How do I display a function using setTimeout in JavaScript? - javascript

I have made a quiz with JavaScript and want that when the timer is up, it should not let you attempt the quiz anymore and go to the last page which displays the score. The score is displayed by calling displayResult. I have one HTML file and one JS file. When I use setTimeout, even after the time is up, it doesn’t show the score. I think the function doesn’t get called. I have tried using setInterval instead of setTimeout but still it doesn't work. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Whole code here.
//timer code in quiz.js
const startingMinutes = 1
let time = startingMinutes * 60
const countdownEl = document.getElementById('countdown')
var vri = setInterval(upd, 1000)
function upd() {
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60)
let seconds = time % 60
seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds
countdownEl.innerHTML = minutes + ":" + seconds
time = time < 0 ? 0 : time
if (time == 0) {
setTimeout(displayResult, 1000);

The function gets called you can easily check this by inserting a console.log() inside the function.
When you would like to display the results on the same page then first clear the body and append your new created element on the body.
There is still a bug that your selected elements will always be empty but I just answer your question here "How you display it."
For debugging purposes I set the timer to 6 seconds instead of 60.
(function() {
var allQuestions = [{
question: "The tree sends downroots from its branches to the soil is know as:",
options: ["Oak", "Pine", "Banyan", "Palm"],
answer: 2
}, {
question: "Electric bulb filament is made of",
options: ["Copper", "Aluminum", "lead", "Tungsten"],
answer: 3
}, {
question: "Non Metal that remains liquid at room temprature is",
options: ["Phophorous", "Bromine", "Clorine", "Helium"],
answer: 1
}, {
question: "Which of the following is used in Pencils ?",
options: ["Graphite", "Silicon", "Charcoal", "Phosphorous"],
answer: 0
}, {
question: "Chemical formula of water ?",
options: ["NaA1O2", "H2O", "Al2O3", "CaSiO3"],
answer: 1
}, {
question: "The gas filled in electric bulb is ?",
options: ["Nitrogen", "Hydrogen", "Carbon Dioxide", "Oxygen"],
answer: 0
}, {
question: "Whashing soda is the comman name for",
options: ["Sodium Carbonate", "Calcium Bicarbonate", "Sodium Bicarbonate", "Calcium Carbonate"],
answer: 0
}, {
question: "Which gas is not known as green house gas ?",
options: ["Methane", "Nitrous oxide", "Carbon Dioxide", "Hydrogen"],
answer: 3
}, {
question: "The hardest substance availabe on earth is",
options: ["Gold", "Iron", "Diamond", "Platinum"],
answer: 2
}, {
question: "Used as a lubricant",
options: ["Graphite", "Silica", "Iron Oxide", "Diamond"],
answer: 0
var quesCounter = 0;
var selectOptions = [];
var quizSpace = $('#quiz');
$('#next').click(function() {
if (isNaN(selectOptions[quesCounter])) {
alert('Please select an option !');
} else {
quesCounter += 5;
$('#prev').click(function() {
quesCounter -= 5;
function createElement(index) {
var element = $('<div>', {
id: 'question'
var header = $('<h2>Question No. ' + (index + 1) + ' :</h2>');
var question = $('<p>').append(allQuestions[index].question);
var radio = radioButtons(index);
var question1 = $('<p>').append(allQuestions[index + 1].question);
var radio1 = radioButtons1(index + 1);
var question2 = $('<p>').append(allQuestions[index + 2].question);
var radio2 = radioButtons2(index + 2);
var question3 = $('<p>').append(allQuestions[index + 3].question);
var radio3 = radioButtons3(index + 3);
var question4 = $('<p>').append(allQuestions[index + 4].question);
var radio4 = radioButtons4(index + 4);
return element;
function radioButtons(index) {
var radioItems = $('<ul>');
var item;
var input = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[index].options.length; i++) {
item = $('<li>');
input = '<input type="radio" name="answer" value=' + i + ' />';
input += allQuestions[index].options[i];
return radioItems;
function radioButtons1(index) {
var radioItems1 = $('<ul>');
var item1;
var input1 = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[index].options.length; i++) {
item1 = $('<li>');
input1 = '<input type="radio" name="answer1" value=' + i + ' />';
input1 += allQuestions[index].options[i];
return radioItems1;
function radioButtons2(index) {
var radioItems2 = $('<ul>');
var item2;
var input2 = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[index].options.length; i++) {
item2 = $('<li>');
input2 = '<input type="radio" name="answer2" value=' + i + ' />';
input2 += allQuestions[index].options[i];
return radioItems2;
function radioButtons3(index) {
var radioItems3 = $('<ul>');
var item3;
var input3 = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[index].options.length; i++) {
item3 = $('<li>');
input3 = '<input type="radio" name="answer3" value=' + i + ' />';
input3 += allQuestions[index].options[i];
return radioItems3;
function radioButtons4(index) {
var radioItems4 = $('<ul>');
var item4;
var input4 = '';
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions[index].options.length; i++) {
item4 = $('<li>');
input4 = '<input type="radio" name="answer4" value=' + i + ' />';
input4 += allQuestions[index].options[i];
return radioItems4;
function chooseOption() {
selectOptions[quesCounter] = +$('input[name="answer"]:checked').val();
selectOptions[quesCounter + 1] = +$('input[name="answer1"]:checked').val();
