Using redux to take a time on a stopwatch and put it into a database - javascript

I was recommended using redux to place a time into a database but I'm having issues. I have a stopwatch in my index.js that the user can start and stop. After, I have a button that allows them the ability to to put their time into a database. From my node file, I'm getting UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: null value in column "time" violates not-null constraint. I'm wondering if I'm getting that because I have difference = 0 at the stop of the index file and it doesn't retrieve difference = this.state.endTime - this.state.startTime; or if there is another issue I'm not seeing.
export let difference = 0;
export default class Home extends React.Component {
this.state = {
startTime: 0,
endTime: 0,
handleStart = () => {
handleStop = () => {
render() {
difference = this.state.endTime - this.state.startTime;
return (
<App />
<reducer />
import * as actionTypes from "./actions.js";
import difference from "../pages/index.js";
const initialState = {
count: 0
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.NUMBER:
return { state, count: difference };
default: return state;
export default reducer;
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import reducer from './reducer';
const store = createStore(reducer);
export default store;
export const NUMBER = 'NUMBER';
import React from 'react';
import { addName } from "./util";
function App() {
const [name, setName] = React.useState("")
function handleUpdate(evt) {
async function handleAddName(evt) {
await addName(name);
return <div>
<p><input type='text' value={name} onChange={handleUpdate} /></p>
<button className='button-style' onClick={handleAddName}>Add Name</button>
export default App;
import "isomorphic-fetch"
import difference from "../pages/index.js";
export function addName(name) {
return fetch('http://localhost:3001/addtime', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ name, time: difference })
node server.js"/addtime", cors(), async (req,res) => {
const name =;
const time = req.body.time;
const timeStamp = dateFormat(time, dateFormat.masks.isoDateTime);
const template = 'INSERT INTO times (name,time) VALUES ($1,$2)';
const response = await pool.query(template, [name,time]);
res.json({name: name, time: time});

