How can i get boolean data from another component in vue js? - javascript

I have two Components.
In the second component, "date-detail-filter" I always keep track for boolean value, and want to access this data in my parent component.

do you know how to use $emit?
In your date-detail-filter component
you can add this to your method. this.$emit('your-event-name', 'your payload')
and in your main component.
<date-detail-filter #your-event-name="functionName()"/>
functionName(payload) {
your logic here to hide the caret
$emit is used to pass data from child component to parent component via event.


Pass data from child component to another child

I'm using React JS
I want to pass data from child component to another child component.
-- Home
--- Filter ( Here is I need to to pass data from Filter component To Card component it's useState value)
--- Card ( Here I need to resive data )
Thre are two ways to solve this problem:
1 (I'd recommend for a smaller project): Just keep the state that needs to be shared in the parent component and pass it to the childs as a prop. You can update the state by creating a callback function in the parent component and calling it from the cild (after passing it as a prop aswell)
2: Use a state management libary like react-redux

Vue how to access props of parent component - the importer not a wrapper

Overall goal: from a child Vue component, get access to the component that it is imported and used within - which is not always the same as $parent. This should be done by only making changes within the child component (if possible).
We have PinButton Vue component meant to add a "pinning" functionality to other components. This component is used within many other components and we want to be able to access the parent props so they can be saved and rendered on a different page of "pinned content" by passing those props back into the parent component.
Note: I know this would be possible by manually passing the parent props down into the component (<pin-button :parent-props="$props" />), but we're trying to avoid having to do this every time the component is used.
A minimal reproduction of this with a single parent and child component will show that you can access parent props using $parent.$props. However, when the child component is nested as slot content of some other component within the parent, then the child will get the props of the wrapper component - not the component in which it is imported and actually used.
Sandbox reproduction - I want to get the props for ParentComponent from within ChildComponent. The expected value is shown by passing the props along (what I'm trying to avoid) and the actual value is the props of the SlotWrapper component, which doesn't import ChildComponent so I wouldn't consider it the true parent, but it is the direct parent element in the <template>
Seems like the suggested solution for "arbitrarily deep" access is provide/inject, but this would still seem to require changing all components that use the <pin-button />
To answer your question directly, you can access ParentComponent from ChildComponent via the "context" the component is rendered within:
// ChildComponent.vue
computed: {
expectedProps() {
return this.$vnode.context.$props
But this might be an "XY" kind of problem; I'm sure there's a better design solution for what you're trying to achieve.

What is the most simplest method of updating component's state from another component? Lets say components are siblings?

I am trying to create an interactive feature in my web application. Upon selecting an option in one component I want to update state of another component and trigger re-render. How should I go about this.
You can put both the components inside another component and define the state and setState over there. Now send the setState as a prop to the first component. when you select an option set the state using the setState you have sent. Now, if the second component is using that state as prop, then it will be rerendered.
define the state
FirstComponent takes setState as Prop
SecondComponent takes the state as Prop
So, in your case, if the second component's state is defined in the parent, we can send its setState as prop to the first component and when a value is selected, change the state in the first component itself. It will change the state present in the parent which will rerender the second component since that state is a prop in second component.

What's the best solution for re-rendering child components on props change in React?

I have a parent component that fetches data in componentDidMount() hook. The state is setState()-d with this data. Then I pass the data to the child components as props and set their state based on these props. On the first render the props will be undefined because componentDidMount() hasn't executed yet. So, the child components get undefined props and the state is created with them. When the data fetches in componentDidMount() new props are passed to the child components, but the state is already created with undefined props and nothing changes. So, I am aware of two solutions now:
Use componentWillRecieveProps(). But this is now deprecated.
Use stateless child components. Pass the data to them as props from
the parent component and don't set a state(use the data from props),
and when the parent does a setState() in componentDidMount(), this
will cause a re-render to child components with new props and
everything works.
Now, what if I want to have stateful child components? I can't use the second method, and the first one is deprecated. What is the best solution to accomplish this?
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state)
is invoked right before calling the render method, both on the initial mount and on subsequent updates. It should return an object to update the state, or null to update nothing.
This method exists for rare use cases where the state depends on changes in props over time.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState){
return { someState: nextProps.someValue};
else return null;
For more details enter link description here
You can read this blog post.
In short a better approach would be to use fully uncontrolled component with key.
Add a key to the child component based on data. If the data changes, the key changes and child component will re-mount.
Provide data as props to the child, use this props as default state of child component.
Here is a sandbox example
Consider using the replacement for componentDidReceiveProps, getDerivedStateFromProps, if you have state within a component which is informed by the values of the props it receives.

Why use props in react if you could always use state data?

I understand that there's two ways to pass components data: props and state. But why would one need a prop over a state? It seems like the state object could just be used inside the component, so why pass the prop parameters in markup?
Props are set externally by a parent component. E.g.;
render() {
return <ChildComponent someProp={someValue}/>;
State is set internally, and often triggered by an user event within a child. E.g.;
handleUserClickedButton: () {
buttonClicked: true
render() {
return <button onClick={this.handleUserClickedButton}/>;
So, props are a way for data to go from parent to child. State is a way for data to be managed within a singular component, and possibly have changes to that data triggered by children. In effect, they represent data traveling in 2 opposite directions, and the way in which they are passed is entirely unique.
There are two ways to "pass" or access data from outside your component but state is not one of them.
The two ways are:
Props - which a parent component pass down to the child component.
Context - which you can "skip" the direct parent in the tree.
The state is an internal object which no other component has access to it unless you pass it explicitly (via the two ways mentioned above).
So basically your question is not accurate as you can't really compare the two.
I think what you are really asking is why using a state-less instead of a state-full component.
Which you can find an answer here in Stack-overflow or in other websites.
A followup to some of your comments.
why does the child not just have a shared state? for example, each
component (or sub-component) could just do a "this.state" to get the
current state of the program
The same way you can't share or access private objects in other
This is by design, you share things explicitly and you will pass
only what the component needs. For example, look it this page of
stack-overflow, lets say the voting buttons are components, why
would i pass them the whole state if it only needs the vote count
and 2 onClick event listeners? Should i pass the current logged in
user or maybe the entire answers rendered in this page?
so you can't pass state between a parent to child? for example, can't
the parent change the state and then the child gets the new state
This is exactly what the props or context should do, provide an API for sharing data between parents and children though we keep it in a one way data flow, from parents to children, you can't pass props upwards. but you invoke handlers passed down to your child components and pass data through that handler.