selectOptions[quesCounter + 2] = +$('input[name="answer2"]:checked').val();
selectOptions[quesCounter + 3] = +$('input[name="answer3"]:checked').val();
selectOptions[quesCounter + 4] = +$('input[name="answer4"]:checked').val();
function nextQuestion() {
quizSpace.fadeOut(function() {
if (quesCounter < allQuestions.length) {
var nextQuestion = createElement(quesCounter);
if (!(isNaN(selectOptions[quesCounter, quesCounter + 1, quesCounter + 2, quesCounter + 3, quesCounter + 4]))) {
$('input[value=' + selectOptions[quesCounter] + ']').prop('checked', true);
$('input[value=' + selectOptions[quesCounter + 1] + ']').prop('checked', true);
$('input[value=' + selectOptions[quesCounter + 2] + ']').prop('checked', true);
$('input[value=' + selectOptions[quesCounter + 3] + ']').prop('checked', true);
$('input[value=' + selectOptions[quesCounter + 4] + ']').prop('checked', true);
if (quesCounter === 1) {
} else if (quesCounter === 0) {
} else {
var scoreRslt = displayResult();
const startingMinutes = 0.1;
let time = startingMinutes * 60
const countdownEl = document.getElementById('countdown')
var vri = setInterval(upd, 1000)
function upd() {
const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60)
let seconds = time % 60
seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds
countdownEl.innerHTML = minutes + ":" + seconds
time = time < 0 ? 0 : time
if (time === 0) {
setTimeout(displayResult, 1000);
function displayResult() {
var correct = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < selectOptions.length; i++) {
if (selectOptions[i] === allQuestions[i].answer) {
document.body.innerHTML = "";
let score = document.createElement("p"); = 'question';
if (correct === 0 && correct <= 5) {
let otherText = document.createTextNode("YOUR IQ SCORES LIES IN THE RANGE OF 70 and 79 WHICH IS CLASSIFIED AS BORDERLINE");
let img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "img9b.png"
} else {
let tex = document.createTextNode("The Result is: " + correct);
<title>Make Quiz Website</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="quiz.css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<div id="container">
<h1>Quiz Website Using JavaScript</h1>
<div id="quiz"></div>
<p id="countdown">30:00</p>
<div class="button" id="next">Next</div>
<div class="button" id="prev">Prev</div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="quiz.js"></script>


Javascript stopwatch want the clock element to be a div not an input

So I have the following code, As you can see in the HTML I have a div with id=clock and an input element also with id=clock, basically if i remove the div or comment it out, the input element works fine, on the html page the clock in the input element will display the time, I would prefer it to use the div element for styling purposes; however, if i comment out the input element and use the div it does not count up, I think I understand why but I cant seem to fix it. Can someone help explain how I can do this using the following code?
var flagclock = 0;
var flagstop = 0;
var stoptime = 0;
var splitcounter = 0;
var currenttime;
var splitdate = '';
var output;
var clock;
// Start-Stop Function
function startstop() {
var startstop = document.getElementById('startstopbutton');
var startdate = new Date();
var starttime = startdate.getTime();
if (flagclock == 0) {
startstop.value = 'Stop';
flagclock = 1;
} else {
startstop.value = 'Start';
flagclock = 0;
flagstop = 1;
splitdate = '';
//Increment function
function counter(starttime) {
output = document.getElementById('output');
clock = document.getElementById('clock');
currenttime = new Date();
var timediff = currenttime.getTime() - starttime;
if (flagstop == 1) {
timediff = timediff + stoptime
if (flagclock == 1) {
clock.value = formattime(timediff, '');
refresh = setTimeout('counter(' + starttime + ');', 10);
} else {
stoptime = timediff;
function formattime(rawtime, roundtype) {
if (roundtype == 'round') {
var ds = Math.round(rawtime / 100) + '';
} else {
var ds = Math.floor(rawtime / 100) + '';
var sec = Math.floor(rawtime / 1000);
var min = Math.floor(rawtime / 60000);
ds = ds.charAt(ds.length - 1);
if (min >= 60) {
sec = sec - 60 * min + '';
if (sec.charAt(sec.length - 2) != '') {
sec = sec.charAt(sec.length - 2) + sec.charAt(sec.length - 1);
} else {
sec = 0 + sec.charAt(sec.length - 1);
min = min + '';
if (min.charAt(min.length - 2) != '') {
min = min.charAt(min.length - 2) + min.charAt(min.length - 1);
} else {
min = 0 + min.charAt(min.length - 1);
return min + ':' + sec + ':' + ds;
// reset function
function resetclock() {
flagstop = 0;
stoptime = 0;
splitdate = '';
output.value = '';
splitcounter = 0;
if (flagclock == 1) {
var resetdate = new Date();
var resettime = resetdate.getTime();
} else {
clock.value = "00:00:0";
//Split function
function splittime() {
if (flagclock == 1) {
if (splitdate != '') {
var splitold = splitdate.split(':');
var splitnow = clock.value.split(':');
var numbers = new Array();
var i = 0
for (i; i < splitold.length; i++) {
numbers[i] = new Array();
numbers[i][0] = splitold[i] * 1;
numbers[i][1] = splitnow[i] * 1;
if (numbers[1][1] < numbers[1][0]) {
numbers[1][1] += 60;
numbers[0][1] -= 1;
if (numbers[2][1] < numbers[2][0]) {
numbers[2][1] += 10;
numbers[1][1] -= 1;
var mzeros = (numbers[0][1] - numbers[0][0]) < 10 ? '0' : '';
var szeros = (numbers[1][1] - numbers[1][0]) < 10 ? '0' : '';
output.value += '\t+' + mzeros + (numbers[0][1] - numbers[0][0]) + ':' + szeros + (numbers[1][1] - numbers[1][0]) + ':' + (numbers[2][1] - numbers[2][0]) + '\n';
