Is there a way to show a blank square space filled with content on a leaflet map when clicking on a custom button? - javascript

To give a little bit of context, i am currently into developping an interactive map from scratch!
I work on leaflet, with HTML/CSS/Javascript.
I have one thing that i don't know how to do. I have add one custom button over my map, a designed one with some effects on hover. I would like to add interactivity on this button.
I would like, when a people click on this button, a blank square filled with content (small image+ text) will appear over my map.
I have try many ways to reach this, with a pop-up, but the render is really not good, because the pop-up is linked to a certain Long/Lat on the map and i just want a blank square over the map.
I probably know that the best way to reach this is to firstly add a Onclick event on my button.
<div class="wrapper" id='testId'>
<a class="cta" href="#">
<svg width="66px" height="43px" viewBox="0 0 66 43" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="arrow" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<path class="one" d="M40.1543933,3.89485454 L43.9763149,0.139296592 C44.1708311,-0.0518420739 44.4826329,-0.0518571125 44.6771675,0.139262789 L65.6916134,20.7848311 C66.0855801,21.1718824 66.0911863,21.8050225 65.704135,22.1989893 C65.7000188,22.2031791 65.6958657,22.2073326 65.6916762,22.2114492 L44.677098,42.8607841 C44.4825957,43.0519059 44.1708242,43.0519358 43.9762853,42.8608513 L40.1545186,39.1069479 C39.9575152,38.9134427 39.9546793,38.5968729 40.1481845,38.3998695 C40.1502893,38.3977268 40.1524132,38.395603 40.1545562,38.3934985 L56.9937789,21.8567812 C57.1908028,21.6632968 57.193672,21.3467273 57.0001876,21.1497035 C56.9980647,21.1475418 56.9959223,21.1453995 56.9937605,21.1432767 L40.1545208,4.60825197 C39.9574869,4.41477773 39.9546013,4.09820839 40.1480756,3.90117456 C40.1501626,3.89904911 40.1522686,3.89694235 40.1543933,3.89485454 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
<path class="two" d="M20.1543933,3.89485454 L23.9763149,0.139296592 C24.1708311,-0.0518420739 24.4826329,-0.0518571125 24.6771675,0.139262789 L45.6916134,20.7848311 C46.0855801,21.1718824 46.0911863,21.8050225 45.704135,22.1989893 C45.7000188,22.2031791 45.6958657,22.2073326 45.6916762,22.2114492 L24.677098,42.8607841 C24.4825957,43.0519059 24.1708242,43.0519358 23.9762853,42.8608513 L20.1545186,39.1069479 C19.9575152,38.9134427 19.9546793,38.5968729 20.1481845,38.3998695 C20.1502893,38.3977268 20.1524132,38.395603 20.1545562,38.3934985 L36.9937789,21.8567812 C37.1908028,21.6632968 37.193672,21.3467273 37.0001876,21.1497035 C36.9980647,21.1475418 36.9959223,21.1453995 36.9937605,21.1432767 L20.1545208,4.60825197 C19.9574869,4.41477773 19.9546013,4.09820839 20.1480756,3.90117456 C20.1501626,3.89904911 20.1522686,3.89694235 20.1543933,3.89485454 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
<path class="three" d="M0.154393339,3.89485454 L3.97631488,0.139296592 C4.17083111,-0.0518420739 4.48263286,-0.0518571125 4.67716753,0.139262789 L25.6916134,20.7848311 C26.0855801,21.1718824 26.0911863,21.8050225 25.704135,22.1989893 C25.7000188,22.2031791 25.6958657,22.2073326 25.6916762,22.2114492 L4.67709797,42.8607841 C4.48259567,43.0519059 4.17082418,43.0519358 3.97628526,42.8608513 L0.154518591,39.1069479 C-0.0424848215,38.9134427 -0.0453206733,38.5968729 0.148184538,38.3998695 C0.150289256,38.3977268 0.152413239,38.395603 0.154556228,38.3934985 L16.9937789,21.8567812 C17.1908028,21.6632968 17.193672,21.3467273 17.0001876,21.1497035 C16.9980647,21.1475418 16.9959223,21.1453995 16.9937605,21.1432767 L0.15452076,4.60825197 C-0.0425130651,4.41477773 -0.0453986756,4.09820839 0.148075568,3.90117456 C0.150162624,3.89904911 0.152268631,3.89694235 0.154393339,3.89485454 Z" fill="#FFFFFF"></path>
var button = document.getElementById('testId')
console.log('Button clicked')
This is my button.
Under you can find the div that i want to make appear on a click
<div class="inforegion">
Then, i want when someone click on this button, to show this
.inforegion {
position: fixed;
top: 50px;
width: 500px;
height: 200px;
padding: 100% 0 0 0 !important;
background: #ffffff;
z-index: 10000,
display: none;
It will be my blank space where i will put informations in it after.
My question is How make this div appear only on the click of the button?
Thank you very much


