Add new property to object if found in array - javascript

I have an array of objects and each object has an id. I have another array with id values. If an objects id is found in arrayOfIds, I would like to add new property called found and set to true. I was thinking of using findIndex as a possible function to use here.
const arrayOfObjects = [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' } ]
const arrayOfIds = ['456']
Expected Output
const arrayOfObjects = [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456', found: true }, { id: '789' } ]

const arrayOfObjects = [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' } ]
const arrayOfIds = ['456'] => {
if(arrayOfIds.includes( {
object.found = true;

I think it would make sense to convert your arrayOfIds to a Set to allow O(1) lookup.
const ids = new Set(arrayOfIds);
const augmentedObjects = => {
if (ids.has( {
obj.found = true;
return obj;

You can create a Set from the array and use Array#map along with Set#has.
const arrayOfObjects = [ { id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' } ]
const ids = new Set(['456']);
const res = => ({...o, ...ids.has( && {found: true}}));

You can map through the objects and spread the object with the found property.
const output = => {
if (arrayOfIds.includes( {
return { ...obj, found: true };
return obj;

You could do it by creating a lookup object. Create the lookup object from arrayOfIds and use that lookup object when traversing arrayOfObjects array and make certain changes.
const arrayOfObjects = [{ id: '123' }, { id: '456' }, { id: '789' }];
const arrayOfIds = ['456'];
const lookup = Object.fromEntries( => [x, { found: true }]));
const ret = => ({ ...x, ...lookup[] }));

Just run a map over the array of objects, and use the includes to add show: true by spreading the existing object else return the original object.
You could try something like this
const arrayOfObjects = [{ id: "123" }, { id: "456" }, { id: "789" }];
const arrayOfIds = ["456"];
const result = => {
if (arrayOfIds.includes( {
return {
found: true
return item;


check array of objects if specific value is unique across all the array

I have an array like this
const arr = [{ name: 'sara' }, { name: 'joe' }];
and i want to check if name is unique across the array so
const arr = [{ name: 'sara' }, { name: 'joe' }];//sara is unique //true
const arr = [{ name: 'sara' }, { name: 'sara' },{ name: 'joe' }];//sara is unique //false
i know there's array.some but it doesn't help in my situation
whats is the best way to achieve that using javascript thanks in advance
You could take a single loop and a Set for seen value.
isUnique is a function which takes a property name and returns a function for Array#every.
isUnique = (key, s = new Set) => o => !s.has(o[key]) && s.add(o[key]),
a = [{ name: 'sara' }, { name: 'joe' }],
b = [{ name: 'sara' }, { name: 'sara' }, { name: 'joe' }];
console.log(a.every(isUnique('name'))); // true
console.log(b.every(isUnique('name'))); // false
i have this implementation and it dose the job
const arr = [{ name: "salah" }, { name: "joe" }];
let bols = [];
arr.forEach((item1, i1) => {
arr.forEach((item2, i2) => {
if (i1 !== i2) {
bols.push( ===;
bols.some((item) => item === true);

How to convert array of objects into enum like key value pair in javascript?

I have an array
const a = [
{ name: "read-web-courses" },
{ name: "example" },
{ name: "t_gql" },
{ name: "ddddd" },
I am trying it to reduce it to the below given output , However I am stuck
You could map the wanted property and assign the pairs to the object.
array = [{ name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }],
result = Object.assign({},{ name }) => name));
You can use Array.reduce like below.
const a = [
{ name: "read-web-courses" },
{ name: "example" },
{ name: "t_gql" },
{ name: "ddddd" },
const convert = arr => (
arr.reduce((total, value, index) => {
total[index] =;
return total;
}, {})
This is accomplished using Array#reduce, where you can use the index from the reduce callback as the key of the new object:
const a = [ { name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }];
const res = a.reduce((r, o, i) => {
r[i] =;
return r;
}, {});
Also one more approach using Object#fromEntries and Array#map, where each object is converted to an array of key, value pairs:
const a = [ { name: "read-web-courses" }, { name: "example" }, { name: "t_gql" }, { name: "ddddd" }];
const res = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [i,]));

How to filter the array using the content of another array?