State Management
In React we manage changing values through state. There is a way to access the value and a way to update the value. When the value changes, React knows to re-render the component.
This state can be stored within a component of your app. When you write const [name, setName] = React.useState(""), name is your "getter" and setName is your "setter".
The state can also be stored inside a Context Provider component that is a parent of the current component. Any children of this Provider can use the useContext hook to access the stored value.
The React Redux package uses these React contexts to make the redux state globally available. You wrap your entire App in a Redux Provider component to enable access.
With Redux, your "getters" are selector functions, which you call though useSelector, and your "setters" are actions that you pass though the dispatch function. React actually supports this syntax of state management on a local component level (without Redux) though the useReducer hook.
You don't need to use contexts in order to pass around state from component to component. You can also pass values and "setters" as props from a parent component to a child. React recommends this approach and has a section on Lifting State Up.
This is just a brief overview of some of the concepts at play. The issues that you are having here are due to state management. There are many possible ways to handle your state here. In my opinion Redux and Contexts are both unnecessary overkill. Of course you can use them if you want to, but you need to set them up properly which you haven't done.
export let difference = 0;
Variables which exist at the top-level of a file, outside of a component, should be immutable constants only. When you have a value that changes, it needs to be part of your app state.
When you have a "stateful" value like difference you can't just use a variable that exists outside of your components.
render() {
difference = this.state.endTime - this.state.startTime;
This is not how you update a value. We don't want to be just setting a constant. We also don't want to trigger changes of a stateful value on every render as this creates infinite re-render situations.
handleStart & handleStop
The functions themselves are fine but they are never called anywhere. Therefore difference will always be 0.
<reducer />
A reducer is not a component so you cannot call it like this. It is a pure function. In order to introduce redux into your JSX code, you use the reducer to create a store variable and you pass that store to a react-redux Provider component.
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case actionTypes.NUMBER:
return { state, count: difference };
default: return state;
You want to include the difference as a property of your action rather than accessing an external variable. The standard convention is to add a payload property to the action. The payload could be the difference number itself or an object with a property difference. That sort of design choice is up to you. An action might look like { type: actionTypes.NUMBER, payload: 0.065 } or { type: actionTypes.NUMBER, payload: { difference: 0.065 } }.
Your state is an object with a property count. Your reducer should return the next state, which should also be an object with a property count. This will not return the right state shape: return { state, count: difference };.
It is typical to use the spread operator ... to copy all other properties of the state and update just one (or a few), like this: return { ...state, count: difference }. However your state does not have any other properties, so that is the same as return { count: difference };. Since you are just storing a single number, there is no value from the previous state that is copied or preserved. (Which is a large part of why I think that Redux is not helpful or necessary here.)
There may be some issues on the backend as well, but there are such serious issues with the front end that I think that's your main problem.
Structuring Components
Think about what your app needs to do. What actions does it respond to? What information does it need to know?
Based on your description, it needs to:
Start a timer when a button is clicked
Stop a timer when a button is clicked
Store the most recent timer value
Allow a user to enter and update a name
Store that name
POST to the backend when a button is clicked, if there is a stored difference and name
Next you break that up into components. Store each stateful value at the highest component in the tree which needs to access it, and pass down values and callbacks as props. The startTime and endTime are only used by the timer itself, but the timer need to set the difference after stopping. The difference would be stored higher up because it is also needed for the POST request.
Think about what buttons and actions are available at any given time, and what conditions are used to determine this. For example, you shouldn't be able to stop a timer before you have started it. So we would see if startTime is greater than 0.
Minimal Front-End Example
import * as React from "react";
const Timer = ({ setDifference }) => {
const [startTime, setStartTime] = React.useState(0);
const handleStart = () => {
const handleStop = () => {
const difference = - startTime;
return (
<button onClick={handleStart}>
<button disabled={startTime === 0} onClick={handleStop}>
const Submission = ({ time }) => {
const [name, setName] = React.useState("");
function handleUpdate(evt) {
async function handleAddName(evt) {
return await fetch("http://localhost:3001/addtime", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({ name, time })
return (
<div>Time: {time}</div>
<input type="text" value={name} onChange={handleUpdate} />
<button onClick={handleAddName} disabled={name.length === 0}>
Add Name
const App = () => {
const [time, setTime] = React.useState(0);
return (
<Timer setDifference={setTime} />
{time > 0 && <Submission time={time} />}
export default App;
CodeSandbox Link

You might not be saving any value to DOB column, you need to allow NULL value. You should change to
DOB = models.DateField(auto_now = False, null = True)
You should also make sure DOB column in your table allows null.


React hook, wired issue when use useState, while if use setState work perfectly, how to solve it