CSS hover and cursor don't work in shadow DOM

I'm working on a browser addon that inserts a widget into any website as a shadow DOM, but for some reason I'm unable to make the CSS :hover selector and cursor property working.
Here's the snippet of the content script that creates the shadow DOM:
var inpagePopupHTML = "";
var insertStylesHTML = "";
// load the widget HTML from a resource file (works fine)
$.get(browser.runtime.getURL("/ui/mistake-popup.html"), function(data) {
inpagePopupHTML = data;
// load the style for the widget from an HTML file that only contains <style>...</style> (works fine)
$.get(browser.runtime.getURL("/css/insert-styles.html"), function(data) {
insertStylesHTML = data;
document.body.innerHTML += data; // the CSS file is inserted here because it also contains styles for the whole page, not just the inserted widget
$("body").append('<div class="grammle--shadow" style="all: initial;"></div>'); // "all: initial" prevents the shadow DOM from inheriting styles
var shadow = document.querySelector(".grammle--shadow").attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
shadow.innerHTML += inpagePopupHTML;
shadow.innerHTML += insertStylesHTML; // the same CSS file is also put into the shadow DOM since it contains styles for the inserted widget
Here's the content of mistake-popup.html:
<div class="grammle--popup grammle--popup--minimised">
<div class="grammle--popup-text">
<span class="grammle--popup-text-counter">0</span>
<span class="grammle--popup-text-label">Fehler</span>
<div class="grammle--popup-icons">
<span class="grammle--popup-icon" part="icon">
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-chevron-up" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M7.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0l6 6a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 5.707l-5.646 5.647a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708l6-6z"/>
<span class="grammle--popup-icon" part="icon">
<svg xmlns="" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-x-lg" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M2.146 2.854a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L8 7.293l5.146-5.147a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L8.707 8l5.147 5.146a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 8.707l-5.146 5.147a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L7.293 8 2.146 2.854Z"/>
Here's insert-styles.html:
:root {
--grammle-dark-main-colour: #137768;
--grammle-dark-main-colour-hover: #0f6a5d;
.grammle--popup-icon {
cursor: pointer;
padding: 4px;
background-color: var(--grammle-dark-main-colour);
border-radius: 3px;
.grammle--popup-icon:hover {
background-color: var(--grammle-dark-main-colour-hover);
Here's a preview of the green widget being correctly inserted and displayed in the right bottom corner on, just as intended:
As you can see, the “static style” of the widget is correctly applied (so it's not a problem of the CSS not being inserted, for example), but when moving the cursor over either of the icon buttons, neither the darker background colour nor the pointer cursor are applied.
Why is that and how to fix it?
Thanks for your help!
I found a work-around myself: Instead of adding the CSS styles in-line, I added a <head> element to the shadow DOM:
var shadowHead = document.createElement("head");
$(shadowHead).append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + browser.runtime.getURL("/css/insert-styles.css") + '" type="text/css" />');
I don't know why, but this works now.

