Getting wrong elements in an array after comparing two array values - javascript

I have two arrays villanStrength = [112,243,512,343,90,478] and playerStrength = [5,789,234,400,452,150] of same length, I am comparing each value of array playerStrength with villanStrength and forming up an another array which will store the either 0 or 1 (false or true) based on comparison, but the output array I am getting is not desirable. Please help me...
my code:
var userInput = //providing this externally from the file
112 243 512 343 90 478
5 789 234 400 452 150;
var testCases = "";
var numberOfPlayers = "";
var villanStrength = [];
var playerStrength = [];
process.stdin.on('data', (data) => {
userInput = data;
// console.log("user input = " + userInput);
let res = userInput.split("\n");
testCases = res[0];
// for (i=1; i<=testCases; i++) {
numberOfPlayers = res[1];
// console.log("cases = " + testCases);
// console.log("number of players = " + numberOfPlayers);
villanStrength = res[2].split(" ");
playerStrength = res[3].split(" ");
console.log("villan Strength = " + villanStrength);
console.log("player Strength = " + playerStrength);
let isSmall = false;
let comparisonResult = [];
for (let j=0; j<villanStrength.length; j++) {
for (let k=0; k<playerStrength.length; k++) {
if (playerStrength[j] < villanStrength[k]) {
comparisonResult[k] = 1; //true = 1, false = 0
} else {
comparisonResult[k] = 0;
console.log("comparison result for " + j +":" + comparisonResult);
if(comparisonResult.find((findOne) => {return findOne = 1;} )) {
isSmall = true;
if (isSmall === false) {
// }
The output array is comparisonResult[] and the values inside comparisonResult I am getting is as below:
villan Strength = 112,243,512,343,90,478
player Strength = 5,789,234,400,452,150
comparison result for 0: 0,0,1,0,1,0 //this should be 1,1,1,1,1,1
comparison result for 1: 0,0,0,0,1,0
comparison result for 2: 0,1,1,1,1,1
comparison result for 3: 0,0,1,0,1,1
comparison result for 4: 0,0,1,0,1,1
comparison result for 5: 0,1,1,1,1,1
in the above result it is expected that the 'comparison result for 0' should be [1,1,1,1,1,1] but it is [0,0,1,0,1,0].

There are a couple problems with this code.
When you compare values in your arrays, you are comparing strings, not numbers. The values you get from stdin are text values, not numeric values. So, for example '5' > '100'. I presume this is the major source of your issue. If you want to do numeric comparisons, you need to convert the strings to numbers.
You are assuming that you get ALL your data on the first data event. While that may usually be true, it is not guaranteed and you should not rely on it when programming. You have to collect data in one or more data events until you have a full chunk of data you can process.
If you add these two log statements that show the actual contents of the array (not the .toString() conversion of the array):
console.log("villan strength: ", villanStrength);
console.log("player strength: ", playerStrength);
You will see this output:
villan strength: [ '112', '243', '512', '343', '90', '478\r' ]
player strength: [ '5', '789', '234', '400', '452', '150;\r' ]
Note, these are strings and when coming from my text file, there's a trailing \r too.
If you change this:
villanStrength = res[2].split(" ");
playerStrength = res[3].split(" ");
to this:
villanStrength = res[2].split(" ").map(item => parseInt(item.trim(), 10));
playerStrength = res[3].split(" ").map(item => parseInt(item.trim(), 10));
Then, it will trim off the newline and convert them to numbers and your comparisons will make sense. This is why the code you posted originally in your question did not generate the wrong output because you hacked in an array of numbers (for purposes of the original question), but your original code was ending up with an array of strings.

Based on your requirement, the playerStrength loop needs to be the outer loop and comparisonResult should be an array of arrays
villanStrength = [112,243,512,343,90,478]
playerStrength = [5,789,234,400,452,150]
// ...
let comparisonResult = []; //output array
for (let j=0; j< playerStrength.length; j++) {
comparisonResult[j] = [];
for (let k=0; k<villanStrength.length; k++) {
if (playerStrength[j] < villanStrength[k]) {
comparisonResult[j].push(1); //true = 1, false = 0
} else {
console.log("comparison result for player " + j +":" + comparisonResult[j]);

If I understand the question right you need to compare each value from array1 to array2 and generate a new array that show diffrent...
All you need is just one loop that can take both values and push result of comparison to another array
function compare() {
const villanStrength = [112, 243, 512, 343, 90, 478];
const playerStrength = [5, 789, 234, 400, 452, 150];
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < villanStrength.length; i++) {
const vVal = villanStrength[i];
const pVal = playerStrength[i];
if (pVal < vVal) {
My suggestion for is to separate codes to smaller funtions so you can focus on each section


How to check possible all combinations of elements in an array that fullfil certain conditions?