dear community, I am facing a wired issue, and I don't know how to summary my situation in the question title, so I wonder if the question title is accurate enough.
I was trying to convert a class component to a hook component.
The class version code like this
async componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch, itemId } = this.props;
try {
if (itemId) {
await dispatch({
type: 'assignment/fetchSubmissionsByAssignment', //here to fetch submissions in props
payload: {
id: itemId
const { submissions } = this.props;
studentSubmissions: submissions,
} catch (error) {
throw error.message;
render() {
const { studentSubmissions } = this.state;
return (
<Table dataSource={studentSubmissions} />
export default SubmissionsDetail;
and in hook, it look like this
const [studentSubmissions, setStudentSubmissions] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchSubmissions() {
const { dispatch, itemId } = props;
try {
if (itemId) {
await dispatch({
type: 'assignment/fetchSubmissionsByAssignment',
payload: {
id: itemId
const { submissions } = props;
} catch (error) {
throw error.message;
}, []);
return (
<Table dataSource={studentSubmissions} />
export default SubmissionsDetail;
I omitted some code for better reading, like connect to redux store or others.
and the component is import in the parent file like this
import SubmissionsDetail from './SubmissionsDetail'
{ => {
<SubmissionsDetail itemId={itemId}/>
it work perfect in class component, the expected result should return tables like this
However, when I change to use hook, the result return like this
or sometimes all data in tables become submissions3
I try to console.log(submissions) inside the try{...} block, when in class, the result is
which is correct, there have two assignments, the one have 4 submissions, another one have zero submission.
But the output in hook is different, the result is like this
either both have 4 submissions, either both have zero. That means one obj affect all other obj.
It seems like if useState change, it would influence other objs, that make me really confused. I think in the map method, each item is independent, right? If so, and how to explain why it work perfectly in class setState, but failed in hook useState?
I hope my question is clear enough, If you know how to describe my question in short, plz let me know, I would update the title, to help locate experts to answer.
Please don't hesitate to share your opinions, I really appreciate and need your help, many thanks!
Edit: You are probably going to want to rework the way you store the submission inside of the redux store if you really want to use the Hook Component. It seems like right now, submissions is just an array that gets overwritten whenever a new API call is made, and for some reason, the Class Component doesn't update (and it's suppose to update).
Sorry it's hard to make suggestions, your setup looks very different than the Redux environments I used. But here's how I would store the submissions:
// no submissions loaded
submissions: {}
// loading new submission into a state
state: {
sessions: {
[itemId]: data
// Setting the state inside the component
And I think you will want to change
yield put({
type: 'getSubmissions',
to something like
yield put({
type: 'getSubmissions',
payload: {
itemId: id
If you want to try a "hack" you can maybe get a useMemo to avoid updating? But again, you're doing something React is not suppose to do and this might not work:
// remove the useEffect and useState, and import useMemo
const studentSubmissions = useMemo(async () => {
try {
if (itemId) {
await dispatch({
type: "assignment/fetchSubmissionsByAssignment", //here to fetch submissions in props
payload: {
id: itemId,
return this.props.submissions;
return this.props.submissions;
} catch (error) {
throw error.message;
}, []);
return (
<Table dataSource={studentSubmissions} />
export default SubmissionsDetail;
There is no reason to use a local component state in either the class or the function component versions. All that the local state is doing is copying the value of this.props.submissions which came from Redux. There's a whole section in the React docs about why copying props to state is bad. To summarize, it's bad because you get stale, outdated values.
Ironically, those stale values were allowing it to "work" before by covering up problems in your reducer. Your reducer is resetting the value of state.submissions every time you change the itemId, but your components are holding on to an old value (which I suspect is actually the value for the previous component? componentDidMount will not reflect a change in props).
You want your components to select a current value from Redux based on their itemId, so your reducer needs to store the submissions for every itemId separately. #Michael Hoobler's answer is correct in how to do this.
There's no problem if you want to keep using redux-saga and keep using connect but I wanted to give you a complete code so I am doing it my way which is with redux-toolkit, thunks, and react-redux hooks. The component code becomes very simple.
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { fetchSubmissionsByAssignment } from "../store/slice";
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from "../store";
const SubmissionsDetail = ({ itemId }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const submissions = useSelector(
(state) => state.assignment.submissionsByItem[itemId]
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch, itemId]);
return submissions === undefined ? (
) : (
<div>Assignment {itemId}</div>
<div>Submissions {submissions.length}</div>
export default SubmissionsDetail;
Actions / Reducer:
import { createAsyncThunk, createReducer } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
export const fetchSubmissionsByAssignment = createAsyncThunk(
async (id) => {
const response = await getSubmissionsByAssignment(id);
// can you handle this in getSubmissionsByAssignment instead?
if (response.status !== 200) {
throw new Error("invalid response");
return {
itemId: id,
const initialState = {
submissionsByItem: {}
export default createReducer(initialState, (builder) =>
builder.addCase(fetchSubmissionsByAssignment.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
const { itemId, submissions } = action.payload;
state.submissionsByItem[itemId] = submissions;
// could also respond to pending and rejected actions
if you have an object as state, and want to merge a key to the previous state - do it like this
const [myState, setMyState] = useState({key1: 'a', key2: 'b'});
setMyState(prev => {...prev, key2: 'c'});
the setter of the state hook accepts a callback that must return new state, and this callback recieves the previous state as a parameter.
Since you did not include large part of the codes, and I assume everything works in class component (including your actions and reducers). I'm just making a guess that it may be due to the omission of key.
{ => {
<SubmissionsDetail itemId={itemId} key={itemId} />
OR it can be due to the other parts of our codes which were omitted.