How to get javascript mouseover to highlight other elements in an svg file (context change)

I'm trying to solve a very simple problem: two elements; a button and a rectangle. When you hover over the button, the rectangle changes fill colour. I've tried CSS, but for some reason i can't get the 'className:hover targetClass{}' to work.
The main body is from Visio, and i've tried to edit it (*Edit:removed visio metadata):
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:ev=""
width="8.26772in" height="11.6929in" viewBox="0 0 595.276 841.89" xml:space="preserve" color-interpolation-filters="sRGB" class="st3">
<style type="text/css">
.st1 {fill:#5b9bd5;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:0.5}
.st2 {fill:#ffffff;font-family:Calibri;font-size:0.833336em}
.st3 {fill:#FFFF00;fill-rule:evenodd;font-size:12px;overflow:visible;stroke-linecap:square;stroke-miterlimit:3}
.button {fill:#5b9bd5;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:0.5}
.button:hover{fill: #FFFF00;}
<g id="ThePage">
<g id="shape2" transform="translate(283.465,-531.496)">
<title>Multi-Attachment rectangle.2</title>
<desc>Button text</desc>
<rect x="0" y="799.37" width="56.6929" height="42.5197" class="button"/>
<text x="5.25" y="823.63" class="st2" >Button text</text>
<g id="shape1" transform="translate(255.118,-595.276)">
<title>Multi-Attachment rectangle</title>
<desc>Big box text</desc>
<rect x="0" y="756.85" width="113.386" height="85.0394" class="st1"/>
<text x="32.78" y="802.37" class="st2" >Big box text</text>
My javascript code that I tried to implement but failed was:
var javaButton = document.getElementsByClassName('button');
for (var i = 0; i < javaButton.length; i++) {
javaButton[i].addEventListener('mouseover', mouseOverEffect);
javaButton[i].addEventListener('mouseout', mouseOutEffect);
function mouseOverEffect() {
function mouseOutEffect() {
Where "rect-highlight" is in the CSS part of the svg as: .rect-highlight {fill: #ec008c;}.
I know this works, as the button changed colour if I hover over it, however need to get the context from "this" to another element. How do I do that?
*Edit: removed visio metadata
**Edit : added code body
***Edit: added code fences so markdown doesn't eat my code.
Not sure what your issue is, since you did not provide a sample SVG, but if you want to highlight related elements you can use a :hover selector.
You can get the previous and next sibling of the current element by accessing previousElementSibling and nextElementSibling respectively.
const showSiblings = (e) => toggleSiblings(, true);
const resetSiblings = (e) => toggleSiblings(, false);
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.box')).forEach(box => {
box.addEventListener('mouseenter', showSiblings);
box.addEventListener('mouseleave', resetSiblings);
function toggleSiblings(curr, visible) {
let prev = curr.previousElementSibling;
let next = curr.nextElementSibling;
if (prev) {
prev.classList.toggle('sib-prev', visible);
if (next) {
next.classList.toggle('sib-next', visible);
svg { background: #FF7F7F; }
.box { stroke-width: 4; cursor: pointer; }
.foo { fill: #4C4C7F; stroke: #00007F; }
.foo:hover { fill: #7F7FFF; }
.bar { fill: #7F7F4C; stroke: #7F7F00; }
.bar:hover { fill: #FFFF7F; } {
stroke: #FF0000;
} {
stroke: #00FF00;
<svg width="260" height="196">
<rect class="box foo" x="6" y="6" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box bar" x="6" y="54" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box foo" x="6" y="102" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box bar" x="6" y="150" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box bar" x="134" y="6" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box foo" x="134" y="54" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box bar" x="134" y="102" width="120" height="40" />
<rect class="box foo" x="134" y="150" width="120" height="40" />
When you really need a javascript solution, go for the answers with javascript.
This answer, however, shows a simple non-JS solution using vanilla CSS. You'll see a button and a SVG square. By simply using CSS :hover and :focus on both button and svg the color of the square changes 4 times...
CSS Selector Reference
svg { fill: red; width: 100px }
svg:hover { fill: purple }
button:hover + svg { fill: lime } /* + = immediate sibling selector */
button:focus + svg { fill: blue }
<button>hover, click and unfocus me</button>
<svg viewbox="0 0 100 100"><rect width="100" height="100" x="0" y="0" /></svg>
I wanted to fiddle around with this, because I have an interest in doing cool things with SVG exported from Visio. There may be more elegant ways to solve your problem, as suggested and demonstrated by the other posters, but perhaps my attempt will be helpful anyway.
I've created a jsFiddle that does what you want, I think. Have a look:
First, I made a few changes to your the <svg> code:
I gave the top-most the <g> an id="ThePage", so that I could avoid it in the js code.
I set class="button" on the the <g> that contains the rectangle, rather than at the "sub-level" rectangle, where you had it.
I added pointer-events="none" to the elements inside the button shape's group. When you mouse-over the <text> element it caused mouseout to fire, even though the cursor was still within the group. This pointer-events setting stops that behavior, but now you can't select/copy the text. That might be just fine.
There are a few styles in a separate CSS area in the jsFiddle.
Here are the CSS style additions:
Make the SVG big enough to see and give
it a subtle color:
svg {
background: whitesmoke;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
Highlight direct <rect> children of any <g>
that has this class:
.rect-highlight > rect {
fill: red;
And here is the javaScript. I used querySelectorAll to find shapes according to CSS rules. If you add other non-button boxes to your <svg>, this code will find them and highlight them:
// Select all <g> elements that are classed as 'button':
let buttonShapes = document.querySelectorAll('.button');
console.log("buttonShapes: ", buttonShapes.length);
// Add the event handlers to all of these button shapes:
for(let buttonShape of buttonShapes) {
buttonShape.addEventListener('mouseenter', mouseEnterEffect);
buttonShape.addEventListener('mouseout' , mouseOutEffect);
function mouseEnterEffect(){
// Select all other <g> in the SVG that are not classed as button
// and are not id'd as ThePage:
let otherShapes = document.querySelectorAll('g:not(.button):not(#ThePage)');
console.log("otherShapes:", otherShapes.length);
for(let g of otherShapes) {
function mouseOutEffect(){
// Select all shapes that are groups <g> and are classed
// with "rect-highlight":
let highlightShapes = document.querySelectorAll('g.rect-highlight');
console.log("highlightShapes:", highlightShapes.length);
for(let g of highlightShapes) {
One last note: you can remove all of the extra elements and attributes that Visio adds. Essentially anything that starts with "v:". This is meta data that Visio can read if you decide to re-import the svg into Visio at a later time. Things like Shape Data fields, User-defined cells, layers, text-formatting and other info is stored in these tags.

