I have the following in my Create React App as per https://create-react-app.dev/docs/proxying-api-requests-in-development/
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = function(app) {
target: 'http://localhost:5000',
changeOrigin: true,
This works fine and sends all requests to my nodejs app running on port 5000. However I wish to intercept the request somehow and rewrite the path into a url query string format.
I have json-server running on the nodejs server which needs the requests to be formatted differtently, using this type of format /api/cheeses?cheeseno=12
For example
'/api/cheese/12' => `/api/cheeses?cheeseno=12`
I have come across pathRewrite and router on this page https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-proxy-middleware but I have no idea how to map them over.
Later on as I get mor advanced, I will need to map nested path routes to url queries.
/location/{locationId}/aisle/{aisleid}/cheeses => /api/cheeses?locationId=12&aisleid=123`
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');
const rewriteFn = function (path, req) {
return path.replace('/api/foo', '/api/bar');
const options = {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
pathRewrite: rewriteFn,
const apiProxy = createProxyMiddleware('/api', options);
rewriteFn is the key
I want to debugging in the localhost:3000 port when develop a react app, my server api address is admin.example.com, I config like this in the project src/setupProxy.js file:
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = function(app) {
target: 'https://admin.example.com/',
changeOrigin: true
but when I start the app, still give me tips that the XHR was cross origin. what should I do to make it work? Am I missing something? this is the http-proxy-middleware version "http-proxy-middleware": "^2.0.1". the full request url is: https://admin.example.com/manage/dashboard/overview.
Please try this:
Here is the setupProxy.js file:
const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware");
module.exports = function(app) {
app.use(proxy("/manage", { target: "https://admin.example.com/" }));
API request example:
app.post("manage/login", requireSignIn, Authentication.login);
I am making a next js application.
Deployment works fine in vercel.
For deploying the same project in another server, got help from https://stackoverflow.com/a/63660079/13270726 and used the same instructions in our app.
Deployed the out directory into server using ftp client.
-> When we enter into http://your-domain.com , it works fine. (Even page refresh also works fine in this page)
-> If we move to about page using the url, http://your-domain.com/about then it also works but on page refresh in the url http://your-domain.com/about results in the error,
-> This page refresh also results in the console error like,
Get http://your-domain.com/about Not found
next.config.js: (With public path)
const config = {
webpack: (config, { isServer }) => {
config.devServer = {
historyApiFallback: true
config.output.publicPath = "/"
return config;
module.exports = withPlugins(config);
The issue arises in page refresh only or when we manually type the url.. But while we navigate to it first time then the issue is not there.
Any good help would be much appreciated as I am stuck for long time..
I have a server.js file and its code look like,
const dotenv = require("dotenv");
// import ENVs from ".env.local" and append to process
dotenv.config({ path: ".env.local" });
const express = require("express");
const address = require("address");
const chalk = require("chalk");
// create express web server instance
const app = express();
// pull out ENVs from process
const { LOCALHOST, PORT } = process.env;
// get the Local IP address
const LOCALIP = address.ip();
// tell express to serve up production assets from the out directory
app.use(express.static("out" + '/'));
app.get('/*', (req, res) => {
app.all('*', function(req, res) {
// tell express to listen for incoming connections on the specified PORT
app.listen(PORT, (err) => {
if (!err) {
// log the LOCALHOST and LOCALIP addresses where the app is running
`\n${chalk.rgb(7, 54, 66).bgRgb(38, 139, 210)(" I ")} ${chalk.blue(
"Application is running at"
)} ${chalk.rgb(235, 220, 52).bold(LOCALHOST)} ${chalk.blue(
)} ${chalk.rgb(235, 220, 52).bold(`http://${LOCALIP}:${PORT}`)}\n`
} else {
console.err(`\nUnable to start server: ${err}`);
I need to access my backend API to send info from a contact form for an email, I deployed my app in a webhost called Kinghost and it gave me two urls the first is generically mywebaddr.com:port-number and the second is mywebaddr.com/site.