I am currently writing (as an exercise) a simple political calculator that checks depending on how many seats each party has, possible majorities in the parliament.
I have created an object that holds the name as key and the seats as value, like so:
let testData = {
I then use Object(entries) to move the data into an array:
let testArr = Object.entries(testData);
My question is, how can I check what possible combinations there are to get more than 30(seats) without duplication ?
From the above example, none of the parties get alone over 30, so some combinations are needed.
For example - party1 + party2 = 48 this is more than 30 so I save that result.
But I wish to avoid having the result party2 + party1 = 48, because the order of the parties is irrelevant.
Not to prettiest but does the job, runs over the entries and then again to check them against each other. If the sum is over the threshold it will add them to the result with corresponding key.
let testData = {
party1: 19,
party2: 29,
party3: 10,
const combinations = new Set();
const threshold = 30;
const result = {};
Object.entries(testData).map(([key1, value1]) => {
return Object.entries(testData).map(([key2, value2]) => {
if (key1 === key2) return; // party1 === party1 do nothing
// take care of the doubles, party1 + party2 === party2 + party1
const key = [key1, key2].sort().join(":");
if (combinations.has(key)) return;
// check if the sum is over the threshold
const sum = value1 + value2;
if (sum > threshold) result[key] = sum;
Hint: use nested loop where outerloop handles keys and innerloop handles the values.
let testData = {
party0: 19,
party1: 29,
party2: 10,
party3: 16,
party4: 22
var keys = Object.keys(testData);
var values = Object.values(testData)
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < keys.length;j++){
if(i == j) continue;
if(i >= 0 && j > i)
console.log(keys[i]+":"+keys[j] +" = "+ parseInt(values[i]+values[j]));