The code looks as following:
inputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' },
{ name: 'file3.jpg' },
{ name: 'file4.jpg' }
filteringArray = ['file1', 'file2']
const outputArray = inputArray.filter( ? )
I need to filter the inputArrat so that the outputArray should contain only objects, which filenames ('name' property) are in filteringArray.
outputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' }
I've worked so far with simpler filtering conditions, but I'm not sure how to solve this.
You can use .some() with .starsWith() to return true if the objects name starts with a file name present in your array like so:
const inputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' },
{ name: 'file3.jpg' },
{ name: 'file4.jpg' }
const filteringArray = ['file1', 'file2'];
const outputArray = inputArray.filter(({name}) => filteringArray.some(file => name.startsWith(file)));
If you're looking for a solution which has a better time complexity (and has no duplicates), you could create a Map, which stores prefix file names as keys and the literal objects as values. Then, you can .map() your filteringArray using this map:
const inputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' },
{ name: 'file3.jpg' },
{ name: 'file4.jpg' }
const filteringArray = ['file1', 'file2'];
const lut = new Map({name}) => [name.split('.').shift(), {name}]));
const outputArray = => lut.get(f));
You can use combination of filter and includes!
const inputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' },
{ name: 'file3.jpg' },
{ name: 'file4.jpg' }
const filteringArray = ['file1', 'file2']
const outputArray = inputArray.filter((person) => filteringArray.includes(".")[0]))
You can use a simple function to do filter operation in the array using the filter logic array items as below.
var outputArray = [];
var inputArray = [
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file1.jpg' },
{ name: 'file2.jpg' },
{ name: 'file3.jpg' },
{ name: 'file4.jpg' }
var filteringArray = ['file1', 'file2'];
function filterItems(arr, query) {
arr.filter(function(el) {
if( !== -1){
filterItems(inputArray, filteringArray);
function remove_duplicates(arr) {
var obj = {};
var ret_arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
obj[arr[i]] = true;
for (var key in obj) {
return ret_arr;
NOTE: Updated the code, Now input array is having duplicate values. And in output array, there is no duplicate entry as I removed duplicates using a function (Remove duplicate values from JS array)

React How to add new dynamic key to existing state?

I have getting the data from database as an array.
So now I'm getting array like this:
name: honda,
name: suzuki,
name: audi,
So my question is how can I attach new key value to the array, so It needs to look like this:
name: honda,
name: suzuki,
name: audi,
For now I'm trying with this code, but this doesn't work:
getOrders(orders).then(response => {>{
const ordersData=[...itm]
const opened={opened:true}
openedOrders: [ordersData,opened]
openedOrders is new state object that I create.
What is best solution for this?
Your map should look like this. (Note the return statement in map function)> {
return {...item, opened:true}
So your function could look like
getOrders(orders).then(response => {
let openedOrders => {
return {...item, opened:true}
Assuming response contains the first array in your OP:
getOrders(orders).then(response => {
const openedOrders = => ({ ...order, open: true}))
this.setState({ openedOrders } )
}) => ({ ...order, open: true}) adds a key open with the value true to every order in the array.
To add dynamic keys to a object in javascript we use [].
var x = [{ _id : 1, name: Suzuki}];
x[0]['opened'] = true;
// [{ _id : 1, name: Suzuki, opened: true}];
Use foreach() to loop through all the orders in the array and add the desired property for each order.
let orders = [{
_id: 1,
name: 'honda',
}, {
_id: 2,
name: 'suzuki',
}, {
_id: 3,
name: 'audi',
orders.forEach(o => o.opened = true)
You could add a new property to the objects.
var orders = [{ _id: 1, name: 'honda' }, { _id: 2, name: 'suzuki' }, { _id: 3, name: 'audi' }],
additionalProp = { opened: true };
orders.forEach(o => Object.assign(o, additionalProp));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Or map a new array without mutating the original objects.
var orders = [{ _id: 1, name: 'honda' }, { _id: 2, name: 'suzuki' }, { _id: 3, name: 'audi' }],
additionalProp = { opened: true },
result = => Object.assign({}, o, additionalProp));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Get list of duplicate objects in an array of objects