svg cannot show tooltip normally in IE but normal Chrome

I cannot show the tooltip normally in IE but normally in Chrome.
Used some js codes to create dynamical label called title.
Add it into the svg.
Everything is right in Chrome with tooltip, but not in IE.
<svg id="lang-picker-toggler" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<path d="M217.982 201.586h-64.499c-5.537 0-10.026 4.489-10.026 10.026s4.489 10.026 10.026 10.026h53.547c-4.72 25.263-26.935 44.446-53.547 44.446-30.037 0-54.473-24.436-54.473-54.473s24.436-54.473 54.473-54.473c14.55 0 28.229 5.667 38.518 15.955 3.916 3.916 10.264 3.916 14.178 0 3.916-3.916 3.916-10.264 0-14.178-14.077-14.077-32.791-21.829-52.697-21.829-41.094 0-74.525 33.431-74.525 74.525 0 41.094 33.431 74.525 74.525 74.525s74.525-33.431 74.525-74.525c.001-5.536-4.488-10.025-10.025-10.025z"/>
<path d="M470.331 92.24H269.728l-26.935-81.355a10.025 10.025 0 00-9.518-6.875H41.669C18.693 4.01 0 22.703 0 45.679v332.412c0 22.976 18.693 41.669 41.669 41.669h203.145l27.073 81.369a10.026 10.026 0 009.513 6.861h188.932c22.976 0 41.669-18.693 41.669-41.669V133.909c-.001-22.976-18.694-41.669-41.67-41.669zM41.669 399.708c-11.919 0-21.616-9.697-21.616-21.616V45.679c0-11.919 9.697-21.616 21.616-21.616h184.364l70.691 213.516a.366.366 0 00.015.043l53.664 162.086H41.669zm295.78-116.433c.805 1.11 10.824 14.877 26.355 34.066-4.377 5.756-9.015 11.474-13.91 17.036l-29.712-89.74h87.441c-6.196 13.031-16.938 33.813-31.692 55.736-13.553-16.921-22.069-28.622-22.249-28.87-3.251-4.482-9.519-5.481-14.002-2.23-4.482 3.25-5.48 9.518-2.231 14.002zM265.946 419.76h75.162l-55.503 59.084-19.659-59.084zm226.002 46.561c0 11.919-9.697 21.616-21.616 21.616H304.575l67.015-71.339-.004-.003c.293-.312.571-.64.823-.991a10.025 10.025 0 001.39-9.022l-16.688-50.402c7.073-7.406 13.68-15.143 19.805-22.965 13.299 15.772 29.037 33.446 45.778 50.187 1.957 1.957 4.524 2.937 7.089 2.937s5.132-.979 7.089-2.937c3.916-3.916 3.916-10.264 0-14.178-17.461-17.461-34.013-36.244-47.687-52.632 21.251-30.503 35.033-59.504 40.535-71.954h21.454c5.537 0 10.026-4.489 10.026-10.026s-4.489-10.026-10.026-10.026h-66.173v-18.047c0-5.537-4.489-10.026-10.026-10.026s-10.026 4.489-10.026 10.026v18.046h-51.406l-37.178-112.292H470.33c11.919 0 21.616 9.697 21.616 21.616v332.412z"/>
Here is my javascript:
// Create dynamically label for tooltip
var titleEle = document.createElementNS('', 'title');
var textString = document.createTextNode(currentLangElement.getAttribute('data-language'));
IE will not show any tooltip for the <title> element of the root <svg> element.
svg {border: 1px solid}
<title>IE won't show this as a tooltip</title>
<rect x="50" y="50" width="50" height="50">
<title>However this will be in a tooltip even in IE</title>
fiddle for IE
Specs explicitly allow such behavior:
For reasons of accessibility, user agents should always make the content of the ‘title’ child element to the root svg element available to users. However, this is typically done through other means than the tooltips used for nested SVG and graphics elements, e.g., by displaying in a browser tab.
If you wish the tooltip to appear in this browser you must set the <title> of an inner element.
In your case, it could have been a <g> that would contain both <path> elements, if it wasn't for an other IE oddity where they show the tooltip only when you hover over painted areas (strokes and fills).