How to divide business logic in one react component?

i use react.js to build my spa app.
I use functional style to make my components.
As the business logic gonna bigger, there are inevitably many functions.
So i tried to divide in to multiple components. Because it's hard to put many codes in one file even if it is just a 1 component.
However, this also has obvious limitations. In the case of complex components, there are a large number of event callback functions in addition to the functions directly called by the user.
Depending on the size of the component, it is sometimes difficult to write all the logic in one jsx file, so I want to divide the code into different files as needed. (Like c# partial class)
However, this is not easy. As an example, let's assume that the callback functions are made external functions of other files and imported into this component jsx file and used. But it seems that the component states, props information and the dispatch function also should be passed as parameters to the function. This seems hassle but except this, i have no idea a way to access this component's states, props, dispatch function from a function in another file.)
//For example of callback function
const onHoldButtonClicked = (state, props, dispatch, event) =>
//For example of normal function
const updateValidUser = (state, props, dispatch, userInfo, data) =>
let id =;
if(id == data.passID)
if(props.valid == 10)
dispatch({action: 'ChangeUser', user: id});
In React, how to divide logic(functions) when the logic gonna bigger in one component? (In general case)
Even if it is divided into several components, a big component inevitably has many functions.
I would recommend to extract logic into hooks and place these hooks into their own files.
const useAwesomeHook = () => {
const [someState, setSomeState] = useState("default");
const myCoolFunction = useCallback(() => {
console.log('do smth cool', someState);
}, [someState]);
return myCoolFunction;
export default useAwesomeHook;
import useAwesomeHook from './hook';
const Main = ({ someProperty }) => {
const myCoolFunction = useAwesomeHook(someProperty);
return <button onClick={myCoolFunction}>Click me</button>;
Here is an example for logic and business and component separation.
The separation makes your code testable, atomic, maintainable, readable and SRP(single responsibility rule )
// Presentational component
const QuantitySelector = () => {
const { onClickPlus, onClickMinus, state } = useQuantitySelector();
const { message, value } = state;
return (
<div className="quantity-selector">
<button onClick={onClickMinus} className="button">
<div className="number">{value}</div>
<button onClick={onClickPlus} className="button">
<div className="message">{message}</div>
export default QuantitySelector;
and below code is the above component logic
import { useState } from "react";
// Business logic. Pure, testable, atomic functions
const increase = (prevValue, max) => {
return {
value: prevValue < max ? prevValue + 1 : prevValue,
message: prevValue < max ? "" : "Max!"
const decrease = (prevValue, min) => {
return {
value: prevValue > min ? prevValue - 1 : prevValue,
message: prevValue > min ? "" : "Min!"
// Implementation/framework logic. Encapsulating state and effects here
const useQuantitySelector = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState({
value: 0,
message: ""
const onClickPlus = () => {
setState(increase(state.value, 10));
const onClickMinus = () => {
setState(decrease(state.value, 0));
return { onClickPlus, onClickMinus, state };
export default useQuantitySelector;
I separate components into the logic and UI by function composition.The idea came from recompse which I used before hooks came into react.
you can add two helper functions.
first one is compose you can learn more about it here:
const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((y, f) => f(y), x);
export default compose;
the second one is withHooks:
import React from 'react';
export default (hooks) =>
(WrappedComponent) =>
(props) => {
const hookProps = hooks(props);
return (
with these two functions, you can put your logic in the hooks file and pass the as props to your UI with compose file you can see sandbox example here
what I usually do is create a folder for the big component, in the folder I create a functions file and put functions with state passed and other params necessary . as simple as that .
export const increment=(count,setCount)=>{...}
and in your component
import{increment,....} from './functions'
const Component=(props)=>{
const [count,setCount]=useState(1)
return <div>
<button onClick={e=>increment(count,setCount)}> count ={count}</button>

