ( ev ) {
var childTarget = ev.originalTarget || ev.toElement;
When a tab is clicked, we check to see which element was clicked from the event listener on the parent, and then get the data-target from it. We use this as a id selector to show the new tab. We also need a reference to the old tab that was active, so we can hide it.
The logic is not that complicated, and with this you can have any number of tabs. I would recommend jQuery for this, since the event delegation might not work in all browsers with the current code.
I hope this helps :)

My Javascript doesn't work. Don't know if it's the Function, how I'm calling it, the CSS I used or what

My function:
function ChangeStep(id)
var i = 1;
// hide all other tabs:
while(i<10) {
var divID = 'tabs' + i;
if (divID !== null) {
document.getElementById(divID).className += " hide";
// show this one
document.getElementById(id).className += " show";
How I'm calling it:
<div id="prev"><img src="img/prv.png" onClick="ChangeStep('tabs1'); return false;"></div>
<div id="next"><img src="img/nxt.png" onClick="ChangeStep('tabs2'); return false;"></div>
The Divs I want to show/hide:
<div id="tabs1" class="hide"><h1>Step 1</h1></div>
<div id="tabs2" class="show"><h1>Step 2</h1></div>
My Css:
.hide { visibility: hidden; }
.show { visibility: visible; }
Basically what I want to do is: When I click Next or Previous, show the corresponding "Tab" by hiding all the others and showing this. This should be done by adding the class "Hide" or "Show" depending on if it is to be hidden or visible.
You are always appending class names, so they will (after being shown once) be members of both the show and hide classes and both rulesets will apply (in the normal cascade order).
If you don't need to maintain any other classes, you can replace your append operator += with a simple assignment: =
If you do need to maintain other classes on the elements, then you can use classList instead.
If you need to support Old-IE then you can use a polyfill (which will probably run regex over the classList) or an API that provides similar functions. Most common JS libraries (such as YUI and jQuery) have one built in.