How to get all possible combination of jagged arrays? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cartesian product of multiple arrays in JavaScript
(35 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm having trouble coming up with code to generate combinations from n number of arrays with m number of elements in them, in JavaScript. I've seen similar questions about this for other languages, but the answers incorporate syntactic or library magic that I'm unsure how to translate.
Consider this data:
[[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]
3 arrays, with a different number of elements in them. What I want to do is get all combinations by combining an item from each array.
For example:
0,0,0 // item 0 from array 0, item 0 from array 1, item 0 from array 2
And so on.
If the number of arrays were fixed, it would be easy to make a hard coded implementation. But the number of arrays may vary:
[[0,1], [0,1]]
[[0,1,3,4], [0,1], [0], [0,1]]
Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a quite simple and short one using a recursive helper function:
function cartesian(...args) {
var r = [], max = args.length-1;
function helper(arr, i) {
for (var j=0, l=args[i].length; j<l; j++) {
var a = arr.slice(0); // clone arr
if (i==max)
helper(a, i+1);
helper([], 0);
return r;
cartesian([0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]);
To make the function take an array of arrays, just change the signature to function cartesian(args) instead of using rest parameter syntax.
I suggest a simple recursive generator function:
// JS
function* cartesianIterator(head, ...tail) {
const remainder = tail.length ? cartesianIterator(...tail) : [[]];
for (let r of remainder) for (let h of head) yield [h, ...r];
// get values:
const cartesian = items => [...cartesianIterator(items)];
// TS
function* cartesianIterator<T>(items: T[][]): Generator<T[]> {
const remainder = items.length > 1 ? cartesianIterator(items.slice(1)) : [[]];
for (let r of remainder) for (let h of!) yield [h, ...r];
// get values:
const cartesian = <T>(items: T[][]) => [...cartesianIterator(items)];
You could take an iterative approach by building sub arrays.
var parts = [[0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2]],
result = parts.reduce((a, b) => a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat( => [].concat(v, w))), []));
console.log( => a.join(', ')));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
After doing a little research I discovered a previous related question:
Finding All Combinations of JavaScript array values
I've adapted some of the code from there so that it returns an array of arrays containing all of the permutations:
function(arraysToCombine) {
var divisors = [];
for (var i = arraysToCombine.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
divisors[i] = divisors[i + 1] ? divisors[i + 1] * arraysToCombine[i + 1].length : 1;
function getPermutation(n, arraysToCombine) {
var result = [],
for (var i = 0; i < arraysToCombine.length; i++) {
curArray = arraysToCombine[i];
result.push(curArray[Math.floor(n / divisors[i]) % curArray.length]);
return result;
var numPerms = arraysToCombine[0].length;
for(var i = 1; i < arraysToCombine.length; i++) {
numPerms *= arraysToCombine[i].length;
var combinations = [];
for(var i = 0; i < numPerms; i++) {
combinations.push(getPermutation(i, arraysToCombine));
return combinations;
I've put a working copy at that takes the array you gave earlier ([[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]) and outputs the result to the browser console.
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
Just for fun, here's a more functional variant of the solution in my first answer:
function cartesian() {
var r = [], args = Array.from(arguments);
args.reduceRight(function(cont, factor, i) {
return function(arr) {
for (var j=0, l=factor.length; j<l; j++) {
var a = arr.slice(); // clone arr
a[i] = factor[j];
}, Array.prototype.push.bind(r))(new Array(args.length));
return r;
Alternative, for full speed we can dynamically compile our own loops:
function cartesian() {
return (cartesian.cache[arguments.length] || cartesian.compile(arguments.length)).apply(null, arguments);
cartesian.cache = [];
cartesian.compile = function compile(n) {
var args = [],
indent = "",
up = "",
down = "";
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var arr = "$"+String.fromCharCode(97+i),
ind = String.fromCharCode(105+i);
up += indent+"for (var "+ind+"=0, l"+arr+"="+arr+".length; "+ind+"<l"+arr+"; "+ind+"++) {\n";
down = indent+"}\n"+down;
indent += " ";
up += indent+"arr["+i+"] = "+arr+"["+ind+"];\n";
var body = "var res=[],\n arr=[];\n"+up+indent+"res.push(arr.slice());\n"+down+"return res;";
return cartesian.cache[n] = new Function(args, body);
var f = function(arr){
if(typeof arr !== 'object'){
return false;
arr = arr.filter(function(elem){ return (elem !== null); }); // remove empty elements - make sure length is correct
var len = arr.length;
var nextPerm = function(){ // increase the counter(s)
var i = 0;
while(i < len)
if(arr[i].counter >= arr[i].length){
arr[i].counter = 0;
return false;
return true;
var getPerm = function(){ // get the current permutation
var perm_arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
return perm_arr;
var new_arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) // set up a counter property inside the arrays
arr[i].counter = 0;
new_arr.push(getPerm()); // add current permutation to the new array
if(nextPerm() === true){ // get next permutation, if returns true, we got them all
return new_arr;
Here's another way of doing it. I treat the indices of all of the arrays like a number whose digits are all different bases (like time and dates), using the length of the array as the radix.
So, using your first set of data, the first digit is base 2, the second is base 4, and the third is base 3. The counter starts 000, then goes 001, 002, then 010. The digits correspond to indices in the arrays, and since order is preserved, this is no problem.
I have a fiddle with it working here:
and here is the code:
// Arbitrary base x number class
var BaseX = function(initRadix){
this.radix = initRadix ? initRadix : 1;
this.value = 0;
this.increment = function(){
return( (this.value = (this.value + 1) % this.radix) === 0);
function combinations(input){
var output = [], // Array containing the resulting combinations
counters = [], // Array of counters corresponding to our input arrays
remainder = false, // Did adding one cause the previous digit to rollover?
temp; // Holds one combination to be pushed into the output array
// Initialize the counters
for( var i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){
counters.unshift(new BaseX(input[i].length));
// Get all possible combinations
// Loop through until the first counter rolls over
while( !remainder ){
temp = []; // Reset the temporary value collection array
remainder = true; // Always increment the last array counter
// Process each of the arrays
for( i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){
temp.unshift(input[i][counters[i].value]); // Add this array's value to the result
// If the counter to the right rolled over, increment this one.
if( remainder ){
remainder = counters[i].increment();
output.push(temp); // Collect the results.
return output;
// Input is an array of arrays
console.log(combinations([[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]));
You can use a recursive function to get all combinations
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
let loopOver = (arr, str = '', final = []) => {
if (arr.length > 1) {
arr[0].forEach(v => loopOver(arr.slice(1), str + v, final))
} else {
arr[0].forEach(v => final.push(str + v))
return final
This code can still be shorten using ternary but i prefer the first version for readability 😊
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
let loopOver = (arr, str = '') => arr[0].map(v => arr.length > 1 ? loopOver(arr.slice(1), str + v) : str + v).flat()
Another implementation with ES6 recursive style
Array.prototype.cartesian = function(a,{
return a ? this.reduce((p,c) => (p.push(...a.cartesian( => as.length ? [c,...e] : [c,e])),p),[])
: this;
console.log(JSON.stringify([0,1].cartesian([0,1,2,3], [[0],[1],[2]])));

