Accessing a html file on a server through Browser - javascript

Problem Description:
I have a problem at work where I should create a link to a html page which shows public data related to the customer.
After I upload a user's data user_123456 folder to the /content/ directory.
The user_123456 folder contains linked styles and linked javascript
Expected Output:
When I load in a Web Browser I expect it to load the html page and the linked styles and javascript. Instead it shows me an error that indicates the directory is not visible.
I have tried uploading images to the directory and they load just fine in the browser so it can not be directory visibility problem.
I realise this is a broad question, but I want to estimate the technical cost of solving this problem and it would go a long way to understand the undertaking of such a solution.
What is different about serving html files in comparison to jpg
What needs to be done in a broad manner that the file functions the
way I expect it to?


Can I use a sourcemap and bundle file to retrieve original react code

I have these two files on my server:
In the stats.js file, it has this line at the bottom:
//# (I noticed the filename does not match)
The react app works fine, but I want to make some small changes. However, the developer has told me they completely lost the original source files due to a hard drive failure.
Is it possible to recover source files (or even anything that resembles source code?) I found this debundle package but couldn't get the configuration to work properly.
They told me the project was created using create-react-app.
In chrome dev tools, it says "Source Map Detected" - but using ctrl+p does not show any components. Just a few random js files like page.js, inject.js, common.js, etc
Well, this answer is late but just in case other people come here looking for answers (like me), here's how I solved it:
If you're lucky and the developers generated and uploaded the source maps then you shouldn't have any issue accessing the source codes.
I am not allowed to embed images yet so you may have to use the image links provided to see sample images.
Using Chrome(or any modern browser), browse to the website where the react app is hosted. Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect. Ctrl+Shift+I works too.
This will open up the dev tools window. Select the Sources tab.
Image showing the inspector tabs with the Sources option highlighted
Depending on the website's dependencies, you'll probably see several folders here. The first folder will be titled similar to the name of the website's URL. Open that up, that's where the sources for your website is located. Opening that folder will show yet another list of folders (assets, static, modules, react-components, src).
At this point, you may think your source codes are inside the src folder but that's not where yours are. To find yours, open up the static folder.
Selecting the static folder
This folder has three inner folders: css, js and node_modules. Your JS source files are inside the js folder so that's where to look for your source codes.
Image showing the expanded js folder
So that's it. I hope this helps. It definitely did help me when I needed it!

Is there a way to dynamically access files and folders hosted on my Github Pages server?

I understand that the web takes major security measures to prevent programs from accessing files on client computers. What I want to do is use AJAX or some other functionality to dynamically access file and folder names in my own public directory located in my Github repository to be served on my static Github page.
To give a little insight into the project I am working on I will give this example: say I want to easily add content to my blog and my directory looks like this:
- website (folder)
-- articles.html
-- articles (folder)
--- top-10-diys.txt
--- child-falls-in-well.txt
--- my-biography.txt
--- new-article.txt
When I add "new-article.txt" to the "articles" folder, I do not want to have to edit the corresponding "articles.html" page to add a link to the new article. I simply want AJAX or a similar functionality to get all the file names in the folder and generate links to my articles.
Is this possible? I simply want to create this functionality for my static Github page. Using AJAX is not a necessity, but I would like a pure Javascript or AJAX method.
I have come across two possible options to give me something like what I am looking for.
Option 1: request a directory on my server with AJAX, which will return a full HTML document with links to all the files in the directory.
Option 2: maintain a text file with all the file names in the directory and use AJAX to load all the files on the list.
However there are problems with both these methods. Option 1 requires me to parse out file names from the HTML document. This is not a clean solution, and depending on the server permissions, it may not work at all. I would rather not rely on this hack.
The problem with Option 2 is that it still requires me to hardcode file names into a text document, and so the solution isn't really dynamic. Sure, I'll save some time maintaining each individual link, but I will still have to maintain the text file. On top of that, this just seems like a sloppy solution.
I came across an option I didn't see before which is to use a Static Site Generator. The one used by Github is currently Jekyll. If I can't find any other way to get what I want on the fly, I may go with an SSG, but it's really not ideal for my purposes. I'm really just including this edit so people with my problem know their options.
I would create a separate Node server API with an endpoint (to be hit from your github pages front-end using AJAX) that fetches the files from that folder and sends them to your front end.

