Store environment value in Vue upon app initialization - javascript

In a basic web app built using VueJS a call is made to an API that responds with an object containing the environment name. For example:
{"applicationName":"My Simple App","version":"","environment":"DEV"}
Currently, a nav button is set up to conditionally show if the environment is DEV. Here are the pertinent parts of that page:
<!-- other content here -->
<div #click="updateMenu()" v-show="['DEV'].includes(environment)"><router-link :to="{name: 'dev-notes'}">Dev Notes</router-link></div>
// other logic here
data() {
return {
environment: null
created() {
methods: {
async getEnvironment() {
const environmentDetails = await this.$service.access('environment').get(); // uses Axios to access API
this.environment = environmentDetails.environment;
While this approach works, there is a noticeable delay in the "Dev Notes" nav button appearing while the app hits the API. Plus, every time the page loads, there is a call to the API.
Looking to improve upon this, it seems like it might be better to hit the API once, when the app initializes, store that value in a variable somewhere and then refer to that variable for conditionally showing the "Dev Notes" nav button. Vuex seems like overkill for such a simple thing and this app doesn't have the .env files that this post describes so how can this be achieved?

You can access the environment mode info straight from Vue CLI using node's process.env, which is a feature that's available by default. Specifically, process.env.NODE_ENV tells whether the app is running in production or development or some other mode. From the Vue CLI docs:
For example, NODE_ENV will be set to "production" in production mode, "test" in test mode, and defaults to "development" otherwise.
You can test this anywhere in your project, for example:
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
} else if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
} else {


How to use ffmpeg with Nuxt?

I am super new to Nuxt, and I am currently trying to move over a vue application that generates gifs ffmpeg.wasm to use Nuxt.js. However, whenever I visit the page the server crashes with the following error:
[fferr] requested a shared WebAssembly.Memory but the returned buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer, indicating that while the browser has SharedArrayBuffer it does not have WebAssembly threads support - you may need to set a flag 18:36:38
(on node you may need: --experimental-wasm-threads --experimental-wasm-bulk-memory and also use a recent version)
I know it says to add the flags to node, as does the ffmpeg.wasm docs, but how do I do that via Nuxt? Or can I even do that? It is using the default dev server that comes with Nuxt, and I will be able to solve this when it's built and hosted but I need to have it locally as well.
Here is the component I am using in my barebones Vue app (stripped back but still causes an error). I am using node v14.17.6 and I'm using this library
<div class="home">
<h1>FFMPEG test</h1>
import { createFFmpeg } from '#ffmpeg/ffmpeg'
export default {
name: 'Home',
data: function () {
return {
ffmpeg: null,
created() {
this.ffmpeg = createFFmpeg({
log: true,
// Initialise loadFFmpeg
methods: {
async loadFFmpeg() {
await this.ffmpeg.load()
Creating the instance into a mounted() fixed the issue.
This is probably due to the fact that ffmpeg needed the Vue instance to be already mounted in the DOM (in the way it works).
created() is usually used for AJAX calls or things not so related to the Vue instance, and it being shown with the Composition API in their example gave me the idea of trying the mounted() hook.

Optionally import Component in Vue

I have several menu types and want to configure the type of menu to be used in .env.local for example: VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE=2
In my javascript file I have the following:
let menu = false;
if (process.env.VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE === "2") {
menu = require("./type2/Type2.vue");
if (menu === false) {//default menu if env is missing
menu = require("./default/Default.vue");
export default menu;
This will result in an error Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
I can do the following:
import Default from "./default/Default.vue";
import Type2 from "./type2/Type2.vue";
let menu = Default;
if (process.env.VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE === "2") {
menu = Type2;
export default menu;
This will work but all menus are compiled in the code, including menus that will never be used since VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE is known at compile time and will never change until you recompile.
Is it possible to import a component dynamically at compile time?
Try menu = require("./type2/Type2.vue").default;
Explanation taken from this answer
when dealing with ES6 imports (export default MyComponent), the exported module is of the format {"default" : MyComponent}. The import statement correctly handles this assignment for you, however, you have to do the require("./mycomponent").default conversion yourself. If you want to avoid that, use module.exports instead of export default
Fort second part of question...
Is it possible to import a component dynamically at compile time?
Really never tried but I have my doubts. Webpack is not executing the code when building. It just scans it for some patterns.
It scans for require() so it know what modules should be included in the bundle
DefinePlugin is replacing strings like process.env.VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE with values from env files so it make code look like if ("3" === "2") {
Other plugins are able to detect that if ("3" === "2") { is never true and eliminate "the death code"
Real question if what happens first - if require scanning happens before death code elimination, you will end up with all possible menu components in the bundle. But unfortunately I don't know - You'l have to try
On the other hand using dynamic async components (as mentioned in other answers) is sure bet. Yes, Webpack will build all possible menu components but each with it's own js chunk (js file in dist folder). If the app loads just one of them, it's seems fine to me (note that the loading will be async - at runtime - so it means one more server request)
I think that loading the component dynamically is the best option you have.
I could have solved this with a webpack setting.
In vue.config.js
const path = require("path");
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
alias: {
MENU: path.resolve(
(() => {
if (process.env.VUE_APP_MENU_TYPE === "2") {
return "src/components/header/CategoriesMenu/Type2/Type2.vue";
return "src/components/header/CategoriesMenu/Default/Default.vue";
In src/components/header/CategoriesMenu/index.js
import menu from "MENU";
export default menu;
But to be honest, I like the require better.