NodeJS: how to separate large strings into an array of numbers, and then add all of those with an even index

The array I get my original strings from looks something like this:
(That's just an example, the general idea is that there can be any number of objects in arr and the string in each of them contains any number of #-# combos)
I'm trying to add all the numbers on the left together (if using the example above it would add something like 11, 12, 5, 7, 18, and 2 together) and store that number in a variable.
How would I go about this?
Edit 1: attempted code:
var winsLossNums = winLoss[0].match(/\d+/g).map(Number)
for (var i = 0; i < winLoss[0].match(/\d+/g).map(Number).length; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
This code is in a loop, and every loop there is a new arr object like in the example above
Assuming your array values are strings with a new line between them, you can reduce over the array, split each value on \n and reduce again on that taking the first value of splitting on '-':
let arr = ['11-3\n12-6', '5-9\n7-2\n18-2', '2-7']
let tot = arr.reduce((a, c) => {
let pairs = c.split('\n')
return a + pairs.reduce((a, c)=> a + Number(c.split('-')[0]), 0)
}, 0)
console.log(11 + 12 + 5 + 7+ 18 + 2)
You might need to clean up data or split on whitespace if it's not cleanly one \n per line. But this should be a good start.
You can try this:
let arr = [
], [
], [
let sum = 0;
for (let index=0; index<arr.length; index++) {
let arrayMasterElement = arr[index];
// console.log(arrayMasterElement);
for (let index2=0; index2<arrayMasterElement.length; index2++) {
let arrayElement = arrayMasterElement[index2];
let elementArray = arrayElement.split('-');
let intVal = parseInt(elementArray[0]);
console.log('Int value: ' + intVal);
sum += intVal;
if (index == arr.length - 1) {
console.log('Sum: ' + sum);

