How to get value from reference in ExtJS - javascript

i have problem with ext js, i want to get value from my field using reference in my store, but when i console.log i got error lookupReference is not a function.
my form
items: [
xtype: 'combobox',
fieldLabel: 'Terminal 2',
emptyText : 'Terminal',
reference: 'terminal2'
xtype: 'combobox',
fieldLabel: 'Terminal',
emptyText : 'Terminal',
store: {
type: 'terminal'
displayField: 'terminal_name',
valueField: 'terminal_code',
value: 'T01',
minChars: 3,
queryParam: 'q',
queryMode: 'remote',
editable: false,
allowBlank: false,
fieldStyle: 'text-transform:uppercase',
afterLabelTextTpl: [
'<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold" data-qtip="Required"> *</span>'
flex: 1
in my terminal store file
listeners: {
load: function (store, records, success) {
if (!success) {
Ext.Msg.confirm('Status Error', 'This connection failed, reload ?',
function (choice) {
if (choice === 'yes') {

A store is not a component so you can use getReferenceHolder(). You can use the generic Ext.ComponentQuery.query('combobox[reference=terminal2]')[0]
This would return an array of components that fit the query.

First, this in your listener is not refer to a component such as combobox, etc. Maybe it refers to the store instance or the controller class. Try to make sure that you access the component instance. It can be determined by logging to console, a default component in ExtJs has a xtype property such as combobox,container,etc. Once you can access the component (parent component), you can find it's child which has named reference by using a function.
Second, based on their docs, You can get the component by it's reference by using parentComponent.getReferences()['PARTICULAR_REFERENCE_NAME'] function. a parentComponent can be a form, container, or etc. I don't know what version of ExtJS you are using, getReferences function maybe does not exist in lower version.

If You want to fetch the ExtJS component in view as Above example.
Then you have enabled referenceHolder Property to true.
Refer to this link for example:
Fetching ExtJs Component in View
This property enables view as reference holder of component
for more details Please Refer sench docs link:
Sencha docs ReferenceHolder


Display Custom Boolean Value in Angular ui-grid

Ok, I'm new to angular and angular ui-grid.
I'm using angularjs(v1.4) with angular-ui-grid(v3.0.7).
I have defined a grid as below
seec.gridOptions = {};
seec.gridOptions.rowEditWaitInterval = -1;
seec.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
$scope.gridApi = gridApi;
gridApi.rowEdit.on.saveRow($scope, $scope.saveRow);
seec.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
{name: 'pouch', displayName: 'Pouch', enableCellEdit: false, enableHiding: false, width: 250},
{name: 'content', displayName: 'Content', enableHiding: false, width: 150},
name: 'units',
displayName: 'Number of Items',
type: 'number',
enableHiding: false,
width: 150
{name: 'active', displayName: 'Status', type: 'boolean', enableHiding: false, width: 150}
The controller basically makes a http call and feeds data to the grid.
if (response.status === 200) { = angular.copy(;
Currently, the last item in the grid is being displayed as either 'true' or 'false' based on the boolean field value., and when I double click on the field a checkbox appears.
So, I need to display true as 'active' and false as 'inactive'.
Is there any way of doing this with angular ui-grid?
There certainly is! One approach could be to use a cellTemplate and map your rowvalues to something different.
I created a Plunkr showcasing a possible setup.
There are two steps to take. First add a cellTemplate to your column:
cellTemplate: "<div ng-bind='grid.appScope.mapValue(row)'></div>"
Note: Instead of ng-bind you could also use "<div>{{grid.appScope.mapValue(row)}}</div>", if you are more familiar with that.
Second step is to define your mapping function, for example:
appScopeProvider: {
mapValue: function(row) {
// console.log(row);
return ? 'active' : 'inactive';
#CMR thanks for including the Plunkr. As I was looking at it I checked, and in this case it seems overkill to have the mapValue function.
This worked for me:
cellTemplate: "<div class='ui-grid-cell-contents'>{{ ? 'active' : 'inactive'}}</div>"
(I added the class in there to match the other cells). I will say that this still smells a little hacky to me.
This question leads to using a function as the field itself: In ui-grid, I want to use a function for the colDef's field property. How can I pass in another function as a parameter to it?
I'd still like to see an answer with the logic directly in the columnDefs.
You can use angular filter specifying in your columnDef for a column cellFilters : 'yourfiltername:args'.
args can be a variable or a value, in that case pay attention to use right quoting. if args is a string cellFilters : 'yourfiltername:"active"'
Your filter can be directly a function or a filter name. Here a plunkr