splitdate = clock.value;
output.value += (++splitcounter) + '. ' + clock.value + '\n';
<input id="startstopbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px;" type="button" name="btn" id='btn' value="Start" onclick="startstop()" ;>
<input id="resetbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px;" type="button" name="btnRst1" id='btnRst1' value="Reset" onclick="resetclock()" ;>
<div id="clock" class="timerClock">00:00:00</div><br>
<!-- Clock 2 -->
<input id="clock" class="timerClock" type="text" value="00:00:0" style="text-align: center;" readonly=""><br>
<!-- Split Button -->
<input id="splitbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px; margin-right: 170px" type="button" value="Split Time" onclick="splittime();">
<!-- output for split times -->
<textarea id="output" spellcheck="false"></textarea>
You are using clock.value to set the contents of the <input> element. This will not work for <div> elements; you will need to use innerHTML instead:
clock = document.getElementById('clock'); //div#clock
// ...
clock.innerHTML = formattime(timediff, '');
have a div with id=clock and an input element also with id=clock,
This is bad. ID have to be UNIQUE. This is why when you have both present ( with same id ) the counter doesn't work. It selects just the first element with id clock which is the div.
It doesn't select the input. As you can see getElementById is singular. If you want to select both of them, add a common class and select that with getElementsByClassName(className) ( notice the plural Elements compared to Element from the ID selector ) or querySelectorAll(className) and loop through them.
I added clock-div as the id on the div
Also. div element does not have a value attribute ( unlike input ). To get or edit/manipulate the text inside a div element you should use div.innerText instead of div.value. As a side note, div can have HTML inside it (input can't) . You can access it with div.innerHTML
So basically you need to change the id of the div ( if you also want to keep the input ) and change clock.value to clock.innerText everywhere.
Another option would be to keep both input and div. And assign the value of the input to the div.innerText.
var flagclock = 0;
var flagstop = 0;
var stoptime = 0;
var splitcounter = 0;
var currenttime;
var splitdate = '';
var output;
var clock;
// Start-Stop Function
function startstop() {
var startstop = document.getElementById('startstopbutton');
var startdate = new Date();
var starttime = startdate.getTime();
if (flagclock == 0) {
startstop.value = 'Stop';
flagclock = 1;
} else {
startstop.value = 'Start';
flagclock = 0;
flagstop = 1;
splitdate = '';
//Increment function
function counter(starttime) {
output = document.getElementById('output');
// change here id
clock = document.getElementById('clock-div');
currenttime = new Date();
var timediff = currenttime.getTime() - starttime;
if (flagstop == 1) {
timediff = timediff + stoptime
if (flagclock == 1) {
clock.innerText = formattime(timediff, '');
refresh = setTimeout('counter(' + starttime + ');', 10);
} else {
stoptime = timediff;
function formattime(rawtime, roundtype) {
if (roundtype == 'round') {
var ds = Math.round(rawtime / 100) + '';
} else {
var ds = Math.floor(rawtime / 100) + '';
var sec = Math.floor(rawtime / 1000);
var min = Math.floor(rawtime / 60000);
ds = ds.charAt(ds.length - 1);
if (min >= 60) {
sec = sec - 60 * min + '';
if (sec.charAt(sec.length - 2) != '') {
sec = sec.charAt(sec.length - 2) + sec.charAt(sec.length - 1);
} else {
sec = 0 + sec.charAt(sec.length - 1);
min = min + '';
if (min.charAt(min.length - 2) != '') {
min = min.charAt(min.length - 2) + min.charAt(min.length - 1);
} else {
min = 0 + min.charAt(min.length - 1);
return min + ':' + sec + ':' + ds;
// reset function
function resetclock() {
flagstop = 0;
stoptime = 0;
splitdate = '';
output.value = '';
splitcounter = 0;
if (flagclock == 1) {
var resetdate = new Date();
var resettime = resetdate.getTime();
} else {
clock.innerText = "00:00:0";
//Split function
function splittime() {
if (flagclock == 1) {
if (splitdate != '') {
var splitold = splitdate.split(':');
var splitnow = clock.value.split(':');
var numbers = new Array();
var i = 0
for (i; i < splitold.length; i++) {
numbers[i] = new Array();
numbers[i][0] = splitold[i] * 1;
numbers[i][1] = splitnow[i] * 1;
if (numbers[1][1] < numbers[1][0]) {
numbers[1][1] += 60;
numbers[0][1] -= 1;
if (numbers[2][1] < numbers[2][0]) {
numbers[2][1] += 10;
numbers[1][1] -= 1;
var mzeros = (numbers[0][1] - numbers[0][0]) < 10 ? '0' : '';
var szeros = (numbers[1][1] - numbers[1][0]) < 10 ? '0' : '';
output.value += '\t+' + mzeros + (numbers[0][1] - numbers[0][0]) + ':' + szeros + (numbers[1][1] - numbers[1][0]) + ':' + (numbers[2][1] - numbers[2][0]) + '\n';
splitdate = clock.innerText;
output.innerText += (++splitcounter) + '. ' + clock.value + '\n';
<input id="startstopbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px;" type="button" name="btn" id='btn' value="Start" onclick="startstop()" ;>
<input id="resetbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px;" type="button" name="btnRst1" id='btnRst1' value="Reset" onclick="resetclock()" ;>
<div id="clock-div" class="timerClock">00:00:00</div><br>
<!-- Clock 2 -->
<input id="clock" class="timerClock" type="text" value="00:00:0" style="text-align: center;" readonly=""><br>
<!-- Split Button -->
