Multiple javascript promises .then and .catch hitting wrong catch - javascript

I think that I am not understanding something properly here as it's very strange behaviour. If I call queryFindPlayer it should be falling into the .then which it does if queryFindContract function is not there but when it is there like below it seems to fall to the queryFindPlayer catch and add a new player.
queryFindPlayer(models, ConsoleId, UserId, SeasonId, LeagueId).then(players => {
const player = players[0];
queryFindContract(db,, UserId, SeasonId, LeagueId).then(contracts => {
console.log("player has a contract to a team");
}).catch(e => {
console.log("failed to find player");
}).catch(e => {
queryAddPlayer(models, UserId, TeamId).then(player => {
console.log("added player");
}).catch(addPlayerError => {
console.log("failed to add player, shouldn't happen");

If queryfindPlayer() resolves so you start execution of the .then() handler, but then you end up in the queryFindPlayer().catch() handler, that can occur for one of the following reasons:
If your code threw an exception before calling queryFindContract() such as if const player = players[0] threw an error of if queryFindContract() wasn't defined.
If your code threw an exception evaluating the arguments to pass queryFindContract() such as throws or any of the other variables you're passing don't exist.
If queryFindContract() throws synchronously before it returns its promise.
If queryFindContract() doesn't return a promise and thus queryfindContract().then() would throw an exception.
All of these will cause a synchronous exception to be thrown in the queryFindPlayer.then() handler which will cause it to go to the queryFindPlayer.catch() handler. It never gets to the queryFindContract().catch() handler because queryFindContract() either never got to execute or because it never got to finish and return its promise.
You can most likely see exactly what is causing your situation by just adding
at the start of both .catch() handlers. For clarity, also add a descriptive string before the e. such as:
console.log("qfc", e);
console.log("qfp", e);
I pretty much always log rejections, even if expecting them sometimes because you can also get rejections for unexpected reasons such as programming errors and you want to be able to see those immediately and not get confused by them.

Thanks for the help, I was not using the exception handler how intended.
queryGetContractById(models, id).then(c => {
return queryFindPlayer(models, ConsoleId, UserId, SeasonId, LeagueId).then(players => {
if(players.length != 0) {
return queryFindContract(models, players[0], UserId, SeasonId, LeagueId).then(contracts => {
if(contracts.length != 0) {
console.log("player has a contract to a team");
} else {
queryUpdatePlayersTeam(models, players[0].id, TeamId);
} else {
return queryAddPlayer(models, UserId, TeamId).then(player => {
console.log("added player");
}).catch(e => {
console.log("failed", e);
In my promise, I rejected if there was no data returned and resolving if there was. I can see how this was wrong and I think this is now right.


What happens if i don't resolve a Promise? [duplicate]