Find all sentence permutations with synonymous words? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cartesian product of multiple arrays in JavaScript
(35 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm having trouble coming up with code to generate combinations from n number of arrays with m number of elements in them, in JavaScript. I've seen similar questions about this for other languages, but the answers incorporate syntactic or library magic that I'm unsure how to translate.
Consider this data:
[[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]
3 arrays, with a different number of elements in them. What I want to do is get all combinations by combining an item from each array.
For example:
0,0,0 // item 0 from array 0, item 0 from array 1, item 0 from array 2
And so on.
If the number of arrays were fixed, it would be easy to make a hard coded implementation. But the number of arrays may vary:
[[0,1], [0,1]]
[[0,1,3,4], [0,1], [0], [0,1]]
Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a quite simple and short one using a recursive helper function:
function cartesian(...args) {
var r = [], max = args.length-1;
function helper(arr, i) {
for (var j=0, l=args[i].length; j<l; j++) {
var a = arr.slice(0); // clone arr
if (i==max)
helper(a, i+1);
helper([], 0);
return r;
cartesian([0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]);
To make the function take an array of arrays, just change the signature to function cartesian(args) instead of using rest parameter syntax.
I suggest a simple recursive generator function:
// JS
function* cartesianIterator(head, ...tail) {
const remainder = tail.length ? cartesianIterator(...tail) : [[]];
for (let r of remainder) for (let h of head) yield [h, ...r];
// get values:
const cartesian = items => [...cartesianIterator(items)];
// TS
function* cartesianIterator<T>(items: T[][]): Generator<T[]> {
const remainder = items.length > 1 ? cartesianIterator(items.slice(1)) : [[]];
for (let r of remainder) for (let h of!) yield [h, ...r];
// get values:
const cartesian = <T>(items: T[][]) => [...cartesianIterator(items)];
You could take an iterative approach by building sub arrays.
var parts = [[0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2]],
result = parts.reduce((a, b) => a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat( => [].concat(v, w))), []));
console.log( => a.join(', ')));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
After doing a little research I discovered a previous related question:
Finding All Combinations of JavaScript array values
I've adapted some of the code from there so that it returns an array of arrays containing all of the permutations:
function(arraysToCombine) {
var divisors = [];
for (var i = arraysToCombine.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
divisors[i] = divisors[i + 1] ? divisors[i + 1] * arraysToCombine[i + 1].length : 1;
function getPermutation(n, arraysToCombine) {
var result = [],
for (var i = 0; i < arraysToCombine.length; i++) {
curArray = arraysToCombine[i];
result.push(curArray[Math.floor(n / divisors[i]) % curArray.length]);
return result;
var numPerms = arraysToCombine[0].length;
for(var i = 1; i < arraysToCombine.length; i++) {
numPerms *= arraysToCombine[i].length;
var combinations = [];
for(var i = 0; i < numPerms; i++) {
combinations.push(getPermutation(i, arraysToCombine));
return combinations;
I've put a working copy at that takes the array you gave earlier ([[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]) and outputs the result to the browser console.
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
Just for fun, here's a more functional variant of the solution in my first answer:
function cartesian() {
var r = [], args = Array.from(arguments);
args.reduceRight(function(cont, factor, i) {
return function(arr) {
for (var j=0, l=factor.length; j<l; j++) {
var a = arr.slice(); // clone arr
a[i] = factor[j];
}, Array.prototype.push.bind(r))(new Array(args.length));
return r;
Alternative, for full speed we can dynamically compile our own loops:
function cartesian() {
return (cartesian.cache[arguments.length] || cartesian.compile(arguments.length)).apply(null, arguments);
cartesian.cache = [];
cartesian.compile = function compile(n) {
var args = [],
indent = "",
up = "",
down = "";
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var arr = "$"+String.fromCharCode(97+i),
ind = String.fromCharCode(105+i);
up += indent+"for (var "+ind+"=0, l"+arr+"="+arr+".length; "+ind+"<l"+arr+"; "+ind+"++) {\n";
down = indent+"}\n"+down;
indent += " ";
up += indent+"arr["+i+"] = "+arr+"["+ind+"];\n";
var body = "var res=[],\n arr=[];\n"+up+indent+"res.push(arr.slice());\n"+down+"return res;";
return cartesian.cache[n] = new Function(args, body);
var f = function(arr){
if(typeof arr !== 'object'){
return false;
arr = arr.filter(function(elem){ return (elem !== null); }); // remove empty elements - make sure length is correct
var len = arr.length;
var nextPerm = function(){ // increase the counter(s)
var i = 0;
while(i < len)
if(arr[i].counter >= arr[i].length){
arr[i].counter = 0;
return false;
return true;
var getPerm = function(){ // get the current permutation
var perm_arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++)
return perm_arr;
var new_arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) // set up a counter property inside the arrays
arr[i].counter = 0;
new_arr.push(getPerm()); // add current permutation to the new array
if(nextPerm() === true){ // get next permutation, if returns true, we got them all
return new_arr;
Here's another way of doing it. I treat the indices of all of the arrays like a number whose digits are all different bases (like time and dates), using the length of the array as the radix.
So, using your first set of data, the first digit is base 2, the second is base 4, and the third is base 3. The counter starts 000, then goes 001, 002, then 010. The digits correspond to indices in the arrays, and since order is preserved, this is no problem.
I have a fiddle with it working here:
and here is the code:
// Arbitrary base x number class
var BaseX = function(initRadix){
this.radix = initRadix ? initRadix : 1;
this.value = 0;
this.increment = function(){
return( (this.value = (this.value + 1) % this.radix) === 0);
function combinations(input){
var output = [], // Array containing the resulting combinations
counters = [], // Array of counters corresponding to our input arrays
remainder = false, // Did adding one cause the previous digit to rollover?
temp; // Holds one combination to be pushed into the output array
// Initialize the counters
for( var i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){
counters.unshift(new BaseX(input[i].length));
// Get all possible combinations
// Loop through until the first counter rolls over
while( !remainder ){
temp = []; // Reset the temporary value collection array
remainder = true; // Always increment the last array counter
// Process each of the arrays
for( i = input.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ){
temp.unshift(input[i][counters[i].value]); // Add this array's value to the result
// If the counter to the right rolled over, increment this one.
if( remainder ){
remainder = counters[i].increment();
output.push(temp); // Collect the results.
return output;
// Input is an array of arrays
console.log(combinations([[0,1], [0,1,2,3], [0,1,2]]));
You can use a recursive function to get all combinations
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
let loopOver = (arr, str = '', final = []) => {
if (arr.length > 1) {
arr[0].forEach(v => loopOver(arr.slice(1), str + v, final))
} else {
arr[0].forEach(v => final.push(str + v))
return final
This code can still be shorten using ternary but i prefer the first version for readability 😊
const charSet = [["A", "B"],["C", "D", "E"],["F", "G", "H", "I"]];
let loopOver = (arr, str = '') => arr[0].map(v => arr.length > 1 ? loopOver(arr.slice(1), str + v) : str + v).flat()
Another implementation with ES6 recursive style
Array.prototype.cartesian = function(a,{
return a ? this.reduce((p,c) => (p.push(...a.cartesian( => as.length ? [c,...e] : [c,e])),p),[])
: this;
console.log(JSON.stringify([0,1].cartesian([0,1,2,3], [[0],[1],[2]])));