<input id="splitbutton" class="buttonZ" style="width: 120px; margin-right: 170px" type="button" value="Split Time" onclick="splittime();">
<!-- output for split times -->
<textarea id="output" spellcheck="false"></textarea>

Button does nothing when pressed

I've been working on my own project for a little bit, and I'm currently working on adding another button in. Now I've set it up pretty similar to the other ones, but it isn't working when I press it. For my code, the firstx2, secondx2, and first building buttons all work fine, But when you try and click on the second building button, it doesn't do anything. I probably made a small typo or missed a line, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. To get to the second building button, you have to have already clicked on both multipliers and the first building. Thanks for your help!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click to get started!</p>
<button onclick="addPoints()">Add points</button>
<button id="btn_multiply" onclick="firstx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 100</button>
<button id="firstbuild" onclick="build1()" style="display:none;">Building 1. Cost x</button>
<button id="multiply2" onclick="secondx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 1000</button>
<button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
var points = 10099;
var pointMulti = 1;
var buyupgrade = 0;
var b1cost = 200;
var b1count = 0;
var b2cost = 1000;
var b2count = 0;
var currentpoints = setInterval(pointupdate, 500);
function addPoints() {
points += pointMulti;
var pointsArea = document.getElementById("pointdisplay");
pointsArea.innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
if(points >= 100 && buyupgrade == 0) {
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "inline";
function firstx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 0) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 100;
var multiplierArea = document.getElementById("multidisplay");
multiplierArea.innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti;
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "none";
if (buyupgrade == 1) {
var firstbuild = document.getElementById("firstbuild"); = "inline";
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + b1cost;
var show2ndx2 = document.getElementById("secondx2"); = "inline";
function pointupdate() {
document.getElementById("pointdisplay").innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
function build1() {
if (points >= b1cost) {
points -= b1cost;
b1cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b1").innerHTML = "You have " + b1count + " of building 1!"
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + Math.round(b1cost);
var build1add = setInterval(build1points, 1000);
var secondbuild = document.getElementById("secondbuild"); = "inline";
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + b2cost;
function build2() {
if (points >= b2cost) {
points -= b2cost;
b2cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b2").innerHTML = "You have " + b2count + " of building 2!"
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + Math.round(b2cost);
var build2add = setInterval(build2points, 1000);
function build1points() {
points += 1;
function build2points() {
points += 4;
function secondx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 1 && points >= 1000) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 1000;
document.getElementById("multidisplay").innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti; = "none";
<p id="pointdisplay"></p>
<p id="multidisplay"></p>
<p id="b1"></p>
<p id="b2"></p>
it should be onclick not onlcick in <button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click to get started!</p>
<button onclick="addPoints()">Add points</button>
<button id="btn_multiply" onclick="firstx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 100</button>
<button id="firstbuild" onclick="build1()" style="display:none;">Building 1. Cost x</button>
<button id="multiply2" onclick="secondx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 1000</button>
<button id="secondbuild" onclick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
var points = 10099;
var pointMulti = 1;
var buyupgrade = 0;
var b1cost = 200;
var b1count = 0;
var b2cost = 1000;
var b2count = 0;
var currentpoints = setInterval(pointupdate, 500);
function addPoints() {
points += pointMulti;
var pointsArea = document.getElementById("pointdisplay");
pointsArea.innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
if(points >= 100 && buyupgrade == 0) {
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "inline";
function firstx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 0) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 100;
var multiplierArea = document.getElementById("multidisplay");
multiplierArea.innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti;
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "none";
if (buyupgrade == 1) {
var firstbuild = document.getElementById("firstbuild"); = "inline";
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + b1cost;
var show2ndx2 = document.getElementById("secondx2"); = "inline";
function pointupdate() {
document.getElementById("pointdisplay").innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
function build1() {
if (points >= b1cost) {
points -= b1cost;
b1cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b1").innerHTML = "You have " + b1count + " of building 1!"