Prevent MVC from serving static files like .js, .css, etc

I have built a web application using MVC5 and just got a pentest result from ITSec department. I was told not to serve static files like .js, .css, .html, images file, etc. For example : someone hit my website with, it will show the content of the file.
I look around and find that people are suggesting the route.Ignores but no luck. So my question :
How to achieve this?
Is there any real security risk? (the document I got from ITSec dept is marked as Low risk)
Mate, Short answer is No, you can NOT stop user to check/see your css/js files, that's just simply impossible. Because the browser need to see your css/js file for rendering html, even you hide them somehow in routeing, user still could see them through browser easily.
Css/Js files should not contain sensitive/confidential information anyway, it's just should be how the web page behave and looks like, nothing should be with your business logic, at this point, exposing css/js file to public should be no risk.

JavaScript file is not loading fully in all browsers

I see this strange behavior (or may be I am missing something).
I have WebSphere 8.5. Deployed a EAR. Its working fine.
Instead of repacking and deploying every time for small change, I just copy the js and CSS files directly to the Websphere exploded folder and overwrite the existing files. I see the changes are getting reflected.
I just updated a JS file and added a couple jQuery functions and copied the file like above. Now when I refresh the page, I see the updated code (which is somewhere in the middle of the file). however the js file is not loading fully in all 3 browsers (IE8, Chrome and FF latest). It's getting cut off in the last 10 lines are so.
The file has 1784 lines. Not sure if there is a size limit on the browser side or WebSphere is tinkering with it or something else is going on. Any idea?
I did check the js file I copied to Exploded WebSphere folder. It has complete code.
Note that the page has a few more JS files (jQuery and other files) in addition to this one.
I think WebSphere is keeping the size of the file somewhere (maybe?) and sending only that size every time, unless there is clean deploy or restart (?).
I removed a few lines of updated code. Now the browser loads, exactly that many number of additional lines of code. Once I remove my code completely, it loads the full file. (This is not an issue with the code though).
Is there a caching that I need to clear in WebSphere?
Check this page it Hot deployment and dynamic reloading. In general it says that you may need to restart the application.
Also check, if application reloading is enabled, however I'm not sure if it is relevant for static files.
If reloading of classes is enabled and the polling interval is greater
than zero (0), the application files are reloaded after the
application is updated. For JavaServer Pages (JSP) files in a web
module, a web container reloads JSP files only when the IBM extension
jspReloadingEnabled in the jspAttributes of the ibm-web-ext.xml file
is set to true. You can set jspReloadingEnabled to true when editing
your web module's extended deployment descriptors in an assembly tool.
You can restart app from console as provided in comments or via wsadmin script.

How to share TinyMCE Javascript source across multiple ASP.Net sites

I'm using the Moxie code TinyMCE text editor ( for content entry on a number of sites. At the moment I have the tiny_mce folder sitting in the folder of each site. This means that I have lots of copies of the same .js files.
I think it would be better to have one copy of the tiny_mce folder and reference it for each site - so if I make a change, or upgrade the tiny_mce I only have to do it once. Also, if I make a new site I can reference the same one to save needing to upload or copy another 9Mb of duplicated files onto the server.
I have tried putting the tiny_mce into a folder outside the individual websites and setting it up as a site on localhost that they can see.
I then include the javascript from each site like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/MCE/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
I'm pretty sure the the file can be found by the site - I've tested with a simple javascript alert box test which works fine - and if I "View Source" and check the link it's using, I can access the tiny_mce.js file - which is the correct file.
However, the tiny_mce doesn't work.
I'm guessing there are some kind of dependencies or configurations that I'm not aware of that are causing a problem, but I'm not sure quite where to start to find out what isn't working. (I don't get any errors, it just doesn't load the tiny_mce)
Has anyone managed to get tiny_mce to share it's source files across multiple sites? Does tiny_mce require the .js files to be inside the root folder of the site in order to work?
Has anyone managed to get tiny_mce to share it's source files across
multiple sites?
I have not tried it yet.
Does tiny_mce require the .js files to be inside the root folder of
the site in order to work?
Depending on your server system and in case your different website files are stored on one physical server device you could use a hardlink or softlink to the shared tiny_mce_folder (which should be accessible from the net too).