React watch imported class property

I'm importing a plain class to my react (functional) component and want to be notified when an imported class property is set/updated. I've tried setting my imported class with just new, as a state variable with useState, as a ref with useRef - and have tried passing each one as a parameter to useEffect, but none of them are triggering the useEffect function when the property is updated a second time.
I've excluded all other code to drill down to the problem. I'm using Typescript, so my plain vanilla MyClass looks like this:
class MyClass {
userId: string
user: User?
constructor(userId: string){
this.userId = userId
// Do a network call to get the user
getUser().then(networkUser => {
// This works because I tried a callback here and can console.log the user
this.user = networkUser
}).catch(() => {})
And then in my component:
// React component
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import MyClass from './MyClass'
export default () => {
const myClass = new MyClass(userId)
console.log(myClass.user) // undefined here
useEffect(() => {
console.log(myClass.user) // undefined here and never called again after myClass.user is updated
}, [myClass.user])
return null
Again, this is greatly simplified. But the problem is that React is not re-rendering my component when the instance user object is updated from undefined to a User. This is all client side. How do I watch myClass.user in a way to trigger a re-render when it finally updates?
Let me guess you want to handle the business logic side of the app with OOP then relay the state back to functional React component to display.
You need a mechanism to notify React about the change. And the only way for React to be aware of a (view) state change is via a call to setState() somewhere.
The myth goes that React can react to props change, context change, state change. Fact is, props and context changes are just state change at a higher level.
Without further ado, I propose this solution, define a useWatch custom hook:
function useWatch(target, keys) {
const [__, updateChangeId] = useState(0)
// useMemo to prevent unnecessary calls
return useMemo(
() => {
const descriptor = keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
const internalKey = `##__${key}__`
acc[key] = {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get() {
return target[internalKey]
set(value) {
if (target[internalKey] !== value) {
target[internalKey] = value
updateChangeId(id => id + 1) // <-- notify React about the change,
// the value's not important
return acc
}, {})
return Object.defineProperties(target, descriptor)
[target, ...keys]
// React component
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useWatch } from './customHooks'
import MyClass from './MyClass'
export default () => {
const myClass = useMemo(() => new MyClass(userId), [userId])
useWatch(myClass, ['user'])
useEffect(() => {
}, [myClass, myClass.user])
return null
Side Note
Not related to the question per se, but there're a few words I want to add about that myth I mentioned. I said:
props and context changes are just state change at a higher level
props change:
function Mom() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0)
setTimeout(() => setValue(v => v+1), 1000)
return <Kid value={value} />
function Dad() {
let value = 0
setTimeout(() => value++, 1000)
return <Kid value={value} />
function Kid(props) {
return `value: ${props.value}`
context change:
const Context = React.createContext(0)
function Mom() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0)
setTimeout(() => setValue(v => v+1), 1000)
return (<Context.Provider value={value}>
<Kid />
function Dad() {
let value = 0
setTimeout(() => value++, 1000)
return (<Context.Provider value={value}>
<Kid />
function Kid() {
const value = React.useContext(Context)
return `value: ${value}`
In both examples, only <Mom /> can get <Kid /> to react to changes.
You can pass this.user as props and use props,.user in useEffeect. You could do that from the place getUser called.
A wholesome solution would be using a centralized state solution like redux or context API. Then you need to update store in getUser function and listen globalstate.user.
You need to pass this.user to the component one way or another. You need to choose according to the project.

How to force a functional React component to render?