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + Math.round(b1cost);
var build1add = setInterval(build1points, 1000);
var secondbuild = document.getElementById("secondbuild"); = "inline";
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + b2cost;
function build2() {
if (points >= b2cost) {
points -= b2cost;
b2cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b2").innerHTML = "You have " + b2count + " of building 2!"
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + Math.round(b2cost);
var build2add = setInterval(build2points, 1000);
function build1points() {
points += 1;
function build2points() {
points += 4;
function secondx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 1 && points >= 1000) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 1000;
document.getElementById("multidisplay").innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti; = "none";
<p id="pointdisplay"></p>
<p id="multidisplay"></p>
<p id="b1"></p>
<p id="b2"></p>
I think you should check your button(secondbuild)
the keyword onclick is wrong
Spelling Mistake. onclick not oncilck.
<button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button> <script>

Calculating how many different items to use

A user inputs an amount of water they need, I need to calculate which bottles to use, either 10l bottles or 20l bottles. So if they ask for 67l, the script pops up with 3x20l and 1x10l
I have tried the following 2 solutions
var resinAm = rsize*1.1*2.5
var resTin = '';
resTin = 1;
} else {
resTin = resinAm/20;
resTin = Math.ceil(resTin);
and this
var resAm = resinAm;
var resAm10 = (resAm/10)+0.001;
var resAm20 = (resAm/20)*2;
resTin10 = 1;
resTin20 = Math.floor(resAm/20);
} else {
resTin20 = Math.ceil(resAm/20);
I have also tried using modulo, but it always comes out with an extra 20l bottle, 70.5l came out as 5x20l and 1x10l
How do I fix this
Check the code at:
var resAm = 70.5;
var resAm20 = parseInt(resAm / 20);
var resAm10 = 0;
if(resAm % 20 > 10) {
if(resAm % 20 <= 10 && resAm > 0) {
alert(resAm + " will go into " + resAm20 + " x 20 bottles and " + resAm10 + " x 10 bottles");
As simple as this
var value = 67;
var tenLBottles = Math.ceil(value % 20 /10);
var twentyLBottles = (value - value%20)/20
You can do that, fill bottles array with what you want
var water = 67;
var bottles = [20, 10, 3]; // bottles in desc order
var currentBottleIndex = 0
while(water > 0 && currentBottleIndex < bottles.length) {
console.log(Math.floor(water / bottles[currentBottleIndex]) + ' bottles of ' + bottles[currentBottleIndex])
water = water % bottles[currentBottleIndex]
currentBottleIndex ++;
console.log('rest water', water)
This is a math quesion, put it simple,you can realize it this way:
var bottles=[20,10];
function choose_bottle(water) {
var bottle1_num,bottle2_num;
if(water<=10) {
return "1*"+bottles[1];
else if(water>10&&water<=20) {
return "1*"+bottles[0];
else {
bottle1_num = Math.floor(water/bottles[0]);
bottle2_num = Math.ceil((water -bottle1_num*bottles[0])/bottles[1]);
return bottle1_num+"*"+bottles[0]+" "+bottle2_num+"*"+bottles[1];
This should do the job:
var amount = 67;
var bottle20 = Math.floor(amount / 20);
var bottle10 = Math.ceil((amount - bottle20 * 20) / 10);

User inputs information into text box which makes allows user to select multiple words and creates different Titles based on the selections

I am gaining user input from four different areas and I want to take those options and convert them to an array which will loop through and display different variations of the words selected. The problem I am having is that the array will not cycle through the variables when passed through it unless they are already pre-defined.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Title Generation Module</title>
<script src="title.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="find.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="replace.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="search.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="generate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- <script src="check.js" type="text/javascript"></script>--> <!-- Leaving for future usage not needed at this point -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="title.css">
<h1>Title Generation Module</h1>
<p>When you type into Core Words you want to put words that cannot change such as: Logitech
</br> For Word Combinations you want to use words such as: Brand New or Power Adaptor
</br> For Swapped Words you might want to use: Gaming instead of Performance or vice versa
</br> For Synonyms you want to use words that mean the same thing such as for = 4 or at = #</p>
<h3>Core Words</h3>
<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" id="newCore"/>
<button id="addCore">Insert</button>
<label for="coreContain">Select as many as you like:</label>
<select id="coreContain" name="coreContain" multiple></select>
<button id="checkCore" onclick="checkCore()">Insert into Array</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#coreContain").append('<option value="' + $("#newCore").val() + '">' + $("#newCore").val() + '</option>');