I have tried to use both addresses with the function route in the end just like I did in localhost, that in order to work I used http://localhost:4000/contact for example, but it didn't work...
this is my request:
const baseUrl = 'http://mywebsiteurl.com/contact'
const initialState = {
message: {
name: '',
email: '',
subject: '',
main: ''
export default class ContactUs extends Component {
state = { ...initialState }
reset = () =>{
this.setState({message: initialState.message})
send = () => {
const message = this.state.message
const url = baseUrl
axios.post(url, message)
.then(alert('Message successfully sent!'))
this is my index.js (backend)
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const consign = require('consign')
const port = 4005
app.listen(port, () => {
my middlewares.js contains cors
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const cors = require('cors')
module.exports = app => {
Actually, I don't think it's because of my code itself once I can execute everything perfectly in localhost, but somehow I can't get through with the correct URL
I'm new to node and I can't guess what am I doing wrongly, so if someone can help me I'd be really thankful :)
This is not a question for stack-overflow as your issue is not with the application but is with your network.
Anyhow, your API application is running on port 4005. Make sure the port is open with your hosting provider. while your at it make sure your port 4000 is open as well.
after you confirm your firewall settings ill update my answer if your still facing issues.
I have a Koa app I just started and I need to test something that grabs data from a config file.
I need to test with specific data, but I'm not sure how to modify what data the test receives from the config file.
var router = require('koa-router');
var config = require('./config.js');
var db = require('./db.js');
var auth = require('./auth');
var app = require('koa')();
router.get('/', function *() {
if(auth(this.req, config.credentials.secret)) { // Authenticates request based on a hash created using a shared secret
this.body = "Request has been authenticated";
app = module.exports = http.createServer(app.callback());
var request = require('supertest');
var app = require('../app.js');
describe('app', function() {
it('should authenticate all requests against config shared secret', function() {
var secret = 'some_secret';
var validHash = /* hash created from test secret and query */;
.query({query: 'some_query'})
.query({hash: validHash})
.expect(403, done);
This spec will fail because the app will use the secret from the config file(empty string) instead of my test secret.
Alright, I played around with some different ways to handle this.
The best option I found, for my particular use case, was proxyquire. It's an npm package that lets you override dependencies in any file that you require in your test suites.
So if I am testing this module:
var config = require('../config.js');
module.exports = function() {
// Do some stuff
I would do something like this:
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var config = {
credentials: {
secret: 'my_secret'
// other fake config stuff
var myController = proxyquire('../../controllers/myController.js', {'../config.js', config});
describe('myController', function() {
and this instance of myController will use my test config.
This won't work for end to end testing, unless the only place you import your config is the main app file.
I use node-config for my config files and configuration loading based on machine or env variable.
You can specify your config in a variety of formats (.json, .js, yaml, etc.) Using the default settings, you need to create a config folder in your app root and a default.<format> with your default config.
To override that for testing you can create a test.<format> file in your config directory. When you set your NODE_ENV=test, then node-config will see load your default config file and then it will load your test config file and if there are any conflicts for the values, your test config file will override the values in your default file.
Here are the full docs for setting up Configuration Files in node-config
Below is an example using node-config with a .js config file format.
module.exports = {
credentials: {
secret: ''
module.exports = {
credentials: {
secret: 'abcdef123456'
var router = require('koa-router');
var config = require('config');
var db = require('./db.js');
var auth = require('./auth');
var app = require('koa')();
var credentials = config.get('credentials');
router.get('/', function *() {
if(auth(this.req, credentials.secret)) { // Authenticates request based on a hash created using a shared secret
this.body = "Request has been authenticated";
app = module.exports = http.createServer(app.callback());
Jest has nice support for this case. In your test file, add
jest.mock('../config.js', () => ({
credentials: {
secret: 'my_secret'
// other fake config stuff }));
My Issue
I've coded a very simple CRUD API and I've started recently coding also some tests using chai and chai-http but I'm having an issue when running my tests with $ mocha.
When I run the tests I get the following error on the shell:
TypeError: app.address is not a function
My Code
Here is a sample of one of my tests (/tests/server-test.js):
var chai = require('chai');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
var server = require('../server/app'); // my express app
var should = chai.should();
var testUtils = require('./test-utils');
describe('API Tests', function() {
before(function() {
mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost/bot-test', myOptionsObj);
beforeEach(function(done) {
// I do stuff like populating db
afterEach(function(done) {
// I do stuff like deleting populated db
after(function() {
describe('Boxes', function() {
it.only('should list ALL boxes on /boxes GET', function(done) {
.end(function(err, res){
// the rest of the tests would continue here...