ExtJS 4 Load store (just array) for a combo inside a grid using renderer

I've been facing an issue on ExtJS while developing a UI:
I have a simple array which contains:
I created a grid which loads some data, one of the columns in that grid should contain a combobox, which I already done by:
this.cellEditing = new Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing({
clicksToEdit: 1
I have the editor with an empty store:
{text: "Tickets", renderer: Utils.renderCombo, dataIndex: 'ASSOC_TKT_NUMS', flex: 1,
editor: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
editable: false,
queryMode: 'local',
store: []
And on my method "renderCombo" I'm doing this, since I need to render my array in the store (which at first uses a [] as you can see above) :
renderCombo: function(value, meta, record) {
But that does not seems to work, I even see my column empty, not a combobox.
Is there something I'm missing or something I need to change in my implementation?
Thanks in advance.
When you specify, that this column's editor field will be combobox, first of all you need to create Cell Editor and only then specify edit field
editor: Ext.create('Ext.grid.CellEditor', {
field: Ext.create('Ext.form.field.ComboBox', {
editable: false,
queryMode: 'local',
store: []

Sencha Touch 2.3.1 - onTap() record parameter returns empty object

I have a simple Sencha App that has a main view. The view extends the Ext.navigation.View so that I can "push" to a new view when the user selects an item in the list. This happens by setting up a listener and then calling the push function on the MainView object.
However, I'm having problems getting the data across to that view. I tried using the answer from this StackOverflow question, but it didn't work.
In that answer it suggests that you use the record parameter of the itemTap() function, but this returns as an empty object.
Why does record return as an empty object?
Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way?
In my case, I have a list of "brands", each with a title, image and description. I'd like to use that in the panel that slides in.
The launch function of my app which creates the view and ads to the viewport
launch: function() {
// Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element'appLoadingIndicator').destroy();
// Create instance of the main view so we can use it's functions
SenchaTest.MainView = Ext.create('SenchaTest.view.Main');
// Initialize the main view
Here is my view
Ext.define('SenchaTest.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.navigation.View',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {
fullscreen: true,
items: [
title: 'Test',
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'highlightscarousel',
flex: 0.35
}, {
xtype: 'list',
displayField: 'title',
flex: 0.65,
store: Ext.create(''),
itemTpl: '<img src="{image}" class="listThumb"><h1 class="listTitle">{name}</h1><span class="clearFloat"></span>',
listeners: {
itemtap: function(nestedList, list, index, element, post, record) {
Based on the Sencha Touch docs, the signature of the itemtap listener is:
(this, index, target, record, e, eOpts)
you're using:
(nestedList, list, index, element, post, record)
so that might be why the record is an empty object. If that's not the case, could you post a JSFiddle or some kind of working example of the problem?