$('#coreContain option').each(
$(this).val(c).text('option: ' + c);
var coreOptions = new Array();
$('#coreContain > option:selected').each(
coreOptions[i] = $(this).val();
return false;
<!-- User inputs Word Combinations -->
<h3>Word Combinations</h3>
<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" id="newCombo"/>
<button id="addCombo">Insert</button>
<label for="comboContain">Select as many as you like:</label>
<select id="comboContain" name="comboContain" multiple></select>
<button id="checkCombo" onclick="checkWordCombo()">Insert into Array</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#comboContain").append('<option value="' + $("#newCombo").val() + '">' + $("#newCombo").val() + '</option>');
$('#comboContain option').each(
$(this).val(c).text('option: ' + c);
var comboOptions = new Array();
$('#comboContain > option:selected').each(
comboOptions[i] = $(this).val();
return false;
<!-- User inputs words that can swap -->
<h3>Words that can be Swapped</h3>
<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" id="newSwap"/>
<button id="addSwap">Insert</button>
<label for="swapContain">Select as many as you like:</label>
<select id="swapContain" name="comboSwap" multiple></select>
<button id="checkSwap" onclick="checkSwap()">Insert into Array</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#swapContain").append('<option value="' + $("#newSwap").val() + '">' + $("#newSwap").val() + '</option>');
$('#swapContain option').each(
$(this).val(c).text('option: ' + c);
var swapOptions = new Array();
$('#swapContain > option:selected').each(
swapOptions[i] = $(this).val();
return false;
<!-- User inputs words that can be use as Synonyms -->
<h3>Words that can be used as Synonyms</h3>
<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" id="newSyn"/>
<button id="addSyn">Insert</button>
<label for="synContain">Select as many as you like:</label>
<select id="synContain" name="comboSyn" multiple></select>
<button id="checkSyn" onclick="checkSyn()">Insert into Array</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#synContain").append('<option value="' + $("#newSyn").val() + '">' + $("#newSyn").val() + '</option>');
$('#synContain option').each(
$(this).val(c).text('option: ' + c);
var synOptions = new Array();
$('#synContain > option:selected').each(
synOptions[i] = $(this).val();
return false;
<button onclick="generate_title()">Generate Titles</button>
<button onclick="displayList()">Click Me</button>
function displayList()
alert(coreOptions+ " " +comboOptions +" " +swapOptions+ " " +synOptions);
<div id="display"></div>
External Javascript
var check = ["Facebook", "MySpace", "Twitter"];
//var checkX = check.splice(" ");
var checkY = document.getElementById("swapOptions");
var input_keywords =
[check, check],
return item.length <= 80;
["Men", "Women", "Unisex"],
["1", "2", "3", "fourrrrrrrrrr"],
["Candy Color"],
["Hat Beanie-"],
["One Size+"]].filter(function(item)
return item.length <= 80;
var input_keywords = [
["Women Men", "Men Women", "Unisex Women Men", "Unisex Men Women", "Unisex", "Womens Mens", "Mens Womens", "Unisex Womens Mens", "Unisex Mens Womens"],
["Fashion", "Trendy", "Stylish", "Korea Style"],
["Candy Color"],
["Spring", "Summer", "Winter"],
["Crochet", "Knit", "Knitted"],
["Elastic", "Strechable"],
["Hip-hop", "Dance"],
["Hat", "Cap", "Beanie", "Hat Cap", "Hat Beanie", "Hat Cap Beanie"],
["One Size"]
return item.length <= 80;
var limit_count = 24;
var max_char_per_title = 80;
var sub_library = ["for=4", "you=u", "at=#", "two=2", "with=w", "adapter=adpt", "Monokini=Mono 9"].map( function (item)
{ return item.split("=");});
function calc_length(title)
return (title
.join(" ") + " ")
.replace("- ", " ")
.replace("+ ", " ")
.replace("* ", " ")
.replace(" ", " ")
.replace("\" ", " ")
.replace(" \"", " ")
.length - 1;
function get_all_titles(keywords)
var result_titles = [];
for(var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i ++)
var word_count = keywords[i].length;
var words = keywords[i];
var previous_count = result_titles.length;
if (previous_count == 0)
previous_count = word_count;
for (var sub_ii = 0 ; sub_ii < word_count; sub_ii++)
result_titles[sub_ii] = [];
result_titles[sub_ii][i] = words[sub_ii];
for (var sub_i = 0; sub_i < word_count; sub_i++)
for (var sub_ii = 0 ; sub_ii < previous_count; sub_ii++)
if (result_titles[previous_count * sub_i + sub_ii] == undefined)
result_titles[previous_count * sub_i + sub_ii] = result_titles[sub_ii ].slice();
result_titles[previous_count * sub_i + sub_ii][i] = words[sub_i];
return result_titles;
function substitute(title)
for (var subs_idx = 0 ; subs_idx < sub_library.length; subs_idx++)
var index = title.indexOf(sub_library[subs_idx][0]);
if (index >= 0)
title[index] = sub_library[subs_idx][1];
return title;
function shorten_title_length(titles)
var result = [];
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < titles.length; i++)
if (calc_length(titles[i]) > max_char_per_title)
//substitute with the word in library
titles[i] = substitute(titles[i]);
// still too long, remove possible words.