I have a scenario where I am returning a promise.
The promise is basically triggered by an ajax request.
On rejecting the promise it shows an error dialog that there is a server error.
What I want to do is when the response code is 401, I neither want to resolve the promise nor reject it (because it already shows the error dialog). I want to simply redirect to the login page.
My code looks something like this:
function makeRequest(ur, params) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
response.json().then((data) => {
} else {
if (status === 401) {
} else {
response.json().then((error) => {
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
reject({ status, error });
As you can see, if the status is 401, I am redirecting to the login page. The promise is neither resolved nor rejected.
Is this code OK, or is there any better way to accomplish this?
A promise is just an object with properties in Javascript. There's no magic to it. So failing to resolve or reject a promise just fails to ever change the state from "pending" to anything else. This doesn't cause any fundamental problem in Javascript because a promise is just a regular Javascript object. The promise will still get garbage collected (even if still pending) if no code keeps a reference to the promise.
The real consequence here is what does that mean to the consumer of the promise if its state is never changed? Any .then() or .catch() listeners for resolve or reject transitions will never get called. Most code that uses promises expects them to resolve or reject at some point in the future (that's why promises are used in the first place). If they don't, then that code generally never gets to finish its work.
Or if code is using await on the promise instead of .then(), then that function will just remain suspended forever on that await. The rest of the function will be dead code and will never execute.
It's possible that you could have some other code that finishes the work for that task and the promise is just abandoned without ever doing its thing. There's no internal problem in Javascript if you do it that way, but it is not how promises were designed to work and is generally not how the consumer of promises expect them to work.
As you can see if the status is 401, I am redirecting to login page.
Promise is neither resolved nor rejected.
Is this code OK? Or is there any better way to accomplish this.
In this particular case, it's all OK and a redirect is a somewhat special and unique case. A redirect to a new browser page will completely clear the current page state (including all Javascript state) so it's perfectly fine to take a shortcut with the redirect and just leave other things unresolved. The system will completely reinitialize your Javascript state when the new page starts to load so any promises that were still pending will get cleaned up.
I think the "what happens if we don't resolve reject" has been answered fine - it's your choice whether to add a .then or a .catch.
However, Is this code OK? Or is there any better way to accomplish this. I would say there are two things:
You are wrapping a Promise in new Promise when it is not necessary and the fetch call can fail, you should act on that so that your calling method doesn't sit and wait for a Promise which will never be resolved.
Here's an example (I think this should work for your business logic, not 100% sure):
const constants = {
SERVER_ERROR: "500 Server Error"
function makeRequest(url,params) {
// fetch already returns a Promise itself
return fetch(url,params)
.then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
// If status is forbidden, redirect to Login & return nothing,
// indicating the end of the Promise chain
if(status === 401) {
// If status is success, return a JSON Promise
if(status >= 200 && status < 300) {
return response.json();
// If status is a failure, get the JSON Promise,
// map the message & status, then Reject the promise
return response.json()
.then(json => {
if (!json.message) {
json.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
return Promise.reject({status, error: json.message});
// This can now be used as:
makeRequest("http://example", {})
.then(json => {
if(typeof json === "undefined") {
// Redirect request occurred
console.log("Success:", json);
.catch(error => {
console.log("Error:", error.status, error.message);
By contrast, calling your code using:
makeRequest("http://example", {})
.then(info => console.log("info", info))
.catch(err => console.log("error", err));
Will not log anything because the call to http://example will fail, but the catch handler will never execute.
As others stated it's true that it's not really an issue if you don't resolve/reject a promise. Anyway I would solve your problem a bit different:
function makeRequest(ur,params) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
.then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
response.json().then((data) => {
else {
makeRequest().then(function success(data) {
}, function error(response) {
if (response.status === 401) {
else {
response.json().then((error) => {
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
//do sth. with error
That means I would reject every bad response state and then handle this in your error handler of your makeRequest.
It works and isn't really a problem, except when a caller of makeRequest expects of promise to fulfil. So, you're breaking the contract there.
Instead, you could defer the promise, or (in this case) reject with status code/error.
The ECMAScript spec explains the purpose of promises and new Promise():
A Promise is an object that is used as a placeholder for the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computation. Promise ( executor )
NOTE The executor argument must be a function object. It is called for initiating and reporting completion of the possibly deferred action represented by this Promise object.
You should use promises to obtain future values. Furthermore, to keep your code concise and direct, you should only use promises to obtain future values, and not to do other things.
Since you’ve also mixed program control flow (redirection logic) into your promise’s “executor” logic, your promise is no longer “a placeholder for the results of a computation;” rather, it’s now a little JavaScript program masquerading as a promise.
So, instead of wrapping this JavaScript program inside a new Promise(), I recommend just writing it like a normal JavaScript program:
async function makeRequest(url, params) {
let response = await fetch(url, params);
let { status } = response;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
let data = await response.json();
} else if (status === 401) {
} else {
let error = await response.json()
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
errorLogic({ status, error });

