Display generated Google Map image on a web page - javascript

I am using Google Apps Script to create a page, on which I would like to embed maps. The maps themselves would be static, but the map could be different depending on other parameters (it’s a genealogy page, and I’d like to display a map of birth and death locations, and maybe some other map points, based on a selected individual).
Using Google’s Maps service, I know that I can create a map, with a couple points built in.
Function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois') // markers would be based on a passed parm; this is just test data
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
// *** This is where I am looking for some guidance
return(); // obviously, I'm not returning a blank for real
Within the map class, there are a number of things I can do with it at this point.
I could create a URL, and pass that back. That appears to require an API account, which at this point, I do not have (and ideally, would like to avoid, but maybe I’ll have to do that). It also appears that I will run into CORB issues with that, which I think is beyond my knowledge (so if that’s the solution, I’ll be back for more guidance).
I could create a blob as an image, and pass that back to my page. I have tried this using a few different examples I have found while researching this.
Server Side
function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois')
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
var mapImage = map.getAs("image/png");
// OR
// var mapImage = map.getBlob();
Page side
<div id=”mapDiv”></div>
$(function() {
function displayMap(mapImage) {
var binaryData = [];
var mapURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(binaryData, {type: "image/png"}))
var mapIMG = "<img src=\'" + mapURL + "\'>"
The page calls getMapImage() on the server, and the return data is sent as a parm to displayMap().
var mapIMG ends up resolving to <img src='blob:https://n-a4slffdg23u3pai7jxk7xfeg4t7dfweecjbruoa-0lu-script.googleusercontent.com/51b3d383-0eef-41c1-9a50-3397cbe83e0d'> This version doesn't create any errors in the console, which other options I tried did. But on the page, I'm just getting the standard 16x16 image not found icon.
I’ve tried a few other things based on what I’ve come across in researching this, but don’t want to litter this post with all sorts of different code snippets. I’ve tried a lot of things, but clearly not the right thing yet.
What’s the best / correct (dare I ask, simplest) way to build a map with Google’s Map class, and then serve it to a web page?
EDIT: I added a little more detail on how the server and page interact, in response to Tanaike's question.

Modification points:
I think that in your script, Blob is returned from Google Apps Script to Javascript using google.script.run. Unfortunately, in the current stage, Blob data cannot be directly sent from from Google Apps Script to Javascript. I think that this might be the reason of your issue.
In this case, I would like to propose to directly create the data URL at the Google Apps Script side. When your script is modified, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
Google Apps Script side:
function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.setSize(600, 400)
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois')
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
var blob = map.getAs("image/png"); // or map.getBlob()
var dataUrl = `data:image/png;base64,${Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes())}`;
return dataUrl;
Javascript side:
$(function() {
function displayMap(mapURL) {
var mapIMG = "<img src=\'" + mapURL + "\'>"
In your Javascript side, $(function() {google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(displayMap).getMapImage();} is not enclosed by ). Please be careful this.
In my environment, when I saw <div id=”mapDiv”></div>, this double quote ” couldn't be used. So if in your environment, an error occurs by <div id=”mapDiv”></div>, please modify ” to " like <div id="mapDiv"></div>.


Why does adding image to a google form using Form.addImageItem() result in "Invalid data updating form"?

I'm trying to automatically insert an image from a Google drive into a Google form with the help of a Google script using the addImage function, which has recently stopped working and leads to the error message 'Invalid data update formular'.
I'm using Google forms to allow users to enter text from images.
Some sort of manual image recognition.
The images are stored on the googel drive in a directory.
A Google script inserts them into a form and adds several questions with short answers, multiple choice questions and page breaks.
So until recently everything worked, but now the addImage function of the form returns the error message
Invalid data update form.
I have tried to do do the following:
created a new form with a new script to test addImageItem function (source below)
tested that all other functions to add items to the form except addImageItem (like addMultipleChoiceItem, addPageBreakItem, addCheckboxItem, addTextItem) still work
add image manualy to see if that still work
use other formats as image source (JPG and PNG)
use different files on the google drive as image source
use UrlFetchApp.fetch function as image source (like in the documentation example)
All attempts with addImageItem unsuccessful.
The functions addMultipleChoiceItem, addPageBreakItem, addCheckboxItem, addTextItem return the desired result by adding Items to the form.
Also adding image by hand using the edit form interface stil works.
The images we update are about 60kB in size, about 800x600 px large.
The answers to this thread from 2012 which looks similar do not help. The error messages in the question are different. I also tried to use the getBlob() and getThumbnail() functions, as mentioned in the answers there, but they also lead to the error 'Invalid data update form'.
function myFunction() {
var form = FormApp.openById("drive_file_id_of_form");
var img = DriveApp.getFileById("drive_file_id_of_image");
var imgFormItem = form.addImageItem();
//var img = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo4w.png');
//var blob = img.getThumbnail();
//var blob = img.getBlob();
According to the google documentation, addImage should return a newly created ImageItem as a return value but lead to the error on line 4:
Invalid data for updating the form. (line4, file "Code")
Can someone please help me find out what is invalid in the form data or in the images I try to add and how to avoid this problem?
Edit: found a fresh bug tracker id for this topic on google issue tracker