if (calc_length(titles[i]) > max_char_per_title)
var words = titles[i];
for (var word_idx = 0 ; word_idx < words.length; word_idx++)
if (words[word_idx].indexOf("/") == (words[word_idx].length - 1))
titles[i] = titles[i].splice(word_idx, 1);
titles[i] = words
if (calc_length(titles[i]) <= max_char_per_title)
result[count] = titles[i];
console.log(titles[i].join(" \ "));
return result;
function change_forward_position(title)
var words = title;
for (var word_idx = 0 ; word_idx < words.length; word_idx++)
if (words[word_idx][words[word_idx].length - 1] == "-")
if (word_idx != words.length - 1)
var tmp = words[word_idx];
words[word_idx] = words[word_idx + 1];
words[word_idx + 1] = tmp;
word_idx ++;
title = words;
return title;
function change_backward_position(title)
var words = title;
for (var word_idx = 0 ; word_idx < words.length; word_idx++)
if (words[word_idx][words[word_idx].length - 1] == "+")
if (word_idx != 0)
var tmp = words[word_idx];
words[word_idx] = words[word_idx - 1];
words[word_idx - 1] = tmp;
title = words;
return title;
function finalize(titles)
for (var title_idx = 0 ; title_idx < titles.length; title_idx++)
for (var word_idx = 0 ; word_idx < titles[title_idx].length; word_idx++)
if (titles[title_idx][word_idx][titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1] == '+')
titles[title_idx][word_idx] = titles[title_idx][word_idx].substring(0, titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1);
if (titles[title_idx][word_idx][titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1] == '-')
titles[title_idx][word_idx] = titles[title_idx][word_idx].substring(0, titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1);
if (titles[title_idx][word_idx][titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1] == '/')
titles[title_idx][word_idx] = titles[title_idx][word_idx].substring(0, titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1);
if (titles[title_idx][word_idx][titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1] == '"')
titles[title_idx][word_idx] = titles[title_idx][word_idx].substring(0, titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1);
if (titles[title_idx][word_idx][titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1] == '*')
titles[title_idx][word_idx] = titles[title_idx][word_idx].substring(0, titles[title_idx][word_idx].length - 1);
return titles;
function generate_title()
var all_titles = get_all_titles(input_keywords);
//Check keyword files provided by the user, that optional sub words are at least 24
if (all_titles.length < limit_count)
alert("not enough different titles");
//check total char per title
all_titles = shorten_title_length(all_titles);
// substitute half randomly.
for (var i = 0 ; i < all_titles.length; i++)
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
all_titles[i] = substitute(all_titles[i]);
//changing position backward.
for (var i = 0 ; i < all_titles.length; i++)
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
all_titles[i] = change_backward_position(all_titles[i]);
//changing position forward.
for (var i = 0 ; i < all_titles.length; i++)
if (Math.random() > 0.5)
all_titles[i] = change_forward_position(all_titles[i]);
all_titles = finalize(all_titles);
// evaluate.....
for (var i = 0 ; i < all_titles.length; i++)
console.log(all_titles[i].join(" \ "));

My generated french word duplicates? When it shouldn't be

I've sorted this but now it's came back on... I've tried changing the for loops but it still seems to generate duplicate French words. It's suppose to not show the french word twice in the application run.
My jsFiddle is an exact replica:
//James Wainwright's Mobile Apps Assignment
//Arrays of french and english words.
RanNumbers = new Array(6),
foreignWords = ['un', 'deux', 'trois', 'quatre', 'cinq', 'six', 'sept', 'huit', 'neuf', 'dix', 'onze', 'douze', 'treize', 'quatorze', 'quinze', 'seize', 'dix-sept', 'dix-huit', 'dix-neuf', 'vingt', 'vingt et un', 'vingt-deux', 'vingt-trois', 'vingt-quatre', 'vingt-cinq', 'vingt-six', 'vingt-sept', 'vingt-huit', 'vingt-neuf', 'trente'],
translate = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty', 'twenty-one', 'twenty-two', 'twenty-three', 'twenty-four', 'twenty-five', 'twenty-six', 'twenty-seven', 'twenty-eight', 'twenty-nine', 'thirty'],
number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)),
output = '',
correctAns = translate[number];
//Generate random numbers and make sure they aren't the same as each other.
function wordGen() {
for (var h = 0; h < RanNumbers.length; h++) {
var temp = 0;
do {
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
} while (RanNumbers.indexOf(temp) > -1);
RanNumbers[h] = temp;
//Call the previous function
//Create dynamic select menu using for loop. This loop runs once (on document load)
document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent = foreignWords[number];
var correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
//If it's 0...Change it.
if(correctAnswerIndex == 0)
//Create a select menu of the options...Add the correct answer randomly into the menu.
var guess = "<select name='guesses' id='guesses'>";
for (var i = 1; i < RanNumbers.length; i++) {
//This randomizes where the correct answer will be.
if(i == correctAnswerIndex)
guess += '<option value="'+i+'">' + correctAns + '</option>';
guess += "<option selected='selected' value='" + i + "'>" + translate[RanNumbers[i]] + "</option>";
guess += "</select>";
//Output the previous.
