GET an object from mongodb using mongoose - javascript

The problem is probably simple, but my 2 AM brain can't understand what's going on anymore. I'm trying to create a profile page that shows basic public info. The way I'm trying to make it work is pulling out the users username from mongodb when registered the account by his specific _id. If needed, verification I use is JWT.'/api/user-profile', async (req,res) => {
const { token } = req.body
if(!token) {
return res.json({ status: 'error', error: 'not logged in' })
try {
const user = jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET)
const userid =
const result = User.findOne({ userid })
// return res.json({ status: 'ok', name: result })
} catch(error) {
// return res.json({ status: 'error', error: 'something went wrong' })
I'm not sure what function should I use, findOne() or findById(). I tried to look at the documentation at mongoose, but the explanation is a bit too hard for me to understand.
P.S User = the user registration model. If needed I can paste in the code.

use findById instead of findOne if userid is _id and use await before the query, so do like this:
const result = await User.findById(userid)
if you want to use findOne :
const result = await User.findOne({"_id" : userid})
if you want a plain object javascript use .toObject after query like this:
const result = await User.findById(userid).toObject()

I don't have a lot of experience with mongoose but worked with Mongo quite a lot. findOne is a direct correspondent of Mongo's findOne function which receives a query in the format {"key": "expectedValue"}. If you want to use it to get data by id the query is {"_id":}.
Because fetching data by id is a common case, the lib added the method findByID which receives an ID, and then formats the query and makes an internal call to findOne.

For anyone interested, the answer is just like Mohammad Yaser Ahmadi said. Everything works fine, and by getting the username I did:
const user = jwt.verify(token, JWT_SECRET)
const userid =
const result = await User.findById(userid)
const usersName = result.username


How can I remove bookmarked posts of user (1) from user (2) tab after user (1) deletes his account?

After creating a node.js, express, mongoDb REST api for a social media web app with almost all basic social media actions (login, signup, add a post, delete a post, delete account, follow users ...),
I'm currently facing a problem, where after implementing bookmarking a post feature, I'm unable to come up with a solution to remove a bookmarked post from another user's bookmarked posts page, after the first user deletes his account. I'll provide my code below:
(P. S. Bookmarks is an array inside User model. I'd also like to mention the steps that I initially intended for the task:
Get current user by ID
Then get all posts created by this user, which returns an array, so I mapped it to get each Posts id
After that I fetched all users accross the app, and initially intended to compare the posts that live inside bookmarks array inside each user to the posts that the current user have created. Then I'd pull these same posts out of the bookmarks array from each of these users.
--> I think the logic that I've analyzed is maintainable, but it's just not working with me. This is the Code below:
export const deleteUser = async (req, res) => {
try {
let user = await User.findById(req.params.userId)
const userPosts = await Post.find({ creatorId: user._id })
const allUsers = await User.find()
const myPostsIds = => post._id.toString())
//This is the section I've implemented for my task, but obviously
something isn't right
await Promise.all(
myPostsIds.forEach((id) => => {
user.bookmarks.includes(id) &&
user.updateOne({ $pull: { bookmarks: id } })
await Post.deleteMany({ creatorId: user._id })
await user.remove()
message: "Account has been deleted successfully!",
} catch (err) {
errorHandler(res, err)
As mentioned in my comments, the value you pass to Promise.all is no array of Promise/array of async functions.
The 2nd error is inside the (currently) forEach function at the .map() you are not returning anything in the map-call.
So this should do it:
// first convert all ids to a promise
await Promise.all( => new Promise(resolve => {
// during this, await every test and update
return Promise.all( => new Promise(resolve => {
// if it includes the id, cast the update and then resolve
if (user.bookmarks.includes(id)) {
// if found, resolve the promise for this user after the change
user.updateOne({ $pull: { bookmarks: id } }).then(resolve)
} else {
// resolve directly if not found.
// when all users are done for this id, resolve the Promise for the given id
An easier to read and shorter method would be:
for (const id of myPostIds) {
for (const user of allUsers) {
if (user.bookmarks && user.bookmarks.includes(id)) {
await user.updateOne({ $pull: { bookmarks: id } });

is there a way to automatically update everything in a mongoose document?

For example I want to update a mongoose document in a put request, I have to do this:
app.put('/update', async(req,res) => {
const product = await Product.findById( =
product.price = req.body.price =
// etc...
res.json({message: "Error updating the product"})
I'm asking if there is another faster and developer friendly way of updating products instead of typing each of the document properties and equal them to the req.body.[property]?
You can try the following for object merging
Object.assign(product, req.body)
note: i haven't tried with mongoose collection
You can use updateMany or findOneAndUpdate model methods, but it is more advisable to use .save()
If you want to .save() to look cleaner, you can do like this:
async updateEntity(payload) {
const keysToUpdate = Object.keys(payload)
if (keysToUpdate.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Update payload must not be empty!')
const entity = await entityModel.findOne({ _id: redirect })
keysToUpdate.forEach((key) => {
entity[key] = payload[key]

Mongoose: save() is not a function when using find() and atributing value to variable