Nuxt Dynamic Routing on Firebase

My Nuxt.js App has this structure:
When user gets /{any_page}, it will use the path to build the page content:
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch';
export default {
async asyncData({ params }) {
return { slug: params.slug }
This works perfectly when running the Nuxt App directly via yarn dev.
When I try to run this using firebase functions:
$ firebase serve --only functions,hosting
The static routes work perfectly, but the dynamic routes always render the default / page, instead of executing the dynamic one. How do I fix this?
If using nuxt generate, then the explanation below should work. If using nuxt build, look at this repo, it is a template i wrote for nuxt + firebase as ssr.
Generate says it skips over dynamic routes, unless you explicitly specify them, hence 404 errors. In your Nuxt config file, you want to specify those routes. Here is an example of fetching from the database during generation. Note that in my example below, the doc id is the slug for the page.
generate: {
async routes() {
const { db } = require('./services/fireInit');
const qs = await db.collection('recipes').get();
return => `/recipes/${}`);
The downside to this approach is as you add new items via a CMS, you will need to rebuild/deploy your site each time if you want to be able to use these new links without a 404. CMS without redeploy does work if you navigate to new content 'organically'...404 only occurs on a page refresh or on jumping directly to the page from a hyperlink.

How do I authenticate a Vue.js progressive web app with the Microsoft Graph

I have a Vue.js app. This app is a progressive web app, so it's intended to primarily run on the client-side. However, during the initial start-up, I need to authenticate the user in my Azure Active Directory, get data associated with their account, and store it for offline use.
I have a server-side API in place already for retrieving the data associated with a user account. I also know how to store it for offline use. However, my question is: how do I authenticate with the Microsoft Graph from my Vue.js app? Everything I see relies on using Node.js middleware, but unless I'm misunderstanding something, my progressive web app isn't a Node.js app. It's just straight up JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
If the user closes the app, then revisits it in a couple of days, I believe I would need to use the refresh token to get a new access token. Still, once again, everything I see relies on Node.js middleware. I believe I need a solution that works purely in Vue.js / JavaScript. Am I mistaken?
1) Installed the Microsoft Graph Client via NPM (npm install #microsoft/microsoft-graph-client --save). This installed v1.7.0.
2) In my Vue.js app, I have:
import * as MicrosoftGraph from '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client';
import * as Msal from 'msal';
let clientId = '<some guid>';
let scopes = [''];
let redirectUrl = 'http://localhost:1234/'; // This is registered in Azure AD.
let cb = (message, token, error, tokenType) => {
if (error) {
} else {
let reg = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(clientId, undefined, cb, { redirectUrl });
let authProvider = new MicrosoftGraph.MSALAuthenticationProvider(reg, scopes);
The last line generates an error that says: export 'MSALAuthenticationProvider' (imported as 'MicrosoftGraph') was not found in '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client'
The last line generates an error that says: export 'MSALAuthenticationProvider' (imported as 'MicrosoftGraph') was not found in '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client'
This error occurs because the main script (lib/src/index.js) of #microsoft/microsoft-graph-client does not export that symbol. You'll notice that logging MicrosoftGraph.MSALAuthenticationProvider yields undefined. Actually, the main script is intended to be run in Node middleware.
However, #microsoft/microsoft-graph-client provides browser scripts that do make MSALAuthenticationProvider available:
browserified bundle (not tree-shakable)
sets window.MicrosoftGraph, which contains MSALAuthenticationProvider
does not export any symbols itself
import '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/graph-js-sdk-web'
let authProvider = new window.MicrosoftGraph.MSALAuthenticationProvider(/* ... */)
demo 1
ES Modules (tree-shakable)
exports MSALAuthenticationProvider
import { MSALAuthenticationProvider } from '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/es/browser'
let authProvider = new MSALAuthenticationProvider(/* ... */)
demo 2
CommonJS module (not tree-shakable)
exports MSALAuthenticationProvider
import { MSALAuthenticationProvider } from '#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/src/browser'
let authProvider = new MSALAuthenticationProvider(/* ... */)
demo 3

Is it possible to auto import JS files for all react components?

I have created a logging utility function that I plan to use on 99% of components in my site. I am wondering if it is possible to access this file without having to write "import { logger } from 'utils/logging';" for every React component? Sort of like an auto import?
I am using create-react-app.
If I understand your requirement properly, you want the similar usage of console.log (without importing console), then below is something you can try.
In your index file, set it as a global object(for server side js) or window object (for client side js). So that , it can be accessed anywhere.
We had something like this with a mmiddleware(using redux-logger package):
const logger = require('redux-logger').createLogger
return middleware.concat(logger({
collapsed: true,
duration: true
Hope this helps!
What you're trying to do sounds like a bad way to do it. I think the best solution if you need custom data logged, would be to create/add a middleware. Or in React's case maybe a wrapper component. I'm not sure.
Otherwise look into React / Redux Dev Tools Extension.
If you want to ignore good practices then you can do this:
// in index.js or app.js or wherever
import { logger } from 'utils/logging'
// if you have an env for development use it here
process.NODE_ENV = 'development' && window.logger = logger
// or just
window.logger = logger
// SomeComponent.js