So given your paths don't cover the whole svg element, it's kinda risky to hope for your users will hover at the correct place.
So this leaves us with a last solution, which is to append a <rect> which will act as an invisible background covering the whole viewPort and will handle the <title>.
// We are now targetting the <rect> element
var langPickerTogglerElement = document.querySelector('#lang-picker-toggler > rect');
var currentLangElement = document.querySelector('[data-language]');
var titleEle = document.createElementNS('', 'title');
var textString = document.createTextNode(currentLangElement.getAttribute('data-language'));
svg {border: 1px solid}
<span data-language="My title text is awesome"></span>
<svg id="lang-picker-toggler" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="128" height="128">
<!-- our tooltip handler, must be a graphic element for IE -->
<!-- first element so it's set at the background -->
<!-- cover the whole viewPort -->
<!-- fill="none" for less work at rendering -->
<!-- pointer-events=fill so the browser can catch mouse over -->
x="0" y="0" width="512" height="512"
<path d="M217.982 201.586h-64.499c-5.537 0-10.026 4.489-10.026 10.026s4.489 10.026 10.026 10.026h53.547c-4.72 25.263-26.935 44.446-53.547 44.446-30.037 0-54.473-24.436-54.473-54.473s24.436-54.473 54.473-54.473c14.55 0 28.229 5.667 38.518 15.955 3.916 3.916 10.264 3.916 14.178 0 3.916-3.916 3.916-10.264 0-14.178-14.077-14.077-32.791-21.829-52.697-21.829-41.094 0-74.525 33.431-74.525 74.525 0 41.094 33.431 74.525 74.525 74.525s74.525-33.431 74.525-74.525c.001-5.536-4.488-10.025-10.025-10.025z"/>
<path d="M470.331 92.24H269.728l-26.935-81.355a10.025 10.025 0 00-9.518-6.875H41.669C18.693 4.01 0 22.703 0 45.679v332.412c0 22.976 18.693 41.669 41.669 41.669h203.145l27.073 81.369a10.026 10.026 0 009.513 6.861h188.932c22.976 0 41.669-18.693 41.669-41.669V133.909c-.001-22.976-18.694-41.669-41.67-41.669zM41.669 399.708c-11.919 0-21.616-9.697-21.616-21.616V45.679c0-11.919 9.697-21.616 21.616-21.616h184.364l70.691 213.516a.366.366 0 00.015.043l53.664 162.086H41.669zm295.78-116.433c.805 1.11 10.824 14.877 26.355 34.066-4.377 5.756-9.015 11.474-13.91 17.036l-29.712-89.74h87.441c-6.196 13.031-16.938 33.813-31.692 55.736-13.553-16.921-22.069-28.622-22.249-28.87-3.251-4.482-9.519-5.481-14.002-2.23-4.482 3.25-5.48 9.518-2.231 14.002zM265.946 419.76h75.162l-55.503 59.084-19.659-59.084zm226.002 46.561c0 11.919-9.697 21.616-21.616 21.616H304.575l67.015-71.339-.004-.003c.293-.312.571-.64.823-.991a10.025 10.025 0 001.39-9.022l-16.688-50.402c7.073-7.406 13.68-15.143 19.805-22.965 13.299 15.772 29.037 33.446 45.778 50.187 1.957 1.957 4.524 2.937 7.089 2.937s5.132-.979 7.089-2.937c3.916-3.916 3.916-10.264 0-14.178-17.461-17.461-34.013-36.244-47.687-52.632 21.251-30.503 35.033-59.504 40.535-71.954h21.454c5.537 0 10.026-4.489 10.026-10.026s-4.489-10.026-10.026-10.026h-66.173v-18.047c0-5.537-4.489-10.026-10.026-10.026s-10.026 4.489-10.026 10.026v18.046h-51.406l-37.178-112.292H470.33c11.919 0 21.616 9.697 21.616 21.616v332.412z"/>
fiddle for IE
There's a simpler way. You can can just replace this:
var textString = document.createTextNode(currentLangElement.getAttribute('data-language'));
with this:
titleEle.textContent = currentLangElement.getAttribute('data-language');
which does work in IE.