I am trying to get duplicate objects within an array of objects. Let's say the object is like below.
values = [
{ id: 10, name: 'someName1' },
{ id: 10, name: 'someName2' },
{ id: 11, name: 'someName3' },
{ id: 12, name: 'someName4' }
Duplicate objects should return like below:
duplicate = [
{ id: 10, name: 'someName1' },
{ id: 10, name: 'someName2' }
You can use Array#reduce to make a counter lookup table based on the id key, then use Array#filter to remove any items that appeared only once in the lookup table. Time complexity is O(n).
const values = [{id: 10, name: 'someName1'}, {id: 10, name: 'someName2'}, {id: 11, name:'someName3'}, {id: 12, name: 'someName4'}];
const lookup = values.reduce((a, e) => {
a[] = ++a[] || 0;
return a;
}, {});
console.log(values.filter(e => lookup[]));
Let's say you have:
arr = [
{ id:10, name: 'someName1' },
{ id:10, name: 'someName2' },
{ id:11, name: 'someName3' },
{ id:12, name: 'someName4' }
So, to get unique items:
unique = arr
.map(e => e['id'])
.map((e, i, final) => final.indexOf(e) === i && i)
.filter(obj=> arr[obj])
.map(e => arr[e]);
Then, result will be
unique = [
{ id:10, name: 'someName1' },
{ id:11, name: 'someName3' },
{ id:12, name: 'someName4' }
And, to get duplicate ids:
duplicateIds = arr
.map(e => e['id'])
.map((e, i, final) => final.indexOf(e) !== i && i)
.filter(obj=> arr[obj])
.map(e => arr[e]["id"])
List of IDs will be
duplicateIds = [10]
Thus, to get duplicates objects:
duplicate = arr.filter(obj=> dublicateIds.includes(;
Now you have it:
duplicate = [
{ id:10, name: 'someName1' },
{ id:10, name: 'someName2' }
You haven't clarified whether two objects with different ids, but the same "name" count as a duplicate. I will assume those do not count as a duplicate; in other words, only objects with the same id will count as duplicate.
let ids = {};
let dups = [];
values.forEach((val)=> {
if (ids[]) {
// we have already found this same id
} else {
ids[] = true;
return dups;
With lodash you can solve this with filter and countBy for complexity of O(n):
const data = [{ id: 10,name: 'someName1' }, { id: 10,name: 'someName2' }, { id: 11,name: 'someName3' }, { id: 12,name: 'someName4' } ]
const counts = _.countBy(data, 'id')
console.log(_.filter(data, x => counts[] > 1))
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You could do the same with ES6 like so:
const data = [{ id: 10,name: 'someName1' }, { id: 10,name: 'someName2' }, { id: 11,name: 'someName3' }, { id: 12,name: 'someName4' } ]
const countBy = (d, id) => d.reduce((r,{id},i,a) => (r[id] = a.filter(x => == id).length, r),{})
const counts = countBy(data, 'id')
console.log(data.filter(x => [] > 1))
You can use an array to store unique elements and use filter on values to only return duplicates.
const unique = []
const duplicates = values.filter(o => {
if(unique.find(i => === && === {
return true
return false;
With lodash you can use _.groupBy() to group elements by their id. Than _.filter() out groups that have less than two members, and _.flatten() the results:
const values = [{id: 10, name: 'someName1'}, {id: 10, name: 'someName2'}, {id: 11, name:'someName3'}, {id: 12, name: 'someName4'}];
const result = _.flow([
arr => _.groupBy(arr, 'id'), // group elements by id
g => _.filter(g, o => o.length > 1), // remove groups that have less than two members
_.flatten // flatten the results to a single array
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An alternative based in #ggorlen solution with new Map() as accumulator (for better performance) and without unary operator ++ (not advised by default in projects with ESLint).
const values = [{ id: 10, name: "someName1" }, { id: 10, name: "someName2" }, { id: 11, name: "someName3" }, { id: 12, name: "someName4" },];
const lookup = values.reduce((a, e) => {
a.set(, (a.get( ?? 0) + 1);
return a;
}, new Map());
console.log(values.filter(e => lookup.get( > 1));
Try this
function checkDuplicateInObject(propertyName, inputArray) {
var seenDuplicate = false,
testObject = {}; {
var itemPropertyName = item[propertyName];
if (itemPropertyName in testObject) {
testObject[itemPropertyName].duplicate = true;
item.duplicate = true;
seenDuplicate = true;
else {
testObject[itemPropertyName] = item;
delete item.duplicate;
return seenDuplicate;
referred from :