This is the basic structure of the Schema I am working with using mongoose:
const User = {
uid: {
type: String
routes: {
type: Array
In my application there is a POST to /route, in which uid and a new route are provided as "body parameters". In order to add to the routes array, I wrote a code similar to this (the only diference is that I check if the route already exists):
var user = await User.find({uid: uid}) // user is found, as expected
user[0].routes.push(route //parameter)
When a POST request is made, though, it throws an error:
TypeError: is not a function
What am I doing wrong?
user in your code is an array of documents
so you'll have mongo documents inside that array
you can't do, you've to do
await user[0].save()
var user = await User.find({uid: uid}) // user is found, as expected
if (user && user.length) {
user[0].routes.push(route //parameter)
await user[0].save(); // save the 1st element of the object
if your query returns only 1 record better use
var user = await User.findOne({uid: uid}) // user is found, as expected
if (user) {
user.routes.push(route //parameter)
await; // save the 1st element of the object
if you need to find only one specific user you should use findOne function instead
User.findOne({uid: uid})
(user) => {
user[0].routes.push(route //parameter);;
(err) => {
I think bulkSave() can be what you're looking for:
var user = await User.find({uid: uid}
enter code user[0].routes.push(route //parameter)
await User.bulkSave(user)

TypeError: Cannot set property 'user' of undefined<br> at [file path] sqlite3

I am receiving an undefined error when attempting to set a session for the user upon validation of credentials on login. I am trying to use express-session to create the session for the user but do not have it directly imported into the file (I was guided to not do so) but am unsure how to resolve this error given. Any help and insight would be much appreciated!
End point:"/login", async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { username, password } = req.body
// * checks for record existence in db, assigns record to var for access
const user = await users_access.findByFilter({ username })
if (!user) {
return res.status(401).json({ message: 'invalid crededentials' });
// * compares the entered password to the hash on record
const passwordValid = await, user.password)
// * handling invalid responses + creating session
if (!passwordValid) {
return res.status(401).json({ message: 'invalid credentials' });
req.session.user = user
res.json({ message: `welcome, ${user.username}!`})
} catch(error) {
application model:
// * add users to the datbase
// * inserts argument into user table in db access
// * returns a user found by id
const add = async (user) => {
const [id] = await database_access("users")
return findById(id)
// * find user record with username and password
const find = () => {
return database_access("users").select("id", "username")
// * find user by filter
const findByFilter = (filter) => {
return database_access("users")
.select("id", "username", "password")
// * find user with id
const findById = (id) => {
return database_access("users")
.select("id", "username")
.where({ id }) // desctructuring id from the request
module.exports = {
if you need to see any additional code to assess I am happy to provide but believe this is the source of issue per the error response. Thank you in advanced!
so I guess you are using the express-session module in your entry file for the server, app.js, server.js, index.js however you call it.
this login handler require to be used in a context where the session is available.
I think what you want is not a unit test for this particular router, but an integration test, to test this router in the context of your app.
This is all I can see from the information you provided. If this was not helpful enough, maybe you can show us your servers main file. and how this router is used.

check if object in array of objects - javascript

I know i have to use some but for some reason i cant seem to get it right. i have a collection in my mongodb database of posts. each post has an array of objects named "likes" that references the users that liked this post. so in my backend i want to check if the user exists in the likes array of the post. if it does not exist then like the post, else return with an appropriate message on my react frontend. The code i will include always returns false from some so a user can like a post infinite times.
exports.postLike = async (req, res, next) => {
const postId = req.query.postId;
const userId = req.query.userId;
console.log('postId: ' + postId);
const post = await Post.findById(postId).populate('creator').populate('likes');
const user = await User.findById(userId);
if (!post.likes.some(post => post._id === user._id)){
console.log('liked a post');
const result = await;
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Post liked!', post: result });
} else {
console.log('Post already liked!');
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Post already liked!', post: post });
}catch (err) {
if (!err.statusCode) {
err.statusCode = 500;
i clearly haven't understood, yet, how some works so if you can help that would be great. also if you have any other solution that would be good in this case then please post it. i tried some random codes with indexOf and includes for checking but it didn't work either. i am not sure which is the right way to check if the user object is included in the "likes" array of objects. i would prefer not to write any function of my own to check this, i want to do it using an existing function/method provided by javascript.
Going to offer a different route here. You are fetching all the data including a join to the creator and likes just to add a like to the collection. This is a little wasteful and can be achieved by just doing an update and use $addToSet which will add the like if it does not exist.
You then just check nModified in the result to know if it was added or not. So you can have:
const result = await Post.updateOne(
id: 1
$addToSet: {
likes: {
userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.query.userId)
); === 1);
Alternatively, you can use some as follows using === to compare type and value:
posts.likes.some(like => like.userId.toString() === req.query.userId)
MongoDB.ObjectId is a wrapper around a primitve, just like Number or Boolean. And just like
new Boolean(true) === new Boolean(true)
will be false, your comparison will fail too. You have to take out the primitive for comparison:
post._id.valueOf() === user._id.valueOf()