Scan folder for .shp extension and add to leaflet map

I am trying to scan a folder for all .shp files and add them to my leaflet map as a layer. The problem I'm having is that AJAX doesn't appear to be able to scan a folder, rather it is only capable of searching for specific files. I need it to be able to scan the folder because the .shp files will be overwritten periodically with new file names and I don't know how many files will be there at a given time. If there are no files in the folder, I need a popup to notify that maps are unavailable (this works in the current website). The code for this section is provided below. I've tried using PHP, but I can't figure out how to incorporate that with JavaScript.
I'm not a programmer, but I have stumbled through developing our website on my own. You can view it here: http://hsvfms.azurewebsites.net/map.html
If I haven't provided enough information or have given this information out of context, please let me know. Also, check out the website and let me know what you think.
var noMaps = L.control ();
var profile01 = new L.LayerGroup();
var profile02 = new L.LayerGroup();
success: function(data) {
var mapList=[];
var profile0 = new L.Shapefile(mapList[0],{color:'DarkCyan',fillOpacity:'0.5', opacity:'5', weight:'1'}).addTo(profile01);
var profile1 = new L.Shapefile(mapList[1],{color:'DarkCyan',fillOpacity:'0.5', opacity:'5', weight:'1'}).addTo(profile02);
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
noMaps = L.control ({position:'bottomleft'});
noMaps.onAdd = function(map) { var div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info legend');
div.innerHTML += '<img src="Images/map_not_available.png" alt="legend" style="width:275px;height:75px;background-color:white">';
return div;};
var overlays = [{groupName:"Inundation Boundaries", expanded:false, layers:{"Max Value":profile01}},];
Cannot be done. JavaScript code cannot access the filesystem of the computer the browser is running in (let alone watch a path for changes).
AJAX (and fetch and similar techniques) are just ways of fetching information from another computer (the web server). If your question really is "when something changes in the web server, how can I update the clients?" then the answer is probably WebSockets, socket.io, and similar techniques.

I need to overwrite an existing Google Sheets file with an attached Script

I have a Google Sheets file with an attached Script. The script does a number of things, one is it makes a clone of it self using makeCopy. This portion works. Now I want to be able to keep the same cloned Google file name and same Google file ID and just update the content which includes a Spreadsheet and the associated Google script.
if (!fileFound){
var file = masterSSFile.makeCopy(reportFileName, RepFolder);
} else {
When I use makeCopy with the same file name it creates a second file with the same name but with a different file ID.
The else portion fails because .setContent argument seems to just accept text. The result is the word "Blob" in the oldFile, everything else is gone.
I have other scripts that update the contents of a existing spreadsheet by overriding the contents of the various sheets, but I also want the associated script to also be included in the updated file keeping the same file ID.
I found this....
Overwrite an Image File with Google Apps Script
and tried using
var masterSpreadsheetID = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
var masterSpreadsheetFile = DriveApp.getFileById(masterSpreadsheetID);
var oldFileID = oldFile.getId();
var oldFileName = oldFile.getName();
var newBlob = masterSpreadsheetFile.getBlob();
var file = {
title: oldFileName,
mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'
var f = Drive.Files.update(file, oldFileID, newBlob);
I get error: "We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a bit and try again. " on this line: "Drive.Files.update(file, oldFileID, newBlob);"
After reading this:
it looks like Drive.Files.update(), does not support bound scripts.