JS: Complex Promise chaining

I'm faced with a small issue when trying to chain complex function calls with Promises and callbacks.
I have a main function, which calls subroutines. In these routines API calls are made.
For Example:
function handle(){
new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
let result = doAPICall1()
if (result === true) resolve(true);
let result = doAPICall2()
if (result === true) return true
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(result))
function doAPICall1(){
return true
return error
function doAPICall2(){
return true
return error
But when I execute this example, doAPICall2 will be executed, while doAPICall1 is still running.
It only occures when long running calls are made.
Does anyone can give me a hint? Thank you!
You're overdoing manually a lot of things that Promises already do for you:
axios.get already returns a Promise, so there is no point in return a the response when it resolves and return a false when it rejects. A catch handler at the end of a Promise chain already handles all errors that may arise during the chain, so you don't need to catch every Promise.
I would do something like:
function doAPICall1(){
return axios.get('...');
function doAPICall2(){
return axios.get('...');
function handle(){
// in case you would use the api calls results.
let firstResult = null;
let secondResult = null;
return doAPICall1()
.then(res => {firstResult = res})
.then(() => doAPICall2())
.then(res => {
secondResult = res;
return []
I guess you will use the Api calls results for something. With the code above, you could consume the handle() function like follows:
function someSortOfController(){
handle().then(results => {
console.log(results[0]); // first api call result
console.log(results[1]); // second api call result
.catch(err => {
// here you will find any error, either it fires from the first api call or from the second.
// there is *almomst* no point on catch before
There, you will access any error, either it came from the first api call or the second. (And, due to how Promises work, if the first call fails, the second won't fire).
For more fine grained error control, you may want to catch after every Promise so you can add some extra logs, like:
function doAPICall1(){
return axios.get('...')
.catch(err => {
console.log('the error came from the first call');
throw err;
function doAPICall2(){
return axios.get('...')
.catch(err => {
console.log('the error came from the second call');
throw err;
Now, if the first api call fails, everything will work as before (since you're throwing the error again in the catch), but you have more control over error handling (maybe the error returning from API calls is not clear at all and you want this kind of control mechanism).
This answer doesn't answer why your code acts like it does. However, there are so much things wrong in your code, so I think providing you with an example about using Promises is more valuable.
Don't worry and take some time to understand Promises better. In the example code below, doAPICall function return a Promise which resolves to a value, not the value itself.
function handle() {
doAPICall().then(result => {
//do something with the result
}).catch(error => {
//catch failed API call
doAPICall() {
// this returns a Promise
return axios.get(...)

RxJS emit values from array every x seconds, call a function with that value, retry if failed

I have an array, the type of the values is irrelevant. What I would like to do is emitting one value every x seconds, call a function with that value, and if that function failed for some reason, retry it after y seconds (can be a simple constant, no need for any incremental thing here).
What I have so far
.map(idx => arr[idx])
.flatMap(dt => randomFunc(dt))
.catch(e => conosle.log(e))
function randomFunc(dt) {
return Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
if (dt === 'random') {
return observer.error(`error`);
} else {
2 problems here though:
1: When randomFunc returns an error it seems that the whole chain starts over. I only need the failed one to retry.
2: catch never actually logs any error, even though it seems to retry on error.
For the first problem I've tried switchMap instead of flatMap like this:
.map(idx => arr[idx])
.switchMap(dt => randomFunc(dt)
.catch(e => conosle.log(e))
This way it seemed that it retried the failed ones only, but still didn't log any error and I'm not even sure switchMap is good here (I'm really an Rx noob).
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
There're a couple of things to be aware of. The retry() operator just resubscribes to its source so if you don't want to start the entire iteration again you can merge/concat the async function into the chain.
.concatMap(val => {
let attempts = 0;
return Rx.Observable.of(val)
.concatMap(val => randomFunc(val)
.catch((err, caught) => {
console.log('log error');
if (attempts++ === 1) {
return Rx.Observable.of(err);
} else {
return caught;
.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
function randomFunc(dt) {
return Rx.Observable.create(observer => {
if (dt === 'random') {
observer.error(`error received ${dt}`);
} else {;
See live demo:,console
This prints to console:
log error
log error
error received random
The catch() operator is the most important part. Its selector function takes two arguments:
err - The error that occurred
caught - The original Observable.
If we return caught from the selector function we'll just resubscribe to the source Observable (which is the same as retry(1)). Since you want to log each error message we have to use catch() instead of just retry(). By returning Rx.Observable.of(err) we propagate the error further and in turn it'll be received by the subscriber as next notification. We could also return just Observable.empty() to simply ignore the error.
When randomFunc returns an error it seems that the whole chain starts
over. I only need the failed one to retry.`
In RxJs when combining Observables together the errors will also propagate and uncaught errors will cause unsubscription.
Your idea to use catch inside the switchMap is correct. Though switchMap will only flatten one Observable at a time, when the next value is mapped the previous Observable will be unsubscribed (it is switched out)
// Observable from array
.concatMap(value =>
// Put a 500 ms delay between each value
Rx.Observable.timer(500).map(_ => value)
.flatMap(dt =>
.retryWhen(errs =>
.do(err => console.error(err))
// Retry at most 5 times
// Retry after 500ms
catch never actually logs any error, even though it seems to retry on
The function passed to catch should return an Observable e.g:
Observable.throw(new Error())
.catch(e =>
(console.error(e), Observable.of('backup value'))

What happens if you don't resolve or reject a promise?

