How can we use multithreading in react-native - javascript

React Native is single-threaded. So, In its rendering rather than have multiple processes occur at the same time (multithreading), other components have to wait when one component is being rendered. How can we handle the multithreading limitations in react-native?
Is there anyone? who has the sample code? If someone did this before.

This can be achieved using maintainable extensions, it handles multithreading in React Native App. An extension lets you provide an app with custom functionality that it would otherwise not have. It can be built using Java, Swift or Objective C. Example of maintainable extensions creating a bridge between React Native and Native Components. I hope it explains a bit.


Is there an advantage to setting up web app in React JS if mobile app is going to be in React Native

I'll be starting a project, and due to reasons I'd like to use angular.
However I know that soon after we start the web app we'll also start a mobile app in React Native. Over this I have no control (thus no reason to suggest Native Script).
Setting personal preferences of developers aside, are there any reasons why we should consider React for the web too?
Yes, there are many reasons to build both web and native targets with React:
Both use JavaScript and JSX so you have less technical overhead.
Both follow the same design patterns, so you have less technical overhead.
If you plan for it, you can reuse logic. This can save a significant amount of time and improve parity between web and mobile apps.
There are already a bunch of great resources out there on building applications that use ReactJS and React Native together, providing direction and momentum.

Is there any way to use p5.js in react native app?

I have found a p5 JS wrapper for react (react-p5-wrapper) . Is there any way to implement p5 in react native app too ?
I'm afraid there's no way at the moment.
I just checked the GitHub repo of p5.js and it uses DOM elements (like canvas) in its source code (for example
React Native doesn't have a DOM, so that's not possible (except maybe using a WebView or jsdom, but what's the point using RN then?).
I think you'll have to wait till someone makes a fork especially for React Native.

How to change the audio session category in iOS on React Native?

Using react native, I understand that in order to enable background audio playback (mainly for react-native video) I should change the audio session as detailed here in the apple development docs.
With that said, I'm a little bit confused about where exactly to do this. Considering that React is javascript, where should one place the Objective-C code in React Native application?
Answering this old question of mine as I see it has a non-zero number of views...
In order to do this in a React Native application, you will indeed need to write either a Native Module using Swift or Objective C code.
You can read more about native modules in the documentation here:
This will allow you to access Apple APIs (like the audio session) and call them from your Javascript code.
There may also be third party libraries (node modules) that have written this code already, that you may be able to take advantage of.

Use React Native components in a Meteor React web application

As we're building a Meteor React web application which will be presented inside a web view inside a react native application. As you can probably tell by reading that sentence, this doesn't make much sense, but due to time constraints and the fact that the react native application is made by another team, we have decided to present it in a web view for now, and eventually convert it to RN as well.
So to prevent having to write everything twice, is there a way to use React Native components in Meteor? (So use <View> for example instead of <div>).
If you want to go down this path, you can use react-native-web to build React Native components for the web.
Just want to warn that while building your web client with RN components will definitely help you transition, you will still pretty much have to scrap all your client side Meteor logic when you transition later. The best RN meteor client currently is react-native-meteor and is more of a proof of concept than anything -- trying to emulate key features of Meteor with a wrapper using a DDP client, but definitely not there yet.
So in the end, you're going to put in some serious hours making the conversion later or scrapping Meteor altogether when you go full native. If you're a fan of Meteor, I would suggest trying apollo made by the folks at Meteor and works out of the box with RN. You can still get all the best features of Meteor like reactive data, optimistic UI, subscriptions, etc. and the learning curve is pretty mild.

How to reuse the React JS component in React Native

I am new to React JS. I am trying to build a web application which should also work on mobile (Android and IOS) so thought of using react js for web application and created few components. so is it possible to use the React js component in React native.
It's good that you plan in advance. 100% matching between JS and Native won't be possible, but with careful planning, you could get to reuse a good deal.
You may want to take a look at React Native Web project that mirrors Native-specific components for Web (e.g. View, Image, Text, etc).
I suggest building a simple prototype in React JS and then in React Native so you get some understanding of the differences in the two ecosystems. Having a hands on experience will prove more beneficial than any writeup :)
ReactNative is a set of real native Components like View, TextInput TouchableHighlight and more. It is also a platform which let you run javascript code to control these.
There is no WebView like in Cordova, what you get is a native App with native views.
But that means, that you can still have some or your domain logic written in JS which you can use the same way in your Web App.
For example you have a Login Screen for iOS, but all the necessary stuff for your server calls, can go into a separate module e.g. api/auth.js, which is shareable between web, ios, android, iot.. what ever.