afterrender not working for combobox when used in grid in EXTJS

This is my code for combo box inside grid:
header: 'FSCS',
dataIndex: 'acntOvrrideTypeCd',
flex: 1,
renderer: function(val, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var id =;
var store = new{
fields: ['code', 'description'],
data: [{
"code": "",
"description": ""
}, {
"code": "E",
"description": "E"
}, {
"code": "D",
"description": "D"
}, {
"code": "S",
"description": "S"
(function() {
var cb = Ext.create('Ext.form.ComboBox', {
id: 'acntOvrrideTypeCd-' + rowIndex,
queryMode: 'local',
renderTo: id,
store: store,
forceSelection: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
lazyRender: true,
size: 5,
valueField: 'code',
displayField: 'description',
value: val
// scope: this,
// 'select': Ext.getCmp('amlFscsForm').controller.amlShow(rowIndex)
cb.on(afterrender, function() {
console.log("------- box---" + rowIndex);
}), 0.25);
console.log("i----------" + id);
return (Ext.String.format('<div id="{0}"></div>', id));
'afterrender' event is not fired. I need to enable or disable component after its rendered.
Can anyone help?
It's just a typo, afterrender should be in quotes otherwise you will just add the function for undefined event.
console.log("------- box---" + rowIndex);
There are a few problems with your code.
It looks like you're trying to create a combobox in the renderer function of a grid (your code at the top didn't get included in the code block). You're better off using the Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing plugin instead, which will create a field on demand instead of when the column renders. Plus, every time your grid view refreshes you'll be creating another store and combobox for every row in the grid. Not good for performance, not good for the user experience either.
When calling defer, the duration is in milliseconds, not seconds. Also, you don't need to wrap the function in parenthesis. Just give it the function itself. Like this:
// do stuff
}, 25);
Setting lazyRender to true only works if your component is the child of some container that doesn't render all its components immediately (like a tabpanel).
It may be easier to just set the disabled config in the combobox when you create it instead of when you render it, unless you don't have the information available at creation time.
Like nscrob said, when using the on method you need to specify the event as a string. If you use the listeners config (which you have commented out), you can just do:
listeners: {
afterrender: function(){
console.log("------- box---" + rowIndex);
select: function(){
It's important to note that the scope of these listener functions defaults to the component itself (your combobox) so scope: this is unnecessary. Unless you want the scope to be whatever object is creating this combobox, that is.
The first point is the most important. Look into using the CellEditing (or RowEditing) plugin and I guarantee things will go a lot more smoothly.

Create an extension with an xtype in ExtJS 4

I am used to ExtJS 3.X, but am struggling with ExtJS 4.
I want to create an extension of a grid and be able to use an instance of the grid with the xtype. As far as im aware, I have to set the alias as widget.xtypename but its not working for me.
var MyGrid = Ext.define('mygrid', {
alias: 'widget.mygrid',
// rest of grid...
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title:'My Window',
The Error I am getting in Chrome console is Cannot create an instance of unrecognized alias: widget.mygrid
Some help would be much appretiated
extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',
alias: 'widget.mygrid',
Now you can use as xtype:'mygrid'
The problem may be that you are attempting to instantiate an object that uses your new class, immediately following the call to Ext.define. Remember that Ext.define is an asynchronous process. Anything that needs to instantiate components should be in an onReady handler, or in Ext.application (launch), or in initComponent in a component class, or in init in a controller class, for these locations are guaranteed to be called only after all the defines have completed.
Specifying an alias beginning with "widget." will allow you to use it wherever xtype is expected. In your simple example, you might try doing the following:
var MyGrid = Ext.define('mygrid', {
alias: 'widget.mygrid',
// rest of grid...
}, function() {
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title:'My Window',
This will instantiate your window within the callback after the define completes.
If you are using working on a MVC application, you can fix this by adding the view information to your controller. In your controller you need to specify the view in an array named views.. Here is an example:
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Users', {
extend: '',
views: ['users.List'],
In your case you may need to define views:['mygrid'].
If you are not using MVC architecture, you will need to use the Ext.require and specify your grid class exists.
I believe you need to add a xtype to your config:
var MyGrid = Ext.define('mygrid', {
alias: 'widget.mygrid',
xtype: 'mygrid',
// rest of grid...
After researching more, I would expect the alias to be all you need. Are you defining an initComponent function? Below is an example from Sencha:
Ext.define('App.BookGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
// This will associate an string representation of a class
// (called an xtype) with the Component Manager
// It allows you to support lazy instantiation of your components
alias: 'widget.bookgrid',
// override
initComponent : function() {
// Pass in a column model definition
// Note that the DetailPageURL was defined in the record definition but is not used
// here. That is okay.
this.columns = [
{text: "Author", width: 120, dataIndex: 'Author', sortable: true},
{text: "Title", flex: 1, dataIndex: 'Title', sortable: true},
{text: "Manufacturer", width: 115, dataIndex: 'Manufacturer', sortable: true},
{text: "Product Group", width: 100, dataIndex: 'ProductGroup', sortable: true}
// Note the use of a storeId, this will register thisStore
// with the StoreManager and allow us to retrieve it very easily. = new App.BookStore({
storeId: 'gridBookStore',
url: 'sheldon.xml'
// finally call the superclasses implementation;
This one also works:
Ext.define('', {
requires: [''],