I have a scenario where I am returning a promise.
The promise is basically triggered by an ajax request.
On rejecting the promise it shows an error dialog that there is a server error.
What I want to do is when the response code is 401, I neither want to resolve the promise nor reject it (because it already shows the error dialog). I want to simply redirect to the login page.
My code looks something like this:
function makeRequest(ur, params) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fetch(url, params).then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
response.json().then((data) => {
} else {
if (status === 401) {
} else {
response.json().then((error) => {
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
reject({ status, error });
As you can see, if the status is 401, I am redirecting to the login page. The promise is neither resolved nor rejected.
Is this code OK, or is there any better way to accomplish this?
A promise is just an object with properties in Javascript. There's no magic to it. So failing to resolve or reject a promise just fails to ever change the state from "pending" to anything else. This doesn't cause any fundamental problem in Javascript because a promise is just a regular Javascript object. The promise will still get garbage collected (even if still pending) if no code keeps a reference to the promise.
The real consequence here is what does that mean to the consumer of the promise if its state is never changed? Any .then() or .catch() listeners for resolve or reject transitions will never get called. Most code that uses promises expects them to resolve or reject at some point in the future (that's why promises are used in the first place). If they don't, then that code generally never gets to finish its work.
Or if code is using await on the promise instead of .then(), then that function will just remain suspended forever on that await. The rest of the function will be dead code and will never execute.
It's possible that you could have some other code that finishes the work for that task and the promise is just abandoned without ever doing its thing. There's no internal problem in Javascript if you do it that way, but it is not how promises were designed to work and is generally not how the consumer of promises expect them to work.
As you can see if the status is 401, I am redirecting to login page.
Promise is neither resolved nor rejected.
Is this code OK? Or is there any better way to accomplish this.
In this particular case, it's all OK and a redirect is a somewhat special and unique case. A redirect to a new browser page will completely clear the current page state (including all Javascript state) so it's perfectly fine to take a shortcut with the redirect and just leave other things unresolved. The system will completely reinitialize your Javascript state when the new page starts to load so any promises that were still pending will get cleaned up.
I think the "what happens if we don't resolve reject" has been answered fine - it's your choice whether to add a .then or a .catch.
However, Is this code OK? Or is there any better way to accomplish this. I would say there are two things:
You are wrapping a Promise in new Promise when it is not necessary and the fetch call can fail, you should act on that so that your calling method doesn't sit and wait for a Promise which will never be resolved.
Here's an example (I think this should work for your business logic, not 100% sure):
const constants = {
SERVER_ERROR: "500 Server Error"
function makeRequest(url,params) {
// fetch already returns a Promise itself
return fetch(url,params)
.then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
// If status is forbidden, redirect to Login & return nothing,
// indicating the end of the Promise chain
if(status === 401) {
// If status is success, return a JSON Promise
if(status >= 200 && status < 300) {
return response.json();
// If status is a failure, get the JSON Promise,
// map the message & status, then Reject the promise
return response.json()
.then(json => {
if (!json.message) {
json.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
return Promise.reject({status, error: json.message});
// This can now be used as:
makeRequest("http://example", {})
.then(json => {
if(typeof json === "undefined") {
// Redirect request occurred
console.log("Success:", json);
.catch(error => {
console.log("Error:", error.status, error.message);
By contrast, calling your code using:
makeRequest("http://example", {})
.then(info => console.log("info", info))
.catch(err => console.log("error", err));
Will not log anything because the call to http://example will fail, but the catch handler will never execute.
As others stated it's true that it's not really an issue if you don't resolve/reject a promise. Anyway I would solve your problem a bit different:
function makeRequest(ur,params) {
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
.then((response) => {
let status = response.status;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
response.json().then((data) => {
else {
makeRequest().then(function success(data) {
}, function error(response) {
if (response.status === 401) {
else {
response.json().then((error) => {
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
//do sth. with error
That means I would reject every bad response state and then handle this in your error handler of your makeRequest.
It works and isn't really a problem, except when a caller of makeRequest expects of promise to fulfil. So, you're breaking the contract there.
Instead, you could defer the promise, or (in this case) reject with status code/error.
The ECMAScript spec explains the purpose of promises and new Promise():
A Promise is an object that is used as a placeholder for the eventual results of a deferred (and possibly asynchronous) computation. Promise ( executor )
NOTE The executor argument must be a function object. It is called for initiating and reporting completion of the possibly deferred action represented by this Promise object.
You should use promises to obtain future values. Furthermore, to keep your code concise and direct, you should only use promises to obtain future values, and not to do other things.
Since you’ve also mixed program control flow (redirection logic) into your promise’s “executor” logic, your promise is no longer “a placeholder for the results of a computation;” rather, it’s now a little JavaScript program masquerading as a promise.
So, instead of wrapping this JavaScript program inside a new Promise(), I recommend just writing it like a normal JavaScript program:
async function makeRequest(url, params) {
let response = await fetch(url, params);
let { status } = response;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
let data = await response.json();
} else if (status === 401) {
} else {
let error = await response.json()
if (!error.message) {
error.message = constants.SERVER_ERROR;
errorLogic({ status, error });