javascript permutation generator with permutation length parameter

I've seen a few generators out there but they all make a squared matrix. For example, you give it a list of three items and it'll assume the output of the length is also three. However, I'd like to specify the items and the length.
Sound like an easy problem can't believe there isn't a library available for it. Would like to avoid writing this myself if there's a tested library out there. Any suggestions would be great.
Example of what i've found
var list = 'abc';
perms = permutations(list);
//you cannot define the length
var list = 'abc';
var length = 3;
perms = permutations(list,length);
/* output
I would like to be able to change length and should create permutations accordingly
length = 2
length = 4
You can imagine the length as representing the number of slots. Each slot has N possibilities, given that N is the number of elements in your initial list. So given three values [1,2,3], you will have a total of 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 permutations.
Here's my attempt. Comments included!
var list = [1,2,3];
var getPermutations = function(list, maxLen) {
// Copy initial values as arrays
var perm = {
return [val];
// Our permutation generator
var generate = function(perm, maxLen, currLen) {
// Reached desired length
if (currLen === maxLen) {
return perm;
// For each existing permutation
for (var i = 0, len = perm.length; i < len; i++) {
var currPerm = perm.shift();
// Create new permutation
for (var k = 0; k < list.length; k++) {
// Recurse
return generate(perm, maxLen, currLen + 1);
// Start with size 1 because of initial values
return generate(perm, maxLen, 1);
var res = getPermutations(list, 3);
console.log(res.length); // 27
If you're looking for an answer based on performance, you can use the length of the array as a numerical base, and access the elements in the array based on this base, essentially replacing actual values from the base with the values in your array, and accessing each of the values in order, using a counter:
const getCombos = (arr, len) => {
const base = arr.length
const counter = Array(len).fill(base === 1 ? arr[0] : 0)
if (base === 1) return [counter]
const combos = []
const increment = i => {
if (counter[i] === base - 1) {
counter[i] = 0
increment(i - 1)
} else {
for (let i = base ** len; i--;) {
const combo = []
for (let j = 0; j < counter.length; j++) {
increment(counter.length - 1)
return combos
const combos = getCombos([1, 2, 3], 3)
For smaller use cases, like the example above, performance shouldn't be an issue, but if you were to increase the size of the given array from 3 to 10, and the length from 3 to 5, you have already moved from 27 (33) combinations to 100,000 (105), you can see the performance difference here:
I wrote a little library that uses generators to give you permutations with custom items and number of elements.
const G = require('generatorics')
for (let perm of G.permutation(['a', 'b', 'c'], 2)) {
// [ 'a', 'b' ]
// [ 'a', 'c' ]
// [ 'b', 'a' ]
// [ 'b', 'c' ]
// [ 'c', 'a' ]
// [ 'c', 'b' ]