I have a function component, and I want to force it to re-render.
How can I do so?
Since there's no instance this, I cannot call this.forceUpdate().
🎉 You can now, using React hooks
Using react hooks, you can now call useState() in your function component.
useState() will return an array of 2 things:
A value, representing the current state.
Its setter. Use it to update the value.
Updating the value by its setter will force your function component to re-render,
just like forceUpdate does:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
//create your forceUpdate hook
function useForceUpdate(){
const [value, setValue] = useState(0); // integer state
return () => setValue(value => value + 1); // update state to force render
// A function that increment 👆🏻 the previous state like here
// is better than directly setting `setValue(value + 1)`
function MyComponent() {
// call your hook here
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
return (
{/*Clicking on the button will force to re-render like force update does */}
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>
Click to re-render
You can find a demo here.
The component above uses a custom hook function (useForceUpdate) which uses the react state hook useState. It increments the component's state's value and thus tells React to re-render the component.
In an old version of this answer, the snippet used a boolean value, and toggled it in forceUpdate(). Now that I've edited my answer, the snippet use a number rather than a boolean.
Why ? (you would ask me)
Because once it happened to me that my forceUpdate() was called twice subsequently from 2 different events, and thus it was reseting the boolean value at its original state, and the component never rendered.
This is because in the useState's setter (setValue here), React compare the previous state with the new one, and render only if the state is different.
Update react v16.8 (16 Feb 2019 realease)
Since react 16.8 released with hooks, function components have the ability to hold persistent state. With that ability you can now mimic a forceUpdate:
function App() {
const [, updateState] = React.useState();
const forceUpdate = React.useCallback(() => updateState({}), []);
return (
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>Force Render</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"/>
Note that this approach should be re-considered and in most cases when you need to force an update you probably doing something wrong.
Before react 16.8.0
No you can't, State-Less function components are just normal functions that returns jsx, you don't have any access to the React life cycle methods as you are not extending from the React.Component.
Think of function-component as the render method part of the class components.
Official FAQ now recommends this way if you really need to do it:
const [ignored, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);
function handleClick() {
Simplest way 👌
if you want to force a re-render, add a dummy state you can change to initiate a re-render.
const [rerender, setRerender] = useState(false);
setRerender(!rerender); //whenever you want to re-render
And this will ensure a re-render, And you can call setRerender(!rerender) anywhere, whenever you want :)
I used a third party library called
to force render my react functional components. Worked like charm.
Just use import the package in your project and use like this.
import useForceUpdate from 'use-force-update';
const MyButton = () => {
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const handleClick = () => {
alert('I will re-render now.');
return <button onClick={handleClick} />;
Best approach - no excess variables re-created on each render:
const forceUpdateReducer = (i) => i + 1
export const useForceUpdate = () => {
const [, forceUpdate] = useReducer(forceUpdateReducer, 0)
return forceUpdate
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate()
If you already have a state inside the function component and you don't want to alter it and requires a re-render you could fake a state update which will, in turn, re-render the component
const [items,setItems] = useState({
name:'Your Name',
status: 'Idle'
const reRender = () =>{
setItems((state) => [...state])
this will keep the state as it was and will make react into thinking the state has been updated
This can be done without explicitly using hooks provided you add a prop to your component and a state to the stateless component's parent component:
const ParentComponent = props => {
const [updateNow, setUpdateNow] = useState(true)
const updateFunc = () => {
const MyComponent = props => {
return (<div> .... </div>)
const MyButtonComponent = props => {
return (<div> <input type="button" onClick={props.updateFunc} />.... </div>)
return (
<MyComponent updateMe={updateNow} />
<MyButtonComponent updateFunc={updateFunc}/>
The accepted answer is good.
Just to make it easier to understand.
Example component:
export default function MyComponent(props) {
const [updateView, setUpdateView] = useState(0);
return (
<span style={{ display: "none" }}>{updateView}</span>
To force re-rendering call the code below:
setUpdateView((updateView) => ++updateView);
None of these gave me a satisfactory answer so in the end I got what I wanted with the key prop, useRef and some random id generator like shortid.
Basically, I wanted some chat application to play itself out the first time someone opens the app. So, I needed full control over when and what the answers are updated with the ease of async await.
Example code:
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// ... your JSX functional component, import shortid somewhere
const [render, rerender] = useState(shortid.generate())
const messageList = useRef([
new Message({id: 1, message: "Hi, let's get started!"})
async function _ () {
await sleep(500)
messageList.current.push(new Message({id: 1, message: "What's your name?"}))
// ... more stuff
// now trigger the update
}, [])
// only the component with the right render key will update itself, the others will stay as is and won't rerender.
return <div key={render}>{messageList.current}</div>
In fact this also allowed me to roll something like a chat message with a rolling .
const waitChat = async (ms) => {
let text = "."
for (let i = 0; i < ms; i += 200) {
if (messageList.current[messageList.current.length - 1].id === 100) {
messageList.current = messageList.current.filter(({id}) => id !== 100)
messageList.current.push(new Message({
id: 100,
message: text
if (text.length === 3) {
text = "."
} else {
text += "."
await sleep(200)
if (messageList.current[messageList.current.length - 1].id === 100) {
messageList.current = messageList.current.filter(({id}) => id !== 100)
If you are using functional components with version < 16.8. One workaround would be to directly call the same function like
import React from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
const forceUpdate = MyComponent();
return (
<button onClick={forceUpdate}>
Click to re-render
But this will break if you were passing some prop to it. In my case i just passed the same props which I received to rerender function.
For me just updating the state didn't work. I am using a library with components and it looks like I can't force the component to update.
My approach is extending the ones above with conditional rendering. In my case, I want to resize my component when a value is changed.
//hook to force updating the component on specific change
const useUpdateOnChange = (change: unknown): boolean => {
const [update, setUpdate] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, [change]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!update) setUpdate(true);
}, [update]);
return update;
const MyComponent = () => {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState();
const update = useUpdateOnChange(myState);
return (
... ...
{update && <LibraryComponent />}
You need to pass the value you want to track for change. The hook returns boolean which should be used for conditional rendering.
When the change value triggers the useEffect update goes to false which hides the component. After that the second useEffect is triggered and update goes true which makes the component visible again and this results in updating (resizing in my case).