Bluebird Javascript Promise: stop execution after dealing with specified error

I've got a somewhat complicated flow that receives an entryUrl from a database, checks where it redirects to, and then updates it with an exitUrl.
Basically the flow should be like so:
retrieve an Url without an exit url
get the Url.entryUrl's headers using request
if there's an unexpected response or connection was reset, flag this Url and continue with the next one
parse the exitUrl resulting from the request performed
store the exitUrl
continue with the next Url
if no Url available, try again after 5 seconds
if any unexpected error in the above chain or subchains, try again after 60 seconds
My current implementation is like so, using the Bluebird javascript promise style:
function processNext() {
return api.getUrlWithoutExitUrl()
.then(function followEntryUrl(url)
if (!url || !url.entryUrl)
throw new NoUrlAvailableError();
}'getting exit url for ' + url.entryUrl);
return [
method : 'HEAD',
url : url.entryUrl,
followAllRedirects : true,
maxRedirects : 20
.catch(ResponseError, function()
log.error('got strange response');
.catch(ConnResetError, function()
log.error('connection was reset');
.then(function removeInvalidUrl()
{'remove invalid url'); //FIXME: after doing this, we should not continue with the other `then` calls
.spread(function parseExitUrl(res, url)
if (!res[0] || !res[0].request || !res[0].request.uri || !res[0].request.uri.href)
throw new InvalidUrlError();
return [res[0].request.uri, url];
.spread(function storeExitUrl(parsedExitUrl, url)
return api.setUrlExitUrl(url, parsedExitUrl);
.catch(InvalidUrlError, function()
{'an attempted url is invalid, should set as processed and continue with next immediately');
.catch(NoUrlAvailableError, function()
{'no url available, try again after a while');
log.error('unexpected error, try again after a long while');
function ResponseError(e)
return e && e.code === 'HPE_INVALID_CONSTANT';
function ConnResetError(e)
return e && e.errno === 'ECONNRESET';
Now, the problem is that if there's a ConnResetError or a ResponseError, the catch blocks are executed as they should be, but the then blocks following the spread call are also executed -- yet I want execution to stop after having done something after catching these 2 specific error types.
How would I achieve such flow of execution?
Just like in synchronous code - if you have a catch in which you want to perform some processing and then propagate the error - you can rethrow it:
Synchronous code:
try {
a = makeRequest();
} catch(e) {
// handle
throw e;
With promises:
makeRequest().catch(e => {
// handle
throw e; // also a good idea to add data to the error here
From your inner promise, when you first catch the ResponseError or ConnResetError, you return normally (i.e. not throwing), so the subsequent promise chain succeeds, executing its then() and spread() branches, rather than failing and going to the catch() branches.
You probably want to rewrite your inner promise catch blocks like so:
.catch(ResponseError, function(err) {
log.error('got strange response');
throw err;
Basically, re-throw the Error you have caught if you want to continue treating it as an error.