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = guess;
numGuessed = document.getElementById('guesses').value;
function arrayValueIndex(arr, val) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return i;
return false;
//Declare variables 'outside' the onclick function so it ensures they work correctly.
var numGames = 5;
var numGuesses = 1;
var correct = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var prevNumber;
var counter = 0;
var outputted = '';
//Create arrays that will hold the options they chose, the correct answer for that particular question, and ofcourse the generated word.
var guessedList = new Array(6);
var correctList = new Array(6);
var wordGenerated = new Array(6);
//On click, Get new word, Calculate how many they got right/wrong, Show the user what they entered, show them the correct values they should've guessed and more...
document.getElementById('submitAns').onclick = function () {
//Declare variables for function.
prevNumber = number;
number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)),
output = '',
correctAns = translate[number];
document.getElementById('numGuess').innerHTML = "Question #" + numGuesses;
//Check if guess is right or wrong, if right add 1 to correct pile..Visa versa.
genWord = document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent,
select = document.getElementById('guesses'),
selectedText = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text;
prevNumber === arrayValueIndex(translate, selectedText) ? correct++ : wrong++;
function wordGen() {
for (var j = 0; j < RanNumbers.length; j++) {
var temp = 0;
do {
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30);
} while (RanNumbers.indexOf(temp) > -1);
RanNumbers[j] = temp;
//Generate a word here. ( call wordGen() )
//Create dynamic select menu for options they have to choose from.
document.getElementById('generatedWord').textContent = foreignWords[number];
//Generate a random number, so that the 'Correct' answer can be randomly put in a position in the select menu. (It won't always be in the same position...It changes depending on the random number
var correctAnswerIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
//If it's 0...Change it.
if(correctAnswerIndex == 0)
//Create a select menu of the options...Add the correct answer randomly into the menu.
var guess = "<select name='guesses' id='guesses'>";
for (var i = 1; i < RanNumbers.length; i++) {
//This randomizes where the correct answer will be.
if(i == correctAnswerIndex)
guess += '<option value="'+i+'">' + correctAns + '</option>';
guess += "<option selected='selected' value='" + i + "'>" + translate[RanNumbers[i]] + "</option>";
guess += "</select>";
//Outputting to the html page.
document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = guess;
numGuessed = document.getElementById('guesses').value;
function arrayValueIndex(arr, val) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return i;
return false;
//Checking of the answers below, Accumilating correct and wrong answer.
//Count number of guesses
//Counter for placing guessed, correct and foreign word into there arrays.
wordGenerated[counter] = foreignWords[number];
guessedList[counter] = document.getElementById('guesses').options[select.selectedIndex].text;
correctList[counter] = translate[number];
//Once the application has finished...It will produce the following output.
if (numGuesses == 6) {
document.getElementById('generatedWord').innerHTML = "<span style='font-size:12px;color:red';>Please click for a new game when ready!</span><br /><p>You got " + wrong + " questions wrong " + "<br />You got " + correct + " questions correct";
outputted = "<table>";
for(var d=1;d<wordGenerated.length;d++){
outputted += "<tr><td><span id='guessedWord'>Question " + d + ":</td> <td>Generated word: " + wordGenerated[d] + "</td> <td>Guessed Word: " + guessedList[d] + "</td> <td><span id='correctWord'>Correct Word: " + correctList[d] + "</span></td></td>";
outputted += "</table>";
outputted += "<style type='text/css'>#hint{ display:none; }</style>";
//Output it to the html page.
document.getElementById('details').innerHTML = outputted;
document.getElementById('hint').onclick = function () {
<div data-role="page" id="page1" data-add-back-btn="true">
<div data-role="header">
<h1>James' Translation Guessing Game</h1>
<div data-role="content" class="main">
<h2 id="display" style="color:rgba(204,51,204,1);">Guess what the generated french word translates to in English!</h2><br />
<!-- What question we're upto -->
<h2 id="numGuess">Question #</h2 >
<!-- The generated French Word Aswell as end of app details-->
<div align="center" class="frenchWord" style="position:">
<!--Generated french word details-->
<div style="background-color:rgba(51,51,51,0.5);border-radius:4px 10px 2px;"align="center" id="generatedWord"></div>
<br />
<br />
<!-- Show the user there guessed answers, correct and foreign word -->
<div id="details"></div>
<!-- Select menu output -->
<div align="center" id="output"></div>
<img id="hintImg" style="" src="images/hint.png" alt="Hint" />
<!-- Buttons, Call Functions -->
<button type="button" style='opacity:0.5' id="submitAns" onClick="translate();">Check</button>
<input type="button" value="New Game" onClick="document.location.reload(true)">
//Simple animation
opacity: 0.8,
margin: "40px 0px 100px 0px",
width: "20%",
padding: "30px",
}, 1500 );
<div data-role="footer">
<h4>James Wainwright</h4>
This might do it. Before assigning a number to the RanNumbers array I delete it from the original RanNumbers array to prevent duplication. It might make more sense to just maintain a separate array of numbers to be used in the questions but I tried to change as little as possible.
Updated Fiddle
function wordGen() {
for (var h = 0; h < RanNumbers.length; h++) {
var temp = 0;
do {
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * RanNumbers.length);
temp = Math.floor(Math.random() * RanNumbers.length);
delete(RanNumbers.indexOf(temp)); // delete it so we can add it down below
} while (RanNumbers.indexOf(temp) > -1);
RanNumbers[h] = temp;