Add logic to the store?

I have a redux application with a "campaign" reducer/store.
Currently I have repeated code to check if a specific campaign is loaded or needs an API call to fetch details from the DB. Much simplified it looks like this:
// Reducer ----------
export default campaignReducer => (state, action) {
const campaignList = action.payload
return {
items: {... campaignList}
// Component ----------
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
const campaignId = ownProps.params.campaignId;
const campaign = state.campaign.items[campaignId] || {};
return {
&& campaign.meta
&& (campaign.meta.loaded || campaign.meta.loading),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TheComponent);
Now I don't like to repeat the complex condition for needFetch. I also don't like to have this complex code in the mapStateToProps function at all, I want to have a simple check. So I came up with this solution:
// Reducer NEW ----------
const needFetch = (items) => (id) => { // <-- Added this function.
if (!items[id]) return true;
if (!items[id].meta) return true;
if (!items[id].meta.loaded && !items[id].meta.loading) return true;
return false;
export default campaignReducer => (state, action) {
const campaignList = action.payload
return {
needFetch: needFetch(campaignList), // <-- Added public access to the new function.
items: {... campaignList}
// Component NEW ----------
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
const campaignId = ownProps.params.campaignId;
const campaign = state.campaign.items[campaignId] || {};
return {
needFetch: state.campaign.needFetch(campaignId), // <-- Much simpler!
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TheComponent);
Question: Is this a good solution, or does the redux-structure expect a different pattern to solve this?
Question 2: Should we add getter methods to the store, like store.campaign.getItem(myId) to add sanitation (make sure myId exists and is loaded, ..) or is there a different approach for this in redux?
Usually computational components should be responsible for doing this type of logic. Sure your function has a complex conditional check, it belongs exactly inside your computational component (just like the way you currently have it).
Also, redux is only for maintaining state. There's no reason to add methods to query values of the current state inside your reducers. A better way would be having a module specifically for parsing your state. You can then pass state to the module and it would extract the relevant info. Keep your redux/store code focused on computing a state only.
Your approach is somewhat against the idiomatic understanding of state in redux. You should keep only serializable data in the state, not functions. Otherwise you loose many of the benefits of redux, e.g. that you can very easily stash your application's state into the local storage or hydrate it from the server to resume previous sessions.
Instead, I would extract the condition into a separate library file and import it into the container component where necessary:
// needsFetch.js
export default function needsFetch(campaign) {
&& campaign.meta
&& (campaign.meta.loaded || campaign.meta.loading);
// Component ----------
import needsFetch from './needsFetch';
const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
const campaignId = ownProps.params.campaignId;
const campaign = state.campaign.items[campaignId] || {};
return {
needFetch: needsFetch(campaign),
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TheComponent);