And my express app files (/server/app.js):
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var express = require('express');
var api = require('./routes/api.js');
var app = express();
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/db-dev', myOptionsObj);
// application configuration
// routing set up
app.use('/api', api);
var server = app.listen(3000, function () {
var host = server.address().address;
var port = server.address().port;
console.log('App listening at http://%s:%s', host, port);
and (/server/routes/api.js):
var express = require('express');
var boxController = require('../modules/box/controller');
var thingController = require('../modules/thing/controller');
var router = express.Router();
// API routing
router.get('/boxes', boxController.getAll);
// etc.
module.exports = router;
Extra notes
I've tried logging out the server variable in the /tests/server-test.js file before running the tests:
var server = require('../server/app'); // my express app
console.log('server: ', server);
and I the result of that is an empty object: server: {}.
You don't export anything in your app module. Try adding this to your app.js file:
module.exports = server
It's important to export the http.Server object returned by app.listen(3000) instead of just the function app, otherwise you will get TypeError: app.address is not a function.
const koa = require('koa');
const app = new koa();
module.exports = app.listen(3000);
const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('./index.js');
describe('User Registration', () => {
const agent = request.agent(app);
it('should ...', () => {
This may also help, and satisfies #dman point of changing application code to fit a test.
make your request to the localhost and port as needed
instead of
this fixed the same error message I had using Koa JS (v2) and ava js.
The answers above correctly address the issue: supertest wants an http.Server to work on. However, calling app.listen() to get a server will also start a listening server, this is bad practice and unnecessary.
You can get around by this by using http.createServer():
import * as http from 'http';
import * as supertest from 'supertest';
import * as test from 'tape';
import * as Koa from 'koa';
const app = new Koa();
# add some routes here
const apptest = supertest(http.createServer(app.callback()));
test('GET /healthcheck', (t) => {
.expect(res => {
t.equal(res.text, 'Ok');
Just in case, if someone uses Hapijs the issue still occurs, because it does not use Express.js, thus address() function does not exist.
TypeError: app.address is not a function
at serverAddress (node_modules/chai-http/lib/request.js:282:18)
The workaround to make it work
// this makes the server to start up
let server = require('../../server')
// pass this instead of server to avoid error
const API = 'http://localhost:3000'
describe('/GET token ', () => {
it('JWT token', (done) => {
.end((err, res) => {
Export app at the end of the main API file like index.js.
module.exports = app;
We had the same issue when we run mocha using ts-node in our node + typescript serverless project.
Our tsconfig.json had "sourceMap": true . So generated, .js and .js.map files cause some funny transpiling issues (similar to this). When we run mocha runner using ts-node. So, I will set to sourceMap flag to false and deleted all .js and .js.map file in our src directory. Then the issue is gone.
If you have already generated files in your src folder, commands below would be really helpful.
find src -name ".js.map" -exec rm {} \;
find src -name ".js" -exec rm {} \;
I am using Jest and Supertest, but was receiving the same error. It was because my server takes time to setup (it is async to setup db, read config, etc). I needed to use Jest's beforeAll helper to allow the async setup to run. I also needed to refactor my server to separate listening, and instead use #Whyhankee's suggestion to create the test's server.
export async function createServer() {
//setup db, server,config, middleware
return express();
async function startServer(){
let app = await createServer();
await app.listen({ port: 4000 });
console.log("Server has started!");
if(process.env.NODE_ENV ==="dev") startServer();
import {createServer as createMyAppServer} from '#index';
import { test, expect, beforeAll } from '#jest/globals'
const supertest = require("supertest");
import * as http from 'http';
let request :any;
beforeAll(async ()=>{
request = supertest(http.createServer(await createMyAppServer()));
test("fetch users", async (done: any) => {
query: "{ getQueryFromGqlServer (id:1) { id} }",
.set("Accept", "application/json")
.expect("Content-Type", /json/)
.end(function (err: any, res: any) {
if (err) return done(err);
let serverErrors = JSON.parse(res.text)['errors'];
I also had errors when using data.foreach(async()=>..., should have use for(let x of... in my tests