svg object pattern, how to multiply it

So I have a svg pattern which has 9 dots (3x3) inside with a transparent background. I have brought this in my html as an object, because I also have to change the color of the dots, I dont think I can do it with just CSS.
Now I need to repeat this object so I would have fullscreen worth of dots? How would I accomplish that?
So, it is possible to use CSS to change dots color. For example:
<object id="object" type="image/svg+xml" data="/paht/to/mysvg.svg"></object>
var a = document.getElementById("object");
var svgDoc = a.contentDocument;
var styleElement = svgDoc.createElementNS("", "style");
styleElement.textContent = "* { fill: #000 }";
And you can access to each childs(dots) in your root(svgDoc.documentElement) and manupulate it as you want, for example to multiply dots and so on via svgDoc.documentElement.childNodes.
I personally like the SVG use tag:
<svg class="icon">
<use xlink:href="#svg-icon" />
<svg id="defs" style="display:none">
<symbol id="svg-icon" viewBox="0 0 13 13">
<path d="M2,2 L11.1923882,11.1923882"></path>
<path d="M11.1923882,2 L2,11.1923882"></path>
This example draws you an 'X'. I can style it with CSS by targeting the <svg>:
.icon {
fill: none;
stroke-width: 2;
stroke: red;
Props to CSS-Tricks, where I originally picked this up.

how to slice an image in css

I want to slice images in my html document using CSS.
Here is how I want to slice the image. I've masked it with red color:
<div class="img_section" >
<img src="" alt="sliced-image" >
I don't want to use a mask layer to hide the image, because the background of document is not a solid color. I used border-radius property to do it but I couldn't. If it's not possible with CSS , so isn't it possible with js too?
You could do this using svg's clipPath to clip the image and foreignObjectto import the html within svg, since you could only apply svg clipPath to a svg element.
<svg width="445" height="257">
<clipPath id="clip">
<path d="M0,0 h444 l-130,257 h-314z" />
<foreignObject clip-path="url(#clip)" width="445" height="257">
<div class="img_section">
<img src="" alt="sliced-image" />
You can do that with CSS layer max, I wrote an example to create what you want, overlayed with black mask.
HTML Code:
<div class="img_section" >
<img src="" alt="sliced-image" >
<div class="image-arrow"></div>
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-bottom: 257px solid black;
border-left: 130px solid transparent;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
There is no such way in CSS to slice the images this can only be done in LESS and SASS but you can use multiple images as a sprite (single image multiple icon)
Check this out
I'm not certain, but I think you may be looking for clip-path:
Browser support is rather patchy (as of July 2015), however.