Google Docs Add-On - Dealing with Images

I'm trying to create a Google Docs add-on in which someone:
Selects an image
Clicks a menu item
A dialog is displayed, showing the image (on a canvas) with a couple tools
Canvas is modified using tools
Canvas data is saved and replaces the original image
Meta data for the image is saved, so it can be re-edited from the original.
I know how to get the image selection (from the GS code) and trigger the menu item and dialog. I also know how to do all of my custom code things.
I need to know:
How to get the original image URL (or extract it as a base64 string) that I can put in to a canvas
Replace the image and save it in the document.
Save metadata on a per-image basis so it can be re-edited.
Examples would be awesome, though links to documentation would also be great. I've found a lot of things, but nothing concrete on how to extract the data as anything but a blob.
(This answer is a work-in-progress. Starting an answer to put the bits as I figure them out. If someone else helps me figure out the missing bits, I'll accept theirs instead of this one).
How to get the original image URL (or extract it as a base64 string)
As far as I can tell, there isn't a way to get the default URL. I was however able to get the base64 string. It's slightly convoluted, but works.
// Gets an InlineImage in some way. I'm using the currently selected image,
// but that's irrelevant to the code sample.
// #return {InlineImage}
function getImage() {
// gets the InlineImage element somehow
// Gets the actual data URI.
// Note: this function uses image/png only. You can change this by changing
// it in the two places, or using a variable. Just be sure the two spots
// match.
// #return {string}
function getDataUri() {
return 'data:image/png;base64,' + Utilities.base64Encode(getImage().getAs('image/png').getBytes());
$(function () {
.withSuccessHandler(function (data) { console.log(data); })
.withFailureHandler(function (err) { console.log('failure: ' + err); })
An important note: you must SandboxMode.IFRAME when creating the dialog or else you'll get something like:
Rejecting <img>.setAttribute('src', blahblahblah
This is apparently due to a limitation in the Caja compiler normally used. See the answer here for more info: Using base64-encoded images with HtmlService in Apps Script

Import image in Acrobat using JavaScript (preferred on document-level)

I am going to implement a dynamic legend using JavaScript in Adobe Acrobat.
The document contains a lot of layers. Every layer has an own legend. The origin idea is to implement the legend so, that it contains the images in a dialog box for the visible layers.
I can only hide/show the layers by setting state to false or true (this.getOCGs()[i].state = false;) on document-level.
Question 1: Can I extract data from layer somehow for legend establishing? I think no, as we only have these function on layers: getIntent(), setIntent() and setAction(). Right? Therefore I decided to arrange it so, that all needed icons for every layer are saved in a folder with corresponding names. JavaScript should import the icons and I build the a dialog window with icons of visible Layers and place a text(description for this icon).
I tried all possibilities of image import described here: http://pubhelper.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/astuces-toolbar-icons-et-javascript.html. I got only one way (Convert the icons as hexadecimal strings). This way isn't good, as it is too much work to create with an other tool a hexadecimal string from a images and place it into a javascript code.
Unfortunately, I cannot import image using other methods:(. Since the security settings in Adobe are changed after version 7 or so, it is not possible to use functions like app.newDoc, app.openDoc, even app.getPath On document-level. I decided to implement the import on a folder level using trusted functions like this:
Variant 1:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var myDoc = app.newDoc({
nWidth: 20,
nHeight: 20
var img = myDoc.importIcon("icon", "/icon.png", 0);
return img; });
var oIcon = importImg();
The settings in Preferences->JavaScript-> JavaScript Security are disabled (Enable menu item JS execution privileges, enable global object security policy)
NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
Variant 2:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var appPath = var phPath = app.getPath({
cCategory: "user",
cFolder: "javascript"
try {
var doc = app.openDoc({
cPath: phPath + "/icon.png",
bHidden: true
} catch (e) {
console.println("Could not open icon file: " + e);
var oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(doc.getIcon("icon"));
return oIcon;});
var oIcon = importImg();
Could not open icon file: NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
At least it allows the execution of all these functions like app.newDoc, but in the second variant it says, wrong range of content or so. Maybe is here the pdf from an image created false? I just took the image and printed it into a pdf.
I tried all these possibilities with .jpg, .png, .pdf. with different sizes(big images and 20x20), It doesn't work.
Could somebody help me, as I spent a lot of time with trying different possibilities. It would be actually better to implement the main goal described above on document level, is it possible?
Thank you and kind regards,
Do you have the Console fully activated in Acrobat? If not, do so and look for error messages you get.
The first variant does not work, because myDoc is not defined (unless you have done that before you call the importImg function).
If you want to import the image into the newly created file, you will have to make a reference to the Document Object you create with newDoc(). Actually, that would make the link to myDoc, as in
var myDoc = app.newDoc(1,1)
(are you sure you want to create a document measuring 1x1 pt?)
The next issue with the first variant is a bug in Acrobat, which discards "floating" Icon Objects when saving the document; you'd have to attach the Icon Object to a field to keep it; this field can be hidden, or even on a hidden Template page in the document.

